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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Corey, That's because JFK's ploy at the debates was to "out- Nixon Nixon". That didn't impress Bernie at the time. Which does illustrate that Bernie has always been Bernie. Ron said: I personally find it hard to believe that people check the latest unemployment figures or the latest stock market values or other economic indicators before they go out to vote, as if that's all that matters, but apparently that's the case. Ron:I'm not sure what your evidence is that that is the case. Huh! A career criminal? I don't think any President more typifies that then our current President.
  2. Jim says: I did not think the votes were there, Wow! that's profound Jim. In the last 3 months has anybody here said he thought the votes were there? The results have turned out exactly as I thought they would. I would say my biggest regret is that when it became obvious that Bolton was willing to be turned in and be subpoenaed I don't know why the Democrats didn't pounce on it. I'm not sympathetic to your despair Jim. Because for the last 3 years you've been stuck in a cycle of inactivity where all resistance to Trump is useless. and so you've been playing this little ninny political game between the 45 yard lines, Petrified that any Democratic politician would raise his voice lest it bestir a backlash that would benefit Trump. So you didn't bestir yourself, retreated to your usual repetitive, tiring staple backlog of tirades against Obama, HC, but with a twist , a more heated fear against the "gassy Schiff" (which I'll give you was more creative than Trump's "shifty Schiff) or Pelosi or anybody who might be doing some heavy lifting. You predictably bought some cheap seats, threw in the towel for the umpteenth time and now from your comments, return to your usual state of depression, fear , and anxiety. "See? It's hopeless!!", says Jim!!! Gee, who could have predicted that? Certainly Jim's emotions throughout this have hardly been a barometer of anything, he was bedridden and depressed after the Sondland testimony, so it's foolish to think we can do anything to help.. And to to sustain his spirits, fittingly Jim picked the most dismal poll. The polls I've seen show Trump up around 2%. But on the other hand, polls show 75% of the public think there should have been witnesses. So are we to assume that the public will just forget about that? In either case to get so regretful now, is sort of silly. We're really only in the second inning. Jim says: and the case was not strong enough to convert the Republicans in the numbers needed. No, no, no let's make this clear Jim, you're on record as saying this case was not strong enough to convince Jim Di Eugenio. And back to your obsession with the whistle blower? Jim just can't make up his mind whose party's talking points he wants to use. He'll stand up for Trump's rights despite overwhelming evidence to the point of complete moral ambiguity, but is on a unseemly crusade with Robert to expose a whistle blower. Certainly no one will ever accuse Jim as being for the little guy! ******** What will be the overall effect of the impeachment hearing on the 2020 election? Obviously it will have no effect on the vast majority who have already picked their sides. But I think it's an overall plus for the Democrats who historically have gone on record. And I think it's a plus for the undecided voter as well. I think any real turnout of Democrats is poison to any hope of a Trump victory. And I think there's already no hope of a popular vote victory. But the Democrats could be on the verge of a demographic bubble. It's obvious the Republicans aren't. When Bill Clinton got elected I had just reached my 40's and I had at last thought my generation finally got some skin in the game. Ok, stupid me, but a lot of bay boomers thought that as well. I've seen different studies as to what was the official year to start the millennial generation and I've heard that most give the dates as the early 80's meaning the oldest won't be quite 40 before the 2020 election. Outside of Buttigieg, there isn't a candidate whose a millennial, but there is a high number of Bernie supporters among millennials who do rightly recognize that Bernie has been true to his core values since the beginning and that is a smart test to apply. With many facing increased debt and struggling to get out of their parents house. You could make an argument whether what they want is what they should have. But they weren't much of a force in 2016, but their shear numbers means they will be a force in the future, but it's hard to say when.
  3. As said, there are revelations, Bolton , the emails being leaked and now Graham's complicity with Giuiani revealing the Republicans never really cared about corruption in the Ukraine and were even working for the bad guys.
