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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. And what was your answer Jim? I'll give you the answer. The right wing seizes on the JFKA to try to persuade people that all the government does is tax you on your hard earned money and gives you nothing back and will even overthrow the will of the people. So you're better off to just defund the government "deep state". It is the message of the ultra wealthy, the elites(despite their denia being elite) and the International Corporate state*, and their goal is to to defund the "administrative state" as Steve Banon has called it to maybe the size of government in the 50's or in the more extreme case the 30's. The crazy condition of the left wing media is that they're in a battle against a huge slough of wacko right wing conspiracies and autocratic forces trying to undermine our Democracy. I warned here of the danger 5 years ago that the JFKA would be lumped in with the new crazy right wing conspiracies. It's really a quality vs. quantity issue. If the goal is just to get validation by seeing more MSM media film about the JFKA, go to Newsmax or the OAN as Vince said. Tucker Carlson is a silver spoon elitist, heir to the Swanson TV Dinner fortune and tells you here he's an elitist has no sympathies for the everyday person. *Not that those interests are just exclusive to just the right wing.
  2. You beat me to the punch there Steve, but like Trump, let me milk it one more time! Hey still searching for that ideal Christmas present? Only $99!!!! Got to make a push to monetize. Who knows how long this can last? You know I love how people say we're obsessed with Trump derangement syndrone or now Elon Musk. If you're so upset, tell them to stay out of the news or not get their thing stuck in the clothes wringer. We're simply commenting on ongoing events. Yes, we're amused with the spectacle. Any sane person would be. If you had a sense of humor, and you didn't take this stance to have a stick up your butt 5 years ago with Trump, you could have freed yourself as well, and not be continually defending yourself and be the disdaining old fuddy duddy, but you've made a conscious choice. Ok, you're not much into humor anyway, but there was no greater time for comedy in this century than the years Trump was President, and you've missed all that creative humor! In fact, it's only been a source of tension! Join the festival of life! You have only one life to live!
  3. Ok Ben, I don't think so either, but this does reoccur and it's not just you but I suppose everybody has brought current politics into the JFKA side here. Most people don't want it.
  4. Thank you Stephen! I think Pat pretty much captures the reasons for the reactions. To a politician, every topic that's brought up to them for consideration is weighed in terms of 1) how much public interest or concern there is and 2)how much negative public fallout is there from the issue. In the case of the JFKA, it's not really in the top 40 issues of public concern for either party. So it's dismissed. But I think there is a unique opportunity in the current time to force it as a general open government issue as the promises for release have for so long, not been kept. There's also currently free speech issues involving social media, that brings the JFKA into the public realm right now. I've never heard any scoop here about what Teddy thought of the assassinations of both his brothers. I saw him and Biden a lot together over the years, but given the general passivity and silence of the Kennedy's over the decades about the issue, you could almost think there was an understood agreement not to talk about it within the clan. So Biden could think if Teddy never talked about it, that if it was never an issue with the Kennedy's, the official story was accurate. Pat, I'm a little surprised you heard something like that from Hilary Clinton? She, to me, as a politician never said anything surprising!
  5. Chris said of Kirk-:We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule Kirk said:-:We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule, or shouldn't. And that's a lot different! That was specifically added because in my country, we currently have a clear minority of people who think they should rule, and we're determined they won't. Chris, Stop BSing' us by trying to change the subject. You misquoted me badly, to try to make a belittling joke, and you ended up being the joke, and if you were a mature adult, you'd acknowledge it and apologize. If you want to be treated as an adult, you have to act like one.
  6. Then why do you keep posting from them Ben? Since you hit us first about their alleged ties to the CIA. I remember 3 subsequent posts, including today on another thread, where you identified them as just INSIDER. I'm glad I could out you so you'll be giving credit to them and the CIA in the future when you use them as a source. i remember what a tear you were on about Biden being compromised about not establishing a no fly zone in Ukraine at the beginning of the War in Ukraine. This looks like a completely lame excuse to bring politics over to the JFKA side by trumpeting the Hunter Biden laptop story and tying it into the JFKA.
