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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. To give you some background about Musk's purchase of twitter. Musk did at the peak of the market agree to buy twitter at 54.20 a share. He claimed to do research as the share price was tumbling and made a claim that twitter was 25% bots. I remember Ben going with Musk's figure here at the time. But twitter said it was 5-6%, and likely Musk was trying to bargain the price down in a tumbling market. Not to say Twitter's estimate would be completely accurate. Anyway, Musk tried to get out and Twitter said no way and took him to court and made Musk pay the $54.20 per share he agreed to pay, on a stock that was valued to be around $17 a share. So Musk ended up paying triple what it's fundamentals said the share price should be. Great deal, huh?
  2. Yes well put Matt, and it's been dogma for years! Have you given serious thought to the quality of spy we have been projecting on Ruth Paine? You are projecting on RP nothing less than the greatest recorded spy feat of all time! Period! First, Could it get more big time? And longevity!, even lasting 60 years now! Going on television, appearing in countless films, attending conferences, giving talks.. All with the purpose of shielding a conspiracy to assassinate a U.S. President! Do you realize there is no middle ground in calling Ruth an "unwitting accomplice", If you subscribe to the idea that Ruth is lying about 1)her role in putting Lee in the TSBD, (whether by turning down a higher paying job or not) or 2. after the fact, lying about her intentions about forwarding the Walker note to Marina, and 3). Lying about her intention in copying and forwarding the alleged LHO note to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City.. She is an accessory after the fact to the killing of a U.S. President by lying about her involvement about any of these, whether it's before the fact or after the fact! And if you don't think she did any of those things, why should she be involved or "witting" of anything?
  3. John, you seem more confident about these answers being "persistently evasive" than I do. By this point , it's obvious to Linnie Mae who and how Oswald got the job is a "big deal'. It's true, it's not as fruitful as either of us would have liked , but she keeps coming back to that there was no specific job opening she knew of, but Lee might try applying, as Wesley did.. I just don't think you've made much of a case here. Ben, I once forwarded that episode of Frontline here, because many people were referring to Kostkov in a thread here, and I thought I'd flesh him out for everybody. There's also a segment just prior, around 1:02 of 2 Australian woman talking of meeting Oswald on the bus to Mexico City, that some here speculate were CIA misinformants. i don't have an ironclad view about whether Oswald was in Mexico City but of course, it is important that the CIA was trying to make it look like he was in Mexico City.
  4. That's right W. Election deniers, that's pretty much all we need to know, not about the hemp jewelry,nudist , best man at Gay wedding. I'm sure if the MSM started to portray these people for who they are, dangerous white wing wackos (www), then Ben would proclaim that the MSM, the National Security State and the "Donks" are fomenting Civil War so they can clamp down, but Ben's been completely 180 degrees misreading that for years, so that can't be helped, because he's a fugitive in Thailand. I can only imagine what dark enclave of old friends in L.A. Ben is relying on for for his "man on the street" information. Though I know those enclaves exist. And I'm sure Ben will be the first to give us the inside scoop. That this is all a democrat false flag election ploy. And we're not obligated to babysit or even sample newfound white millennial male twitter relationships, even if they are the most intimate contacts they've experienced outside of their parents. That matters nothing to us. It's about as meaningful as watching young boys laughing throwing peanuts down the toilet in grade school. But if it grows into something more in the future. You can bet we'll have a online forensic detectives right on it, just like they are on this guy. . heh heh
  5. Exactly W. But do you notice particularly how spooky the white male obsession is with Pelosi? Probably white male hatred toward powerful women because they couldn't get laid, in this case even in a nudist colony!. It seems like the same dynamic as the guy in Highland Park, and for some reason the liberal press is going to do their PC watering down. Nudist hippy, makes, hemp jewelry, best man at Gay wedding. Is this LHO all over again! And downplay the Maga right wing big lie, wacko element, and just call him a disturbed individual, as if the current political mass dumbing down hysteria isn't happening.
