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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. They are mentioning this forum a number of times rather derisively! So we are now the go-to- forum on the JFKA? Well, that could be pretty cool. When Rob has posted, I like the general direction Rob has taken in his posts here. I would ask, why don't both you guys get more actively involved here? We need C's (to sidestep the PC crowd's disdain for CTer's, why don't we just call ourselves C's? We know who we are!.) to counterbalance the off the wall, perpetual conspiracy direction some are taking here. It's not at all fair to characterize the reception to Tucker's initial "revelations" as being "Tucker fanboy!."
  2. This Tucker headline took the forum by storum! It's interesting that you post this right now Steve. I was just commenting about this on another thread. So Mike Pompeo, or whoever Tucker hints saw the JFK files said "It's all here" the CIA killed JFK. It's a whole different country, than what we thought it was. it's all fake!! ,! I believe." And yet and no one whose looked at these files has ever said the files contain a smoking gun. (does that really make sense after all theses years?) We actually have to bend over backwards to just dummy down to just grasp it. And it sounds like novice BS, and yet we lunge at the low hanging fruit! The timing connection revealed, with Carlson's "revelations", and Roger Stone comments a few days earlier are rather damning. How could so many here could be duped by such a douche bag! Yes, a great point this is what we're hitching our wagon to? But even if the story is BS. It was reasoned more BS out to more people is a good thing! Right!
  3. John, The sanctions were decided by Congress, and both houses approved them.Trump had to go along. I remember a big proponent was Trump Secretary of State, Tucker Carlson's own Mike Pompeo, who Tucker he hints saw the JFK files and said "It's all here" the CIA killed JFK! I believe. True, we have to dummy down to grasp it, and no one whose looked at them has ever said that. And it sounds like novice BS, but it's reasoned more BS out to more people is a good thing! Ok, Had to get that little dig in! JMO John, I saw I believe your niece Kerry Kondon making the rounds on a late night talk show, to promote "Banshees". She's beautiful, intelligent and very charming! I love to hear her talk! She mentioned her family of 5, 2 older sisters, and she's attending the Oscar ceremony with her younger brother!
  4. If you can believe this. Matt Gaetz wants to propose a bill that requires that they say the pledge of allegiance before the start of their committee meetings. ( just like his girlfriend in class. ) However he runs into a little trouble.
  5. You truly have my condolences Ron. Natural gas prices are at a low, Politics in Texas is a Republican slave oilgarchy with you Govenor Abbott, your Senator Cruz, and your AG Paxton. , I'm sure I'm naming only a few. About all I can say that's positive is that the everyday citizen in Texas is so oppressed, you can't help but think that some sort of citizen's revolt has to happen. I don't know if this will be any comfort or release of tension for you but...
  6. Yes W. Of course the Intercept was a 250 million dollar gift to Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras by the Ebay founder Pierre Omydiyar. It was in part, Glenn Greenwald who hung Reality Winner out to dry probably because her article didn't fit in with Glenn's U.S. deep state narrative, but was actually making a case for Russian interference. Greenwald makes up an excuse that Winner brought it on herself, because she initially contacted the Intercept with an email, and of course implies that was enough for the Deep State to catch her. But in reality.The Intercept was widely criticized for its handling of the document Winner leaked—in particular, the decision to show the leaked document to the U.S. government! While attempting to verify its authenticity with the NSA, an Intercept reporter inadvertently revealed its provenance! Isn't this no resident Deep State, but the DOJ is used a tool of the Trump Presidency, who clearly wants to suppress evidence of Russian meddling? Today, Winner is wary of what she sees as The Intercept’s contribution to an increasingly polarized media landscape. She has been especially stung by what she sees as Greenwald’s assertions that her own mistakes — including failing to follow guidelines for leakers outlined on The Intercept’s website, like specific advice not to contact the outlet either from work or by email — contributed to her arrest. (Greenwald, who was not involved in reporting the story, resigned from The Intercept in 2020, accusing the outlet of censoring an article critical of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter.) Like