  7. Chris said of Kirk-Chris:We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule Bother to read Chris : Misquote: Kirk: We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule or shouldn't. Nice one! Chris! With your typical thoroughness and detail! ******** On to the big fish: Twitter is reportedly not paying rent for its offices as Musk warns users to 'beware of debt' Elon Musk has reportedly asked Twitter employees to renegotiate deals signed with vendors and partners—and to withhold payment if needed. Elon Musk's Twitter may have a new strategy to get costs down: Just skip payments.13 hours ago Maybe Musk can make progress in securing the "Deadbeat vote" to go along with the bots for his mock twitter polls.. As he hasn't been paying rent on his Twitter offices. I'm sure that will be greeted with defiant praise from the Musk fanboys who wish they could do the same. But will gladly cheer on the mega billionaire over the millionaires.
  8. So now you've turned CIA Ben? Quoting BUSINESS INSIDER! You were the one who said Business Insider was a CIA-MSM front! Is that why you're calling it just "INSIDER?" Facts: The vast majority of the party with the most registered voters approved of Trump getting kicked off twitter. A strong majority of independents approved as well. Traditional Republicans did as well. Then there's a sizable group who don't care one way or another. This isn't Thailand Ben, we don't have a Monarchy. We live in a democracy, where the minority doesn't rule or shouldn't. Now the majority in it's infinite wisdom (which sometimes I question) turned out to make the right decision, as now verified by the last election and Donald Trump's present poll numbers. Dream is over. Ben: Banning people based on accusations or "investigations"...not my cup of tea. Maybe purveyors of hate speech, or dick picks, or threats of violence should be banned. To that I would say we've seen how fast our justice system works in that it's been 2 years since we first got the taped evidence that Trump tried to illegally throw the election in Georgia and he hasn't even been prosecuted yet! So in your own stated case for banning, are we to wait for court verdicts in the case of Hate speech, dick picks, or threats of violence? You see how hypocritical that sounds. Sounds like Dorsey, like Taibbi is making a case for "Government Deep State" control? Being a CIA mouthpiece now Ben, I guess you'd like that! heh heh Incidentally, Jack Dorsey isn't CEO of Square as that name was changed to Block, after blockchain.(crypto reference)
  9. I'm not sure why you included this dialog? Well first off, he looks pretty hopped up 2 months later. Right out of the gate,he looks like a xxxx. Straining to tell us "anger is not in my vocabulary:" But he was a very angry and violent man. Witnesses have accounted numerous incidents. Why did the they called him "Sparky?" So you bank this all on this performance? So you find him credible in this performance? Well what about this performance below. "The world will never know the true facts." So you go with Posner's explanation that this is about a worldwide Jewish conspiracy? I know you know the same things as me. Why he was pleading with Justice Warren to get out of Dallas where he could then tell him and Ford "everything?" What was "everything". What's your explanation? Have you seen this?. Dallas Police Officer Billy Grammer, who was on communications duty on the night before Ruby murdered Oswald, claims to have received a phone call from a man threatening "we are going to kill him" in reference to Oswald. Grammer said that the caller knew the details of the transfer and also knew his name. After Ruby shot Oswald, Grammer realized that the caller he spoke to was Jack Ruby. This call proves that Ruby's murder of Oswald was premeditated and not spontaneous.
