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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Jeff, as you can imagine, that's very comforting coming from our Canadian member. Particularly after 3 years where you were a "What me worry" Trump downplayer, who seemed unconcerned about the deleterious effect Trump would have throughout the civilized world, but whose biggest fear was that American "Deep State"was going to jump over the fence and inflame Canada.Yeah, how did that work out? heh heh!
  2. Agreed, the interviewer's kind of an as-hole, but that's kind of what you'd expect. The trick is not to get sucked into his games of definition, and Stone did pretty well articulating his own path. Good Job!
  3. Salandria's explanation raises a lot more questions than it answers. I assume because he doesn't have specific answers, and that's ok. The way I'm interpreting this, He's in essence saying "I can't explain all the "coincidences" that lead the Paines to be in this situation, but there's so many of them, the mathematical probability that they just happened on their own is remote." It's very unclear, for example, are the Paines aware in advance that they have this wealth of evidence in their garage against Oswald including the alleged murder weapon?. Salandria with his "need to know basis" seems to be saying No. Ok, so that begs the question, Was there any official capacity to either of the Paines? Were they following anybody's specific orders at any juncture? One can for example say De Mohrenscildt set up Ruth to meet Marina, but what are the real chances that the Paines would split up just in time for Ruth to be so desirous of finding a native to teach her Russian, that she'd innocently ask Marina to move in?
  4. William, That's interesting from the National Academy of Sciences.I wonder if that's a poll of adults? A couple of weeks ago, I received the same cool Facebook post about a day apart, from 2 people I know. One from northern California and one from Tampa.I guess it was going viral. An anecdotal story: I drove out Saturday to take a hike. The trip is about 1/2 hour out into the country. I saw several other cars that had 3 guys, ages 16-30 in a small car, not wearing masks. If one of them is infected, it's not unreasonable to think at least another person in that car is going to get infected. You go out in outlying areas you see them congregating without a mask. They're almost always ignored. What's a policeman to do, pull each and every one of them aside and give them all a ticket? At this stage, of course not! The MSM media might be making more stories of young people dying or testimonials of young people having a great struggle with the virus than their actual numbers. And maybe that's a good thing. Somethings got to get through to these people. *************** about Chuck Woolery, You'd think he made enough money from his game show. But he's made a career doing lots of infomercials trying to sell something. I remember he was trying a sell a cure for arthritis, and I swear they adjusted the tint in the camera to make his complexion green and he acted like he was suffering in great pain! This would seem like the next thing he'd do, just jump on the Trump pandemic- as- hoax bandwagon!
  5. Thanks Gene, interesting what Vince Salandria said. Pretty sleek! He could be right. Ruth Paine is still living, and still rather lucid for an 87 year old woman, and spoke on Nov.19th, 2019 in Irving Texas. Joe, as to your question about whether Ruth wondered about the fishiness of Ruby's assassination of Oswald. All she said about Oswald's death is she wanted Oswald to have all his rights to a fair trial, but she was happy when he was murdered. It's always occurred to me that Garrison and Stone are in Jim Di's mind, and in general heralded as the 2 most key figures in the JFKA investigation here, at least that's what I've always thought.. She certainly won't get any sympathy here for her simple and not elaborate remarks about Garrison and Stone near the end. It is interesting in a podcast posted here earlier by Rob Clark where he was talking with other JFKA investigators whose name slips my mind right now. There was a story about Stone's first approach to Garrision, when first contemplating making JFK where Stone was more directed toward finding out what leads Garrison had implicating the mob in the JFKA. and, Garrison, (who has also been accused by other JFKA researchers of being soft on the mob, in his investigation), at one point was to have said, to Stone that Stone can make a movie about the mobs role in killing JFK, but Garrison doesn't buy it and is not going to be a part of it. Where would the equation be now if Stone had taken a totally different tack?
  6. Joe said: "But, did this shocking and almost impossible to believe Oswald security breakdown scenario give her one tiny bit of pause and suspicious thoughts that maybe there was more to JFK's assassination than simple, angry Oswald doing it all by himself? " Joe, I'm really miffed at your comment. you don't see that the primary narrative pushed here by certainly Jim Di, but many others is that either 1) Ruth is an agent, on a need to know basis, who found herself in the middle of a plot to assassinate JFK, and subsequently fueled the case against Oswald Or 2) was aware and is an intricate part of the plot to kill JFK and frame Oswald? The narrative here is not that Ruth is naive, she's a "dragon lady." .
