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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. I notice the same people who became enthralled in 2016 with Trump as playing 3D chess with the rest of us mere mortals are now going corporate fanboy with Elon Musk. He can do no wrong. Obviously if you're in business and you got the full world in your unique niche minus some fringes, and then come in and piss off half your customers and cause them to go somewhere else, to admit more fringes, that's a failed policy. If Musk is just another megalomaniac with a death wish, then that would happen. My guess is that he's tough talking right now for his right wing base, but he will moderate and despite all the other snickering punks who who want unlimited license, he's probably realizing right now how tough this job really is. But the problem is he had a workforce that was developing becoming good at it, and he insisted on becoming a slave driver and demonstrated he has no sympathy for his workers to boot. Musk overpaid $54 dollars a share for a stock that was priced on fundamentals at !7! In order to finance the purchase, Musk had to sell 2.6 billion dollars of his Tesla stock which is down in value 60% from a year ago!
  2. Good to hear that Michael,That's the question I opined on because I thought that was the discussion you were trying to have. As far as passing this on to future generations, i think my son might take stock on this "national moment of unity" you were speculating about, but not as much my daughter though I tried to impress this equally on both of them.
  3. Whew! that's interesting Matt. If Musk continues adopting this algo, he would lose everything. As all of his sponsors would leave him. I hate to bust the bubble, but most people aren't free speech absolutists! Today in my daily twitter e mail. I saw a story where Mark Cuban on Shark Tank took offense that 2 contestants said they were Warriors fans and that made Mark Cuban mad because the Warriors defeated the Dallas Mavericks, the NBA team he owns in the NBA playoffs this year, and he told them, for that reason, he wasn't going to fund them! I open the story and it automatically goes to Glenn Greenwald, and a pre election twitter he made congratulating the U.S. on electing a mid easterner as a U.S. Senator, Dr. OZ! heh heh! Then it goes on to a series of tweets where it's obvious Greenwald's just sitting at home making hair-on- fire tweets about the evil Democrats. You'd think you guys who like him would get tired after while of the same old angst driven tweets. I would , no matter what they thought! I personally don't know why anybody would emulate that. But then while looking through Greenwald's tweets, I start getting Musk pop ups of his latest tweets. I've never followed Musk or for that matter anyone on twitter! Boy, this is a much more rigged game than ever! And I think if Musk wants to salvage twitter, he better stop! But I eventually did find them Mark Cuban excerpt where he loses it! Barbara Corcoran- "You're a bigger man than this cut it out!"
  4. Ben, This is what I mean being dismissive and not listening to others, and then complaining about "offenses." I think your rationalization of "offense" is just total self deceptive jive, and enumerated some points why. I answered your question , but I asked you a question first. Please answer. Last line below. Ben:I find plenty of comments offensive in the water cooler section...but that is small price to pay for free speech, and finding out how other people really think. You claimed this and now trying to ignore it. So do you see that you have any blame in in this offense you are clinging too?
  5. Ben, Ben Binary Ben! It's not a story at all. When it comes down to it. Journalists stick up for each other. It's not the binary NSS, MSM world you claim. That's what that should tell you. Another simplistic, silly theory of yours debunked. Ben:I find plenty of comments offensive in the water cooler section...but that is small price to pay for free speech, and finding out how other people really think. You claimed this and now trying to ignore it. So do you see that you have any blame in in this offense you are clinging too?
