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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Chris i don't see you particularly as a person who thirsts after truth. Or at least, i don't see you as a person whose very in touch with himself. I think you see yourself as a person whose reached a pinnacle of logic where you' re supremely beyond emotion (as if that's so admirable)and you quickly characterize and pigeonhole other people's thought processes and often accuse others thoughts as being clouded by emotions. You tried this just last night with Matt. And yet when your ideas are questioned or brought up to scrutiny, you lash out and become a hothead. And now what I've seen you've written, just illustrates my point. You answer with a lot of anger and disain and condescension. , Chris; I guess that is rather wishful when people like yourself and William in your twilight years have been conned, coerced, scammed, bamboozled and beguiled your whole lives by the political elite and MSM This is what I've been saying, Like the world and people will never understand you because in your mind, you're so much above them. I think we can get sidetracked if we bring in a lot of this political stuff, though i agree with some of it. We couldn't just have a different view than you? It's relevant in that it shows this same alienation to about everybody and society at large. I have some of that. Chris:I do keep posting it in the hope that the superficially read, the ignorant, or those suffering from mass-psychosis will actually pick up the book and have a read. But this isn't genuine. if you were really sincere in your stated quest of communication here. You wouldn't be deriding, belittling , and demeaning the people you supposedly are seeking to improve. Chris: PS each time you are triggered, you give away another tell which enables me to agitate and target you going forward. You make it so easy for me. I have to come to the conclusion that you have an underdeveloped mind. I mean that respectfully. Oh yes, so respectful! Does your hostility ever end Chris? Is this the vitriol of someone whose so above his emotions? This is really dark, really stiff.. I see your processes as static. i don't think you're energy flows freely at all. Is there really much here but anger and hostility, Chris? I
  2. Chris , But it's not just the Democrats. This is at least the 5th time you've posted this. So you find this inspiring? Does it give you confidence? It's just the kind of shallow self reinforcement i see among really insecure perpetual conspiracy advocates.to convince themselves that they're smarter than everyone else. Ok, I could see it once or twice, but by the fifth time, you're boring your audience. Do you know why you need to keep posting this?
  3. They keep coming! Ingenuine generations of kiss ass devotional fanboys! A sign of the times! These are from Carlson's e mails on Jan 4th, 2021 Carlson: We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait. Carlson: I hate him passionately. And this is Carlson with Trump only last August! Carlson: Trump has two weeks left. Once he’s out, he becomes incalculably less powerful, even in the minds of his supporters. Carlson: He’s a demonic force, a destroyer. But he’s not going to destroy us. I’ve been thinking about this every day for four years. Pfeiffer: You’re right. I don’t want to let him destroy me either. [REDACTED]. The Trump anger spiral is vicious. Carlson: That’s for sure. Deadly. It almost consumed me in November when Sidney Powell attacked us. It was very difficult to regain emotional control, but I knew I had to. We’ve got two weeks left. We can do this.
  4. Yeah, now any reference to someone's personal "struggle" is off limits? Noo noo noo, Matthew the word was obligatorily censored, because of the your new hybrid, pansy ass,screaming for mommy, right wing kiddie kancel kulture. Oh , did I spell that wrong? Damn!, cancelled again! In the future, can I speak in anagrams? heh heh heh ho ho Or clinically stated , generations that have been mistakenly coddled from the slings and arrows of life until now they are screaming out with vengeance!. Matthew:. What leftoids don't understand is that most Trump supporters don't really like Trump as a person, we just like the funny stuff he says and that he does the things we want him to do.. Oh yeah, is that the inside Q word? Is that why they're either a crazy cult of loonies or the most cowardly party in the 250 year history of the U.S. and won't say anything because they fear they'll upset their strong man? Well then, You might as well use your free will to vote for Republican Sonny Bono or if you're really hep, George Santos and get him to claim he's Donald Trump. Matthew, I'm a traditional Catholic! Yes we figured out long ago you were a virgin, Matthew. Stop bragging! We don't need to be continually dog whistled anymore about your "virgin experience." heh heh heh
  5. Matt, I've heard the story before, as i recall, Carlson's Mother broke up with the father when Tucker was 6 years old, when she refused to move to San Diego from LA when Tucker's Father got a news casting job. She was a bohemian artist type who eventually moved to France. Tucker's Father eventually married up to a Swanson TV dinner's heiress.. When Carlson's Mother died in 2011 , she left Tucker and his brother Buckley $1 each for their inheritance! Tucker and his brother took it to court in California , and after 5 years of litigation got a settlement from her s estate.though I never heard what the settlement was.