  7. That's true Steve, some covert Trump backers could blow up a swing state police station and say it's BLM! I got to give Scaramucci credit. He did realize the error in his ways. Wish more of them would. That is funny that they put the Black Lives Matter Mural directly in front of Trump Tower, and Trump's mad!
  8. Thanks, Steve, You'd think they would have nailed down if the President can pardon himself! Period! It should be unequivocally no! I also agree with you the public's not going to buy an overt police action, particularly from this President, it would be like the Gulf of Tonkin or sinking of the Maine.
  9. Congrats Sandy! Get out the chalk board and start reviewing those text books!
  10. But Bush knew he was never in any danger of that. The DOJ issued an opinion that the President can't pardon himself just a few days prior to Nixon's resignation in 1974. But is that the final word on that?
  11. Yeah Ron, that's the method he's employed with corona virus, "it's just no opposition. It just doesn't exist! Might as well just continue with my winning strategy!" And we're scratching our heads, "yeah ok, sure!!!!" Bob, I've thought about Biden not debating as well. They should take polls about that. It could be that people are just so tired of conflict and ugliness, that they wouldn't even insist on it, and he wouldn't suffer in the polling. They probably have about 6 weeks to decide. I don't think Biden should pick a VP until the convention, just like the old days. Trump decries the IRS, but I'm amazed at how the respectful the government is that no one in the government has leaked his taxes up to now. As for an insurrection, I think if Biden wins by say 3%, Trump can't squawk and if a bunch of fools decide to get brave, they will squashed.
  12. I'm not a big Thomas Friedman fan, but I think he has at least in part a good idea here. He says Joe Biden should debate Trump 1) only if Trump releases his tax returns between 2016-2018. and 2)that a real-time fact-checking team approved by both candidates be hired by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates — and that 10 minutes before the scheduled conclusion of the debate this team report on any misleading statements, phony numbers or outright lies either candidate had uttered. The way I see it, there's no way Trump will release his taxes, and he'll be crying bloody murder. We've come to expect Presidential debates and is a good thing.It would be a shame to break precedent. I don't know why we necessarily have to have 3 debates, Two, one on domestic affairs and one on foreign affairs could be fine. But a real-time fact-checking team approved by both candidates is a really good idea. We can' let Trump get away with his compulsive lies. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/07/opinion/biden-trump-debate.html?referringSource=articleShare&fbclid=IwAR2Hv1adrUrTjVK6gobxM5eCn6qDuJNUGYyMAd_suXL7qAjdNgC9N-RotWY
  13. Priceless! Trumps twitter account: WITCH Hunt! ..Won all against the Federal Government and the Democrats send everything to politically corrupt New York, which is falling apart with everyone leaving, to give it a second, third and fourth try. Now the Supreme Court gives a delay ruling that they would never have given... for another President. This is about PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT. We catch the other side SPYING on my campaign, the biggest political crime and scandal in U.S. history, and NOTHING HAPPENS. But despite this, I have done more than any President in history in first 3 1/2 years! The Supreme Court sends case back to Lower Court, arguments to continue. This is all a political prosecution. I won the Mueller Witch Hunt, and others, and now I have to keep fighting in a politically corrupt New York. Not fair to this Presidency or Administration! "We have a totally corrupt previous Administration, including a President and Vice President who spied on my campaign, AND GOT CAIGHT [sic] and nothing happens to them," Trump raged in a series of tweets. "This crime was taking place even before my election, everyone knows it, and yet all are frozen stiff with fear. No Republican Senate Judiciary response, NO 'JUSTICE', NO FBI, NO NOTHING. Major horror show REPORTS on Comey & McCabe, guilty as hell, nothing happens. Catch Obama & Biden cold, nothing. A 3 year, $45,000,000 Mueller HOAX, failed - investigated everything. Won all against the Federal Government and the Democrats send everything to politically corrupt New York, which is falling apart with everyone leaving, to give it a second, third and fourth try," he said. Yes and the Trump forces are gearing up to re write this prosecutorial injustice and going after the previous Obama administration.. The list reads like a whose who. Wiliam Barr, Rudy Giuliani, Shawn Hannity, Jim Jordan, Jim Di Eugenio, Rush Limbaugh, Matt Gaetz, Lindsey Graham, , Oliver North, Jeff Carter, Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Richard Poindexter, The 5!, Ollie Stone, Herman Caine, Doug Collins, , Of course Jonathan Turley, The "My Pillow" Guy, Al Dershowitz and Clarence Thomas, and that's just for starters! The question they're pursuing: What did Barack Obama and Joe Biden know, and when did they know it? Stay tuned!