  4. From what I've pieced together, Robert was a conventional Republican who voted for The Bush's for President every time until he saw Trump make quick disposal of Jeb, then he started really researching the Bush's and learning things most of us have known for 20-30 years. It was a whole new life, a transformation where he came to question all he knew as true. His story is not unlike a lot of Trumpers though he previously had more political affiliation than most. Not to be outdone, and to make up for 30 years of lost time, Then he went through the obligatory cycle of endlessly searching conspiracy websites like one of them that was recently banned on Facebook, (I'm glad I can't remember it's name) and that completely lemming conservative website that implores that "we need 1000 Breitbarts!!!" and Robert has made his mission to be the embodiment of Breitbart to all of us, lucky us! All the while, dizzying his mind with endless genealogy and family connections, like the Bush family connection that he come out from under. His goal is to be the all knowing Guru of the true conspiracy-behind -conspiracy, tossing out millions of conspiratorial crumbs with no regard for accuracy and then just moving on to somewhere else and so consequently becoming a guru to only one. His endless trolling of Doug and insults to Joe could be a faint recognition of that fact. As to a change to this pathology, the adoption of Trump represents such a life changing event, it's opened up his mind to such a complete new world, and a new lifestyle with his companion computer.. It's like the first time someone got drunk or high, and discovered he liked it. He certainly doesn't want it to stop in 2020. It's pretty unlikely anything going to change for awhile.
  5. Dennis said: Considering she could grab a lot of wavering Republicans who watch fox, id say she played it smart.. I agree with Kathy, that is politically a completely dumb move, that she only did because she knew her cause was lost anyway. We all agree Hillary shouldn't have said it, but this lawsuit is nothing but a bunch of baby whining. It is frivolous. I'll bet Tulsi's effort goes nowhere because she''ll be unable to prove it made 1% of a difference. She wasn't going to win anyway and when she backed down from Trump, as I said earlier she's dead meat in the Democratic Party. All Tulsi's 3% popularity is based on is meeting the dictator Assad. I agree like many people here that our leaders should never be afraid to talk to our enemies. I guess it is the thought that counts, but it had no effect. Probably the 60 minutes interview with Assad had more effect, good or bad. And Assad probably told Gabbard the very same thing. "Were protecting our country against terrorists, just like you", just jumping on the terrorist bandwagon, what else would he say? But then to talk about a junior Senator from Hawaii meeting dictator Assad in the same breathe as JfK and Khrushev with the world in the balance as I heard once on this forum is the weeniest comparison I could imagine and shows absolutely no knowledge of historical precedence. The thought of Tulsi now being asked to be a vice presidential candidate would be truly laughable if it wasn't so frightening, because it would be as result of a fantastically successful Trump 2020 year, which considering the current prospects would probably be as result of Trump recklessly using his military power abroad and getting away with it, (possibly a civil War in Iraq) that would be foolishly perceived by a very significant portion of the undecided idiot voter as a victory and rally them to his side to the point that the Democrats would be actually back peddling to include Gabbard who was MIA to her party impeachment of Trump, in a mad political dash to the center. Only the biggest Gabbard fools here would think that that ends would justify the means of putting her on the ticket, but from past experience here with putting up with Trump without a peep, I'd say there could be some. A Bernie-Gabbard ticket makes no real political sense. How is Tulsi from Hawaii going to help Bernie make any inroads to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota? With either Bernie or Biden, it's a sell out to the idiot undecided voter I've already mentioned and those "present" people with the sleuthing instincts of Gomer Pyle who just can't seem to make up their mind if Trump is culpable of anything. A flag of surrender to the center ,which would absolutely destroy Bernie! The best VP a coastal lefty like Bernie could pick for the swing states would be someone with union credentials such as Sherrod Brown from Ohio, or Buttigieg. 'Peach Dat!
