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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. This is puzzling. So Ben, you've never heard of Musk and Starlink? And you've never heard of Amazon Web Services? Just to clu'ya. Many businesses, many corporations , many governments buy AWS, as Matt told you. That's the way things are done in our Capitalist system. If you're going to get upset about it. Do you realize the Government also secures weapons fro Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grummond and Raytheon. Why don't you get upset about that? Just because Glenn Greenwald doesn't?.
  2. You're right, Alaska's suicide rate is #2 behind Wyoming. California, despite being the most populated state is #46 of 50! Of course, climate change and extreme weather are only going to continue. But keep in mind, Joe. Even with this rain. Everybody here in the U.S. in states East of the Rockies, with the exception of Texas, will probably end up getting more rain this year than California! Most people are used to the lack of sun. In the 3 historic major mass migrations from Asia. On the second wave , they migrated to the Eastern U.S. The West Coast was not that bountiful. It was much more bountiful in the East where it rained every month. U.S. suicide rates: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_in_the_United_States
  3. It's worse where I am. We do need the water, Joe. Hang in there another day. If it's like previous years, there won't be any rain for 10 months! Though I don't think so. Isn't it interesting , all the birds, the plants , the trees, all the wildlife just love it! We're the only ones who hate it!
  4. Right Dubs, And don't forget the good bud and the Orange Sunshine! (I know Matthew's whipped up in a lather about that!) Matthew's going to try to storm the border and go to SF.! Break it to Matthew's Dad! His children are no longer his children! heh heh Faucci's. old hat now! Matt Taibbi's interpretation, of the "Twitter Files" have destroyed his entire career!
  5. Chris: Explaining the way your malevolent mind works is a job for a team of psychologists, Kirk. If you tell me all about your childhood, I’ll have a go. 🙂 Geesh! Chris! It appears you have a strong desire to think that people are curious about you when they're not. Then when you find out you're not the focus of attention. You hurl insults about other's malevolent minds, and needing psychological help!!!!. And yet you and Ben will be the first to whine to the mods that you're under ad hominem attacks! In this case you're merely being asked to read what I wrote, and you take umbrage!!! heh heh heh Usually you're like Ben, just astonished that anyone dare correct your false information!! Call the mods! Someone called me malevolent! Hmmm, no answer from Matthew. I assume he is deciphering Q-Anon gematra!
  6. I didn't know about this. In March 2000, Tucker Carlson actually drove down to Mar Lago to warn Trump that the Covid Pandemic was serious and very dangerous. Tucker was in contact with Alex Jones. (Apparently they still are!) Carlson alerted Jones as to his concern about the virus and his trip to Mar Lago. When Trump ignored Carlson, he emailed back to Jones, " I tried." Despite both Carlson and Jones knowing the danger of the pandemic. They kneeled before the mighty Trump and blindly took up Trump's posturing to downplay the pandemic not only at it's onset in the U.S., but the for 2 years afterward, and the result is blood on their hands as well, but even worse, they knew better! Carlson publicly refused to answer if he took the vaccination, he said that it was a vulgar question., "I mean, are you serious? That's like asking, What's your favorite sexual position and when did you last engage in it?" Such deflection can easily throw off the Tucker crowd, but not the majority of free thinking people. This is what I was talking about as Fox 's 5 year inability to raise a peep in opposition to Trump is very similar to the Russian news media's long term falling in lockstep with Putin. Nobody dares to question either the Putin or Trump narrative and there really isn't much original thinking, at least with any conviction to dare put up any dissent.
  7. I don't what you're saying. But you didn't answer the question. I'll ask it again. Matthew: Are you using Q anon gematria, or numerology to decipher Q-anon clues in some capacity? If so, how? Read it again, Chris. Why would I ask you about q-anon.?
  8. I keep getting this theme from you Matthew that Q-anon is misunderstood. Do you fathom yourself as one of the Q-anon " theologians" who was turned on by the q -anon use of gematria as a means to deciphering future Q-anon events? Are you using numerology to decipher Q-anon clues in some capacity? If so, how? ****** Chris unless somebody already has a paid subscription to Epoch Times. Probably no one will read your link. Kind of a tough sell.
