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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Wow!, Now it looks like maybe we were all in tacit agreement to bomb Nordstream! And what a great agreement it was! As it says here in this article, that throughout this war and since we bombed the pipeline, "Europe Turned an Energy Crisis into a Green Energy Sprint". Biden whose IRA, ( Inflation reduction act) will be a boon for green energy in the United States, has some Svengali like powers! He has now succeeded in turning all Europe more Green as well! And now oil and natural gas prices are lower than they were before Putin's invasion as well! Bravo UK and Europe! I must admit, we had our doubts, we thought it would take you at least a few years to recover. But some of your stock markets are at all time highs! Stick with us! The sky's the limit! https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/15/opinion/europe-energy-crisis-natural-gas-russia.html?campaign_id=39&emc=edit_ty_20230216&instance_id=85517&nl=opinion-today&regi_id=61798350&segment_id=125474&te=1&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55 And then on top of that. A solid majority of Brits 53 to 34%! now think it was wrong to leave the European Union! Just a stunning victory for globalism! If their leaders can just listen to the cries of their people, and reunite with Europe. Then things should be a lot more manageable across the pond! Then nothing can stop us! Which is a heady prospect! Full speed ahead! https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/ heh heh
  2. Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich dares to fact check Trump and says: ‘There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.'” Carlson tells Hannity about the traitorous Fox news reporter. Carlson told Hannity: “Please get her fired. Seriously… What the xxxx? I’m actually shocked. It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company The stock price is down. Not a joke.” We also now see Tucker Carlson called a Trump "a demonic force." I'm sure this will be unpleasant for those at the forum who would give their life as a mammal to just be a fly on the wall when the Don and Tucker were having their Summit talks. .It must be crushing! Despite this overwhelming evidence of betrayal,Would some still continue to look up to both of them? Sadly yes. Tucker has melded into their identity, as many cherished images in video clips, as well as being the most addictive source of effective tools to facilitate the microsecond satisfaction of "owning the libs." https://www.mediaite.com/tv/get-her-fired-text-shows-tucker-carlson-wanted-fox-news-colleague-jacqui-heinrich-canned-over-fact-check-of-trump-election-lie/
  3. Yeah man!, I don't get it Glenn!! Ok, maybe Glenn just wants his clothes ripped off. No big deal! And who did I get this from? Glenn himself, using it to perform his hair on fire ritual to his devoted fans, who never get tired of the spectacle! That's why Ben finds Glenn so "spectacular!" And Ben was one of the thumbs down! Sounds pretty torrid , don't be too surprised, it might be a hidden Valentine!
  4. If I can draw an analogy. It's sort of like the Jim Di's forever haranguing Noam Chomsky. Noam Chomsky was a noted author well on his career path and made what he saw as a prudent career decision that he wasn't going to get sidetracked on the JFKA. You can castigate him for that if you will. But similarly, as Pat says, there's no upside at all for Stone to subject himself to Posner and Litwin on Rogan's show. At this point, under no circumstances is there probably going to be a dramatic upsurge in following for the film. And there could be a lot of downside for the reasons Pat mentioned.
  5. The Fox News commentators took issue with the reporter's rejection of Trump's 2020 election lies. Now with the dominion voting scandal, we know through e mails that Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham and Pirro and all the Fox News personalities knew they were peddling the Big Election lie, and continued to do it , even as their viewer base suffered. We now know Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity discussed trying to have a Fox reporter fired for a Trump email fact-checking tweet. From one of Ben's most quoted CIA sources! below We know now Rupert Murdoch on 1/5/21 asked his on air personalities to finally come out and say Trump lost the election, but they refused. And Fox News and the Wall Street Journal (Murdoch properties!) are today acting like the Dominion News didn't happen. Still we'll see Fox video clips here.Which forever begs the question: When will Fox viewers admit they' were stupid! This said as we're heading now into the third month after the Tucker Carlson/Roger Stone, JFKA/CIA "Shot heard round the world" revelations!! https://www.businessinsider.com/tucker-carlson-sean-hannity-fox-news-reporter-fact-checking-trump-2023-2 Where is thy Deep State? All you guys whining about a deep state would never be ready for me. I'd have clear lines that would take the gloves off and make it easier for these clowns who violated the public trust to get thrown in jail! .