  6. Matt, Biden's cronyism has been going on since the world began. Sports figures and entertainment figures are appointed as members to executive boards as well. Its totally legal, if you want to make a case for tightening of ethics laws. I'm sure we'd all agree. We have a President withholding our taxpayer money to use a foreign power to investigate his own political rivals. And you and apparently a lot of others see no real conflict of interest in that? What crime in your mind , could you hold actually Trump culpable for, outside of say, shooting a baby?
  7. Wow,! Speaking of Hitler. Putin was really hot here from about 2015. Ollie Stone liked him and a few people here were always making excuses for him. But now Putin is breaking his word and trying to design constitutional reforms to hold on to his power beyond a quarter century, and his cabinet resigned including his former puppet, the younger Medvedev. https://www.vox.com/2020/1/15/21066985/russian-government-resigned-putin-constitutional-reforms
  8. Jim said: In my view, the fact that she has to go on Tucker Carlson to get her message out. That's because nobody wants to hear from her anymore. Shes political dead meat and dead meat for good. Of course Tucker Carlson wants to find Democrats who stand with Trump, she was MIA in impeachment. That's what the major Cable news are doing now, mining defectors. Shes not the only candidate who wanted to end regime change wars. But the others could speak volubly on other subjects that are just more important to the American public. And she didn't show the power of her convictions, was MIA with the Democrats on Trump impeachment, And now, of course now this debate is over. HRC would never have reversed the Iran Peace Treaty and would never have taken Soleimani out. As W says, For any who had doubts, Trump was always a neocon mule. Shes lost any battle cry she had. You can be again be crushed over it, Jim, but people make bad judgments and later suffer the consequences and that's just politics.
  9. Exactly, Joe there are a lot of politically correct reasons why you don't want to overly emphasize that Clay Shaw was gay, and had whatever wild parties they say he had.. The media even tried to spin the trial that Shaw was being prosecuted for no other reason than he was gay. But they did show little fleeting cuts of the party, as I recall. The crime is huge, you don't want to cloud the motive behind the murder with a lot of exposition about some of the plotters being perverted gay guys, who threw wild gay parties.....blah blah blah. As Ron says, it's not a porn flick, That's such a hot diversion, it really cheaply eclipses the historical importance of the event and the evil motives behind the plotters deeds.
  10. I think it's time to roll out MP2. He was hot in 2004 and he's hot now! Mike Pence lying in 2004 : "Weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq" [HoR May 20th 2004] All right none of us knew who the guy was. But at least it's still funny watching Trump continually trying to fake his way out of things. Trump Didn't Know General Soleimani's Name Before Entering The White House | NowThis
  11. My guess /hope is that he wants to again save his political neck and will back off tomorrow. Nobody wants to go to war with Iran. The majority will see it as a stupid, senseless act, but his base will applaud that we took out a real bad guy and didn't have to give up any of our guys to do it. Ron, Hillary Clinton beat Trump by a lot more. Almost 3 million votes. JFK vs. Nixon in 1960, was the closest popular vote election in U.S, history, To give you some idea. For every 342 people who voted for JFK, 341 voted for Nixon!
  12. I agree Ron, I thought Stone's writing was really contrived to try to shock the 1993 crowd in that scene. Bacon was used as a character who was the epitome of the southern resistance to JFK. Reference to Nixon "saving us" from the Communists. That I see as useful in trying to capture the locale and period. I see all these as licenses of story telling. I don't expect the characters of a movie to be identical to the real life characters.
  13. He does look like Sean, though Sean is a little old to gain the necessary weight for the part. Now the death in the stampede is up to 70! I 'hear it's because they all want to touch the coffin? Are we supposed to be comforted and take body counts however we can get them now?
  14. What's 2 votes out of a total of 207? We've always been saying exactly the same things. Greg said: that a significant amount of Democrats in both houses were hawkish on the Iraq War resolution. Yes 39% is significant, but where are they now? Just Joe Biden, right? But I hope I've shown you the flip side, that the most powerful Democrats, including the current Speaker of the House and a current strong 2020 Presidential candidate (Bernie Sanders) voted against it!