Chelsea Manning, Winner says she’s been surprised by what she views as a cynical change in Greenwald’s public persona. Greenwald, she says, is “addicted to negative press…He’s willing to have whatever message is going to generate the most attention… Glenn isn’t the problem, he’s a symptom, and they’re all going to wind up like him.” (She adds: “If Glenn Greenwald has anything to say to me, he’s more than welcome to get his ass on a plane and come back to the United States and tell me face to my face how stupid he thinks I am, but he knows better than that. He wants to hide out in Brazil on his private beach or whatever.”) Winner:He’s (Greenwald) willing to have whatever message is going to generate the most attention… Just like Ben, in his recent clip with Greenwald and Taibbi. Ben queues the clip to the most sensational, intellectually dishonest statement in the entire clip where Greenwald makes all sorts of wild allegations that all the news coverage at the beginning of the Trump Presidency was solely the result of being fed talking points from this group. But I noticed, in cases I've seen, for example, in the early Trump Presidency, MSNBC would have as guests a lot of authors and investigative journalists who wrote articles and books about Trump. It's always easy to trash on good journalists because his audience never understands the craft involved, because they don't read. I'm sure these journalists would scoff at the idea that they were give cheat sheets with Hamilton 68! This is what I mean when I say it's useless to dialog. I called Ben on it, and his answer was to run over to another article by Ron Paul. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/reality-winner-interview-prison-nsa-1261844/
  7. Whew Matthew! I didn't see all this! (4 posts to Me?!) You know, I actually predicted that Matthew would have some comment about Pakman, and Chris would follow suit, and sure enough it happened exactly that way! But then 3 more Matthew posts? That was like what we call in the U.S. a Grand Slam Prophecy. All right seriously, It looks like we can't put it off. I'm going to have to have a Man to Men talk with you guys. My main focus will be Matthew. Matthew you just continually seem to want my attention. I truly wish when you guys wake up in the morning and log on to the forum, that the first thing you did was not to scroll down to the bottom, to see if I'm here. I truly do wish you guys were scrolling down to the bottom to look for Jim Di, like most normal people who come here. You understand I must protect myself. I have this prepared statement to make: I know with modern social media the sense of desolation and isolation you must feel when you log on to the forum, and immediately jump down to the bottom of the page and find that I'm not here. I'm sympathetic, but I'm not responsible for these feelings of emptiness and desperation. I wish that for no one, but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it. And I must tell you now, I have no legal responsibility! I'd suggest first limiting your time here gradually to maybe ...80 hours a week, with an idea of maybe taking a break from social media altogether, but I know that will probably be met with deaf ears. I wish nothing but the best, Good luck! ****** On a less serious note. Corruption is so rampant! Chief Justice John Robert's wife,Jane Sullivan Roberts, has made millions in her career recruiting lawyers to prominent law firms, some of which have business before the court. Now, a letter sent to Congress claims that's presents a conflict of interest! https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/31/us/john-roberts-jane-sullivan-roberts.html?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20230201&instance_id=84203&nl=the-morning&regi_id=61798350&segment_id=124071&te=1&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55
  8. Good graph.W! Then I find this piece on "The Five' where this Jessica Tarlov , who I'd never heard of, takes on the other 4 about the deficit and leaves them speechless when she says that Trump contributed 30% of our entire deficit through his tax cuts to the rich. The last thing they were thinking is that somebody would come forward with facts!
  9. Of course the topic I'm raising is about free access to information. Since I always work you into a lather Matthew. I'll say at least half of the JFK assassinations conspiracy films do have at least an aspect element of bullsh-t in them!!! heh heh heh heh I'm not in so much of a bubble that I insist all the people around me believe in the JFKAC. He's sort of a detached observer. He's agitating for the release of the files, and that's fine by me. In his conversations with Trump cultists and Q anon followers. I would recommend Pakman's use of logic as a sort of half way house to recovery. But he's definitely not for kiddies.