  10. So I'm going to focus more on Dave's earlier response response, with a few snippets of Lance. Lance: There's no question that this incident, like so many aspects of Oswald's life and the assassination and its aftermath, seems so bizarre that it almost cries out for an elaborate conspiratorial explanation. Hence, it's still being debated almost 60 years later. But you don't really agree with that do you Dave? So you don't think your theory involves a lot of happenstance to expect others to believe? So you believe what his family said, that Jack grieved more about the JFKA then the death of his own Mother, was it? How do you think that got started? Would you agree that's become the standard explanation of motive? Though essentially that's the motive you ascribe to as well. He was one of these wacky "low level" mob people who, ignored the fact that RFK went after local mob boss Carlos Marcello but just loved the Kennedy's right Dave? Was it his love for Jackie? So you believe everything Ruby's family allegedly said about Jack's motives, because they would have no motive to lie? Or do you subscribe to the Jewish persecution thing that Posner says? You really haven't touched on the "why" here. Since you're going for Ruby's emotions as a reason for his assassination of Oswald. Could you be more specific about Jack's powerful emotions that you allege? No mention at all of Ruby's, mob ties. Not significant? So it's been alleged Ruby ran arms to Cuba. You don't believe that? Then why did Ruby go to Cuba? The first person he met in jail was Joe Campisi, the Dallas organized crime boss. Nothing to see here folks? Ruby has ties to Carlos Marcello, mob boss of New Orleans who also controls Texas!. Oswald himself has ties to New Orleans. He had an uncle Dutz Murret, a low level bookie who worked for Carlos Marcello, who if you remember Bobby was regularly harassing and eventually banished to Guatemala! This is not significant to you? Posner always uses the excuse that Ruby was "low level mob" to downplay all this. And that wouldn't make him more susceptible to compromise? Or do they do that only the big shots? heh heh Perhaps Ruby even had a large financial debt to pay? Not possible? Earlier phone records show Ruby made 3 three calls, two on November 7, and one on November 8, all to Robert “Barney” Baker, an aide to Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa. Baker had been released from prison in June 1963. You are aware of the bad blood between RFK and Hoffa? So none of this is worth looking into, right Dave? Just shop talk union stuff about dancers? Lance: I always laugh at Santo Trafficante's response when someone asked him, "What if I told you Jack Ruby was working for the Mafia?" Trafficante: "I'd say the Mafia needs a new Personnel Director." But, according to the conspiracy script, he was anything but a new Personell Director. Sort of more of the Posner "low level" Jack Ruby explanation to me. So just as with the Ruby- Hoffa aide shop talk about the dancers conversation. When in doubt, we'll just believe the mobsters account? Right guys? Dave, I'll grant you might dispute a detail or 2 here. I haven't studied this in a long time, and I'm going largely from memory. But why are you ignoring all this evidence to pursue a JFK "fanboy" worship that nothing in Ruby's background would suggest?
  11. Hi Lance, That's a cute picture. Sort of a 50's cartoonish styler. What is this, "The Getaway?" I can almost feel the glaring heat! As for your central point , I mostly agree with it. Attributing the fact that Oswald protested he was a patsy, does run counter to the theory that Oswald's chief motivation was to be an historic figure. But it's often being forwarded as a major reason for Oswald's innocence. It's not that overwhelming. Lance: Curiously, just yesterday - no, really - when I was reading a couple of posts discussing some detail of the conspiracy, the thought occurred to me "Do you realize how many completely unproven assumptions you have articulated in your lead-up to the obscure detail you wish to discuss?" I'm not an LNer, but Lance is right. a lot of research could be freed up by eliminating dogma and general garbage. Right now , what I'm seeing which I don't like seeing is first the sort of obligatory Jim Di trying to dig up dirt on Lance, which certainly does merit a response from Lance. And he's made one, you can research it, and attack Lance's answer that he was an innocent bystander to his own award. I guess Lance falls into the characterization people make about Liberals giving out undeserved awards to their kids, for just showing up. But this is in the Arizona, of all states, justice system! But apart from that all I'm hearing is lot of faux incredulity at Lance's assertions, a lot of changing subjects, and a sort superficial dismissal. But the truth is, Lance is asserting very little, nothing monumental that changes the course of anything. He's sort of just elaborated the WC findings, so there's nothing that original here. To get so defensive about a point like this is sort of taking Lance's bait. If you think this is worth questioning , then bring out your big guns, that is Di Eugenio and see what he's got. I don't think that's going to happen. So Lance I'm not going to go to the mat with you about this question and essentially just call this a stalemate.I'll grant you your question that Oswald protesting his innocence is inconclusive as to his guilt or innocence. No one will be able to prove it one way or another. And in mind there's nothing else to be done. So can we move on? I've noticed DVP's here. I have a question to ask both of you, but I'd really like to see Dave's answer first. Dave I always find your answers very lean. You've never bothered to look into any associations that the conspiracy side uses to establish some motive, even if I think some of them fail. You're unlike Tracey or Lance in that it seems you don't read background books because all the facts you seek to establish were on 11/22/1963 and you find those answers conclusive and not worthy of any further examination of associations and circumstances to establish motive, and that's fine. Dave, I don't want to hear any quick little blurbs from Bugliosi,I want to hear in some depth, in 100 words, because it's worth that much thinking, and in your own words, your answer to this question, and then Lance. "Why did Jack Ruby kill Lee Oswald?
