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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Wheeler pleaded with me to put him on "ignore" but I've never done that with anybody here. But as a person who wants some sort of accountability for what they say and do here.Why would I do that? What's in it for me? His selling point was if I put him on ignore, he wouldn't offended, Like of course, that's the very last thing any of us would want to do . As Trump noted, after talking with his Wall Street buddies. A couple of weeks ago, Trump tried to pull an end run around Faucci and gang. In the other thread. Wheeler was praying that the Trump "reopening on Easter Sunday" would be a "pushback Q"volution! and he seemed confident that God would answer his call.Trump backed down on an early reopening, then called for a quarantine????on Robert!, which I suppose doesn't matter to Robert because he's probably never been out of the tri state area, anyway. Which isn't such an advantage now. I wonder if Wheeler has any more compassion now? Doesn't sound like it. . But then Trump backed down on the quarantine, and has now projected over 100,00 deaths. Wheeler's probably is still trying to convince himself it's a hoax. But he's use to his predictions going wrong, one notable time is when he thought the U.S. was right around the corner of victory in the Iraq War when he voted for GW in 2004. Re: Trolling,if you don't like Wheeler's trolling, Ron and anyone else who answers his trolling. You have choices. Don't feed the xxxxx. Or God forbid, like J. Nicholson said to D.Quaid ordering at the diner. "Have it the way you want it, Meadows". What kind of sicko sh-t is this that Wheeler posted as an example of uncensored Google! Scroll down to the adenochrome caption with an abducting hand over a young girl's mouth. Eventually the mods pulled this down, as well they should. Obviously there was never any prospect of anyone here bringing their wives or girlfriends here anyway. Ha Ha Joke r/conspiracy - Holy xxxx, someone uncensored Google. Try looking up things you can normally only find in this sub, the google results might shock you.
  2. Supreme Court Blocks Extended Voting in Wisconsin I'm just reading the headlines you sent. And the big news today is about the U.S.Supreme Court blocking the Wisconsin extended voting. WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday issued its first ruling in a case arising from the coronavirus pandemic, refusing to extend the deadline for absentee voting in Tuesday’s elections in Wisconsin by six days.
  3. Ron said; The Wisconsin State Supreme Court republicans are Nuts! Ron, you got it backwards, the Republicans had the U.S. Supreme Court rule against the Wisconsin lower court extension of absentee ballots, and they overturned 5-4. No Surprise! This is a real good website on the world spread of the corona virus. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ In case you haven't heard British PM Boris Johnson has been transferred to the ICU.
  4. This is sort of goes along the lines of Jeff's link of grim projections for the U.S.A 's battle with the Corona Virus.. (How did I know it would be like that?) This British film is the most serious film I've seen yet on the struggle against the corona virus in Milan Italy. It's very well done and very sobering.
  5. Ok Jeff, I agree with 14 provinces, it is much easier for Canada. And as I say, I do like what you posted. I'm probably just going on a bit on what I find to be your premises in general, which I often find to be one note.. i don't think you understand what's really going on in the U.S. And i know from his posts Jim does understands this much.. There's been almost a 40 year agenda in the U.S. to marginalize the middle classes, and dismantle the New Deal legacy of FDR. This to me, is the primary focus. The people who are perpetuating this just love the fact that you're so impotently focused on deducing hidden facts about this mysterious MIC government cabal, while they can simply in light of day dictate legislation to our representatives that make you meaningless. There's nothing that mysterious about this. 50 years ago, the military deep state was a dark, hidden, sinister element that was a geopolitical world scourge. It was brought on by the gold rush expansion of government bureaucracy from a Golden American age, , where they were the only standing survivors after WWll and controlled up to a third of the world's resources, and department heads became powers on to themselves and Canada benefited from just standing in our shadow. Now the military is just one aspect.of a multi national complex. The "Government Deep State" concept has been co opted by a corporate state, or a loose group of industrialists who always resented government interference and taxation and realized they could capitalize on a general dissatisfaction of politics as usual that was felt by everybody, and they've successfully propagated a general distrust of institutions. They've been very successful at putting the advocates of the FDR safety net on the run and little by little have de funded the government to the point, we're just blind to it. . We can see it now in the gutting of government stockpiles, and emergency services and readiness in the Corona Virus epidemic. You can see it in the deregulation of environment controls , the Federal Communications Commissions , the Security Exchange Commission. Many others could go on and on. I see your guidance as so off the mark, it's damaging, I can tell you your demand for justice from the" Deep State" for Trump is greeted with glee by Wall Street, as there's been no President whose tied his fortunes as much to Wall Street. If and until the oppressed can come together and realize this is the only government we got. You're only directing the frustration of the very victims of this middle class marginalization not toward the people who are oppressing them, but to the oppressors enemies, the government who are ultimately the only ones who can arbitrate their concerns.