  6. Now we have an old clip of Nikki Haley on Fox saying she's going to cut Social Security and Medicare. I've been talking about these clips of Republicans doing the same since at least 2019. The Democrats never used it in 2020, though undoubtedly they could have given them bigger majorities in the House and Senate. Though in fairness on a Presidential level, a Trumpist at the time would probably have voted for Trump no matter what policies he'd say in the campaign, and taking away SS and Medicare would have been for the Republicans like taking candy from a baby. But Biden won! But still, if the Democrats weren't silent about this all during the 2022 campaign. There's no way they would have lost the House! Then after the election, Biden now stumbles on it and it's gold! Geesh! Nikki Haley- I don't think that's going anywhere. What white male Trump voter is going to defect to Nikki Haley?
  7. That was quite inflammatory,but sloppy Chris. You've neglected giving your sources again, other than your quote of Putin.. Why did this take 8 posts and is so now long winded? You don't know all about my thinking on this. But I said at the beginning "I don't necessarily believe the story because it comes from Hersch". But I also said if the U.S. unilaterally bombed the pipeline leaving Europe unsuspectingly without fuel. It is a hostile act. So if you had listened, you would have known your repeated projection on me that I would be so astonished if the U.S. was involved had no basis at all. And that's half your post! i made it so easy for you Chris. So you could have answered by simply saying "Yes". The U.S. (and maybe in your mind the U.K.) are unilaterally attacking the Europe's fuel supply, and the leaders of Europe are so cowed, they will accept it and put up and shut up and even risk being found out by their constituents. Which you're confident couldn't happen at all. So complete is the "Full Spectrum Dominance" of the U.S. over Europe.. Was that so hard?
  8. You don't sound amused. Not in the least. You're emotionally charged. You've made a series of allegations and innuendo. You're simply being held accountable, and asked to defend you accusations. I'm not sure what you've chosen to be so upset about, because you're not saying. But since you took a offense at something. I'm sorry. Now But of course, the U.S. is the world major super power. Why would the U.S. do such a thing and take such a chance of being exposed betraying their allies in a time period, of agreed upon mutual need? Because of their relentless quest for "Full Spectrum Dominance"? And they have total certainty they would get away with it, because after all they got away with the JFKA?
  9. I've noticed a pattern Chris. It seems you conveniently take things hyper personally when you run from an answer. Chris" What seems abundantly clear to me is that there is a contingent on this forum that desperately wants this thread degraded and deleted. Oh a contingent? But just last night you elected to get involved and gave me half an answer. First do you believe Alan's narrative from Garland Nixon? And now for the fourth time. But of course, the U.S. is the world major super power. Why would the U.S. do such a thing and take such a chance of being exposed betraying their allies in a time period, of agreed upon mutual need? Because of their relentless quest for "Full Spectrum Dominance"? And they have total certainty they would get away with it, because after all they got away with the JFKA?
  10. Thanks for the reply, Chris. Chris:I personally do not think European leaders are looking into it, unless forced to by the electorate Right they would never dare even look into it on their own! Chris: Of course we now have balloon mania psychosis occupying the minds of the masses. Oh so Europe and it's leaders are so vacuous, that that could be a distraction? That's garbage, and doesn't effect you, most of it will be over in days. They have people, who are specifically charged with looking into these things. Chris: Succinctly, the European leaders are refraining from commenting simply because they know what is good for them. Right, they would betray their masses of people, their constituents,and leave them groveling in the cold because they are so obviously black mailed under U.S. "Full Spectrum Dominance"! I'm starting to get it now! Chris:This Ukraine crisis has continued the upward passing of wealth at the fastest rate in human history. Wow!, in history Chris? Do you have figures to back up what you say? Chris:High energy costs, a vulnerable, desperate public is good for the ruling class. Yes, good brain food for the masses! I think I've heard this theme from you before. Chris. Though Paul Rigby chooses to use video clips in place of his own words. He agrees with you. His clip shows a "Gus Fring" type host, Garland Nixon, (any relation?) who I assume Paul knows has genuine American authenticity, (which is as high as it gets!) breaking down the Hersch story for us, commenting later that Germany will put up with their pipeline destroyed because they are not a legitimate sovereign state but are completely controlled by the U.S.! He then goes on to say all Europe is so cowed they will say nothing about it and make their people put up with the energy shortages throughout the winter, just like you.. According to Paul's American source , the entire European continent is rendered helpless, as our space laser "full spectrum dominance" could hone in and zap Paul as a bug! Paul seems to me, like a bitter old man. Does that reflect the hopeless sense of powerlessness that you and John feel in your life as well, Chris? If so, I think it's pretty obvious we've already inflicted "Full spectrum psychological dominance " on you, without ever firing a shot. But we have many more arrows in our quiver! But you've only answered half the question. Can I assume you're in agreement with the second half? That is the why? But of course, the U.S. is the world major super power. Why would the U.S. do such a thing and take such a chance of being exposed betraying their allies in a time period, of agreed upon mutual need? Because of their relentless quest for "Full Spectrum Dominance"? And they have total certainty they would get away with it, because after all they got away with the JFKA?
