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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Yes W.! I was holding my tongue when trying to reason with Jake after his anointing "stop the certification of a free and fair election, no big deal! " Ben as a "Voice of Reason"! heh heh But I suppose there are many reasons. I guess Jake was also attracted to Ben's reasoned " get tough "clamoring for an immediate "no fly zone" in Ukraine! Or maybe Jake has sympathy for Anti culture, "cultural warrior" Ben, because his family fled persecution for having a Monkee record! heh heh But as I suspected, though Jake did crown Ben as the "Voice of Reason", that wasn't exciting enough to make Jake come back. heh heh
  2. I like your general tone Gerry, but what are Zelensky's wrongs? That he, (incidentally a Jew) has collaborated with Anti Semite, National Socialist Nationalist Banderites (because at least they're Ukranian) to oppress the Russian population in Ukraine? Does anyone reflect on how hard it was (is)to be President of Ukraine? This isn't necessarily indicative of anything. But gives you some background. Zelensky maybe 10 years ago, making fun of joining the Banderites in a comedy skit. You can see, not all the audience was amused.
  3. Hi Jake, Jake:I honestly can't believe I've come back on hereafter a year off and you guys are still on about Trump. I honestly can't believe I've come back on hereafter a year off Ok, but you're here. Jake:And you guys are still on about Trump. Actually, I scanned the previous 2 pages. it's not at all one political philosophy. By far the most frequent references are from Ben about Biden, and the NSS, then Matthew about all Democrats. It's true, Steve made a relevant comment as to Trump in the news. Joe registered his usual Trump outrage. But that's it. Trump's mention here is directly in proportion to ongoing news events involving Trump. When Trump's in the news and we comment and inform each other. Ben usually reacts by making posts about Biden, the Donks and their relation to the NSA, globalists, Liz Cheney, HC, Pelosi. Jake: I just find it hard to believe the lack of self awareness on this forum. You have a forum set up as a high brow arena in which serious researchers can maturely discuss and argue points of the JFK assassination Ok, I'll leave the first sentence alone, other than to say it's definitely more contentious here than there. What would you expect? Particularly in this time period. But as for the high brow arena, that's your take. There's a lot of good people working here on the other side. And I'm encouraged by the new blood that's come in. To them I can only inject a note of caution from time to time. Because personally I think there's a lot of obstruction and politics going on over there, from the most unlikely sources, that goes high up. A lot of mythic sacred cows, no touch figures, a lot of perpetuation of myth. A lot of assumptions, that when held to the light of logic, cause some to scramble, not answer legitimate questions, put people on ignore. But in some ways, we're all doing what we can. That's why I'm mostly here, except when I see the need. I experienced directly the JFKA at a time when I was old enough to be cognizant of it's meaning. But I'm really more of a "now" person. But isn't it interesting how people from here keep trying to contaminate the other side with current events, which I'm against. But let's face it, people on the the JFKA side can't resist it either!. Jake about here-----"which lets face it is a posh leftist moan chamber. Now that's, from my perspective, is the most interesting thing you've said. That has entertainment value.That's funny. There's definitely moaning about Trump not being prosecuted. But I think there's a lot more moaning going on, just about life in general from the other side. Jake:Why are they on here and why don't people on here spend all this energy on JFK analysis ? Because apparently you don't Jake, or you wouldn't be here. Jake:And why don't you see the irony of these topics when juxtaposed with the inferred purpose of the forum ? Bonkers! Because obviously we don't think like you Jake , and for that, we're Bonkers? Jake:I remember you as a voice of reason amongst a forest of bias Ben so I wasn't including all in that criticism. Yes, But you didn't come here for Ben. right? But I understand. You "honestly can't believe" why you're here. I do sense you're general astonishment. Jake:I'm going to be more consistent win here hopefully and less sporadic, I'm still fascinated by it, especially the wider context and I've been ' into it' for a decade now so its clearly not going away ! Not sure what you're saying here. What is fascinating for you?