  12. Greg, Thanks again. i understand why Max didn't include this, as it's difficult to know from the short excerpt of Michael he included in the film just how present and how much of his facilities he still had, yet it was important he included something, as at one point, he is the elephant in the room. So in that excerpt, there was Michael's adamant claim of Lee's guilt. At the time I drew from some experience with my Father around the time he was 100 years old. At that age physical accidents can jar the mentality so as not to recover. At 99, my Dad's first great fall, he seemed to remember almost all the way up to Pearl Harbor Day and his first 5 years being married to my Mother who had passed. So he had actually lost any memory of his 5 kids and any experiences raising us. Nonetheless, in this period between the ages of 99 and 101, he was adamant learner of his past life and would parrot back conversations his kids would have with him. He was sort of faking having those memories and knowing the story of his life, and on rare occasion would extend on them falsely, and once in a while I had to correct his memory, where he'd just concede he was wrong and we'd move on. This reminded me a bit of Michael's presence in the film. But apparently in moments of lucidity, he could think this through much more than I might have expected. Since it seems somewhat reasoned, it would be reasonable to ask Max why this wasn't included, but I suppose the critical decision may have been made about how much facility he appeared to have in accounting his theory in film, as he is certainly rambling. Having seen it, I'd be curious as to your thoughts, if you would have included it Greg?
  13. ELON MUSK BOOED for almost 5 STRAIGHT MINUTES @ DAVE CHAPPELLE SHOW FULL FOOTAGE I first saw Dave Chapelle over 20 years ago in San Francisco. But just last night. Dave Chappelle became corporate PCed'! This isn't Ohio Dave! I think Dave Chapelle thought just because his audience isn't PC, that they'd love it if he brought out Elon Musk at the end of his performance last night. But in San Francisco, you may not be PC, but you sure as hell aren't corporate fanboy either! Musk obviously felt the audience would bow before him. But after solid booing, Musk began nervously pacing around and decided he better not say anything!
  14. Hate to keep beating that dead horse Ben, about forwarding fluff articles about topics you admittedly have no experience with! If the definition of a good company is that they are to be responsive to their customers needs. My experience with twitter is that they've completely collapsed in that regard. I was thinking it might just be a temporary situation. But it's continuing. For example, I find a jfk/docs in my twitter feed with a picture of Ruth Paine on it. Being curious every time I've opened it up and it leads me to Glen Greenwald and I'm still getting pops ups from Musk as well, some of them very juvenile. But I have numerous interests outside of the JFKA and I opened up 2 tweets from my local baseball and basketball teams and some financial stuff and I'm lead to Matt Taibbi's twitter files, which I'm reading anyway, as well as Greenwad again I get around it now by using my search button, but previously, I would be sent directly to the tweet that I opened. The Jfk/docs as it turns out is from a friend of Max Good. I don't know how they got my address but I'm glad they did. I don't mind getting a number of feeds in the morning and picking the ones I choose. But I expect to be directed where I choose. ***** Ben, being a guy, for the "employee class. What I'm also seeing from Musk is that he's a 19th century,Apartheid, robber baron slave driver, with very little concern for the rights of his employees, whether in his employ now or not. But another case of this is from Mark. In Musk's zeal to slave drive his research employees, for quick results, he's hastily administered a number of faulty tests that had to be thrown out that have resulted in the needless of deaths of at least 86 research animals. The company up to date has killed over 1500 test animals. https://www.reuters.com/technology/musks-neuralink-faces-federal-probe-employee-backlash-over-animal-tests-2022-12-05/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_axiosam&stream=top
  15. This is 47 minutes long. Probably a good idea to give us a queue where the JFKA is. We do have a non JFKA thread on top where you can discuss Epstein or other modern conspiracy stuff.We have discussed Epstein ad nauseam there at one time. But maybe she's got new stuff. Maybe you can ask the mods for an Epstein thread.