  15. It does get confusing Greg. What I said was this. I wouldn't be too sure, to give you some historical perspective, the Democrats in the House voted 128-81 against support of GWB proposed War on Iraq. I was speaking specifically about the Democrats, and our figures are almost identical.Except you say 126-81 against. I appreciate your work on the Democrat roll call for the resolution, and I would add Nancy Pelosi, Gerald Nadler and Bernie Sanders as voting against the Iraq resolution. And now, I think you'll agree those are some prominent Democrats. Often on conspiracy websites there's a tendency to confound issues by playing advanced chess rather than checkers. One event that could happen where all bets are off is if Iran launches a successful attack on the U.S. at home.Then the pressure would be so great that the Democrats would not risk being seen as the Peace Party. It really is that simple.
  16. No I'd never heard of the guy. No I don't think it will make any difference, except of course, now they'll probably retaliate!!! . Now we hear how many of ours he's killed. And I'm hearing he was in the act of shuttle diplomacy breakthrough between the Saudi's and Iran. Who knows for sure? I am now much more interested in him rather than that guy they killed a month ago who looked, from his beard like he had run out of "Just for Men". It must be tough getting everything you need in exile!
  17. As an opposition party, I see nothing unusual about Pelosi wanting to be informed before the assassination and then trying to nip in the bud Trump's war powers. Maybe we'll see some vote on it in the future and we'll truly see in numbers where the Democrats are at. Greg, I wouldn't be too sure, to give you some historical perspective, the Democrats in the House voted 128-81 against support of GWB proposed War on Iraq. Unfortunately at that time they were the minority party. They aren't now.
  18. Definitely people can learn from history. But from what I've heard here, I don't trust anybody's 50 year old ongoing conspiracy theory much less a 200 year old conspiracy theory. I'm into dealing with the facts as I perceive them now. The office of the Presidency of the U.S. is more powerful now than ever. This year's events have shown it graphically. In the Ukraine situation, the Government Deep State was corrupted by the President, NOT the other way around, until finally a whistle blower came forward. Trump is the swamp. In the Trump ordered hit it was signed off by one person, yes there was also 2MP, Pompeo and Pence, but it was a Presidential action that was passed on by GWB and Obama, and largely astonished the Pentagon. This is another case of the Government Deep state being a restraining , not a propelling force, and Trump's motivation in pulling out of the Treaty could have been for no other reason than to undue an Obama accomplishment, and now it's a tactic in Trump's mind to help him win re election as it has been pointed out in another thread that in 2011, he thought that would be an effective tactic for Obama to use to win re election. Does anybody here realize that Trump has the power to wake up tomorrow and order a nuclear strike on China and none of us could do anything about it? I heard a military expert say it on the radio. Check into it. I say its time to curb the office of the Presidency.