  6. quote: "We have two options on our hands: Either we unite as a country, or we will crumble as individual states." Jeff i agree with90% of the conclusions. It is pretty clearly written. I don't think it will end up being as great a calamity in number of deaths as.they projected, but who knows?. I agree ,the cause is a lack of centralization, and too much power to the states. Still, as an example of central authority, the President has the Defense Production Act, but is so overwhelmed by the conflicting financial interests of his prodigal son Jared Kushner and Peter Navarro, he's been timid and just unable to pull the trigger to compel our corporations to gear up, and provide the necessities .to fight this epidemic and protect our warriors on the front lines and if necessary outright dictate profit margins. It's interesting hearing your arguing for government centralization, Jeff. When for years now you and Jim Di Eugenio, and Ollie Stone with his statement 3 years ago, that the "Deep State" Is Bigger Problem Than Trump"' became unknowingly duped and bought the Shawn Hannity Republican "Government Deep state" hoax perpetuated only to foment distrust in the government and defund it to their Libetrarian hopes of a threadbare government only interested in the common defense so they could pay as little tax as possible. And you guys have just gotten sucked right into it. There was never a lot of talk here about the "corporate state". It was the Government Deep State", a cabal who some how passed their values through the generations like skull and crossbones or lineage.The movement at large co opted a President, who thought the corona virus was a deep state scam and a Democrat Party hoax, so he ignored it for months,to defiantly take a stand against the advice of the government "so called experts" to reassure his base that he wasn't going soft.. Ok Jeff, I guess I should welcome you to the fold, that the U.S. government could have a chance of doing anything positive. Not that you really have a stake at all, other than it's your major hobby and preoccupation. heh heh
  7. Ok, your first reviewer Scarlett Hart to Scarlett O'hara. I enjoyed that song.. Jim is right, "Local Hero" is a very good movie with Burt Lancaster you might like to see..
  8. W. I can't remember what Dylan thread it was that you asked about. It wasn't Hale Boggs , it was John Mc Cloy who corrected Dulles about the LIncoln Assassination.Believe it or not! Probably there are great lists of concerts that we kick ourselves for not attending. I was in high school, when a friend suggested we go down to the Monterey Pop Festival, which was about 100 miles away from where I grew up, on the night Hendrix played. 5 days before the date he got busted by his parents for pot. So that put the damper on that. I've seen rock documentaries where they made it seem like Hendrix was a complete unknown before Monterey. But I remember "Purple Haze " was out at the time.
  9. I came here from Quito Ecuador March 10th. There were almost no cases in Ecuador or even in Latin America at that time but If I had left a week later. I might not have gotten out. They are imposing very draconiam measures in Latin America even though their case loads are miniscule compared to Asia, Europe and North America. In the International news feeds I had, at first I heard the problems states were Washington, then California, then California and Washington. It wasn't until I arrived that suddenly it was the NYC area,with Di Blasio and Cuomo realizing it later (though in fairness Cuomo as Governor bares less responsibility), and the news has been about NYC ever since. As well it should be, NY and NJ have a high rate of positives. San Francisco, the Bay Area and then California Govenor Newsome was the first to put the "shelter in place" restrictions throughout a state. Then it became a bottom up movement that spread to the major states, then the major metropolitan areas so now most of the population has some form of lock down..They're saying that the early shelter in place is working in California, But what I find disturbing is the lack of testing in California. I hope this is because fewer people are experiencing symptoms? How many coronavirus cases have been found in each U.S. state Here are the projected peak dates for each state. The coronavirus outbreak won't peak in every state at once Governor Kemp of Georgia, only in the last 24 hours found out that asymptomatic people can still spread the virus. What a complete irresponsible moron!, right along with Di Santis of Florida.
  10. A lot of Dylan topics but this is the one that's hot right now. I remember seeing this interview on the local PBS station in San Francisco, though I think it was a couple of years after it happened. When I saw it again more recently, I flashed back on a few local San Francisco media personalities who were there on the scene. And around 46:00, an aspiring rock promoter who invited him to go to a local gig...
  11. Ron said: The T goes before Rollin, rollin, rollin. He has an uncanny amount of world wide knowledge with witch posts of others are replied to quickly. Seems unusual . Maybe just another member of MENSA on the forum. ????You going cryptic on us Ron?