  6. This is an article about recent Xi's consolidation of power, and successive videos showing what is thought to be the ouster of a one time kingmaker at the once in 5 year Communist Party Elite meeting. What Happened to Hu Jintao? The former Chinese leader was abruptly escorted out of a highly choreographed meeting of the Communist Party elite. Here’s what the videos show. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/10/27/world/asia/hu-jintao-congress-videos.html?algo=combo_clicks_decay_12_lda_unique_neg05_diversified&block=3&campaign_id=142&emc=edit_fory_20221028&fellback=false&imp_id=909970614&instance_id=75989&nl=for-you&nlid=61798350&pool=pool%2F6b630657-ed29-4e37-8383-38e7218df42a&rank=5&regi_id=61798350&req_id=417491052&segment_id=111415&surface=for-you-email-serendipity&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55&variant=2_combo_clicks_decay_12_lda_unique_neg05_diversified
  7. I'll leave out the phone call. And it is conjecture, but it is your theory! And your entitled to conjecture, and can reasonably expect to hear it's conjecture, which doesn't mean it's wrong.. So as I was saying. According to your theory, After Lee is apprehended, Ruth realizes she was the one who was instructed to put Lee in the sniper's nest. She's aware now she will be taking on suspicion and accusation. She has 2 choices 1) to come clean and reveal her handlers or 2) become an accessory after the fact to the murder of the POTUS, JFK who she presumably thought was a good President (OK,I thought you said that, but maybe you think it's just BS!) At that point , RP is no longer an "unwitting accomplice" but an accessory to the murder of JFK. Right? She knows she's to be investigated and in all those 1000's of questions by the WC she is to be asked, she's in a desperate life struggle to save her neck and that of her handlers. Right?
  8. But here you are with"Ruth defenders". I was hoping this wouldn't be quite so polemical, but Isn't that what you were trying to induce Max?, or just preach to the converted? is not enough to convince these people that the suspicions are anything beyond paranoid delusion. Again "These people" I'll step out of your stereotype and say the I don't think it's paranoid delusion, and the connections you list of her family and the number of coincidences are by far, the single most impressive points to the argument of Ruth's guilt or being a "witting or unwitting accomplice". However it's no surprise, by itself , it comes to stalemate.
  9. Sandy, where we left it on the other thread was you had a very elaborate scheme about how this was all pulled off, which includes that Ruth's job was to put Oswald in the TSBD, but you haven't said how she was informed, but apparently she was informed so seamlessly, that after Lee was apprehended she had no suspicions of the source who told her to place Oswald in the sniper's nest, despite the fact that she might immediately suspect that she would be a suspect! (which turned out to be true , in at least that she was questioned more than any other witness). Yet despite all of this, according to your theory, Ruth has no suspicions about her handlers. The plotters are supremely confident and have absolutely no fear that their testimony before the WC could possibly go astray. As I said before, the operation concerning the Paines was a total slam dunk! Ruth is rewarded and assigned further work much later in Nicaragua. I asked how that could be pulled off, you said that you have a detailed plan that you've now simplified, but we probably wouldn't be receptive. But don't be too sure. But damn, if it doesn't sound like you want to take out another thread and tell us. So ok, I'm not trying to be rude or ridiculing, What is your theory? How are you pulling this all off?
  10. Well, John. Personality wise, I also see Peterson as an agent of repressed anger just as Mate. He does remind me of a sort rigid religious mentality I was brought up with as a Catholic, and although I went to public school and Catechism, I later found it much more pronounced in friendships I later developed in high school, from kids, who had come from Catholic School. I see some of his stated intentions are good. To answer Chris, in my life I don't see the need for self improvement ever has gone out of style. Though it's true, really boning up on religious, philosophical ideas and to a similar extent, self improvement books and seminars are largely a thing of my past, though I very much applaud everybody going through similar phases I went through in self discovery and self improvement. I feel like I could be walking on eggshells as I want to respect areas that go into the realm of religion. And i want to be sensitive as nobody has specifically opined on my question. Peterson, in a lot of his talks, seems to be big on reason. As I say. I don't think he's charlatan. He is sincere, and very intelligent, though I find him at times, darkly ponderous, honestly.. But I think anybody who sets himself up to presume after a long, deliberative process, he can prove or even disprove Christ's Resurrection is delusional. Even making such a boast and assuming such powers of thought is to me, rather dangerous to his followers. That's all I have to say about that.
