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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Matt, You first said one of those was photo shopped? All those photos looked like they could be the same guy to me. Same sort of big forehead. Yes the kid with the pizza is asking the guy who he is. He's a good witness to ask about what he thought. Can't get the interview with the pink shirt guy to open right now.. That picture you say with 3 cops, they sure don't take much care not to look suspicious with those masks do they? Paul. What I do. Right click on the top photo. Pick "copy image" compose an mail, find a space and hit "paste". the top 2 pictures should show, then do the same process for the bottom 2 pictures.
  2. Wheeler actually said:" You actually have people here who have spent billions (?wow billions beav! may I fact check that with Snopes?)of hours trying confirm one minuscule piece of data. So, when Snopes is cited, many people, including myself, see someone who was too lazy to search for a primary source to back up whatever they are asserting. Again I love this sequence, Wheeler posts a complete sham with a phony Bill Gates at a distance saying things he never said and tries to pass it off as real. Paul calls Wheeler on the sham and reveals to Wheeler the origin of his sources. Wheeler ultimately backs down and in his next post claims that he meticulously fact checks his sources. Now how real can that assertion be? Jew World Order, and this isn't his first anti Semitic source either. ******* RE: Gates Jim said:Bill Gates' father was a pretty bad guy who operated in the upper levels of the power structure and made a lot of money doing so. "Pretty bad guy", huh Jim?, Gates Sr. better tread lightly, because the last time Jim called someone a bad guy, it was Mark Zaid. And you know what happened to him? He was the marqis name on the most hijacked thread in forum history! Jajajaja (spanish) Ok, I liked the first half of the Corbett film, like you, I use to hate Gates. But when you hate someone Jim, it's like a high school banishment where the innuendo lasts forever. The last time I saw Gates Sr. it was on TV on a financial channel ( CNBC) and you know what he was arguing for with some resistance? Raising the inheritance tax on the super wealthy, which the Republicans had recently very successfully campaigned against as the "death tax." Bill Gates ,Buffet and a number of others have taken a pledge to give away the vast majority of their fortunes upon their death. And now with this pandemic hopefully, we're going to hit them up for a lot more,but we'll see. So in 2 posts now, I'm giving you an alternative view to your innuendos.
  3. It's funny you mentioned that Paul. In another covid conspiracy thread on an expat site I was on yesterday someone posted this below. I immediately thought of Wheeler. I responded by using snopes which verified JFK never said it. And you know what response I got from a second person? "SNOPES is no longer a reliable source because it has been bought and paid for by Soros! ". I then went to a non snopes site , I think it was politifacts to again deny the JFK statement, then I went to another non snopes site, to verify that snopes was not bought by Soros! Of course the primary villain in the thread is Bill Gates and then I come here late last night and see the same thing from Wheeler! It's a widespread BS social media epidemic! or pandemic!
  4. I love this sequence. Wheeler first gives you his "would you believe??" Bill Gates "presenting to the CIA" post which he completely believes, but after Paul traces it to "Jew World Order" , Wheeler quickly segues to Corbett, "Then Watch this"and Jim undaunted, jumps head long into Corbett not missing a step.. Jim says: He (Gates)really did say that about long term health care vs education. What's wrong with that? ??I'm not sure whether you understood Jim? A quarter of all medicare spending is spent in the final year of life. And Gates makes the analogy that education suffers. Does that make Gates a Eugenicist? Or does it make me one for explaining it to you? . That certainly shouldn't upset Wheeler, if you've gotten anything from Wheeler outside of juicy, new conspiracy theories you know he's quite willing presently to sacrifice lives to open the economy. Gates statement maybe is not PC enough for you Jim (Jew hating OK though?), but it's a legitimate conversation to have. Corbett certainly didn't make any real connection between Gates and George Bernard Shaw and so that segment was misleading and irrelevant.. The right has been very sneaky in connecting planned parenthood with Eugenics, and some fools fall for it, and there are many levels to look at it. But I feel fewer unwanted pregnancies is better than more and I uphold a woman's right to choose and discussing population control doesn't make someone a Eugenicist. Jim Said: BTW, you do understand about him and Epstein? I am beginning to think that the Epstein case is a Pandora's Box. Yeah Jim, that might be even be juicier than Marilyn and Peter Lawford!!! .Hah hah So I'm to assume that Bill Gates was all in for subsidizing Epstien's Eugenics scheme for him to impregnate 20 woman a day? After all he did fly in his plane once. Yeah you can't get much more intimate than that! Gates makes a statement distancing himself. But who would believe that? I'm sure Gates has gone to E's island many times and Melanie watches, just.like Hilary? Sure the press may end up giving Gates more trouble about it but do you really think Gates would jeopardize every thing he's got going to be brought down in a scandal with Epstien? Soros is getting too old and he's just not as believable a scapegoat anymore, so it's Gates..