  4. Wow, No question about it! These Oath Keepers are really a disciplined bunch! In their sacred handbook they say: “A Proud Boy may not ejaculate alone more often than once every thirty days […] if he needs to ejaculate it must be within one yard of a woman with her consent. The woman may not be a prostitute.” Is that so she can watch? i can see where that would be a hard oath to keep hard! https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/proud-boys-trial-rule-book-masturbation-ban-1234666317/
  5. Jim, can you give us a source on that? Is it this? Russia and Ukraine may have agreed on a tentative deal “Russian and Ukrainian negotiators appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outlines of a negotiated interim settlement,” wrote Fiona Hill and Angela Stent. This is from Fiona Hill, who is pro Ukraine resistance. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/09/02/diplomacy-watch-why-did-the-west-stop-a-peace-deal-in-ukraine/
  6. W.We Putin critics were, obviously, being "childish," and "emotional" at the time -- falsely depicting Jeff's enlightened autocrat, Vlad Putin,Then, one year ago, Jeff-the-Realist assured us that his Realpolitik-al hero, Putin, did not really intend to invade Ukraine Yes W. We already had our inside track to Putin's plan with Oliver Stone's denials. But not to be outdone Jeff, with his inside track absolutely assured us Putin would not invade as well! The major point I got from Jeff is that we should now pass off all Ukraine resistance to Russia's brutal, bullying invasion with the phrase "neocon scheme." I agree W. I thought Jeff's last post was straining. But nothing compared to Chris commenting on Jeff's post with Chris Prose! funnelled into the archetypal pantomime hero vs villain script! framed in the true style of the black and white fallacy! Hollywood and the MSM brain training the masses in this limited scope of thinking!. renders the masses so easily manipulable! Now we have our sort of George Santos literary wannabe Chris rallying us with another one of his repeated indignations of the masses! Is there any lengths you won't got to Chris to disguise the fact that you have absolutely no real facts to share, just repetitve proclamations. This is what I mean by pure jive. Stop BSing us, Chris.. John:Presumably we can take it, Kirk, that you didn't visit Russia or Ukraine on your travels and you didn't ask Russians or Ukrainians - Uh, presumably, no John because I never stated i did. If you were on the top thread. A couple of weeks ago, I posted what I thought was a very well written, insightful piece by an Estonian who lived in Russian enclave in Estonia and his commentary as to the progression of response among his neighbors and family to the War in Ukraine. It was the only such piece highlighting what i generally believe your asking about that I've seen here. It's a good topic. Perhaps you can research and come up with some similar citizen accounts for us..
  7. I spent last June in East Europe, I rented a car and went through Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Montenegro. Everyone was friendly. I would engage people in conversation about the War in Ukraine and people were opinionated and quite willing to talk about it. The overwhelming response expressed was solidarity with Ukraine, a complete distrust of Putin, and an expression of relief that at least it wasn't there country being invaded by Putin. In a couple of small Balkan mountain towns, the word would quickly get around that an American was in town. And everyone was very friendly to me. But I had that same experience with people throughout the Western Mediterranean earlier on my trip. Interestingly,I just happen to be in Cannes on the opening day of the festival! After the fall of the Soviet Union, there were 10 previous Soviet satellites that joined Nato from 1999-2004. Probably to the West's surprise and delight, there was not the slightest mention of disapproval by Putin until 2007! Since then, in the last 19 years, there have been only 3 new previous Soviet satellites countries admitted to Nato. Where were the protest when the bulk of previous satellites defected? Clinton and Bush said they never heard a word of protest from Putin until 2007. Obviously a great opportunity for World peace was missed. This could have been handled much better. It's obvious on the ground where the hearts of the people of the region I visited lies, with all their divisions. But I can also understand people not wanting to continue indefinitely to write checks to just further the war as well.
  8. No just the facts, Chris. Read it again, I'm not recommending any action.
  9. Of course, Mark why would this be any surprise? We saw how his complete lack of bereavement turned off everybody when David Lifton died. Just a week ago, he turns the manslaughter charge of Alec Baldwin which in any sense is a human tragedy into his usual R and D rant to try own the libs, which is his prime motivation above any human concern.There are numerous incidents where he's simply laughing at the misery of other human beings only because they don't share his philosophy. . Matthew: Kirk when did Donks like you become proud baby killers? I He called all Democrats baby killers. He said, Obama assassinated 300 people. But he may have posted someone else;s comment.i can't remember the details of that, but I don't believe it was about drone strikes. It's the kind of statement we've just become conditioned to ignore. Since we're inclined to be lenient, do we rationalize it as an early 20 something whose never really lost anything in his life, and so has the emotionality of an early teenager? Matthew: Sorry I offened you Mark, I will edit it. Sort of a minimalist superficial response. Matthew should at least be confronted with the idea that this isn't an isolated incident.