  14. or the horses ass. I wouldn't believe anything this guy says. Thanks Ron, I'm not sure he's worth going into the history of the beat movement about, but he does seem like a meth freak uh...heh heh
  15. Cliff, I can't really hear the lyrics in these. Your most recent I see the lyrics, but none of these are as focused and specific an intellectual commentary as "American Taliban" but general anti fascist war cry stuff. J.B.style is to leave no dark stone unturned. Honestly I think on style alone "American Taliban" could turn around some Trump supporters I know of in another site, who are not that religious. ( or at least I don't think so) The one thing that stops this from being a more universal rebellion song is the pictures of the fetuses, and that one in hand.(we're pro life!) I make no judgments about that, just an observation about it's universality! I certainly approve that being commercial is hardly a consideration!
  16. Joe, as you read, Greg in his sincere well worded question, has said he's had a personal relationship with Ruth Paine. Greg's question about Ruth Paine was not directed at you. Maybe you obscured Jim's view of the question asked of him. I think I may have a little more knowledge about the forum case against RP, but I want to see what Jim's got.
  17. Love Jordan Klepper, Mark, nice compilation! I saw an interview with him. He was very serious, it was nice to see.
  18. Did you like "Da 5 Bloods", Dave? Hey , have you guys seen "Have a Good Trip" on Netflix? it is probably the coolest movie I've seen about Psychedelics. A lot of celebrities, talk about their experience on psychedelics, including Rosie Perez who was slipped some acid unknowingly. Ben Stiller takes it once and starts freaking and phoning his Dad! Of course who could be more enlightening about psychedelics than Sting? Pfffffff! Jeff, I'm not sure how you confused this, but these were my words below, even down to matinee. It was movie, that had recently come out. "I went to see the TAMI show in a a matinee with a friend."
  19. William, I always liked Chauncey Billups! And I liked his name! Dave it sounds like that was made by disgruntled Viet Nam war vets. Which is cool. But they don't spare the despair. A couple of cuts to grizzly Zapruder! Don't like Hanoi Jane! I looked it up, it was July 28th, 1968 at Frost Amplitheatre on the Stanford campus. When I saw the Chambers Brothers, they also stole the show from the final act Quicksilver Messenger Service.This was the card: opening Credence Clearwater, I had never heard of them. Sons of Chaplain, Santana (local, who hadn't gone national yet) Chambers Brothers (shook hands with them afterward) and Quicksilver. https://www.setlist.fm/festival/1968/stanford-summer-rock-festival-1968-73d6f689.html Joe, I remember those junior high dances. Girls on one side, boys on the other. Not much dancing. Both sort of frozen in place. Everyone was pretty insecure. When I started dancing I was kind of awkward and borrowed from every source. Some guys were laughing at me. But they never danced. Later I realized it was quality rather than quantity, and I started learning to be more cool, and picking one style and delving into it. Then I started actually tuning into what my partner was doing, Duh!!!! And trying to create something together. It took me all the way until I was in my 30's, before I realized I could kind of shake em' down! heh heh Kirk, I love Sam Cooke! I loved Chain Gang, Wonderful World and of course, Bring it on Home to Me. Some black male female duos. Otis Redding and Carla Thomas. "Tramp" https://youtu.be/wP7VU6AVIgc Brook Benton who was a little reminiscent of Nat Cole, but more rock, and Dinah Washington, You've Got What it Takes https://youtu.be/37cH9khXYdM Rockin' Good Way https://youtu.be/RkTjhvB23W4?t=4 Marvin Gaye and Tina Turner -I'll be Doggone/ Money Jeff to be clear, I saw the movie of the TAMI show when it first came out. It was great!