  5. I agree on all points,William. I think K. was hoping it would be a good will tour to the American people, but was assailed, and wasn't about to back down, and in the end he prevailed when he finally rebelled about how choreographed and controlled his tour turned out to be. IMO, It has all the makings of a great story. Fear of foreigners, the demagoguery of those who would choose to mold or limit public perception, and particularly at the Hollywood dinner, differences in perception of class status, and yet beyond any ideology, the ultimate power of the "human touch" that K. ended up having.
  6. Hmmm... I'd hate to be thought of as an authority on Peter Lawford. You'd almost have to be a 60's Hollywood, tabloidy kind of person. I remember him being in some old movie matinees I watched during the summer, and occasionally on "What's my line". My impression of him was that he was sort of an English socialite empty bore. I could see him maybe having a concern for Marilyn, but I could see self interest in that, as it seemed like his life was defined a lot about the people he hung around with. He was a lot of style, and little substance to me. But I never recall him behaving badly. In the early 60's the rat pack was the essence of cool. I got my first true taste of all of them in "Ocean's 11". I liked it but I couldn't quite believe all of it. Later to me in the 60's they became just squares and as I got older in the 70's, I learned how to spot alcoholics, and all those guys ended up fizzling out on one level or another. I also first learned about all that "fixing up JFK with women" thing. Keep in mind, he was allegedly doing this while married to Patricia Kennedy! But what I disdained about Peter Lawford was that he always trying to be young in his 40's and 50's with beads, bell bottoms and whatever was in fashion. It's interesting because he sucks me into being more tabloid than I really want to be. I found this "Biography" on him that looks like it was edited. Ultimately all I really have are my impressions. But the idea that after being banished by Frank, and his divorce from Patricia sorted ended his career and turned him to drink does make sense to me.
  7. Remarkable British Film of Khrushchev's 1959 visit to the U.S. complete with some of K's remembrances from his memoirs. Is this what happens when countries become isolated and don't talk to each other? New York City and Washington D.C., solemn event, icy reception, like a funeral. Khrushchev waving at people who aren't waving back. LBJ tells Ike to take Khrushchev to church. At a Washington press conference he's immediately asked about the purges of Stalin. Then to California-Closed car with, no A/C in Sept in L.A.! -Nikita in Hollywood, Unusual cultural exchanges. (Why isn't he more like us?) Frank, Liz, Marilyn and meeting with Can Can dancer Shirley Mac Laine. Hostile L.A. Mayor Poulson, at dinner, trying to out flank local favorite, Nixon on the right. Nikita don't take no guff and strikes back. Oppressive chaperone H.C. Lodge won't let him go to Disneyland. Still he starts getting some applause. I'm not sure with Hollywood if he couldn't have said the most frightening things and still gotten a polite applause, or there were some who actually thought that was a shoddy way to treat your guest, but after that, things started to turn. Train ride through Central California up to S.F., Nikita greets the people, and an excited reception in S.F. An attempted Middle Americanization of Khrushchev with 1000's of people on a farm in Iowa and back to Camp David with Ike. https://youtu.be/VpxsNqAYXB8
  8. That's funny! I was hoping to give it a day, but I see you couldn't help yourself. That's cool! That is perfectly how I wanted it to be, that you're memory would be jogged with some effort.