  6. Ok, Chris, This is by far the most distant reference to N-z-sm in a post that I've ever seen pulled on this forum. This is as the result of the right wing cancel culture that has come on this forum, and you are perhaps an unwitting party to it. At least from what I've seen it's now Matthew and Lance, both right wingers. What Lance did to you, as I understand it, it was unfair. I've never believed Lance's contention that people have to give their full resumes, because I've seen a history here of nuts invading people's privacy and it's happened to me even recently. I personally have never been moved to investigate anyone here. Though it's true it has been done and revealed many times. I used to remember Di Eugenio doing it rather frequently for my taste, on his ideological enemies.. You were obviously able to read it. You ascribe a lot of malice to me. I understand you could think that. But I try to deal in facts and the facts the subjects have told me. I'm going to post this now but I'll leave out my skepticism about who you portray yourself to be,which I assume anybody can read back at Matthew's point of crying for censorship. But more importantly, I'll take out the specific reference Matthew had censored. That case in point involves what I see as your intolerance and lashing out to people who have divergent opinions to what you wrote, and realizing that this is your own internal struggle, and not the fault of those disagree. And how, as i see it , in this specific example. the work you spent constructing your "20 points" ended up being used only as a tool of intolerance to pigeonhole someone who wanted to delve into it further with you. Though i know you don't see it that way.
  7. Yes, you know something's rotten in Feudalville when John seeks "full spectrum umbrella" coverage from Matthew. Yes I've noticed John, you were the one who said you have an extensive Beavis and Butthead video library, right? Aren't you a little old to be Matthew's groupie, John? So you're trying to find your lost youth? John: Teriffic satire Matthew! Oh yeah, that level of sophistication could only come from Plato's hallowed Guardian Class! Right John Yes, it must be a "full spectrum" rejuvenating process for you, watching all those swell youtube videos! Matthew's my groupie, he has an insatiable curiosity to know me more and more and shadow me. Particularly because I'm not here 100 hours a week, like him! So I guess I'm top dog, huh? jej jej jej je j jej A little shout out, to my Spanish speaking audience!
  8. Ho!, foo foo John! Indeed! John often fondly recalls his feudal past! Where a past lives reader told him he was a King, ruler over all Overlords! Now he's fumbling trying to find the "ignore" button. I've been noticing you guys across the pond have been silent about this. I see now that that the U.K. regrets Brexit by 55% to 34%!! It looks like that defiant little romp in College against Mother and Father Europe has turned into a "full spectrum debacle". Are you going to beg to come back home and get your old room back? Any thoughts on that? .
  9. John: Can you not see that there were objective grounds for Russia to brutally invade Ukraine and murder civilians? No, we can't see your list as legitimate justification, John.You should know that by now. Where I will agree is that Russia won't abide by pre war borders, John to Mark:And please deal with the self-explanatory concept of "full spectrum dominance" rather than, as others here have done, disingenuously avoiding the concept by focusing on its wording. Ok, let's break this down. John:And please deal with the self-explanatory concept of "full spectrum dominance" Oh, So Mark supposed to inculcate your phrase in his answer? Stop BSing us John! Really! Should Mark address you as "Mr. Cotter". John: And please deal with the self-explanatory concept of "full spectrum dominance" rather than as others here have done, disingenuously avoiding the concept by focusing on its wording. That has entirely nothing to do with the wording, John. It's your repetitive use of apt phrases as a crutch. You obviously forgot as your using it twice again. That's fair game! "Disingenuous"! oh boo hoo! Wrong again! If you remember, I did address you and said I didn't think your definition was complete! You forgot that too. Since I did review and answer your concept, and you're so demanding. John, then for the third time, "please deal" with the characters concept of Western Hegemony in the meme example I've used asking for your comment. Do you need to see it again? *** John has been very vigilant against the brutality of the West, with his warnings in his repeated mantra against " Phil Specter dominance" . Yes John, the naysayers mocked you , but you were right all along! Or was that "full rectum dominance?" Maybe we're going to have to get our U.S. "cat paw" out and get that stick out of your ass. But that's going to be tough! Then maybe we'll have to "full spectrum" high tech it, and use our "jaws of life!" heh heh It's a joke John. Since you're so much into "terrific satire". I did the best I could. wink wink
  10. Kathy, probably Matthew can tell you why it's May 11 because it's probably based on a Q anon numerological gematria which Matthew claims he's an expert, and said earlier he wanted to give all of us on the forum a presentation about. Probably the predicted return of JFK and JFK Jr. to Dealey Plaza had some numerical gematria significance to a Qball as well. Ben , since we know now from his January 2020 tweet that globalist Trump seems to be covering up for Xi at the very earliest moments of Xi's alleged discovery of the Wu Han lab breakout! Is this the hard evidence you were looking for of Chief Executive Trump's globalist cronies silence and complicity in the XI coverup? Well check this clip, where Jamie Raskin eloquently confronted your cohort Lauren Boebert saying that Trump defended XI no less than 20 times publicly during this period that the Chinese were trying to cover up the alleged fact that they let a deadly virus out in the world as you contend. Raskin also takes on Trump's attempts at censoring twitter, and takes on Gym Jordan's attempt to use his influence to bully AT&T into carrying Newsmax! The hypocrisy! You just can't make this stuff up!