  11. Good points, Pat, Lance There's definitely there's an agenda driven narrative here. I would say I'm like the majority of CTers here, but where I probably differ, is that I think only in a plurality of possible suspects for who killed JFK, the CIA is the most likely, but what gave that a boost for me is that it was reinforced in the 70's when it was established the CIA and Mafia, my second suspicion were in cahoots. But over the years, I haven't sought to continually to reinforce that narrative, as the forum does, but to look for evidence against it. I think it was a small group of people, and I certainly don't buy a huge international conspiracy. While there are some really good new researchers, driven by solving puzzles with a sincere effort at getting at the truth. Unfortunately the CIA connection has been a disaster, in that there's a broader group, aided by authors who have also invested a lot of emotions in some cases for a lot of years that it all started 60 years ago, when we lost our democracy to the NSS and Military Industrial complex and they've passed on this control generation to generation to generation through their secret societies, and some "institutional memory" , to have now created a hidden shadow government, where absolutely nothing is as it seems. Just how this was done, no one can ever say. But now on top of that, it's become a parody within itself here, in that we have a new Trump or if not Trump, a social media induced, (using links and video clips as a currency), component of a new "conspiracy woke" who think the "deep state" is completely controlling our lives. They can literally get away with anything, and have, and we'll never ever know about any of it, just like the JFKA. Every conspiracy that they've ever postulated that came to nothing was just further evidence of the inscrutability, and invincibility of the "Deep State." It's completely hopeless, you might as well not even get out of bed in the morning. Thank God for the forum, because of the forum, you don't even need to, and testament to that is the countless hours they spend here. It goes from young into middle age , but it's become similar to the early 70's Who song. Teenage Wasteland.(Barbara O Reilly) but about conspiracies.. They're completely ADHD, unable to sustain a dialog or stay focused on any train of thought. Lots of allegations, never thought out in any detail. Unable to answer any detailed questions about their theories. To use a football analogy they're like a quarterback in the pocket, nervously scrambling because they rightfully fear how easily their position can be undermined. But they're actually given encouragement by some of the elders here, because they think they are nurturing skeptical thought. But there's no crisis of skeptical thought here! It's a JFK assassination conspiracy forum for chrissake!. Your not doing anything productive for their lives but to further make them waste hours of their lives going down to rabbit holes. JMO
  12. W. I'm not sure how you were addressing my question. I assume you're justifying the action, while not addressing that it is a hostile act toward the EU. and what would be there position. Matt, I appreciate the involved and very interesting article saying Hersch's piece is a total scam! But I wasn't asking you either of you guys. My question is directed to the people who most believe in the story. Namely Chris for posting the story and Paul Rigby for running with story and calling it an act of war on Europe and John who firmly believes the story but chose to interact on some point with you,. W. I'll ask the question again of Paul, Chris,, John and whoever else who believes the story.
  13. Yes Paul, I don't believe anything just because Hersch said it, but if the US. unilaterally bombed Nord stream, that would be a hostile act to the EU. How come no European leaders are opening their mouth? Is it because they're so intimidated by the U.S.? Or perhaps still looking into it further? But of course, the U.S. is the world major super power. Why would the U.S. do such a thing and take such a chance of being exposed betraying their allies in a time period, of agreed upon mutual need? Because of their relentless quest for "Full spectrum Dominance"? And they have total certainty they would get away with it, because after all they got away with the JFKA?
  14. There are some pretty capable new Congressional faces on the Government Oversight Committee. One is Daniel Goldman who grills several witnesses pretty effectively in his 5 minutes, like William Barr crony and fellow bloated human butt plug Fox Jonathan Turley, heh heh and this other ex FBI agent Baker who retired in 1999. I might have been a bit more interested if he was at the FBI, and had direct knowledge of government overreach after 911.