  10. RE; You Tube Nuking Starting on Jan 9th, David Pakman, Breaking Points and a number of online sites have experienced what Youtube is explaining as a temporary glitch.. But Youtube is reporting their customer base ratings have collapsed when they haven't. These smaller sites depend on the customer base ratings growing to make expenditures and expand. I've noticed in both youtube and twitter, I now have to fill in the search bar for programming that I previously was given from the gitgo. Specifically on twitter, I'm being directed to right wing sites and it's more difficult to get where I want to go. I thought it would be corrected by persistently searching for my previously preferred sites and podcasts, but I've seen no improvement. Kyle Kulinski, whose Krystal Ball's beau, does a sequence below on it. This is really BS, and it's getting beyond the point that there is a reasonable explanation!
  11. John, I'll give you my idea. Yes ideally, but even that has it's limitations. By the same token, society can't hope to make some people have a life that would be normal to the majority of us. Or a life experience, for example, they probably won't be rich! No ones argues for living in poverty , stigma, deprivation, misery, ill health and well being. Here i assume you're talking about at least people who would not be smart or functional enough to be in the military, but of course that would extend to all the maimed , disabled, deformed, sick.. Yes, and what did Peterson say?
  12. Ron Paul? This is why you'll really never be for the working guy, Ben. He's honest, he'd cut government drastically and whole local economies , particularly in the red states would collapse. He's under an illusion that the "freedom money" that would result from him and others not paying taxes anymore would magically transform the economy. There's no way he'd get re elected, but by that time, it would be too late anyway.. That's why him Tucker, the Fox crew always talk of of strangling the government. They won't be very kind to you if you come back and try to collect for your SS benefits or Public Assistance. Anyway, more recently, it's been done before on a state level before, with disastrous results. And of course, who was he a political friend of? The biggest fault in American democracy is even people who have opinions about everything. Don't know how to vote in their interest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Brownback
  13. Yes Paul , i don't know if you remember but there was a guy here who was super into Ruby Ridge. He was a nice guy, but at certain point, he got into Israel and that Jewish International banker thing super heavy. And when we gave him some resistance to that, we never heard from him again.
  14. No W. I do take what I believe is John's point that the Democratic party has left some of it's traditional working class base over the last few decades with a sense of betrayal over their abandoning of labor unions and international treaties. But the good majority poor and working class people are still Democrats. It is unclear to me, however how many of the disaffected working class Trump voters were voters in previous elections. I assume a lot weren't because 25% more people voted for President in 2020 than 2016! So Trump has done a lot to bring people to the polls. I went into Hillary Clinton's perceived personality, because i do think personalities and superficial perceptions have a lot more to do with electability in the U.S. than they do in Europe for example. Oh, and about your other thread. I'll give you a hint. i was referring to another poster here, whose well read, can be very logical but also rather scary.