  11. I dunno. W. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to pull the wool over Ben and I's eyes! America's globalist elites love doing business with China! Trump does globalist bidding!
  12. Because you are so political, Ben! You're the "voice of noise" about this, and you can't prove anything! All I'm hearing is a lot of noise online like "you guys all thought this"!. Excuse me, i never "opposed " any idea about it. Mostly because i don't think we're ever going to know positively about it anyway. Ben now hypothesizes the virus was so benign. The Chinese figured they'd just give it a small trial run through the population! Yes, so emboldened are the Chinese! Next Ben will get his wet dream war with China. This is what having a hundred hours a week in Thailand to spend on a JFK conspiracy forum produces. ***** And then the "Tucker outrage!" If Tucker was really impressed with it. How come he didn't bring it up for another 2 years? Tucker/Roger Stone story followup on the JFKAC over the last 2 and a half months was about what I expected as well. ***** I saw a very timely thread on the JFKA side. "Confused and looking for Ben, Matthew and Chris's brain." heh heh ******** Ok, Let's try changing the subject. I bet you can't for 2 days, Ben.. Your favorite congressman Thomas Massie is also making history of sorts. Only Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie vote against a resolution that mourns the loss of life in Turkey and Syria caused by the earthquakes Mourning's for babies, right Thomas! Very macho! Very cool statement! Besides If all those Turks would just arm their families, like Massie. . Maybe this all wouldn't have happened to them!
  13. Wow, Ron! Is your point that things have really changed? and not for the better?
  14. I get it, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! I know, the kiddies just want to know me more and more, and are driven to their research! But as I say I can't quell those social media induced feelings of desolation when I'm not here. So I'm not legally responsible.
  15. Yeah Ben, so for once you took off your conspiracy thinking cap , and didn't realize you might be being played by this "Low confidence" report! Sounds like you fell for it pretty hard. Are we going to be hearing a week now of nothing but Civil War, during a War with China and Russia? ****** And what about that Chris Matthews, (disciples of Jordan Peterson!) Moe and Curly tag team yesterday? To use a football analogy , that was like a double hand off, double fumble in one play! Yes, Matthew, while I might understand that you and Chris greatly identify with LHO as a tragic, misunderstood figure. You ended up playing right into taking Lance's bait and making his deliberate denigration of LHO your shriekable moment! But what's worse, is that it had absolutely zero to do with Chris silly, characteristically powerless assertion that all government employees be it Federal,. state, country or city would all be brutally repressed for believing JFK's death was a conspiracy, so they don't dare even consider it! I know not only does that not exist in the U.S., but probably not in the UK as well. In fact in the U.S. it's quite the opposite. We now have elected officials to high office who make reference to "Jewish space lasers", and get politically rewarded for it, as well as a number of other outrageous assertions! But for both of you to act like you actually had a defensible point to stand on in all that obfuscation shows a real intellectual dishonesty, and damages you further than any point that you could have made. You don't get that back easily. And stop your shrieking and squealing to me!, Lance will think whatever he wants and none of your outrage and tattling about it will do anything!