  12. Hey Ron, I don;t know what to make of this.. So you posted the headline that the U.S.is now leading the world in new Corona Virus cases and Wheeler actually responded with the "Rawhide Theme" or are you're making an observation about Wheeler getting some twisted adolescent exhilaration at the suffering of others. I'm sorry. What exactly are you saying here?
  13. Joe said: "Kirk, good idea about letting certified recovered persons go back to work. However, the fact is the numbers of such are what...only several thousand?" Joe, You should take a deep breath and read what I said. Which was: Some time is needed to start flattening the curve. But what's also important now, and can effect the equation is testing. Until there is widespread testing nothing long range effective can be done. Joe said: "And letting people who are not sick yet go back to work ( if they want )" I didn't say that either. We're a ways off from flattening the curve and administering huge numbers of tests. And we certainly weren't going to get it done by Easter Sunday. The President says it's one of his "favorite days." uh huh! I think Trump trying to do something major when the number of casualties will most likely be spiking in major cities would be very foolish. There is one thing above all to Trump, he does want to get re elected. Though Wheeler may organize a "pushback" revolt of other people who want the hospital beds of the corona virus victims.
  14. I agree with Dennis that they've been trying to sack the USPS and privatize it for decades. ********* I told Wheeler to get on it, and that he should investigate the "deep state" using the virus to tank Trump. He was too embarrassed and focused on his obsession with Mark Zaid with what, Cinderella?. You guys couldn't see that was inevitably the next thing to pop up in your computer searches?? Yes there was a lot of talk for the last few years of a coming pandemic.That's nothing new. You'd think Trump would have been more mindful of the "deep state" trying to take him down. And he was, but he passed it off as a deep state hoax, did nothing, and got caught with his pants down when the pandemic was real. I know it's a drag, and can't hold a candle to what's presently being discussed. But I'm more interested in Jim's submission from Ollie Stone's New York Times article. Ollie stone comes from a family background in Wall Street, and he does sound like Trump from time to time.. But he's not far off the mark. Unfortunately we have a President who vacillates and doesn't have the discipline to see anything through. But there is a matter of deciding how long a displacement our economy can suffer..It is interesting the Tea Party Republicans who were elected for their opposition to the 2008 bailout, are now embracing this bailout.But there is good reason to save businesses as well as employees. If say for consumer goods, if all we'll have left is Amazon, Costco wand Walmart as the only giants left standing, complete corporate encroachment which is already at epidemic proportions will be much greater with less choice and competition Some time is needed to start flattening the curve. But what's also important now, and can effect the equation is testing. Until there is widespread testing nothing long range effective can be done. I'm not an expert but I've thought of a plan that probably isn't perfect.The quarantine still extends to those over 60-65. Specifically on the work front, The first that could go back to work are 1)those who have been certified as recovered and developed antibodies to the virus.And then 2) those who are certified to have not contracted the virus.And3) if they are shown to be positive are quarantined, perhaps given tracking devices as in South Korea, and after that, receive some certification. Make it so those who want to resume their normal work life decide to submit to testing, Businesses and institutions can work in conjunction with government testing programs.When they feel they've got enough certified, healthy people, they can resume business. Obviously It's not simple, we still.have to get the tests, masks, ventilators, beds etc. But if we can't get that done , it's a pretty bad commentary on what we've become and we are definitely in trouble.
  15. That's exactly right Ron. There's no real thinking or ideology behind it, it's just sticking it to those "liberals". To them, It's purely a culture war. And they're parroting out Trump. .And they want to think we're as impassioned as them. When the left acts "morally enraged" about Trump, that's just music to their ears. It's best to make your arguments cool and fact based.
  16. Only a week ago, Trump said this:March 9: "The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant.” Trumps first appearance on Prime Time about the Virus, you know when his face looked like a piece of pottery(southwestern motif) and looked completely despondent? That set off a broad sell off in Dow futures that night that culminated in the greatest point loss of all time in the next session. Then Trump scheduled intentionally a news conference on Friday where he appeared to rely more on the experts and that spurred a late session rally. Then thinking he could presume on that.He scheduled another late market session conference today where the the market already had the worse point loss of all time and his conference further pushed the market to finish at the lows. . Trish Regan, I suppose she would be hot Sandy, if you like that TV series "Dallas" look. She was an underling doing little business stories at CNBC. No "big hair" look at the time.. Then years later i see she's a talking head at Fox? Another completely overblown business reporter who defected to Fox was Maria Bartiromo. Yeah Looking forward to that JFK/MM dog poo Jim! heh heh!