  6. Ben:I find plenty of comments offensive in the water cooler section...but that is small price to pay for free speech, and finding out how other people really think. Plenty of offensive comments Ben? And you've had no hand in this? Really? Ben repetitively makes that point that some of the interplay here is offensive and then portrays himself as such strong free speech advocate, he can put up with the slings and arrows. Of course he's mentioning it! This is so completely phony. For 2 years, Ben would portray himself as being a devil's advocate but truth is he just said the same things over and over again, and never really listened to anyone and when told of his repetition, his attitude was just to hell with everybody. "I'm just going to keep saying the same things. It's my right to free speech!", and then when he's called on his accuracy, he's the first to whine, like people are infringing on his rights!. Ben initially was pulled into the great group of Trump sheep, and he re entered the real world of people here, who unlike himself were never fooled for a second by Trump. When Trump would create news, we'd update each other on Trumps antics trials and litigations to inform one another, and that somehow incited an agitated defense mechanism in Ben to respond with repetitive "whataboutism" posts involving the Dems or Donks!, the Globalists!, the NSS!, the MSM, the "Deep State ", Liz Cheney, HC, Pelosi, Biden, all to sort of cry out and say "See, you guys aren't so smart!" Striking back at us to cover his embarrassment at getting sucked into the Trump moronic drivel message. This drama has been going on totally inside you Ben!. You have no right to complain at all. You couldn't be bothered to listen or accommodate anyone else and you've gotten your just deserts! Stop crying "noble free speech victim."
  7. Isn't it interesting how the "corporate fan boys' always end up siding with corporate elites. November 3: Koch-funded legal group fights to protect online Covid misinformation (CMD News) A litigation group funded by billionaire Charles Koch is helping support several scientists, who are known for promoting COVID-19 misinformation, in a lawsuit against the Biden administration that is claiming “censorship” regarding their social media posts. Justin Feldman, research associate at the François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB) Center of Health and Human Rights at Harvard University, said that right-wing organizations, like the group funded by Koch, “want their policies to seem legitimate to the public, so they find scientists who have opinions that are viewed as fringe or discredited by mainstream science.”
  8. I wouldn't get too much into how it would happen. But I think you're right. I'm not aware of the legalities, but there'd be a consensus to a prosecution. establish the facts. Maybe a government apology. On the positive side, It may end up establishing some greater standard of watch guarding and accountability, in the future. But ultimately no countries are going to give up their intelligence so I wouldn't expect massive cuts in spending.. That's hard to say, but I think it means a lot, particularly to people living in that era. So that would depend on the capacity of the elders who have gone through it to have conveyed that to their children, family, relatives. This idea sort of evoking a new sense of national unity, since I'm a bit out of touch, I have no idea of the capacity to evoke anything lasting, but I do see people who want something to believe in. But I do think a lot of people are in your second category, they won't particularly care. I don't think it's going to be earth shattering at any rate, but there could be period of reflection. But in a slow news year, it could be, maybe the American Story of the Year. Just my guess,
  9. Juan Marichal won more games than any pitcher in the 60's. To me Marichal, Koufax and Gibson were the best I ever saw. Golden age of Baseball. When I heard Frank Robinson being traded for Milt Pappas. That was quite a humorous relief. It became obvious if you were a NLer you were always going to get the short end of the stick trading with the AL. I saw a promotion day at the Candlestick park in the 80's with Aaron, Mays, Robinson (who I think was the manager of the expos at the time)and Mac Covey who I think were 4 of the top 7 in home runs at that time. Boy Cliff, your Philly story about Richie Allen sounds really twisted! I see Allen had over 1,000 ops with a career high 40 HR's in 1966! What are those people thinking? The 1967 All Star Game had I think 22 players who made it to the Hall of Fame plus Pete Rose. 14 from the National and 9 from the American. NL all star outfield, Mays, Aaron, Clemente! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1967_Major_League_Baseball_All-Star_Game
  10. Joe, Only the first 5 I mentioned were Hall of Fame.. Mays, Mac Covey Marichal, Perry and Cepeda. It's a pretty high standard! Of course the problem with Bobby Bonds was his alcoholism. Dick Dietz is a good one. I interviewed him when he was manager of the San Jose Giants farm club, and I asked him about the umpire's ruling that he tried to get hit by a pitch by I believe it was Drysdale in a late season critical game with the Dodgers. Of course, you remember Danny Kaye's _Hiller-Miller Haller lujah Twist?!