  10. I see, elevating to the personal. Of course, I understand. What choice do you have? Well the weather is pristine and fantastic where I am, and my first impression is that a middle aged guy who spends 100 hours a week on a conspiracy website with a Coleman stove might very well, be lonely, at the very least! But that's why we provide a place at a picnic table.🙂 heh heh
  11. Chris: As for your question; any answer would be subjective and depending on the parameters that you measure competency or effectiveness. We could surely find data to suggest that all of them were good at something. Do you see how anybody would view this answer as total jive? And you're running away and deliberately losing focus from first Sandy and my question. What you're really trying saying is yes, I haven't a clue what any of these President's accomplishments are, or how any of my superficial perceptions of Biden have anything to do with Biden's policies or his Presidency..
  12. Chris: As for your question; any answer would be subjective and depending on the parameters that you measure competency or effectiveness. We could surely find data to suggest that all of them were good at something. Such a typical Chris non specific BS answer to in fact say he has no answers..Stop BSing us Chris. You're being asked what's Chris's measure of competency and effectiveness. Do you have any you're able to articulate? Chris:I am not sure I have the appetite to get into this That's because Chris never has the appetite or the ability to answer any questions involving specificity. Accomplishments? Chris has absolutely no knowledge of any of those Presidents accomplishments, Sandy. Which would be ok, if he'd say so. But he's really trying to pull a complete George Santos about all of this. Chris re Biden"Sandy. I don’t know if somehow in the USA the videos of Biden’s gaffs, the obvious cognitive decline are censored. More BS, they're not censored at all Chris. That's just another deep state fantasy of yours. In fact, I showed you a clip the other day of a liberal comedy show in the U.S. that shows Biden stumbling multiple times walking up to Air Force One.But that doesn't have anything substantive to do with his Presidency. Ok, you've heard me say ,there's a cognitive decline from his earlier times.It's a concern for me. I wouldn't call jt "pathetic". But how is that effecting his policy? Or do you have any knowledge of policy? If you want a seat at the grown up table, you're going to know more than JFK and RFK were "really great" before you were born.
  13. I agree Mark, This is another primer on the false equivalency being drawn between Trump and Biden's file "scandal". This guy, James Comer is now head of the Oversight Committee. He is the one that Larry Schnapf and us are counting on to release the remaining JFKA files. This is so partisan. That is a factor that will limit it's influence nationally. Besides, they obviously have their sites on bigger things than that. Let's hope all that can go well, goes well! Opening statement. "The Republicans are so much better at making a stink out of things" (Such as Biden's files). But that's because they have the megaphone of Fox News! For example the Fox News breaking "scandal" that Joe Biden wants to take away your gas powered stove, wasn't just a passing news story. It was echoed by all of their high ratings on air talent. I can show a clip of 8 such people , including Carlson and Hannity. CNN for example, tries to look like their just reporting the news and have been rightly criticized during the Trump era for becoming much more slanted. (But sometimes they're criticized as slanted for just revealing "smoking guns'.) It's really nothing like Fox News!