  9. Hey Dave, i think you may know the answer to this question. If you do, just say you do. I'm curious if others do. What is the source of the JFK era lyric?----No googling! "There's a scout troop short a child Khrushev's due at Idylwild"
  10. As I sometimes have to say to my more PC friends. It was a joke. Bll Maher?? Geesh Cliff. But as for the PC thing. I think a lot of Trump followers animosity is not at all ideological. They are in need of a social safety net as much as anyone else, even more. They just get a perverse joy out of sticking it to liberals. Parts of it's envy, and the fact that an underclass has been created over the last 30 years. But the most visible manifestation of it or maybe the point of great consensus is over the PC culture. As small and petty as that may be seem to the left. You start getting holier than thou about that, and you lose them. And the situation they find themselves is largely not their fault.JMO We can't shutdown forever, I think a lot of places should be opening, and most of small town America should be open for business, including in California, but unfortunately there is a tyranny in being a small county in a big state. But usually the government realizes they cant be hard nosed about everything in sparsely populated areas. But as for the mask, if people congregate in close quarters without masks and distancing, that is a health hazard that will ultimately know no county line. And this is now confirmed to be an airborne disease, not contracted easily from surfaces. And the consensus is that we're at least a couple of years off from herd immunity. The President is supposed to set an example. People do age differently, but Pelosi is right, or maybe it's me, but is his face morphing into a hog? or at best a bull, and the President's too vain to wear a mask??? With that jawline, he could only look better. Cliff, I assume your friend may have an asthma condition. I don't have problems breathing, my biggest problem with masks is that they fog my glasses. The only time I wear them outside is waiting in lines. But most places I go indoors, they are almost a requirement if not required,and I wear them. I realize that there are probably people here on this forum where requirements aren't as stringent. I think people are doing a generally good job of creating distancing, and the stores are keeping themselves from being too crowded. I think it's working very well in California, but even we're not out of the woods.. Here's a stat: L.A.county has almost 4 and half times more deaths than the 9 Bay area counties combined! though about 20% more population. Whether the economy is shut down or open, people are going to have to keep a distance from each other, I think some areas will have no problems and in some states, I can see it fall apart really easy, and maybe it's starting to already. ******
  11. From what I can see, these whiners who claim their liberties are infringed are losers who never made any sacrifices for anything greater than themselves anyway. I'd round them all up and send them to a 6 week DSBC "Deep State Boot Camp" and subject them to hard physical labor and an extreme fitness regimen. Let them at last, see the hard reality beyond their squawking fears. Anybody who acts up, I'd tie them to a chair. Strap an N 95 mask on them, with mirrors all around them, so they can fully contemplate the horror of their new pitiful self image, further exacerbated by multi racial groups of gawkers filing by and staring at them. Strict social distancing will be practiced, though given their undisciplined nature, I expect the same problems of pirates long out at sea, they will be surveiled by our bunk cam and will be dealt with accordingly. At night, I'd subject them to "sensitivity training" by our strident young, new "PC police" cadets. Actually I'm kidding, I would take the most strident of the left PC police, like the the people in Berkeley who were protesting Bill Maher and whoever that gay, Greek Breitbart Republican guy,( Thank God, I no longer have to learn to pronounce his name) speaking there and I'd throw them in the boot camp as well. Though their numbers will be far less. Just the same, At night we'll have them square off, and employ "Reverse Role Playing" techniques using pandemic approved masks on sticks. After 6 weeks, they'd be released. The hope is, that at that point the only thing that will make them sick is standing on solid ground. Which reflects how ultimately hopeless I think there condition is. But if they relapse, we'll surgically mop them up like the virus itself, and this time it wont be to a boot camp. The left has got it all wrong, instead of the usual tactics of trying to indoctrinate non believers, We take a page from the right and just throw them in camps. You punish them as they would and have punished others. You enslave them. Screw this Alt left sh-t, we call ourselves the new "Hard Left".