  20. Cliff Love hearing Jello Biafra again! How fitting Trump comes up with his "American Taliban" speech last night! Culture wars it is then!! I've reflected recently on why I am proud to be an American. A Trump guy said to me he likes pictures of July 4th fireworks on his I phone. To each his own, but that's not my thing! Upon reflecting long, I realize that mine eyes have witnessed the genesis of the fusion of European and African cultures and the advent of electric sound meld together in my country and I, among many helped to popularize it! I'm old school and my idea of black music artistry is Jimi, Ray and Stevie, not necessarily in that order. But I figure I might highlight some of the other of our black brothers. "But the things you do and say are designed to make me blue." Though not one of his mega hits, this is his song I enjoy most playing to. Man, this guy's got something! When I first saw this guy on TV. It was before I first started buying records. Wow, he put the whole song and dance thing together. A one hit wonder, the Showmen. Rock and roll will stand. https://youtu.be/aa17h1n5kCw?t=4 I went to see the TAMI show in a a matinee with a friend. James Brown and the Flames was the next to last act. The last act was the Rolling Stones who hadn't quite reached their peak yet. Seeing the Stones was so anticlimactic after James Brown. James Brown was so outrageous! Keith Richard said that later, "We should never have followed James Brown". I found this clip of James Brown dancing excerpts.
  21. Wheeler:That’s the kind of request that I’ve been waiting for since I joined this forum. Yeah, I can imagine. Aren't we glad we now have Wheeler's completely flushed out theory now? I agree with Cliff completely. But just as the questions I directly pose are never really answered. I don't expect yours to be either. But I've got a hot tip, that even Wheeler apparently doesn't know.. The CIA has a plant inside this Trump celebration at Mt . Rushmore today, and they'll make the fireworks show go askew, injuring some of the crowd, causing a fire to the State Park and if all goes right. It will mar the faces of the Mt. Rushmore figures. The prime target is the founding father of our country, George Washington. It's hoping the chaos in one more Trump event will be the "nail in the coffin" for the Trump Presidency. They will stop at nothing!!!
  22. Yes Rob , nice work! I'd love to read it, I like the idea of a Q&A format. It's good for a son or daughter to learn about the legacy of a parent. He seems like a person who overcame adversity, followed his own path and became a great man.
  23. Well, I think Ron will back me up on this one. I say, if Trump can't get it up. She should definitely dump him!! Ha hah ha ha! ohhh! Honestly Joe, when I woke up this morning I wasn't thinking about these things, but Melania would demand to renegotiate her prenup under the the threat of divorcing him and leave him as our first divorced President? Sort of "Ok, I'll put it off for now, but I want more money when I go!" Kind of makes sense I guess. I saw an interview with Melania, and honestly I was sort of impressed as the interviewer did indirectly get around to asking how she felt about the Trump's dalliance, and she did kind of hold her own, and say she was hurt but it's her business and she'll take her lumps, in so many words.
  24. The seriousness is starting to sink in to even some of Trump's most hardened knucklehead devotees. Now masks are "in" out of necessity and Trump is out! Even if he was seen in a mask now, it would weaken him in the eyes of his most macho supporters, even though they're probably already starting to get some common sense talk from their wives and have come to realize they are not going to be able to accomplish anything and get into many places without masks. This painting himself in the corner has gone on throughout his Presidency. For example , to his constituency, the Wall was so important. But Trump's total of wall built where there previously was no barrier comes to a total of 3 miles! If say, Mitt Romney was President. He could have built many more miles. The Obama administration was at one time open to building some more barrier! But Trump antagonized the Dems just to grandstand to his base. The Dems have their constituency too. You antagonize them in front of their constituency. You're not going to get anything done on the wall. And he practically didn't. His constituency, who seem new to politics, or maybe it was just unrealistic expectations have to decide if they just want to be romanced like an expensive date, or really want to get something done. Anyway, a lesson for the future, but no time soon.
  25. Interesting. over half the covid deaths in California are in L.A. county. (3326) What I'm hearing are the cities that are ballooning right now are Miami, Tampa, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, Phoenix and Los Angeles.
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