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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. old Hankster has been schooled in 1964 WCR conclusions and of course Mark Lane's Rush to Judgement by none other than Ben Holmes for the past 5 years at alt.conspiracy.jfk, Amazon (when it was up) and other venues. I prefer myself *Hank *move-the-goalposts' Sienzant,* Joe Zircon hasn't faired well these days... after 25-30 years of watching these nutter's in action, I suspect .John has a 13th floor walk-up--suite of rooms in purgatory awaiting him... what-a-crew. (last time I got a ""warning"" here was in 2008, I'm due...
  2. ya mean you post evidence and cites concerning same? I'll forward this thread link to ACJ... ya can not get your act together when confronted with WCR case evidence on ACJ (alt.conspiract.jfk). Nor, for that matter can any other 1964 WCR *believers* AKA lone nuts. What is the deal? Turn a new page, .John is gone.
  3. tsk-tsk... ya can put three sentences together, thus you have 50+ years of JFK assassination research figured out, eh? Is there any wonder why this is dark comedy? You have an **opinion** regarding the topic and as we know opinions are like... Ya dig?
  4. subterfuge... so much more revealing... wouldn't you agree? Noun 1. subterfuge - something intended to misrepresent the true nature of anactivity; "he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge"; "the holding company wasjust a blind" blind deception, misrepresentation, deceit - a misleading falsehood Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University,Farlex Inc.
  5. Intent Lad, INTENT! AAJ (alt.assassination.jfk) was nothing more than: pro 1964 WCR *writing demo exercise* for those looking to enter the publishing/literary field. In short, on the bones of JFK -- exposure hounds. .John never got over being thrown out of ACJ (alt.conspiracy.jfk) .John was surely smart enough to let his minions/students carry his water. And 'STILL' carry it. RIP!
  6. One doesn't need "crackpotted-theory..." for anything regarding the JFK assassination case. Simply read: Mark Lane's Rush to Judgement. That book alone put Lone Nut's on the sidelines. Further, and Oliver Stone, of course, delivered Last Rites...
  7. "pretty sure"...? Here's another "pretty sure"... The 1964 WCR conclusions were not used in a court of law, therefore, they're opinions of a select, biased few. Do you agree?
  8. Tracy, Tracy, Tracy -- we KNOW lone nutters speak for the 1964 WC conclusions, now they speak for David Lipton too?
  9. Why? David Josephs and RCDunne have spoken, that's enough... The H&L debate been going on since I bought the book (the first batch) from Rich DellaRosa... JFK assassination controversy still draws out some of those that think filling up USENT boards and forums bandwidth re the JFK assassination subject is basic training for a book publishing audition... (hint): Publish your own damn book on the subject, commit yourself to the topic -- and who cares about the points he (Mark) raised? John did, he financed his own book, wrote the thing, published it in China himself and distributed it by his self... if its full of non-starters for you, tough. Be grateful then, at least you've got a road map of what NOT to do if you publish on the same subject... There's only one David Lifton around here and he's not in this thread, he'd be a great reviewer of H&L, but none of us will live that long...
  10. here's the shorthand: America always get's what it WANTS and WHO it wants, majority rules. We get what we vote for. If you take seriously the human condition, they're all crooks, same for the electorate, not a savior amongst them. We get what we vote for, majority rules. That very thing the GOP is trying to eliminate these days, majority rule. Your not going to rehabilitate Nixon's performance, nor any of the other presidential performances. We got what we wanted. Whether we understood that at the time is the other side of the story...
  11. well, he's passed now, here's the obit: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/southofboston-enterprise/obituary.aspx?n=stephen-j-roy&pid=180013738&fhid=15237 ya might want to do a search or two under the name of David Blackburst, it was an alias Roy used for years, especially when he posted to John McAdams's alt.assassination.jfk USENET board (a board still active, btw). A search there may prove fruitful. Some of the AAJ academic old-timers will certainly remember Blackburst...
  12. "NATO's essential and enduring purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means. Collective defence is at the heart of the Alliance and creates a spirit of solidarity and cohesion among its members." Wanna pay for it, or not? These "objective-subjective" arguments/excuses are BS. Ya don't want to, perhaps *isolation* is the game of your hour.
  13. and if McConnell is put to pasture after the Atlanta runoff, the GOP goes the way the Whig party went in the 1850's, KAPUT, FINI, TOAST, DONE... Nope, the Dem's will lose the Senate debacle, McConnell will remain in his perch (after all, whose going to defend his wife and her probable communist Chinese ties?), the media ORACLE'S have spoken-decreed (they, the Fortune 500 and the Tech's cleaned up this cycle). And besides, with 120+. House members who probably committed sedition, the house will have its non-legislative work cut out for it... put 120+ GOP House members in prison or on notice, the Dem's will have one hell of a majority in the House. For a second or two...
  14. of course he doesn't believe what he writes. His job is to simply write, the Ed From is his assignment, right Roberto?
  15. a PR disaster awaits your GOP repair. The Oval Office *Loser* is a pathological xxxx 20,000+ at last count. It's very simple to dismiss any, ANY allegation the Tub of Lard makes. In fact, is displays wisdom to in fact, do just that... pssst, long about 1995 .John mcmadman rejected my membership at AAJ. Some silly reason or other, might of had to do with a comment attributed to me about the Jesuits being back to their political mischief again. I've been ruining their Wheaties ever since...
  16. well, it's nice to know there's a conspiracy theory for every little thing that ails us. Submit what and to whom? Remember we're the generation that understood the conservatives thought JFK was a commie sympathizer and we the USofA were going to become an appeasement juggernaught. So they murdered JFK in broad daylight to die in the arms of his wife and the entire world to watch. Are you saying or implying here that that Tub of Lard in the Oval Office is/was going to expose Big Pharma? Perhaps it's you that is a little short of political-psychological conditioning to actually grasp the current situation.... eh?
  17. of course it doesn't matter, Sherlock... why? 250,000 lives is why. Every time Donaldo the Tubby opens his yap he's threatening. It's the absolute best the GOP has. Is it any wonder why many now think the GOP time is up, Ya shook the dice, ya lost, man up, Wheeler.
  18. Be interesting to ask Mr. Wagenvoord who LIFE contracted to make 8mm dupes of the in-camera original Z-film (once it arrived in Chicago) and who did the 16/35mm b&w-color blowups of same. From what I heard moons ago, there were dupes of the 8mm Z-film just laying around in New Orleans during the Garrison trial. A few ended up with "private" collector's? Rumor also has it, that the Garrison trial was the last time the in-camera original Z-film was laced up in a projector and projected.
  19. reviewing some of the footage of the 17yr old, it's not a stretch that the kid thought there's some here that are gonna shoot back, maybe? -- or, in this case swing a skateboard at least--and he'd best get the hell out of there before a real *medic* in body armor remove him in pieces. I, don't think the kid expected resistance of any type. After all, he had an (non auto AR15?) assault weapon. If, he had a plan to protect civilian property, it went to **** when the trigger, was pulled. Ending up on his ass, in the middle of a well lit street didn't help his cause either, nor his pursuers (1 death/1 wounded?). When he saw the local police it appears he ran toward them for protection? The police were in armored vehicles heading toward the action. He was trying to flee the scene. edit: https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/-dangerous-right-wing-defends-teenage-trump-fan-who-killed-2-protesters-90820677641
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