  11. Yes those were great years Joe. But just before that they had Hall of Famer Orlando Cepeda in place of Bobby Bonds who never made it. But as Cliff said, they made that trade for Ray Sadecki who the Dodgers always killed! I knew at the time, that was a disaster! Hell of a farm system! The first to really bring in the Latin players. But other than that, let me count the ways, Mays McCovey, Marichal. Gaylord Perry, the 3 Alou brothers, Jim Hart, Bobby Bonds. George Foster, Tito Fuentes, Gary Matthews. Some I forget. Some other guys who they were smart to trade but made it in the American League, Willie Kirkland, Leon Wagner. I went to the same 1-6 grade school as Barry Bonds! Arundel school in San Carlos! But over a decade earlier! I never found that out until about 15 years ago, when I heard an interview with him! Do you think there may be a little juicing of JFK stats? Fan Boy Fan Boy What you gonna do? What you gonna do when they come for you! heh heh! (joke) *
  12. I first brought this up with a more condensed version of the Nichter's find. I must say I'm not at impressed with the forum reaction, and the dodging of the content.. https://fullmeasure.news/news/shows/jfk-vietnam Jim:About Nichter, take a look at the books he has written.Biographies of W.---Johnson, Nixon Lodge Then look at the subtitles.That should tell you something. If you have any qualms as to it's authenticity then say it. But Jim just makes it into another Di Eugenio innuendo character assassination about the author, so he can skirt the content. at 3:46--LODGE telling JFK: They're all going to be assassinated: her daughter , son in law, Nhu. and the President Diem, they're all going to be assassinated! I don't think there's any question about it. JFK:" I assume that probably this fellow is in a impossible situation to save, I don't know if we'd be better off, if the alternative would be better-- maybe it will be. If so we well have to move in that direction". Earlier there was Pauls reaction:. Paul to Kirk:I assume you listened to the Lodge call! It sounds to me like Lodge talking the whole time, but the second part is ascribed to JFK. Is it though? His accent is usually unmistakable. No Paul, I just submitted it without listening to it! Paul's first instinct is to presumptuously say it's a conspiracy, and they faked JFK's voice and somehow had Lodge, doing JFK's dialog?? I can't fathom such a reaction! Ok, we know this dialog didn't end up being the final word on this. But the more you guys put up childish resistance to a recording. Believe me, the more you need to hear it! Believe your ears!
  13. Joseph, I'm a little uncertain why you get that impression. We're having these discussions on the top thread. But people have expressed that they want to keep the JFKA threads in the JFKA section.. i personally think people can have their opinions about whether we should be involved in a war in Ukraine, but I agree with you. This idea that Ukraine was dominated by poopoo's is just Putin garbage. The beginnings of that I attribute to a period back around 2015, where elements of the JFK conspiracy became enthralled with Putin. Also unfortunately Oliver Stone got a 10 hour interview with Putin , I believe in 2016 and came out of it just goo goo ga ga over Putin , bought Putin's Ukraine "denazification" claims hook line and sinker and decided he'd probably spend a couple of million (I'm just guessing!) to make a movie to legitimize these claims and eventually rationalize Putin's brutal invasion to his followers. How great is neo poopoo problem in Ukraine? Particularly in light of recent history where the Ukraine people in democratic elections, elected a Jew with near 75% of the vote. Forget electing a U.S. President by 75% of the vote. Have we in the U.S., ever elected a Jew? And we don't have any problems with neo Nazis and fascists? They also replaced 80% of their Congress, something that I think a lot of us would agree could be a good thing in our country.
  14. Cliff: Ben, why do you assume an FBI asset couldn't be a Trump supporter? No Cliff, that's why he's "binary Ben." There is no nuance from Ben, it's pretty simple.. The Globalists, the "deep state" the NSS, the MSM, the Democrats,all law enforcement on 1/6, Silicon Valley, and HC, Cheney Pelosi, Biden to name a few individuals are in lockstep with each other and are completely interchangeable. ***** How do I know? The Donald told me so! In this clip you can see where Pence has transferred his all knowing faith in God onto Trump. I was trying to think of a good animal to depict Mike Pence. From this actions in this clip, I might call him Donald Trump's "falcon." But the falcon has a lot of personal dignity and I want to emphasize his more pathetic, sycophant, self serving kiss ass view of service. Still I think Ben's story might be invaluable to Mike as a recovering Trump addict. It's one day at a time , right Ben?