  11. Jordan has always bugged me. I'll stop short of calling him a charlatan but the fact that he's actually gotten quite a following astounds me as I often don't find a lot of value in what he says. This is a debate he had with Sam Harris. Bret Weinstein, who I've considered another sort of pseudo intellectual boob, was selected to moderate. I think he pops in needlessly and continually interrupts the momentum of the debate, as he does in this sequence. Whether you're a Christian or not. Just for starters, Do you think Jordan Peterson spending 40 hours to prove Christ's Resurrection is time well spent? Hopefully, it's queued. Start at around 1:50:30.
  12. Since you're so positive about your theory. You have to be able to answer Greg's questions about it. The ball is in your court. Besides Oswald got the job 6 weeks earlier and the motorcade route was changed, was it the day before? ***** Sandy, Sandy, Sandy I'm quite aware of your subtext. I've remembered the impostor photo in MXC, for many decades now. You've shared your theories with me before about this. Of course, they are just your theories, right? And yours is somewhat of a hybrid as I recall. You're now calling us "Ruth Paine apologists", but your own theory explicitly states Ruth Paine doesn't owe anybody any apology at all! Please correct me where I get your theory wrong. . Ruth and Lee were CIA assets, but unbeknownst to each other. Ruth's purpose is to put Lee in the sniper's nest,(and what else?) but that's very disputable and assuming a greater circle of people are involved in lying only weakens your case IMO. Saying someone is lying or part of the conspiracy, "witting or unwitting" can't be the answer to every flaw in a JFKA hypothesis. To your theory, You've said Ruth is completely clueless to aiding the plotters and the plotters had absolutely no fear that her or Michael's testimony before the WC could possibly go astray. The operation concerning the Paines was a total slam dunk! Ruth is rewarded and assigned further work much later in Nicaragua. To you, she's an innocent patriot, whose only secret is she worked for the CIA, right? I don't agree with your theories, but It's definitely not as teeth gnashing as Jim Di's or Allen's accusations. I've applauded you for being specific and putting your theory out there, which I haven't heard from anyone else. I think the status quo here for the last, I'd say for at least 10 years is that Ruth is the "CIA Dragon Lady'. We can disagree if the future research emphasizes the Paine's role less or goes after the Paine's more.
  13. I'm what we call in the states, a Heinz57, but I can feel the drive Matt professes to, and I see in me, but especially in some of my siblings some of the associated negative traits. . heh heh John, I can appreciate your revulsion for the moral depravity of Capitalism but it doesn't sound like your at all ready for the alternative.
  14. To elaborate on Doug's them of Ted Cruz in Yankee Stadium. Listen to the ribbing these Yankee fans give Cruz, as only Yankee fans can.
  15. Oh Allen! please pay attention! ( just mimicking your instructions to me.) You have a question i asked you on the previous page about your assertion about how Ruth helped the conspirators "move things around".!! Please answer. Allen:She was accused in Nicaragua by fellow Quakers of spying? Jim was the point man for this in the film, It was good to see Wheaton, but then we get this testimony from some guy whose actually disguising his voice and his face. So to this day, he's afraid the CIA will track him down after 60 years! He looks like a paranoid wacko case. Obviously this excerpt doesn't lend much credibility. I didn't find this out until later myself.Are you aware Allen, that Ruth didn't come down to Nicaragua until the Contra War was just over? But it has become part of the folklore. This is another question I've posed several times to no real response. Please answer. ***** Here I'll just take this "unwitting accomplice" narrative and merge it with the story RP's alleged spy work in Nicaragua which is a story that has been recycled for maybe hundreds of times here in the past. To believe this story, you're supposing that Ruth retains her position as a CIA asset, even after you allege her being an unwitting asset in what many believe here is the greatest coup ever engineered in the history of the U.S. If you really think RP was a spy. Do you have any idea what being that entails? It's actually a clandestine life style. Are you familiar with the term, "spycraft"?" Is the CIA wise to use such an asset with such a blown cover in their escapades to forward the Contra War in Nicaragua? If RP was somehow exposed in that role, as an asset of U.S. Intelligence, wouldn't it just a beeline to her involvement in the JFKA case, and open up that whole mess? A mess that people, including Di Eugenio here are claiming the CIA brought down a U.S. President over? Causing the first President in the history to resign because of his alleged knowledge of the JFKA? Why in the world would they take a chance of letting Ruth Paine run amuck in Nicaragua? Would such an agent really be out in the open writing copious notes, particularly with her previous exposure? Or would she probably do so in her own private moments before she went to bed for example. What kind of spy does that? Doesn't that strike you as a little phony? So you think they were smart enough to a engineer coup to kill the POTUS? and stupid enough to let this accessory to the fact do this?