  15. Whoa again! The House Republicans have now decided, they need every vote they can get! Now the Republican party is launching a counter movement to re legitimize George Santos!! Think it will work?
  16. Whoa! I haven't time to get upset about this!! But I thought I'd post it before it's posted here from Fox News! What a virtual bonanza for Fox News! They can crow about this to "own the libs"." Then they can turn it around make their viewership lose their minds over the fact that this is the first time both starting quarterbacks will be black! That yo-yo of building up expectations and then making them upset is a literal gold mine!!!
  17. When Matt Taibbi was viewing cherry picked twitter files provided to him by billionaire elon Musk. He mentioned Biden's concern about posting nude photos of Hunter Biden, but it was only mentioned that Trump also contacted twitter but no specific information beyond that. But we know know, he probably contacted them many times. This illustrates again, The obvious hypocrisy of Taibbi being the intermediary for the twitter files is obvious probably to everyone but drooling fanboy Ben. Ben, how come you haven't come out for the release of twitter files to the public? i could see where a lot of Trumpists with no real life experience doing anything would be so critical and not approach any grasp of the enormity of the job involved in moderating twitter content. It's now apparent they bent over backwards to accommodate the right. Some might think this was just liberals bending over backwards for free speech, but it could have just as well have been a consensus among a group of people who were learning a first in history difficult job as they were going along. Do you realize you have to respond to everyone? Trump, Musk, Biden, various interests groups, OMG the government!. My first impression of twitter after Musk took control was a total lack of professionalism. He was in light years over his head and probably has blown billions in sponsorships. Any direction toward my previous proclivities were first directed to Musk, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi pablum. I've had to build my previous preferences from the ground up all over again. I suspect it will get better, if only to moderate the financial hemorrhaging! Some people simply don't have the social consciousness to moderate twitter. Trump asked Twitter to take down ‘derogatory’ tweet from Chrissy Teigen: whistleblower https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3849819-trump-asked-twitter-to-take-down-derogatory-tweet-from-chrissy-teigen-whistleblower/
  18. As Ron said. Mike Pence has been subpoenaed. Though the Republicans are scrambling and denying. We have Mike Lee on record as wanting to phase out Social Security. Obviously not a big group of people, a true smattering of applause! But undoubtedly a well to do group. -
  19. John we're not "nitpicking your phraseology". We're asking you to define your term, "Full spectrum dominance" which is the substance of what you're saying, since you said nothing else but the term. It's not a "red herring" to define your terms. John. . Well actually you just mentioned it here. Perhaps if you had said "Full spectrum dominance or "superiority" as defined by Wikipedia" and a speech by playright Harold Pinter, and substituted your blurb as you've just done. You understand , we would have understood it better, but you've probably used this term 5 times, including on another thread before ever defining it. That's the issue. I was also outraged as Harold, in 2005 with Bush's War in Iraq and protested against it beforehand. However, I don't think the full spectrum you've laid out is complete or insidious enough. As it's just the conventional warfare aims any major super power says they aspire to have. (air, land, maritime, and space domains and information environment,) I would extend that to include an element of economic and financial blackmail as well.
  20. Bob: If I need buzzwords, I'll et you know. John, i understand Bob's response. I've noticed you've used this phrase as a crutch probably 5 times as if just the act of invoking it gives you some sort of mystical power. Of course, it doesn't. I am aware of a number of levers that the western powers use of persuasion or coercion to get their way, but it's incumbent upon you to explain specifically what you're talking about. I do like your subsequent "hegemony" post in that I think it has some meat on the bones there, and agree with some of it. Though I don't agree with your conclusion necessarily, and I want to address it later. **** Bob as far as your conversation with Chris. I understand some of your frustration with Chris's tendency to evasive long winded non answers. But I do think in your initial question to him, you are a bit vague. Bob: Just curious. What do you call what Putin is doing? Anxiously waiting... I understand Chris's need for clarification there. But this current impasse. Bob:I've asked before (and will again) what NATO member country has experienced sustained conflict within its borders? Nobody seems to be able to come up with that answer. Maybe you can. It's not a trick question. Chris, this is a straightforward question. Stop trying to finesse a non answer! I do think Chris is well within his right to ask you questions about what he's posted as well, Bob. I'm butting in because I do get very frustrated here at the inability, from whatever persuasion to follow a course from a to b to c and develop any consensus of an agreed upon reality.