  16. Rupert Murdoch says some Fox News hosts ‘endorsed’ false 2020 election claims Yeah no kidding! Should I start a kiss ass thread entitled: Thank you Rupert Murdoch! https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ct-aud-nw-voting-fox-news-election-20230228-2av7y3hiwzhd3aw7cjw3ru3k2a-story.html
  17. Oh Ben, if you ever decide you're really serious about helping the 'employee class"even though so you're torn that you don't want to raise taxes on the wealthy's income! awwwwww!! Try this guy. He's more in touch with your needs, then you'll ever be, https://twitter.com/i/redirect?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FRBReich%2Fstatus%2F1629977429476245504%3Fcxt%3DHBwWgICwvcH1654tAAAA%26cn%3DZmxleGlibGVfcmVjcw%3D%3D%26refsrc%3Demail&t=1+1677489803808&cn=ZmxleGlibGVfcmVjcw%3D%3D&sig=c0abbe6f0e3514414696115bc75b893df7c69509&iid=e618a978870e44979b319a049ebd3772&uid=3236227254&nid=244+293670913
  18. "Appear,? so vaccinating the public is near hysterical? Then why did you get vaccinated? It might be the least hysterical thing you've done " They weren't near as hysterical as you, creating a hysteria right now about this! I got some relaxing news for you! It doesn't matter whose invested where. The Republicans will make more noise about it (just like you) because they're out of power. But all the Democrats and Republicans are going to do is nothing, because they can't do anything about it anyway! Just like you can't. Because If it did get out of the lab, the Chinese didn't do it deliberately. I don't know if you are very worldly present there in Thailand, but China has had a zero covid and has been locked for the better part of a year, and estimates are that they lost a million people and their economy plummeted!. Take it from me, Ben. Have i ever lead you wrong? Both parties would react to this exactly the same.
  19. Hey someone mention covid man? Those were the good old days! Very cool! And who can forget our very cool Trump personal physician at the time! and who can forget America's news station at the time! Is that what they call it?
  20. Chris, It's time to come clean. Matthew's "quote" of Lance isn't even from this thread! Right? So, as Matthew said, he's 10th grade educated and to me, he writes like an 8th grader. Which given the metric about how public education has fallen since I was in school is about right. So ..... Is this Matthew's direct quote of Lance (below, naturally without even quotation marks!) or is he slandering Lance by insisting Lance said something more damaging that he can't produce?? And he's given his opinion of what Lance said here? And then you quoted Matthew believing it was actually a quote!!!. It appears you don't have a quote at all, but a memory, right? Not that it was ever pertinent to you argument anyway! It's sounds like your dumfounded by your own confusion. You used this from Matthew Chris. is it a quote, or is it Matthew's opinion of what he thought he heard? Matthew: If I was a county manager and the county attorney said about Lee Harvey Oswald being murdered in police custody and remarked "Too bad Hitler didn't have a trial either" That's not someone I would want representing my County. But that's just me..
  21. Chris, Your quoting Matthew in a post he made he made in the last hour. But it's not even from this thread!. He obviously got confused. Find me where Lance says this in this thread. It's not even pertinent anyway! Lance is not a County Manager! In the U.S. a county manager is either an elected position or is appointed and works with the county elected board. It is a political position. Yes,if a county attorney said that to me. That's not someone I would want representing my County either. So what? And you make me have to wade through Lance's diatribe to find your quote! And then you don't have anything pertinent to say. Nice going knuckleheads!
  22. This is BS! Chrissake Chris! You're living in a bubble! From what I've heard, Lance is a consultant to a county government. Can't you tell the difference? It sounds like you're not at all aware of the many levels of government that there are. I've known people who have worked at Local, County and Federal levels. Do you honestly think everyone who works in such a local capacity would really be in danger of losing his job if he believed in the JFKA conspiracy, and posted on an online forum? Besides you're being presumptuous to know to what extent Lance earns his living with the county, or how much authority he really has to lose. I would call this a false case in Chris's asserting of a Lance lapse of critical judgement.
  23. Ben: I dunno. First day evidence (as we know from the JFKA) is interesting, as it is in before "the fix is in." But what you're doing is a fix in itself. That's just plain misleading! Thanks Matt, That's what I thought and Ben didn't address that. Ben, in the future If you're going to quote a 2 year old article that has since been researched in great detail. At least give us the date of the article. Most reasonable people don't accept that the more you research something. The less you know about it. Or you yourself, wouldn't be here at all. . Ben: On property taxes, I think they are a better idea than wage taxes. I am tempted to say, "never tax wages." Wages result from working. That doesn't sound like a "temptation" with "everyday people" in mind. "Wages result from working" is somehow meant to sound noble, but is really rather arbitrary. Particularly in a country where a CEO can make 1000 times what his least paid worker makes. While I agree, tax wise there are many ways to skin a cat. I do find , when it comes down to brass tacks, you don't really side with the "employee class" at all. What you always harp on is that that an employee is employed in the U.S.which is good, but you're never active in addressing inequities with the U.S. tax structure, where he or she could benefit. You always have "let the free market decide" solutions. Like starving the work force of workers to put pressure on wages. But even right now, we have almost 2 jobs for every person willing to work. And wages have begun to level off. Never a cigar for your employee class.
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