  15. Ben:The whole Russia-gate-bots story turns out to be state propaganda! BEN: VOICE OF REASON? OR VOICE OF NOISE? heh heh That's solely your statement..Have you really researched this? Ben:there is a "newish" and curious coalition of Donks, neoliberals and neocons Newish Ben? or "newsy" or New York Post? or even newsworthy?, I'm not sure. Ben, this organization,and it's members are not a secret. (unlike Taibbi's twitter files) It has been around since July 2017. Probably started in regards to perceived Russian interference. Trump fired Comey in early May. Did you check their website? It's here. Do you think that might be germane to telling others what it is? Or do you want make it seem secret and another conspiracy? I'm not surprised that the people who do that work are super patriot types on both sides, even though I'm not.I don't like Michael Chertoff or Bill Krystol, but they're right on the website! What's the news here? Or is this what you mean by newish, or newsish? Just don't accept the cookies.! https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/ They're going after the Chinese and the Iranian interference a lot now. Aren't you big on the government going after the Chinese Ben? Oh, but despite being the biggest Ukraine hawk here, not Putin? He's off limits? Do you have any doubt, that countries are doing this? Why not? It's cheap, and you can do it with impunity! What are you thinking?? Greenwad said that literally every story about Russia in the MSM came from them, but he has no basis in fact to really say that. A lot of that info that started with Flynn came before the group was ever formed! That Michael Mc Faul and John Podesta would be concerned after Trump fired Comey? I was concerned! and I hated Comey! It sounds like more social media wars to me. On the website, they give general categories of alleged interference under "Authoritarian Interference Tracker". The charge that that some of these sites are Trumped up, (pun) is interesting, but no evidence is given. Prove it! Remember when Ben posted a thread here starting with the words "Spectacular Glenn Greenwald"? As if Ben has explored every nook and cranny of Glenn, and Glenn's the Grand Canyon! heh heh Isn't this just more Benfanboy? I think Matt Taibbi is wearing make up. He looks 20 years younger! Tell him to make his twitter files public! Ben:The whole Russia-gate-bots story turns out to be state propaganda! Ok, we've got Ben's BS noisy headlines.What substantive new charge are you making here? Or do you know? Just to clu ya' Is it really inconceivable to you sleuths?
  16. Interesting article W. Not exactly high praise! But certainly no high praise for the Israelis.. Lots of directions and forceful assertions. And pointing out some good contradictions. I think we'll hear from more than just Jim Di. One person in particular I can think of.
  17. I think you got 2 out of 3 here John. I'll go with what you got right first. The Russians did not throw the 2016 election. They did try, but it's no more than we try to mess with them and Putin. But the difference is, they're all sewed up there. They're relatively inpenetrable. "Cancel culture "is serious business there, where you could lose your life. It's similar, but to a lesser extent, to the Republican Party in the U.S. Where any would be leaders don't dare speak out against Trump because it would be the end of their political life. John: it remains the case that the main reason the Democrats lost the 2016 election was, as I've already said repeatedly, their chronic betrayal of of those who Hillary Clinton called the "deplorables". I think any party has a legitimate gripe when they win the popular vote and lose the election. But nobody's going to be able to do anything about that any time soon. The reason the Dems lost was their candidate, and partly the fact that she even mentioned "deplorables". She ran a terrible campaign. her biggest visceral baggage for me, was that she reminded me of grade school teachers I had who loved the girls and couldn't stand the boys, like me. heh heh In the campaign, she could have tried to humanize herself more, but she didn't see any percentage in it. Because she's a finely manicured centrist, who never took any chances. She lost the Dem Presidential nomination to Obama in 2008 largely because she, as a Senator just blindly went with Bush's War in Iraq and Obama didn't. John:The quote from Wiki.The (Mueller) report concludes that the investigation 'did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.'" I would say to that, wikipedia's fos and Bill Barr's fos. Mueller, was told by Barr, he couldn't indict a sitting President, so when Mueller finished his investigation, he had to weigh what prospects he could have had for indictment, how much could he say?, the politics, and the good of the nation, when he could never bring charges anyway. And then to put some blame on Mueller, for some reason he ignored all questions of motive, and was hands off about Trump's finances. (like he never made that possible connection?) John:There seems to be some ambiguity about the whole matter Enough evidence to have sent less privileged people to jail. But you to have a basic understanding of personal finance and basic sleuthing skills, which many here on both sides of the forum don't have, and often overlook. You have to be able to look at the main figures, their history , what they've done up to now, and without passion, extrapolate it to the current situation. John:Thanks for that, William, though a link to the article would have sufficed. Yes, but would you have read it John? W. has said many things here, that I haven't heard any of you raise in opposition, and that is facts. You have zero facts. But of course, you can't just lay there passively with the facts. You have to extrapolate on those facts. Is' it really such a gigantic leap John, (or Greenwald and Taibbi), that Trump could be compromised by foreign powers? Do you realize there are much greater leaps done sometimes to connect the dots by some esteemed researchers on the JFK side that are passed off as facts? Just to give you an opposing point of view. In my evaluation of the argument up to now. W has all the facts, and now you have a few more. Your best hope to muster the slightest opposition to W's facts would be Jeff Carter, though in my judgment, he loses because he can't extrapolate on the facts either. JMO .