  16. We'll start with this. Your alleging here to Matt, that it is preposterous that Ruth found evidence later, so you're accusing Ruth of aiding her handlers and willfully becoming an accessory after the fact to the assassination of the POTUS. That is not "unwitting"! Detail for me what instructions you allege Ruth's handlers gave to Ruth just prior to the assassination, and then what other instructions do you allege was she given after the assassination?. Explain yourself, I've never heard any of you guys do this.
  17. No Allen you are the official story here. I can recite all your real talking points. Some are valid, and have been discussed, but always to a stalemate, but most are bs. Your story is the most commonly developed story here over the last 10 years. New people come on the site and are lead to Jim's K&K, which is a good source to be lead into. I agree with the vast majority of it. But unfortunately,there's become a sort of sameness that was particularly stultifying here about 3 years ago. And it's about issues like this. This discussion wasn't possible. What's also hopeful, is now, fortunately, we've opened up and gotten some good new researchers. And I do think the direction of research over the coming years will be away from the Paines. As Simpich said in the film, researchers these days are evaluating Ruth as an "unwitting" accomplice. So hard core ideologues like you and Jim Di who believe RP was planting evidence, are becoming more fringe. But to stay on point. I've made a number of detailed, contradictory challenges to the official story here, to complete silence. I assume when people run from responses, that they realize they don't have arguments they can defend. And you're not responding to Matt's posts, who has successfully refuted most of your points, which were actually developed as the point of least resistance here, and not through questioning any authority, but adopting the dogma. It's understandable, but after years, it does become intellectual laziness.
  18. Oh yeah, that's just what we need. If you don't like "innuendo", how about hot air and titanic aspirations? That would be a witch hunt disaster film, from the which the JFKAC might never recover! Besides imagine Jim interviewing Ruth Paine? . Jim would have a heart attack and Ruth would have to call an ambulance! heh heh Ok, Ruth would have the heart attack and hopefully Jim would call an ambulance, and then hopefully have an epiphany at the hospital.
  19. I mention only because we in the U.S. don't like to discuss elements of Socialism, because it's pretty icky1
  20. Great article, Matt! pretty creepy all right. Like it says. I remember hearing at the time that Senior Bush and Brent Scowcroft were against it. i always thought Chalabi was a fool! As I recall it was something like Dems 128 to 82 in the House against the second Bush War.
  21. This is the message the feckless Dems should be pounding home.
  22. The most important ones going on right now Chris. And I've told you about it in greater detail, than anyone else here. I can lead you to water, but i can't guarantee you'll drink. Similarly, sometimes it's necessary to speak truth to power. If they keep running from direct questions, i assume they have no courage of conviction, or are bs'ing. You're a big Neil fan Chris. Don't let it bring you down----- it's only castles burning Find someone whose turning------and you may come around I said maybe heh heh it's a joke!
  23. Who wasn't? I wasn't! , I demonstrated against it. Probably a lot of people here weren't. We had this conversation, you got sucked into George Bush and Tony Blair's war, but I have a daughter around your age who wasn't sucked into it for a second! Of course her Father was skeptical about the JFKA and the findings of the Warren Commission long before either of you were born. heh heh But maybe your Dad was a John Wayne conservative type. That's the way it goes sometimes.
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