  15. So Cliff, Do you think JFK was aware of this in May 1963?, or is it worse if he wasn't?
  16. Our Iranian Sylvester Stallone guy, Patrick does have his own sort of naive charm. I see he's into selling gold futures. Hoo boy Jim, did he Rambo you about Mossadegh?! heh heh I saw the whole thing setting up! You sure walked into a liberal trap there. You obviously haven't had much contact with many Middle Class Iranians,to assume Patrick was pro Mosedegh! Anybody from Iran espousing super pro business, pro Trump,Reagan came from a family that was also probably pro the Shah. Why do you think his family came here? Not too many Iranians say they liked the Shah, unless their families were more closely involved with him. But they probably would have kept him if they knew they were going to go into a a hard core theocracy, and 40 years later, they regret it even more. Patrick,"We need people to drain the swamp. That's why we need peoples like The Kennedys,. we need people like Reagan, and we need people like Trump, and we need people like the Shah!" heh heh heh a joke! ( I added the Shah!.) Yes, he's definitely winging it. I thought it was very strange his interpreting photos of JFK and LBJ together to make an assertion that LBJ may have assassinated JFK. He also said JFK was center right. Trump and JFK were 2 of a kind. FDR was an insider! His definitions of Capitalism was totally off the wall! Ok, but back to the show. I wish I could have heard and understood more of the Russian who befriended Lee in Minsk. Jim: Its worth watching except for the Douglas guy. So Douglas is the Lee/Marina Russian language teacher? No to an objective observer, he actually comes off very well. He just low key believed that Lee was guilty, and he should make that known. I think they both accurately described their impressions of Oswald during the periods they knew him, and that to me was the most interesting new information I gathered. But the investigator for the JFK records review board was also an unusual find and good. You were all good guests. Jim, You mention Curtis LeMay being in the JFK operating room smoking his cigar. Are there any other people beside Paul O' Connor who vouch for that story? Re the graph on Government Public Trust: I understand you couldn't quite see the graph Jim. Basically all the downward thrust in government- public trust was as result of the Vietnam War and Watergate, when it went from a high of 77% with LBJ in the mid 60's to around 25% in 1980! This was largely the result of the baby boomers coming of age and it's been bumping along the bottom for the last 45 years with 2 periods during Reagan, and Clinton /GW after 911 where it hit the 40's, but has returned to the low 20's. It's kind of spurious really. It was super high in the 60's because we had the "Greatest Generation" come home after winning the government sponsored WW2, and coming back to become the greatest economic power in the history of the world! I have parents of that generation.I know how they thought! It hit an all time low during the Obama administration probably because we had a Black President! Any thought that it will ever recover back to the 60's level is just folly, because a lot of it was based on illusion, but will probably spike up again,. if the country is threatened like it was in 911, if that's so desirable. The JFKA is very important to people here, but there were millions of people protesting the Vietnam War, and the draft, and Watergate was the huge bitter public ending, with the HSCA just being sub zero icing on the cake!
  17. Geez Sandy, You've based your whole case on "Jim Di said this" and "Jim di said that!" Then I see Jim Di's here. I ask you to ask him his sources for his assertion that "JFK was conned" because he evades answering me. That question is your Holy Grail! He was probably here for 2 hours, and read this thread. Then you post again to me, and I said "Jim's here, Ask him now!" it doesn't sound like you're too interested in finally getting down to the truth, Sandy.. If you remember, we were in the exact same place a month ago. Where you were quoting Jim and expecting him to bail you out, and he didn't. But again, i do give you credit!, You brought this out to the surface, while others were too afraid to touch it! 🙂 This was the only question worth answering. Yes, Lodge obviously had connection with the Generals. How else could he have relayed their assassination plot to JFK? "You want weapons, we'll take Diem and family to Taiwan or wherever".