  17. Brainwashed????, or a 60 + year old devotional "moonie" who actually said this and has been running away from it ever since.. Trump told GWB to give up the names of the "crooked cops", dirty generals, and compromised judges or else the JFK records get released. and Trump and his allies (minions if you prefer) have been dropping breadcrumbs for the past two and a half years that point to the Executive Suite and Board of Directors of the enterprise that killed JFK. And To credit Trumps efforts to clean up the Deep State is to acknowledge the Deep State's destruction of the WTC and the murder of 3000+ people. If the Deep State destroyed the WTC, then what roll did George W. Bush play? George W. to George H.W. > Iran/Contra > Watergate > JFK. Despite the phony bravado, While we can only contemplate the vacuous suckership of a 60 plus year old Q anon, wholesale accepting a concocted fantasy legend of a politician solely as a means to negate himself into slavish hero worship. There are examples of youth cults emulating political figures throughout history, the obvious come to mind, but not of a 60 year old!
  18. Jeff said: Last Tuesday, Biden’s vote totals were consistently trending about 8% higher than the exit polls predicted. This can be explained by the fact DNC rules had any Buttgieg/Klobuchar votes simply handed over to Biden. What ? Explain that. Jeff said: Lesson to be learned: the US establishment (aka the 1%) is wholly opposed to large-scale programs designed to assist the population at large - single-payer health care, reduced college tuition, infrastructure projects, etc, and the Dems will not endorse such policy initiatives even as they must know that these are winning platforms. Agreed Jeff: the 1% establishment is not into that, but you don't explain how they went into the voters booths and changed the results of the elections. So please explain. Jeff said:I think Robert Wheeler is correct - Biden will not in fact be the candidate in the Fall. Oh yeah, explain why , how is that going to happen, by who and for who?
  19. I'm sorry, I hope I'm wrong, but "it's the defections stupid. " Bernie loses in Massachusetts, and Maine, performs less well in his home state than in 2016. Loses to Biden in Minnesota , and other states that Biden didn't even contest. States like Oklahoma, he won in 2016 and now has lost to Biden. It's all coming down to Bernie showing he can perform better than Biden in the the swing states. For Bernie's message, tonight it really all comes down to Michigan, and I'm not feeling optimistic.
  20. The stories are coming out but there's also a pressure to present a united front. With several hundred deaths,it will probably tank him. And that's not even mentioning the fall of the stock market. There was a period in the opening months when this all could have been mitigated greatly. Trump actually overode cdc protocol and ordered Federal workers to meet quarantined Americans in California without proper medical training or protective gear, then returned to the general population. Some of these workers were previously working processing immigrants at the Southern border. But there have been numerous incidents on different fronts.
  21. And the plot winds on, This is very curious, When Jim Di first challenged Robert as to the authenticity of his clip, Robert had no choice but to reveal (above)that CNN had already exposed Robert's phony clip, but all the while like Trump, Robert disavowed it as "Corporate media fake news". Initially Robert posted 2 versions with full video pictures above. But as you can see now, (above)the link now has been "scrubbed clean" of pictures and leave only links without pictures that can't be opened. Try opening them. The 31 second version that was once there, shows the Biden clip in it's totality, which settles beyond a doubt how egregiously Robert's version was tampered with. But of course now we can no longer open it.
  22. Ron, I understand your point but to be clear you're using Robert's original clip which is the dirtiest, most deceptive, of the clips shown, edited in at least 4 places. The most accurate version was the last one of two, which isn't smooth but perfectly understandable.
  23. I came in late. So Robert the "Q" sloppily tried to hand us another fake video, and is now backpedaling screaming "corporate media": and is trying hard to convince us that in the last video he looks even "more impaired" when while it could have been said more smoothly, it's very obvious what Biden was trying to say? The differences between the last 2 clips are like day and night! The concept of the "Circular firing squad"is everything! Anyone can physically see the edits after "campaign" and "for".
  24. "Stop making assertions you cant back up"???? says Robert Q Wheeler?? You mean like the meeting between your all powerful Godly figure, Donald Trump, the most powerful man to hear you tell it of this century or maybe any, with his in your words "sword of Damocles" And George Bush?. Tell us about the meeting when Trump went to George's Bush and said "I now have the documents and I know you killed JFK"",and your role in Iran Contra and your role in destroying the WTC??? Tell us about the look on GW's face!! This is the moment you've been working so hard for, to have everybody's attention. Don't let us down, Robert!!
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