  14. I thought it was a very good interview. I thought Eloise did a very good job! She had a good instinct for when to pin things down a little. I'm familiar with nearly all the material, though over time my memory lapses so it's good to hear it. ' l notice on a few occasions during Oliver's responses Jim put his fingers to his lips notably when Stone mentions Charles Crenshaw,and then when he mockingly talks of crazy Cubans killing Kennedy. Then when Oliver scoffs at the idea of a "rogue operation" and insists that Dulles obviously got support from Helms! Then when Oliver mentions getting the support of the "people with money". I'm not putting down Jim, I was pleasantly surprised. These questions don't involve embracing Stone's politics and Jim is the true source here. But to Eloises's credit, she sensed that and asked Jim "What do you think?" This is just fun! I don't mean to say this is definitive proof of anything, as Oliver covers his mouth a lot, and i don't think that means anything. Honestly I think Paul O Connor's account of LeMay blowing smoke from his cigar in the operating room is real low hanging fruit, great conspiracy folklore but probably BS! IMO As far as Stone covering Trump in a movie, I'd think the artist in him would think that's trite, and way over exposed at least now. But of course in 5 years maybe not, but he's Trump's age and not getting any younger. I don't think he needs the money, but it could be big box office. Since he's the "Presidential" movie maker. Lori:Bizarre that the UK, Canada, Australia and yes, Russia — care more about what happened to JFK than Americans do now. I can’t explain why 🤷🏼‍♀️. It is what it is… Interesting topic Lori! I don't find that unusual as the concept of "American exceptionalism" has always existed in the post WW2 period, and now they've formally coined a phrase for it! It's a smoke screen to sweep away all the sins of the past and to concentrate on dominating the future. That's our nature! Canada- what country would more quickly fall to the concept of the all knowing , all powerful, pulverizing American deep state than Canadians with their perpetual inferiority complex! Russia- why would that be any surprise at all? They were one of the 2 major players who eventually lost the ideological battle that for a long time were spending much of their resources on missile defense just trying to catch up with us, while talking of parity and not disabusing us of the notion that they were a first class threat much like Sadamm with his WMD! ( except of course, they didn't have anything) The narrative of the aggressive nature of their foe, that ended up in the death of their President does historically give some justification for their eventual economic failure and their paranoiac disregard for human rights. Why wouldn't they embrace the JFKAC? UK-probably the most sane, but they have got that tabloid thing. I'm not aware of what the Australians think. But the French don't have a lot of illusions about the JFKAC, because they just love this!! Don't they? Anyway, would be curious to hear other's thoughts!
  15. Uh, no Ron Paul, heh heh just kidding! We just went through that. It takes a majority to impeach, which the Republicans barely have. and a 2/3 majority in the Senate to convict, which means you'd have to have a defection of 18 Democrats! Unlike Trump, Biden offered the docs to the authorities. Trump took over 30 times as many, (ok, a little less now)told no one and is trying to resist subpoenas for secret documents. It is weird thinking that both of them could take secret documents, even accidentally and no one would know about it. What happened to the depth of the "deep state"???? I thought they were all knowing?
  16. Well certainly if you believe Ben's narrative Paul, whose following Tucker's, "deep state will force Biden out " narrative. But Ben probably believed the Fox scuttlebut back after Biden picked Harris for VP that it was an all knowing plot that Biden would die in office to give us another Black President, God Forbid! and this is just the second incarnation of that. Guess what? Joe Biden's going to be here unless his health gives way. "Deep state" or no,there's a lot of us including me, who wonder how he'd hold up during the next campaign. I'm sure Ben will continue on this in for the next couple of years. What else is there to do in Thailand? Probably doesn't have to listen to "American blues! " "I don't understand why the Biden people are voluntarily giving access to investigators instead of stonewalling and lying and screaming "WITCH HUNT" and calling the investigators Gestapo and bringing frivolous lawsuits against them" George Conway
  17. Is this because we've done such a good job of bringing up our kids?
  18. Yes, Ben is so embarrassed because a member of his family had a Monkee's record! But it makes good conversation! At first, I didn't think Ben was from the states because I've never heard any cultural reference from Ben that identifies him as being brought up in the states. And the culture was sizzling when he was growing up! ****** Bill Maher's show was pretty good last night I wish i could get his interview with Bill Barr but Youtube stopped me this morning. It was interesting watching Bill Barr's phony baloney and his qualifying and obfuscating when being called by Maher on a statement in his book about the "war on religion going on in the U.S". There are 3 conservatives on Maher's panel. I'll say Andrew Sullivan has come a long way! This Nancy Mace representative in Congress on social policy good pretty cool, sand easy on the eyes.. But it is amazing how Mace and Barr are either so intimidated still by Trump that despite Barr's resigning after telling Trump the election fraud away BS, and essentially admitting that Trump was engaged in election fraud, both him and Mace wouldn't rule out voting for Trump in 2024. In the case if Mace, as a representative that's how intimidated she still is. But the reason they state is that Biden is so dangerous, and so evil!. Just drinking the kool aid. Most republicans don't want Trump to run, but still don't dare utter a word under a Putin like stranglehold. There's like about 5 Republicans that have any courage at all, and either they got ran out of office or they're so popular with their constituencies, Trump can do them no harm.