  9. I tried to resist it. But I can't remain silent any longer. Thank God, Fox has now uncovered the sinister plot by the Biden crime family.(Ben was right!) to remove alI gas stoves in America! Yeah through my cold, dead hands! I'm tired of the Democrats trying to rip us off with their "Green" agenda! The revelation starts around 10:53. Earlier, Fox reminds us of previous attempts of the Biden crime ring to take away our hamburgers! at 9:30! Matthew perhaps you didn't know. But the forum's previous Fox news conspiracy contributor passed away this year at 91! But it's been very encouraging seeing a 20 something such as yourself step up with daily multiple Fox posts. Though some would find it very mundane that a 20 something would be so pedestrian as to be a Fox viewer at all. I myself take encouragement that my generation has made the world safe enough that the most defiant thoughts of our youth are as pedestrian as Fox News. That can easily be handled. Hence there is renewed expectation for generational control. I'm looking for Baby Boomer generational dominance until 2050 now! It's also a secure feeling, as a Baby Boomer (remember always caps!) knowing the one topic we truly have fault for, climate change, is never so much as uttered by young conservatives, even though they'll be the ones paying the consequences, while scarcely knowing it! That Gates -Soros boondoggle was a great idea to give us some peace. I think we'll be able to find more general social media noise and media, such as above, to keep your attention diverted, and continue our successful efforts at generational debilitation, while you're looking for the government "deep state." The conspiracy plan is moving seamlessly so that the planet expires just as the oldest of our generation expires as well. I included in the clip,your favorite and Baby Boomer Supremo, old gizzard, Louisiana Senator, John Kennedy (unfortunately no relation) to give our generation a face of folksy charm! ******** At the beginning of the clip, check out how the left pokes fun at Joe Biden, mostly for his age. Would you ever see Fox or any right wing broadcast media poking such fun at Trump?, even though he's out of office! The right wing media's handling of Trump is similar to the Russian media's handling of Putin. Hey, Maybe you guys could make yourself useful and start FSAP, Free Speech Absolutists for Putin! Tell Brian Kilmeade! I expect that next!
  10. That's right Joe, and now it's over a month! Joe's completely right. It's this same old, "Low hanging fruit" "Low bar of evidence" that we continually fall into. There was so much hoopla here about this, and just general noise on social media. We've been Tucked! (away) heh heh To everybody who was praising Carlson as this being a seismic JFKA event. Didn't you have much greater expectation of some followup from Carlson in this last month? Kirk:Yeah As I say, the story sounds novice. I suppose he might not say another word about it, but when related news comes up, say something like"Of course we have an inside source who says he believes the CIA was behind the assassination!"and just moves on , Will that be enough for you? I'm not familiar enough with his show to know what he routinely can get way with. But it doesn't matter what we think. All that matters is if this story goes somewhere, and Carlson doesn't end up damaging us. Of course, Larry seems confident in talking with I believe Carlson's producers that he's going to be given more air time. It's possible the least substantive Carlson's claims are, the more they may give a nod to honest researchers and the ongoing litigation to give Carlson's claims more foundation even though they're not following up on them. But right now, Aren't we just Tucker roadkill? To Ron's point, doesn't he owe us something? Or are we just like young kid fanboys. Grateful for Tucker's autograph!? Don't you think he should have given us a much better effort?
  11. That's about the answer I expected. Oh, so abusive commentary is a condition for debate now? Well then duke it out with John! Substantively , my money is in John! heh heh
  12. No no no, I asked first, address W's points. Ben: So I tend to stay away from "debate" with various posters. Then why should anybody debate with you your questions?
  13. If you want to show me you're into serious, substantive conversation, answer the points W. makes. Otherwise I'm just going to have fun. I'm sorry you can't, but stop blaming others.