  12. I think the closest I've seen anyone depict the situation with the MSM is William, just in passing, calling it the M$M, though I don't pretend to understand how the MSM plays up or ignores every story. One big example I see that MSM seems to ignore, is in Chuck's post ( I mistakenly said Steve's post earlier) in the other thread about Trump's finances, his bankruptcies. I've always wondered why that story doesn't have more legs, but I'm sure we'd know more if he released his taxes. But it's really about the aspect that's often ignored here, that is the money To understand what stories get however much attention, the whole game in the MSM should be looked at in regards to gaining market share outside of their perceived niche. For example , with some of the statements made here about the MSM, I wonder, "Do you guys get cable TV?" If you want to watch 24 hours straight of anti Trump television , watch MSNBC. That's their market niche and they thrown in some Republican neocons and never Trumper Republicans to expand their niche. If you're an ardent Trump fan, you watch Fox. I think it's very unfortunate it's come to this because it reinforces an idea that there is no objective reality and you can believe whatever source confirms your bias. It's obvious you think the press has more power than at least I do, Joe. So you think if they played this up and jammed it down enough people's throats it would make a real difference? After the Mueller investigation, and the Ukraine impeachment and trial in the Senate? I don't think so. I think the majority of people want the election to decide and at this point if they play up this story too much, it could back fire, and I think the press knows that they just won't get traction, or maybe I'm speaking too soon. Maybe this story does get more traction and they start making a good case against Pompeo , and say if there is reasoned to be a definite legal case against the President, they will play it up more. But at this point, I think everyone knows that unless the President dies of chloroquine poisoning, he's probably going to fill out his term. I think Jim propagates the idea that the press is really threatened by the JFKA and will try to suppress it at very turn. I think for 20 years after the JFKA he was right, and he did a lot of good research about the MSM coverup. But too may generations have passed and all the major journalistic schools in the major universities as well as the standard college history classes have taught the WC findings. So a person who peddles it is not received as any kind of threat to the establishment, but kind of a wacko. As unfortunate as that is. Maybe a well received movie like the one Jim and Ollie are working on could change that. I would think getting say 100 million dollars to investigate the JFKA from some Silicon Valley billionaire would be the best prospect I could see. I think it's best for the JFKAC movement if Trump is not re elected, as I think it's important that the JFKAC movement is not confused with the Trump wacko conspiracy movement. JMO .
  13. Jim, it seems like Mate' is your new matinee idol. You posted the clip not once but twice, you've also made 2 other posts about this since . Manaforte has ties to Kilimnik , Kiliminik has ties to the GRU, and Russian oligarchs close to Putin. Ok, you don't buy it. It must be important to you to exonerate Manaforte of something. It would seem there would be more money for Manaforte in promoting the EU. And Manaforte goes where the money is. So it wouldn't surprise me. But what's your point? I'm sure there a number of issues between Russia and the Ukraine. Look at it this way. Being friends of the U.S. or the G7 or the EU, is like being friends with a bank. If you're a young and struggling country, who doesn't want to be friends with a bank? If you're Ukraine there's no love lost with being friends of the Russians, besides the bottom line is,what can Putin really do for you?
  14. This is a map of a U.S. county by county account of where corona virus infections are growing or declining. You can put your cursor on the county and see number of cases and rate per capita. Below the map are separate state weekly statistics. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/05/graphic-tracking-coronavirus-infections-us/?cmpid=org%3Dngp%3A%3Amc%3Dcrm-email%3A%3Asrc%3Dngp%3A%3Acmp%3Deditorial%3A%3Aadd%3DSpecialEdition_20200515&rid=E2D62DD2D217513DC40450EA0F852DB2&fbclid=IwAR3xbGxLg6GGtfMs71ormVwx5nUzenJSHTfp_QJZUl25--j-49T8o4dV84Y