  19. Ye, Well I won't let them wag my dog! I actually heard "why can't we be friends" in a store today. https://youtu.be/MDCfEkopryo
  20. Dennis said:Is this good enough trump bashing kirk? Or am i still a trumpenlike or whatever you said? I do find your choice of words interesting here Dennis. Characterizing our opposition as "Trump bashing" shows some sympathy to the person being "bashed". as if it is not justified, and yet then you accuse Trump of a war crime. But how strongly do you really believe that? Should Donald Trump be impeached? Jim, you mentioned on this thread that you would have impeached Bush for starting the War in Iraq. I know he is Trump but I know you're really into foreign policy, could you see it in your heart to impeach Trump now? About my saying Trumpenlinks: Dennis said: Jeff you haven't blocked Cliff yet? I notice every time I came to the top of the page and I see you exhort Jeff (whose been here a long time and can probably make his own choices)to block Cliff. So you've barely been here any time at all and already you're blocking Cliff? In all my time here, I've never blocked anybody, not that I don't approve of the blocking function. And yet at the same time you attribute something Cliff has said to me! A phrase I've never used. (Trumpenlinks-Trumpenleft) I remember the genesis of the Trump German word connection here was started by Andrew P. as the "Trumpenleft". Cliff wanted to modify it to "Trumpenlinks", which I confess I didn't completely understand at the time until Cliff has now explained the in German "Left" is "links". As you see, I tend to remember who said what, though clearly you didn't in this case. ************** This Trump hit is noteworthy. This was the last bastion of a point that Trump enablers (Jim, Jeff and I assume you Dennis)could make, following in this idea that nothing over 50 years has changed since the JFKA and there is a military deep state that is trying to throw Trump out of office because Trump doesn't fit into their plans for world hegemony. Now that reasoning is just plain out the window. I"ve never really accepted that as a current paradigm. I think that thinking does harm as the corporate state is happy that all this misplaced energy is diverted from them. *************************** This is America,dammit! If our President is a crook, he better be the best crook! That's just who we are. But this was not clever at all! Trump is a loose canon, and has handed himself to us to the point that some of us were so astonished , the American public just couldn't believe a guy who could become President would have gotten this far without being in jail, which shows what money and privilege can do, He was just begging us to put him in jail---Imagine the hubris this guy would have if he got re elected. You're really rewarding a poor effort.-All I can say, you guys who have given him a pass. I hope none of you have sons, because I'm sure they'll grow up to be hellions! 'Peach Dat!
  21. But Jeff, this didn't just happen all today, none of you were the least concerned about this. Nor have you really said anything questioning Trump. You thought Trump would be a peaceful alternative to Hillary Clinton, who you had some crazy theory going that is she was elected President, she was going to force a military conflict with both China and Russia while there was still time to do it. You never had any real idea who the players, or what their party allegiances. Perhaps you can be forgiven because this isn't your country. But some of your smug, stoic proclamations that you could actually be more impartial because you weren't an American look pretty silly now. Oh still "waiting for Trudeau" (theatrical reference) if you would at last like to share something about Jeff's political beliefs sometime.
  22. Wow! And all this time I thought this was just Wheeler harassing Doug. Now I see there's something really heavy behind it! Sounds like the perfect time for Jim, with his advanced honorary degree in "MSM Tactical Studies" from K&K U., to pounce! ! Watch out Adam Schiff! Wait until Jim D. gets a hold of that one!
  23. Happy New Year to all!, Bob, as you can see Jim doesn't do direct questions, he'll just ask you more questions. I do appreciate that you respond by being thorough in you're attempt to answer his and Jeff's questions. But expecting Jim to own up in turn is a lesson in futility. Doing so would be conceding that government is not so sinister deep that it can actually have any hope of investigating itself. That would be too hopeful. There's just too much high school peer pressure against Jim admitting that in this forum. It's an identical paradigm to the Republicans in Congress. Yet Jim in the past has expressed that he wants the government to reopen an investigation into the JFKA. Figure that one out. You can't have it both ways. Do you know some time last week, the mean temperature for the entire continent of Australia was 105F? Whew!
  24. Cliff said: It’s been in all the papers — how could DiEugenio miss it? That's fundamentally Jim's investigative style , he never follows the evidence, he follows only narrow lines of evidence that support some preconceived conclusion he has. People who have watched him blunder his way through the last few years should start considering that there could be fundamental errors in his investigation of the JFKA as well. as always, seek confirmation of other sources. Not only would AOC or Sanders be revulsed by Jim , Cliff. Imagine if Joe Kennedy or any of the Kennedy clan found out Jim's little secret life. They'd abandon him like the plague. Jim knows that, that's why I couldn't get a straight answer from Jim about any Trump culpability about anything for 3 years, and he's been one of America's undecided about Trump's own admissions about withholding taxpayer money to bribe a foreign power to interfere in our elections. Similarly , he'll stonewall any new revelations from the OMB, because it doesn't fit into his knuckleheaded story line. Just wait and see.
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