  16. That's interesting Lori. I've wanted to interact with this. That's as reasonable a response as you could expect. Thanks
  17. Attempts to overthrow democracy. Claims he's a victim. Noooooooooooooooo! Noooooooooooo! Ohhh, dey took me off twitta!, and all I did was start an insuwection and did nothing to stop it! How could this happen to me! Somebody!......somebody's gotta payyyyyy! Ooohhhhhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Arghhhhhhh......... This has got to be a historical first. A charismatic figure who extols whininess and victimhood to his minions as a desired trait and they emulate it as if it's actually noble. I guess it just strikes a chord with the desire to be a spoiled billionaire in everyone? It runs completely contrary to Darwinism and natural selection! At this point, people actually getting up in arms that 2 years ago, Donald Trump was penalized for starting an insurrection to stop the certification of an election, by being forced off of Twitter, is so neurotic and so completely out of touch with the present reality,so bubbleicious as to only serve as a hardy source of twisted humor to normal people. "Dream is over" John Lennon
  18. Attempts to overthrow democracy. Claims he's a victim. Noooooooooooooooo! Noooooooooooo! Ohhh, dey took me off twitta!, and all I did was start an insuwection and did nothing to stop it! How could this happen to me! Somebody!......somebody's gotta payyyyyy! Ooohhhhhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Arghhhhhhh......... This has got to be a historical first. A charismatic figure who extols whininess and victimhood to his minions as a desired trait and they emulate it as if it's actually noble. I guess it just strikes a chord with the desire to be a spoiled billionaire in everyone? It runs completely contrary to Darwinism and natural selection! At this point, people actually getting up in arms that 2 years ago, Donald Trump was penalized for starting an insurrection to stop the certification of an election, by being forced off of Twitter, is so neurotic and so completely out of touch with the present reality,so bubbliscious as to only serve as a hardy source of twisted humor to normal people. You better not pout You better not cry You better not kraut I'm telling you why, fascist pig! **** Dream is over John Lennon
  19. Taibbi: there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story. In fact, that might have been the problem... Let's be clear what Taibbi is asking for here. He wants the "government deep state" to take a greater role in at least Twitter and Facebook! Ok , many have argued that these social media companies are now so big, they should now be treated like a public utility. So you understand in theory, Taibbi is not put off with the fact that government agencies,or in this case the FBI, in 2020 was having conversations with twitter! Sorry! Jimmy Dore, learn more about what's been going on! There's certainly more regulation of the tech companies in Europe. And there are elements of both parties in the U.S. wanting regulation of the social media companies but, for completely different reasons.
  20. The "Emperor of openness" isn't going to tell us what Trump wanted, just as he's sworn Taibbi to secrecy that Taibbi not reveal the conditions he had to agree to, to be employed, or what he's being paid. Re: newest files. None of these innuendos are at all specific! What's interesting Cliff is the newest installment is a complete "nothingburger!" Reading their internal tweets, I'm left sympathizing with the back and forth of people at twitter trying to come up with a coherent policy given the number of inputs and forces that are time pressuring them and the historic novelty and magnitude of their situation, though I'm sure to the people who think this is a huge story, the question for example, of kicking Trump off twitter after the 1/6 Capitol riots answer was as easy as stopping the Covid pandemic! Every question is easy to simple minds! I seem to remember Taibbi is a good storyteller but he's wasting a chapter here. I would assume he's researched enough ahead to have some sort of smoking gun and he's being thorough in giving us the proper background leading up to it, or 2) if he doesn't have that payload, he'd be a fool and only embarrass himself about drawing this out or 3) he will have what he touts as a major disclosure but many will find it inconclusive. Obviously leaking out Twitter corporate e mails is only legal because Musk has let it be. What employees would want that? It sounds like Taibbi wants government regulation, as he's playing the role of a government prosecutor here. But I'm surprised that Musk would.
  21. Lori, Napolitano was Jim's link. i think during Bush's war in Iraq it became apparent to certain elements in the right that endless war was not particularly desirable but there have always been elements of the right that were for open government. Napolitano was always a good guy, but after a few Trump years, we watched him grow up before our eyes and becoming increasingly more astonished at Trump's antics and maybe getting less air time on Fox. I hope he's ok. His complexion almost looks green here. Ok, maybe it's just the lighting. I think he's reaching the point that he might be even skeptical as to Trump's attention getting claim of "if you only knew want I know about those files!" But yes. All hands on board! We have to flog Biden, by invoking the obvious wishes of his hero, the President's brother RFK, who he shares a birthday with. We have to infiltrate the press corps during one of his press conferences and hit him! The time for BS excuses is over!
  22. Ok, 2 posts Ben? W''s not going to be here for 6 hours anyway. Senema votes with the Dems 93% of the time anyway. ****** Re: Donetsk: John your post is from September. Matt's post is from Wednesday!
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