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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. old Wild Bill has been this way for 15 years now, its what got him thrown of Rich DellaRosa's JFK Assassination Research site years ago.... "photo-expert" is indeed a stretch.
  2. Von Pein opines: [...] Richard W. Burgess of the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Ottawa...in addition to noting that “I have personal knowledge of the sorts of processes and effects that were available to film-makers in 1963 and I can state categorically that the Zapruder film has not had anything added to it or removed from it apart from the splices that everyone knows about,” he finds the hypothesis set forth by [Harrison] Livingstone and [David] Lifton ludicrous on its face. He writes that such an alteration “would result in a ridiculously amateurish mess that would not fool a four-year-old, even in the hands of a skilled miniature painter under a microscope.” [...] LMAO, "amateurish mess"? Therein lies the problem with YOU amateurs, you're simply amateurs! If there is anything "ludicrious" about your post DVP its the fact you use amateurs to opine re professional post-production film craft. C'mon dude, you might have newbies impressed, however, those that have been around for the last 15+ years or so know better... sheeeesssssh!
  3. LMAO! debunked? debunked? Don't give up that fry cooking day job of yours Von Pein. You haven't a clue, nor the sources to make statements like "debunked." Son, I doubt you know the difference between 16mm film and digital videotape. Give it a rest.
  4. She was the Sect'y of State, I'd be surprised if she DIDN'T have multiple "classified" servers.
  5. I'll take Doug Horne (AARB investigator) anyday over a Zapruder family member (evidently now author) trying to make 'another' buck on the Z-film. Hell, the family was paid $16+million US taxpayer dollars for the *alleged* in-camera original Zapruder film. And they're STILL at the JFK assassination trough! <sigh>. I find that odd.
  6. there's a few schools of thought on that. The primary reason, in my humble opinion, the electoral college gave the southern states (after the civil war) equal footing in presidential elections.
  7. My time with Harry is to say the least, memorable. Harry's interviews with Roland Zavada, classic. And, Roland knew, Harry was sure Roland was not delivering the entire story regarding the Zapruder film and told him so. And congrat's Jim, I'll pick up the PB edition.
  8. What about a 23rd-century opinion, Paul?
  9. I concur Mr. Walton... a marvelous effort by Chuck. I'm sure DVP is all bent out of shape cause Chuck is racking up the hits of late. All DVP can do is issue (and reissue) that same old 1964 WCR sick, media nonsense. Anyone associated with, published by and or for Jim Fetzer always gets a grating response from Pat Speer, not to mention DVP -- lmao!
  10. Thank you, Larry! Indeed FEAR does seems to be not only in vogue today, but a requirement for wannabe pundits, second-rate pundits and real pundits. Whatever the hell they are!
  11. Ernie--excellent work, and thanks for the links....
  12. no traction, give it a rest will ya?
  13. for those uninitiated, the why's of 29.97fps is explained here... https://documentation.apple.com/en/finalcutpro/usermanual/index.html#chapter=D%26section=6%26tasks=true for those uninitiated, the why's of 29.97fps is explained here... https://documentation.apple.com/en/finalcutpro/usermanual/index.html#chapter=D%26section=6%26tasks=true David, More math, you know how much I hate that subject. lol.... simply b&w to color concerns, Chris.
  14. for those uninitiated, the why's of 29.97fps is explained here... https://documentation.apple.com/en/finalcutpro/usermanual/index.html#chapter=D%26section=6%26tasks=true
  15. re your above: first: when did he make them and where are Fielding's comments and opinion to which you refer? second: no experts have examined the Zapruder film for possible alteration and that includes Fielding. In fact, Raymond told me he wanted nothing to do with this controversy, at all. You do understand the relationship between KODAK and university film schools, correct? Thank you
  16. There's that standard DEMAND again. You have to PROVE nothing, just make a lame remark, and we're all supposed to bow to you. But we have to prove to you, someone who's mind is already made up and doesn't listen. There is nothing that will satisfy you on this subject, because you reject ALL evidence as inadequate that contradicts your belief. Period.[...] Typical lone nut-disinfo dance, Tom. We've been calling them on their BS everywhere else except here, for some unfathomable reason... They simply can not defend the 1964 WCR conclusions, so the trolls dance. And not very well at that.
  17. Michael Walton said: "So now the Bad Guys brought in Hanna Barbera to paint in the blob, Tom?! I thought it was Ub Iwerks they brought in. Holy ####!" ******** now we know you're panicking... <boring>
  18. bull pookie son... you can bump anything to anything. Tell us what kind of artifacts, why they are there. And seeing you're not EVER going to make a comparison with the alleged in-camera original, you're simply passing on nonsense or disinfo. Which most of us have come to accept that of you...
  19. Perhaps Evan you've been at this too long. Time for a change? LMAO!
  20. Roland Zavada told me the same thing too. Direct alteration 8mm to 8mm.... Had to school him on reality too! So, exactly, an 8mm film bump direct to 35mm (one pass) as was done in NYC, for LIFE magazine with the alleged Z-film currently held at NARA. Think that's a crock? Simply ask Groden where he got his 35mm copy of the Zapruder film... This is what happens Sandy when rank amateurs jump into the middle of something they know nothing about... or, they DO know something that they want to hide by misdirection... It's been going on with the Zapruder film commentary for 16 years now, nothing new, just new amateurs.
  21. concur to what, son? Roland Zavada wrote a report? Roland jumping on a plane after I spoke with him about special effects cinematography, SMPE specifics the author of same whom lives in Florida, concur with that? Listen Bud, if you can't spell my name right, you and I have nada, ziltch to talk about. Take you whine someplace else, son! You're dismissed.
  22. Reason, out the window? Methinketh you're whining too much! I think, if you "honestly" believed the research regarding Z-film alteration was faulty, you'd do your best insisting that the alleged in-camera original Zapruder film be authenticated. Simple as that, that would end all the quibbling, whining and moaning... Pontificating gets you NO WHERE! What seems foolish to you, not so with others. If you want to preserve the findings of the 1964 WCR report, terrific, carry on. BTW, pontificating is NOT research!
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