  19. Matt, Just because we probably won't look back when Chris Hillman and Jim Mc Guinn pass. (all of the sudden, people started calling him "Roger". When I first heard that I thought he was his brother! Anyway Chris Hillman, dedicated to Ron! heh heh
  20. Very cool Matt! Yes, I saw CSNY 3 times. Saw David Crosby once solo after his crack addiction. I really liked "If i could only remember my name". Keep in mind he wrote De ja Vu and Guinevere! He's always been very honest.I really loved this Howard Stern interview with Crosby about his relationship with Joni Mitchell. I really liked "if i could only remember my name" "Music is love " Tamalpais High" "Laughing" with Joni and Jerry" "Orleans" I liked Byrds Younger than Yesterday: Have you seen her face? https://youtu.be/25YxNSkLDB8 The girl with no name https://youtu.be/OQmSMyAEguU It won't be wrong - T3 https://youtu.be/FSpmqzcJLVc Still love "So you wanna be" Hugh Masekela Simple horn, so effective! But where is he? heh heh
  21. Whew!, it looks like a very restless night for Ben!! Matthew- back to Fox Fox Fox. Taking his cue from from Fox. Matthew became the first person on the forum to actively campaign on the forum for Herschel Walker. And of course, he simply melted when he first saw that picture he posted for us of Ron De Santos in his handsome Navy Uniform with his wife! That was a very telling moment. It obviously made a great impression on him. But at heart, Matthew strikes me as a Mike Huckabee guy. It was that magic moment he first saw him play the bass! I mean Dinesh D' Souza is pretty cool!, But how many conservatives can do that? **** On a more adult, substantive note, I know Ben's attitude from personal experience, has always been, "just because you take the 5th. It doesn't mean you're guilty!" Similarly, this group below was a who's who of populist heroes Ben was hoping would take over the Republican Party. I disagree with Ben about the 5th, I also think seeking a pardon, anticipating being indicted pretty much tells you everything you need to know.
  22. As Steve first reported. It's Breaking Bad Revisited in New Mexico! Defeated MAGA candidate Solomon Pena hired gunmen to target the houses of 4 elected Democrat officials, claiming his election was stolen, even though he lost by a landslide! I can understand how people from other countries can't imagine how one person like Donald Trump could enable all the borderline personalities to come out of the woodwork. But come on!, Is this just Trump Derangement Syndrome? Yes it is! But no, there's nothing wrong with us! And this is a danger that we have to deal with! Monkee see-------
  23. Ok, it was a storming of the Capitol, and what I never hear you say Ben, is that the motive was to stop the certification of a free and fair election, and yes that qualifies as a coup. Ultimately, it wasn't going to be successful. I agree , let's leave "democracy" out of it. Ben: Some people were let in the Capitol. That's probably because there were traitors among Law Enforcement. As it was well known there were a lot of strong Trump supporters among them. A number of the disgruntled Law Enforcement who want justice and to have Trump prosecuted have said they voted for Trump. Now we're finding out Biden distrusts some of his Secret Service. There were probably a number of logistics problems which always seem to happen. Just think of how upset you'd be now, if there was a massacre? When faced with corralling who was left in the Capitol building , when no one knows how many people were concealing arms. A decision was made to let people go home and prosecute them later, just like we had told you for a year and you didn't believe us.. I don't accept your premise, but as Matt said, even if we do. Matt answered your question. Do you really think one person could have turned that entire crowd? You have no real evidence, You've got nothing. Until you get something, and start making a case that leads somewhere , do we have to hear about Ray Epps? Lance, aren't you up a little late? I'd think you'd be in bed or out in your back deck looking for UFO's?
  24. Well certainly with citizen Ben we see where a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and the presumption of knowledge is a greater danger yet. Ben has no problem getting up on a soapbox and demanding immediate disclosure when there are ongoing investigations and trials for example. Fortunately for us, the results are only a cacophony of noise. heh heh heh joke!
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