  15. I've never seen any real accurate discussion about the press on this forum. I've heard every possible misconception. I'm not sure if Joe was trying to start up another argument about the case for or against Trump's removal though that's what it's become. I thought the response in Joe's article is accurate. If there the editorial pages started taking up the cause of removing Trump at this late stage it would only be seen as another impeachment try and would backfire. The same Democrats would be involved in prosecuting Trump but now with the aid of the liberal press which the public holds in almost as much contempt as they hold against Congress. How could that possibly be successful? Jim has continually overestimated Trump and has taken up the cause that any open resistance to Trump would backfire. I completely disagreed with that and I thought going through the Impeachment process with clear knowledge that the Republican majority in the Senate wasn't going to budge at least established that they weren't just going to put up with anything. So they went on record. It didn't hurt them at all. I think it helped. But if they were to try again with the aid of the liberal press, Jim would at last be right. Yes the country is suffering from incompetency of a chief executive during a major crisis as maybe no time in it's history. All the previous record ''numbers of deaths in all the U.S. wars combined will not add to the number of lives lost soon. Though it wasn't the result of a direct policy from a President but the slow reaction and blunderous policy mistakes as result of a pandemic. We have about half the country who under no circumstances will vote for Trump, and a 3/8 bedrock of people who will stick with Trump through anything, and the only thing they will accept to remove Trump from office is to be voted out in an election, and even then there may be problems. but nothing that can't be handled with a clear victory, IMO. Why do you want to incense those people even more with another attempted removal from office? Joe I think your idea that the press, making a statement and just walking out on Trump for his mistreatment, and abdicating their responsibility as the press is a terrible idea. It would be like waving a white flag, when they've won so many skirmishes with Trump. It's obvious he's responding out of frustration, they only highlight Trump's weakness. And then what? Trump will be held to no public accountability at all! You really have to think these things through, and incidentally, regarding that silly article, whatever anyone thinks about prosecuting Bush for the Iraq War, having the first order of business when Obama came into office to prosecute Bush for the war is just another divisive page from the Banana Republics. It would have been so ill timed, politically nobody was thinking about that, and would have done no good at all. The real and most immediate test of Obama where he could have achieved some greatness involved standing up to the banks. Period! And he didn't.
  16. I know, Do you remember, near the beginning when there was that quarantined ship off the coast of San Francisco Bay, and Trump said. "I don't want them to come ashore, because it will double the overall total of people who've come down with the virus!!!!!!" (to something like 32 people!!!) To laugh is almost criminal because you're talking about people's lives! But a clip with that quote would be a great anti Trump campaign ad.
  17. Agreed Sandy, I've seen an interview with her. That woman is nuts! As for Robert Kennedy Jr. well... they do say it skips a generation. But if that group song by the next generation Kennedy clan that Wheeler tried hocking to about 4 threads here is any indication. Maybe they'll just end up being another 4th generation spoiled rich kid brats! heh heh! But to give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they're just young. but they sing like dregs!
  18. Very cool, Sandy! I know where that picture is taken from. Lots more people there now. I usually try to go in the off season, at least not summer. But even in winter there can be beautiful days and there aren't many people. But kinda like anywhere, those were the days! I'll meet someone in a place like Pt. Lobos and in conversation it comes up and I mention to someone when I first came to the place and people are envious. We are lucky, at least that's one of the few cool things about getting older. You gotta figure, no beautiful place is going to get better!
  19. Whew! That was certainly a burst of euphoria from our 3 amigos FlynnStone fans! doesn't this guy sort of look like Fred? https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/04/10/us/politics/10dc-barr-sub/merlin_153315792_74d50955-fdb3-418c-840f-e9a3d0febc90-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg Hey, Not to take all the fun out of it, but I think all of us in our dreams wish we had the balls to lie to the FBI. I know I do. But apart from that these guys, they sort of trivialize the whole dream, they're so lame! ************ As a pretty fair hitting pitcher. Again agreed Cliff, Completely down on the DH and the Finleyazation of MLB! But they've been phasing us out for a long time. Do you know most Latin international leagues use the DH? Most of Japan I understand except for one league. I'm I not sure I'd quite as far as you. DH or not, I'd prefer baseball this year.' *************** Dave now Powell has pretty much thrown the ball to Nancy, saying yesterday the Feds starting to run out of bullets and it sounds like today Trump is starting to come around, because he doesn't want to be left out.. I would certainly have a fit if she went along with borrowing it on Social Security.
  20. William. Yes it is and was closed last week, but I understand is open now. When I'm down there, I do what the locals do and park on Highway 1 and just walk in by the ranger booth. No one stops me.