  18. Here Jordan Peterson and Michael Avenati are given a place at the grown up table and look at the results. Peterson interjects, and injects himself into politics concerning then President Trump. He doesn't even know the difference between impeachment and conviction. Well ya knooooooooo! He is'nt even aware of some of Trump's most controversial statements and actions, and when he makes his case is staring down at the table like a teenager. Ben, I thin you could use a more diverse spattering of heroes than your continually repeated Greenwald, Taibbi and Mate. I know she's a woman, and we've heard nothing but villainizing of women from you. But Alex Wagner is actually half Burmese. She sort of dressing down Peterson, in a nice way about his cheap generalization polemics, whoring for new converts. *(yes Matthew I know some idiot Democrats actually were actually talking about Avenati as a candidate. But you're talking to grown ups now.) Ok in this clip , I don't want to make fun of Peterson. I think his emotions are real. To Chris and Matthew, Do you guys feel he's sticking up for you, here?
  19. Are we going to be seeing endless clips about Jordan Peterson now? I've heard he's marketing an online university around himself now!. For those who don't know,Jordan Peterson has created a cult as a sort of authoritarian "tough love" disciple to struggling young white male Christians. In this debate with Sam Harris,at 1:50 :50 he alleges that if he contemplates 40 hours in his man cave. (or wherever!) He can come out and prove Christ's insurrection! IMO, Following that is just being lost, I understand maybe he provided some help to you prior to ever hearing him make these claims. But at a certain point, when you hear this. It should be an epiphany for you. At this point, you have 2 choices , to stay with him or to split. It doesn't negate what he did for you. I'd say don't sell your self short, but maybe you're not..
  20. Mark, i completely agree with Joe. I think this is a release valve , but also to keep up with current events. I've learned a lot from my fellow forum members. We have sort of a wall here. I try my best to comment when people broach the other side with current events, because I think most people over there don't want it. But when it's done,often people from the other side can't resist commenting. I think without this thread, it could become a mod's mess over there! JMO
  21. Yes I've been reading this Andrew. Of course this was an investigation into the investigators of Russia Gate that turned into a nothingburger..But Barr and Durham came upon a tip from Italian officials into suspicious financial dealings about Trump, but trashed it. They team later broke up apart over prosecutorial ethics with resignations. Mr. Barr and Mr. Durham never disclosed that their inquiry expanded in the fall of 2019, based on a tip from Italian officials, to include a criminal investigation into suspicious financial dealings related to Mr. Trump. The specifics of the tip and how they handled the investigation remain unclear, but Mr. Durham brought no charges over it. Mr. Durham used Russian intelligence memos — suspected by other U.S. officials of containing disinformation — to gain access to emails of an aide to George Soros, the financier and philanthropist who is a favorite target of the American right and Russian state media. Mr. Durham used grand jury powers to keep pursuing the emails even after a judge twice rejected his request for access to them. The emails yielded no evidence that Mr. Durham has cited in any case he pursued. There were deeper internal fractures on the Durham team than previously known. The publicly unexplained resignation in 2020 of his No. 2 and longtime aide, Nora R. Dannehy, was the culmination of a series of disputes between them over prosecutorial ethics. A year later, two more prosecutors strongly objected to plans to indict a lawyer with ties to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign based on evidence they warned was too flimsy, and one left the team in protest of Mr. Durham’s decision to proceed anyway. (A jury swiftly acquitted the lawyer.) I can't say I fully understand all this guys connections .But he alleges Trump weaponized the Justice Department, and it's not just an ethical conflict but a criminal conflict. We'll see how this pans out. Now more mainstream, msnbc is attacking Barr ethically but not criminally.