  18. I would say, threaten to withhold military aid woulda , shoulda, coulda. Trump was going to get out of Afghanistan too.. We certainly could have used our influence to put Diem in exile, by withholding military aid, But what JFK may have wished didn't happen. And we can see his first reaction was one of acquiescence. Maybe that emboldened Lodge to tell others. "JFK wasn't that opposed. We can get away with going along with it." I don't know, but why isn't it worth considering? Anyway Sandy, Forget that, Let's stay focused! Jim's here. Did you ask him if he has the source and and information of JFK "being conned?"
  19. Really? at 3:46--LODGE telling JFK: They're all going to be assassinated: her daughter , son in law, Nhu. and the President Diem, they're all going to be assassinated! I don't think there's any question about it. JFK:" I assume that probably this fellow is in a impossible situation to save, I don't know if we'd be better off, if the alternative would be better-- maybe it will be. If so we well have to move in that direction". Your the only one whose conflating this Sandy. This is clearly Lodge relating the plan to kill Diem to JFK, and it's apparent that JFK doesn't have any outright moral qualms against it or he would have said it. Maybe some confusion started here. Oh how could that be so! "Jim Di ." "Jim Di apparently" Sandy, You keep claiming your dependence on Jim Di. If he has that source and information of JFK "being conned". Maybe you should ask him? He retreats from any direct question I ask him.
  20. Yes, I enjoyed that film John. It's interesting to see the solidarity in the "Free World" at those times. I think America was in the best position they could be after WW2, saving Europe but not being a part of Europe. JFK looks youthful, he smiles longer, which is probably the result of being more relaxed being out of the U.S. It's interesting how in the next 6 months, he looked more pudgy somewhat encumbered, not as spry and rather cushinoid. Everyone wearing black suits which I suppose is the custom. It looks good though! I think now of Biden and those lame blue suits he wears. I remember as a kid watching the Kennedy Inauguration and inaugural ball. All the men were wearing top hats.As kids we'd never seen politicians in top hats! But curiously, that didn't happen in 1964, and was never really to happen again.
  21. Yes I was thinking you were referring to having heard a more detailed recording of this meeting. In any such release such as this , and all such releases from Government archives, as well as film of public appearances, and press conferences we do presume have a certain "good faith" that these recordings are being fairly and accurately disseminated. Do you suppose this researcher has an "axe to grind". For example, for purposes of brevity, he may have abbreviated a segment where JFK expresses more concern about killing Diem and his family, but he goes to the bottom line statement where JFK approves the action. It would be nice to know everything that was said, but if that was the case. I don't think it's unfair. ***** I checked out the first of Matthew posts. It's not with Lodge, But it's the greater version of JFK's own notes on Nov. 4th. JFK: i should not have given consent to it without a round table. He admits to consenting to Lodge's will in the August conversation. But regrets later that he didn't consult with Taylor and Lodge about it. He talks about who of his advisors is on each side of the issue of Diem's assassination. but curiously skirts the issue himself! He's very unclear about whose specific actions were taken here. But JFK expresses regret at what happened, and the bottom line is, he says he bears some responsibility! I checked out Matthew's second clip, an interview with Nisker. It is longer.The biggest highlight of it I could find that wasn't in my shorter clip, is that he, at least thinks that JFK would have withdrawn some troops after he won re election, but was probably not ready to leave the commitment to Vietnam altogether. Just his thoughts.
  22. Again, I'm not sure why the disconnect Sandy? You can hear with your own ears.. JFK is told by Cabot about ongoing plans for a coup to assassinate Diem and members of his family. . Ideally, I would suspect JFK wouldn't have wanted Diem and his family killed, and would want to have ushered them off to some exile. But clearly here, JFK is not being "conned" in any way at all! And unless there's some other record of revision over the next couple of months, he clearly expected bloodshed! He's being told of the assassination plot, and in essence says. "Aw shucks" I wish we didn't have to kill him, and his family. I'm not sure if the next guy's going to better but maybe he will be, so i guess we'll have to do it." Read the text! We can't say after JFK went through the Cuban Missile Crisis, that he's not aware that words result in actions! And he gave his approval! **** Paul, I don't understand either. This is clearly JFK's voice. Are you talking about a greater tape sequence of this same meeting?
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