  21. Wow..... well uh. If this is the Neil Young "Battle of the Bands, then "Shut the system down" is certainly more powerful than Wheeler in his New York City junkie phase! (Though I do like "Needle and the Damage Done"). You convinced me Ron, "Shut the System Down" is much more hep than those bores who always have to do things to not feel worthless! And just want to resume doing the same boring things! To save the future?? What future?--------- No man! Let's be free!, let the Earth breathe! and the animals sing!
  22. Hey Joe , good to hear you're recreating. I've been remembering my dreams lately and having some strange ones as well. I can certainly relate to being paranoid about door knobs or opening any doors. I drove by Garland park before and have always been turned off with all the cars. But once you get inside, you can walk awhile and possibly not even see anybody. The first time I did the loops on the ground level then I went to the waterfall, which is almost non existent now, but it is a pretty rock formation.Then I came back another day and went to Inspiration Point and over to "Mesa" something, a meadow with the pond where some people were fishing. It was completely awesome, the weather was good and a pretty good workout. The closest thing I've found up near me is Wilder Park which is near UC Santa Cruz. You get up about 1000 feet and you've got a great view across the Monterey Bay. But after hiking all the way up from the coast and back a couple of times. It is a bit of a climb up there so I started to do it with somebody else and 2 cars, where we could park on highway 1 and then drive in the second car up to the top and take a leisurely two and half hour hike down hill back down to the coast highway. It's like Garland with huge oak trees but with a lot of redwoods too. A lot of nice moss hanging from the oaks in Garland and some really pretty little glens and canyons. Jim mentions Eastwood, I remember when Dina Ruiz was a newscaster on channel 8 like you do, I'm sure, and then hearing that she was going to get married to him. Anyway, good to hear you're making it through!---K
  23. We all feel some pressure Joe. But you're definitely the one who has expressed the most fear and stress. You seem to be reaching out. And I understand that as you've said you have a lot of underlying conditions. I wish I could offer you more solace, but I would say the present precautions you are now taking you will have to continue to take, probably at least through the end of 2020, or until a vaccination or effective treatment is available. Because while there evidence coming in that younger people or people with few underlying conditions might actually be safer to resume activities than originally thought. There is no change in the idea that people with a number of underlying conditions should keep away from the general population for their own safety. However as I've said earlier I don't think that precludes going out to a secluded beach with your wife or any secluded place. Last week, I went out to Garland Park near you out in Carmel Valley. I've never been there before. It was absolutely beautiful! The place is huge! Miles and miles of roads and trails. You could wear a mask. Stay on the roads but even on trails people are very courteous and try to employ distancing. Start on roads. With some of the fears and concerns you've expressed. Honestly I do wonder if going to websites where people are always conjecturing about political conspiracy theories are really such a healthy thing. But of course in normal times, it's easy to separate the wheat from the chaff and that's your own judgment. Besides you're probably hooked anyway. And at least you know you won't get a virus from being here! heh heh Anyway, try to relax and try to do things that nurture you and give you a sense of peace. Good Luck!
  24. Another such case, Ron. This clip is of a confrontation with Trump and reporters after Trump showed the press a film of how his Presidency handled the corona virus by stopping incoming flights from China in late January and the film resumes his activity in March, and is then asked about his film' showing his inactivity in February, and asked what he did to combat the corona virus in February? When asked,Trump keeps diverting back to his travel ban in January and lies about Biden's reaction. But the reporter Leslie Reid remains cool and persistent and never gets diverted and never drops her eyes from Trump.If these reporters got sucked into Trump's anger, they would have lost the argument. Her stare is like a death ray and our President comes undone and acts like a child all the more humiliating for him that the questions are coming from a woman. https://youtu.be/SHF_7Idvkyc There's been a lot said about JFK in news conferences but the press was relatively a piece of cake back then. Before the 60's there was a trust of government and officials and the press had to be more reticent of showing up the President.
  25. Agreed Cliff: Re Yanukovych: It must be a secure feeling to know you can be elected to the highest office in your home country. Steal a billion dollars from your country and leave behind an outrageous, opulent estate. Get run out by your own people and still. 1)Get a golden parachute Dacha from Vladimir Putin 2)Get an interview with Ollie Stone Yeah, I can see where RT might be favorable toward Ollie.
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