  21. I actually have a Burt /JFKA story. My favorite song from Burt is never listed in his top 10 greatest hits. But what was unique about it was it's 4/4 to 5/4 signatures. I think it was the following night 11/23/63, I was a kid approaching adolescence taking my transistor radio to bed, trying to find some contemporary music or rock and roll because all standard music formats on my AM stations were suspended, but some stations had some classical music going on. . I was tuning around and found a distant signal; and it was a Burt Bacharach song that really hit the spot. "Anyone who had a heart" by Dionne Warwick. A beautiful song that was actually JFKA inspired was Brian Wilson's "Warmth of the Sun".
  22. Matthew: Please elaborate I haven't heard anything about that.. That's a good question Matthew. IMO that's just another Biden "Voice of Noise" prediction by Ben that probably won't happen. Just like Ben declaring Biden said" JFKA Secrets are mine, not yours" which of course he didn't, though I understand the commiseration because the buck does stop with Biden. Despite some articles, i don't see any more reason for Biden to dump Harris than I saw for Trump to dump Pence. I'm sure if Biden runs and keeps Harris when his prediction fails, to hear Ben tell it, it won't be because Ben was simply wrong. It will be because the globalists had a clandestine meeting with Biden and told Biden "Harris has got to stay." Even though, the truth is, Biden is the least pro Wall Street President since Jimmy Carter, and I've yet to hear the anti globalists plan for how they are going to eliminate global trade. There hasn't been a President whose switched VP's since FDR. And that's in part because he had 4 terms. The only exception was Gerald Ford who was forced to pick an unelected VP after Nixon resigned and picked Nelson Rockefeller, who was about as NE "deep state establishment" as you could get, which I'm sure many would say was a "deep state" cabal to get one of them close to the Presidency. Yet Ford dumped him in a year and a half for Bob Dole. So go figure!
  23. Chief GOP Architect of the sun setting of Social Security and Medicare, Rick Scott from Florida. Here's a guy I highly recommend to you, Matthew to glom onto. He's done a lot of acid! ******** Russiagate was and is a giant combination farce/mirage. The press thought HRC would win and when she did not, they reaped revenge with her help. https://t.co/GweEmfeeIp — James DiEugenio (@jimmydie1963) February 8, 2023 Yeah for all Ukraine peace lovers, Jim was heavily in favor of Putin's invasion of Crimea. But I guess that's cool! From what i saw, All of Jim's political views were virtually identical to Oliver Stone for 7 years. But at least we got a good film out of it.
  24. That was unusual in that that was about the most impressive win I've seen for one party at "State of the Union". Remember 10 years ago with Obama somebody yelled out "xxxx" and there was a hush because nobody had done that before? But now it will probably be commonplace. I don't know why the Republicans never thought they were going to be called out on their proposed sun setting of Social Security and Medicare, and they've backpedaling ever since the Dems started calling them on it. So when Biden called them on it, they started yelling out and MTG yelled "lxar." Of course who was the cameras on? It was on the POTUS and Biden looked unflappable. "I have your papers (proposals) on it, if you want to see them! " More Republicans started booing. Biden said, "Oh great, I like your conversion. So we're in agreement? No touching of Social Security, and Medicare?" Then he talked about how the Democrats limited the cost of insulin to no more than $35 a month for everyone, without Republican support. . So Biden also ended up winning an early inning battle with the debt limit, as part of the pretext for the Republicans contesting the debt limit was to get concessions to cut Social Security and Medicare. 'Then in the Republican rebuttal, there's Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a chip off the old block, thrill for young Matthew who was great admirer of her father Mike Huckabee, who broke the mold, for showing that conservatives too, can be artiste types with Mike's skilled bass playing, It must have been very moving as Sarah invoked a "new generation" of Republican leadership all the while glorifying Trump who will be near 80 years old when he runs for President in 2024!, and came out of the starting gate throwing angry red meat to Trump base, all the while somehow invoking her faith! Yeah I say, Keep it up Sarah! But were there any media consultants advising Sarah? I don't know how to put it, but that was an almost sort of a tortured, convoluted use of her jaw, mouth, lips and teeth! I'm sorry, I don't want to be cruel, but it was absolutely creepy! I notice Manhcin seemed almost disengaged, rarely clapping, particularly when Biden started talking about taxes on the wealthy. And I agree, what kind of fashion statement was Sinema making? Chris, Sorry I keep forgetting. gathered that you like Banshees. I haven't seen it, I plan to stream it.
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