  14. Uh...Well, Welcome aboard, John!. Oh come on Ben, stop making accusations and get that perpetual stick out of your butt. Listening to you whine about your native country is about as powerful as a 70 year old complaining about his parents! Particularly when you haven't seen both in years.
  15. This is a well written piece which counters the usual Ben non specific garbage, and John's piggybacking on it, with neither having any specific knowledge what they're talking, which John can be forgiven for since he's not expected to have any specific knowledge about U.S. politics. It is an infinitely more interesting piece, written out of personal experience and observation as opposed to Ben's repetitive cacophony, of striking out about his current discontent and blaming it on his country of origin, which is purely computer driven, article based, angst because he hasn't been there for over 20 years. I'll take experience and good writing any day to inexperience and regretful moaning.
  16. Circular reasoning?, serving only to confuse and confound. I can see the effect of these agents of befuddlement on this forum. And hear their uttered echos of bafflement!
  17. Bob hits the nail on the head here. I'll try to leave out any reference to a foreign country and It would be unfair to cast everybody leading these hearings in the same light. But we in the JFKAC research are sort of hitching a ride with a bunch of low life scumballs who seek to divert attention from their guilt and complicity, and understandably half the nation is going to see through this from the gitgo, and the people in the middle are at least going to see this as more partisan squabbles. It becomes a Machiavellian question if we can ride their coattails with out getting burned ourselves. Larry thinks so. We have been around much longer than the kooky conspiracies that are being dredged up now by this group. So it could be likely. Though we see how intensely ambitious some of these people are . They've literally sold their soul for their ambitions and I could see the JFKA issue being used for some name recognition and being pushed further and further in the background. Besides, Bob makes a good point, there are much more significant things facing the nation than this right now. And there are powerful people to be punished. Though it's probably true, we're probably beyond any level where we could be destroyed by our association with this. JMO
  18. Well first off, the co opting of JFK by the current right is indeed laughable. Kennedy's "New Frontier" included a belief in science. JFK also wouldn't have seen world climate change as a Gates -Soros scam to make money! , Nor would JFK have thought the Covid pandemic was a Faucci- Gates conspiracy with the Chinese either, whether it accidentally got out of the lab or not, or whether his nephew thought otherwise. JFK would have stood behind the science of his day, and there wouldn't have been near the resistance that there is today. As Jim said, JFK would have expanded the safety net which I think that would have eventually lead to universal Health Care, which you guys, as conservatives would have opposed, and did in fact oppose. He also was pro labor. Interestingly enough Jim, Few people know that Biden was one of 47 who opposed the First Persian Gulf War. But as a typical opposition Senator, he started changing his stripes, after it was deemed successful. And sure enough has done just the opposites in recent years about his voting for Bush's War in Iraq in 2003. We know Hilary fell in line for GW's Iraq War, but it's actually because she's never done anything that wasn't politically calculated. Any aspiring Democrat Senate Presidential hopeful would have probably fallen in line as well, Because believe it or not, it's a political freebie! The Democrat must look pro defense, while if the war fails, as it did, they can always blame the execution on the Republican President and claim they were just supporting the administration in a time of grave foreign crisis! That's just politics! As for her role in the bombing of Libya, any Republican President would have done the same and scoffed at any of the claims that were made later about destabilizing the region. They all fell for the "Arab Spring" commentary! Obama was out of office during the time in 2003, when Bush lead the charge to the War in Iraq. But all politicians release public statements, and Obama was against the War in Iraq. Biden's opposition to the First Persian Gulf War is below. And this is from the "Intercept", which at one time was Glenn Grenwald's own website, which was given, as a 250 million dollar gift to him from Pierre Omydiar, the founder of Ebay! No wonder he's so down on tech! Hint: all Greenwald's obsessive villains have a personal story! https://theintercept.com/empire-politician/biden-1991-iraq-gulf-war/
  19. Whew!....you're right. It is long. Seldom too short--You're obviously no Estonian. But that's cool! Ben does a decent job of what I'm saying.Just trying to help. 40 minutes for Ritter is long. Even on fast speed. Which I employed way too late,---My Bad! ---To the podcast! Chris: Russia is looking more superior. What kind of original statement is that? At the beginning everyone thought that Russia was superior. What happened? Of course, you were the one who posted Ritter back in Feb., Who so as much as said, NATO would never act, and be exposed as the fraud they were and would now be defunct! The only curiosity I have about the first 25 minutes I'd ask you is. Did the narrator ask him how he got his first prediction so wrong? I don't think so. It is kind of a Canadian love fest interview. heh heh a joke! I suppose, it never convinced me. Actually a strong majority of Dems in the house were against the War in Iraq. I give the population a "D-". It was an elective war, that could have been avoided.