  22. Well as I remember it Paul. Biden did say there were no plans for Ukraine to join Nato. I think it was couched like that. Of course prior to the invasion bringing defensive forces would be seen as a provocative escalation. In some ways, it was a dicey situation. But Biden definitely promised that there would be no "American boots on the ground" and for example. forum super hawk , immediate "no fly zone" Ben disparaged Biden at the time for giving Putin the green light for invasion with no impunity. But Ben wasn't alone in saying Biden gave away the store. There were some hawk generals in the media. At first, i think the general consensus was that Putin wouldn't invade. Of course, to the end we had Oliver Stone and Jeff Carter telling us Putin would absolutely not invade. I didn't interpret the media as knowing positively Putin was going to invade. But they latch on to the story 24 hours a day, and hammer the potential danger in your head. I can see where people would. But it seemed to me like that was the "unthinkable" by a lot of the pundits. But there was a lot of confusion. But to your point, I didn't recall anyone talking of preventative actions. The ball was to be left solely in Putin's court. Then Biden said we had intelligence saying the invasion was going to happen. And the West applauded Biden for "forcing Putin's hand." Yes, I thought that too. But do you think that's all Putin really wanted? That and recognition of Crimea? i don't think so. It's funny, but I believe it was Doug that shared a Henry Kissinger post, I believe it was in the early days of the war. Isn't Kissinger credited by those who justify Putin's invasion as a guy who warned against Nato expansion? Anyway I think Kissinger said he was confident if Ukraine would agree to not join Nato. Russia should then agree to get out of the Donbass and out of Crimea as well! That struck me as rose colored glasses and so unrealistic at the time! But I think that was the gist of his proposal.
  23. That was a very spacious post on the last page Chris. Are you in touch enough to realize nobody's going to read it? If that was an innocent mistake. Have you ever "rationalized the bigger picture." and taken it upon yourself to delete the unnecessary garbage to save everybody from scrolling through it? Cleaning up after yourself? Suddenly going PC on us. Chris? Chris, you don't realize , you've complained about this before. And despite whatever your cautioning, the bottom line is your policies are super anti immigration. My anecdotal stories are only my experience in traveling through neighboring countries, and were stated as such. Why would that bother you?, because you have none of your own?. ****** Paul, I get your point but to say this, I don't think you're really being fair.: Paul:Dulles thought that too, and put it into practice by enlisting, and protecting, German war criminals in order to better fight Communists. I’m supposing some of you agree with that position. No I don't think you should suppose that. I think it's probably fair to say a number of younger people don't appreciate that Stalin's purges were as bad as Hitlers. The damage both of them have done to the region is a horrible legacy that in some respects the people still never got over and lasts to this day.
  24. Matt Gaetz moment of truth at Speaker election!! Tristan Snell @TristanSnell George Santos needs a new campaign treasurer. He tried to hire Richard Datwyler, but Datwyler rejected him. So Santos filed his campaign finance report under Datwyler’s name anyway — and signed his name. This all happened THIS WEEK — Santos is still lying, criminally.
  25. Yes W.! I was holding my tongue when trying to reason with Jake after his anointing "stop the certification of a free and fair election, no big deal! " Ben as a "Voice of Reason"! heh heh But I suppose there are many reasons. I guess Jake was also attracted to Ben's reasoned " get tough "clamoring for an immediate "no fly zone" in Ukraine! Or maybe Jake has sympathy for Anti culture, "cultural warrior" Ben, because his family fled persecution for having a Monkee record! heh heh But as I suspected, though Jake did crown Ben as the "Voice of Reason", that wasn't exciting enough to make Jake come back. heh heh
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