  20. Wow Doug! "Still, the current rating is 10 percentage points lower than the highest rating for nurses, recorded in 2020, when they were on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic and their ethics ratings soared." I suppose that's backlash trashing by the remaining covid denier/ anti vaxxers, whose zombie nurse infecting plan ultimately failed, and now hate them for saving their lives because it perpetuated the covid hoax! That's Darwinism for ya" heh heh
  21. I don't find Scott Ritter implausible , Chris. I'm not sure if you remember Ritter, Chris . But he was first a thorn in your side, an outright nemesis to you, being an advocate for the Bush Blair War in Iraq. I first followed him approvingly because he was asking , Where is the WMD? I personally don't have 40 minutes to give to him anymore, but I did enthusiastically watch all your first installment of Scott Ritter, I believe just before Putin invaded. He was very confident and scoffing at the West and Nato, declaring Nato would be totally exposed for the fraud it was once Putin invaded Ukraine as there was no way they were going to be able to keep together because they're all so inherently selfish and will thankfully disintegrate once Putin cuts their off oil, and that goes doubly when winter comes later, but it won't even even last that long! I'm always interested in people's predictions, and like to make a few myself, because I believe, you can only make successful predictions, if you have an unbiased grip on the present reality. When people exhibit that, despite if i like the result of their predictions, I give them credit. I award no bonus points to Scott Ritter for his pre Putin invasion prediction, as I think he got complete egg on his face. His cocky tone of Russian superiority was a bit off putting honestly. I listened to the last 15 minutes to try to get to his futures. He predicts Ukraine should come to the table immediately, accept reality, and thankfully accept that they will lose only Crimea, Kherson, the Donbass Region and province starting with "Z". They should also swear to never join Nato., eliminate the Bandera National Socialist influence, (whose to say to what degree it still exists anyway, apart from anywhere else in East Europe?) and in exchange, Ukraine will be let to live, and can actually keep Zelensky. And his tone at 37:00 is spiteful and punishing as if talking to an errant 6 year old. Do you share Scott's emotions on that Chris? Ritter presumes to have some inside tract on Putin, (even though I don't believe he ever thought Putin was going to invade in the first place!) and confidently predicts that Russia's only intention at first was to seize the Donbass from National Socialist Ukraine and hold on to Crimea! He say the U.S., Russia and Nato should negotiate a more lasting peace after this, (which sounds good!) but a Peace that will benefit everybody except Ukraine, which lost the War! ** Chris, I find myself wanting to cut film lengths that I submit here, so people will watch them, but I realize it's not possible. But what I've done in the last couple of paragraphs, summing up what Ritter's solutions are , you could also be doing for us , rather than just submitting a 40 minute film , and just say "plausible?" It would be interesting hearing in your words , how you interpret Ritter's solutions. Somebody said this recently on the JFK side, when submitted a long video clip. "Could you quickly give us some idea?" and then let us decide if we want to spend 40 minutes on it , or how we're going to handle it. It's a good suggestion, if you want people to listen to you.
  22. You'd certainly think so, Doug. That would make sense.. It is remarkable. If you told me 2 years ago that these security blunders could be happening on so many levels, i would ask whereTF is the "Deep State!' They can't even hold on go their secrets!
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