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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Wow! interesting Steve!, Walsh, himself is a right winger, but is morally outraged by Trump. But he is unequivocally right that the Democrats are just laying down and not calling out Fascism. It looks like with these upcoming elections, they're just playing it between the 40 yard lines and trying to pick up conservative votes. WTF?! Walsh may be more in touch with the power of the right wing groups than me. Ultimately I say bring them on. They are nowhere near a majority. I think they're basically cowards. I don't think their numbers and resolve amount to a lot. But that doesn't mean they couldn't cause a lot of terrorist activity that could result in a lot of mopping up in the next couple of years.The most positive spin I could put on it is that this might be the last dying gasp of our generation! heh heh Robert: Impuzamugambi? Kill thy neighbor? Whoa! Of course you guys in the purple swing states might be more aware of that than me.
  2. This is what I mean by spam. !)Fist bump story now posted by Ben, for the fifth time now, Ben? 2)Completely unoriginal, Trite, Completely stolen from ABC, CBS, NBC,FOX,CNN. actually emptily emulating MSM! It's already everywhere. Daily Beast: Obligatory mention of the "Deep State" and yet again emulating it by using it as a source! 3, Trying to compensate for lack of content by hyping with HUGE LETTERS! 4. And lastly, It could be as much of a non story as Biden pulling out of Afghanistan. Do you remember that? This is a story that the MSM plays up but in reality the only staying power it has at all is among ideologues and most people are more concerned about personal things like inflation. Unfortunate as that may be. Total effect on Mid Term Congressional Races-----Zero. The real issue is not that Biden went to the Saudis to get better cooperation to help him lower domestic oil prices and ended up acknowledging a despot. It's that he hasn't chosen instead to put a windfall tax on the oil companies making record profits and then reimbursing the public. That's where Biden failed. But the corporate state emerges unscathed. Rehashing the MSM hype is is just a diversion. That's the real story.
  3. Let's see if we can have a decent conversation.about a possible arch nemesis to the right in 2024. Obviously there's a number of people here from California who are more familiar with Gavin Newsom, I remember we did have a short discussion about the recall campaign against him, and I remember some pretty strong reactions against him from people from other states. Natives or not.There are some pretty smart and thoughtful people here and I'm curious as to everyone's impression of Gavin Newsom. I tend to think it's going to be a reset. I think neither Biden or Trump will be their parties nominees in 2024. It's obvious Newsom is going after Ron de Santis with the ads he's taken in Florida. Newsom is a very vulnerable candidate, and Fox can use his hypocrisy over his shunning masks with his friends while employing some of the most stringent anti covid measures in the U.S.in California, and now his discouraging state employees from visiting Montana because of their backwards LBGTQ policies while going fishing there for a vacation himself. Image wise, he's going for the liberal elitist Kennedy card,(though not Ivy League) and of course he looks the part of the great white liberal hope.I do think he's a much more dynamic presence as a candidate than VP Kamala Harris. He definitely has prospects, if he doesn't shoot himself in the foot. In this clip , he's not mincing words. He's deliberately taking on the Red States, and unfavorably contrasting the Red State performance to the Blue State performance. These clips and commentary of Newsom's Florida ad are from Brian Tyler Cohen. There's no doubt that he's a fellow liberal who is enthusiastic about Newsom because he thinks that the Democrats have to fight back and start calling the Republicans on their policies and they're obviously not getting that with a very mainstream politician President who keeps telling us how he wants to pull us all together, when there's obviously nothing he can do that will please his opposition. I basically like Cohen and I'm with him on that. They start with his gun lobby legislation, a couple of hunter friends of mine aren't upset with that. Then Newsom talks about how California has spent 100 million dollars to manufacture insulin. Then telling Floridians that if they love their freedom they should come to California?? What kind of stupid idea is that? Obviously the heavy Covid lockdown will be used by the Red States as hardly emulating freedom, while the cultural tolerance strength to more homogenous Red States will not be thought of as at all desirable. So the assertion itself is polarizing. From about 5 minutes on, Newsom lists the superior economic performance of the Blue States, the fact that Blue states have lower murder rates, that fact that Republican led states have a higher covid death rates, and asking, what is more desirable? When I was young in the 60's California passed New York as the most populous state. In discussions with other California natives I grew up with or met there is a general consensus that we were no less than blessed to live all of our lives here. The irony is that Newsom is holding up California as if it's still in it's prime. It's on a later stage cycle unlike Texas and Florida. But still they are going to give each adult up to $1050 dollars to offset inflation and the cost of gas. How does any state afford to do that? The answer is they tax the wealthy Californians. The Bay Area and Los Angeles are world class destinations. The mega wealthy who have several homes around the world and have homes in the U.S. inevitably have them in SF or LA or NYC, and now there's a great interest in Miami. These people will pay whatever state taxes are asked of them. You can take an attitude that California is doomed for a fall. There have been a number of strong boom and bust cycles over the years but will that stop the world community from living out their California Dream? Ultimately I don't think so. But there's a horrible downside to that.There's not enough affordable housing, people are forced out of the housing market and the rents are going sky high! Here's sort of a side story. I wanted to check out Fox Business one day at the opening bell with Stuart Varney. What a joke! There was no hard business news. It was an hour straight of how people are fleeing in droves the California dream and leaving it to Florida and Texas. 30 years ago the patsy was NYC and New England but I guess they realize that it may look hypocritical now because all Fox News lives there. Everything is political now and Newsom as well as De Santis are really polarizing figures. Newsom's reign in California is very vulnerable to Fox News and right wing criticism as being a big spender. They can site that people are leaving in droves while it really isn't true. There's not a massive migration. But apart from that is the fact is the state is burning up just like the rest of the U.S. and but with one important difference. The water levels are not getting replenished during the rainy season. So there's a lot to criticize whether it's Newsom's fault or not. But as far as the current problematic trends in California. they really are due to Capitalism. Well off people throughout the world will continue to come here and force the everyday people out. In California there's a lot of real estate bought up by foreigners, including a lot of Chinese owners, who aren't even there 50 weeks a year. Obviously some of this ease of foreign investment is akin to cutting our own throats. I have checked out a number of expat sites as the prospect of living overseas for at least a time st this stage of my life, and I'm not at all encouraged of what I'm seeing now. These are hard times everywhere, and if you look to the more well off G7 countries they are experiencing the same problems with rising inflation, in most cases greater than the U.S. with rising rents throughout the world. If you go check out Latin America or Asia there's still massive economic displacement and unrest resulting from the covid pandemic. It's a tough time, period! Anyway, I'm just trying to present some balance. It seems like both De Santis and Newsom are going to be even more polarizing figures. What do you think of Newsom, his candidacy and chances?
  4. With Wheeler's post, I don't think any of those people mentioned have defected to the Republican Party, though I think I heard that Rogan stated he'd consider voting for De santis. But he's not political anyway, has just come upon 90 million dollars, and recently had to go through a bit of a riff from the left concerning his covid comments and I thought handled it well. Glenn Greenwald is just generally angry, has his hair on fire, so he's a wild card who could vote for anyone. For the 50th time I don't know why the possibility that the virus came from a lab is a red/ blue issue at all, and I know of no people here who defended that it couldn't possibly be.
  5. Man, this is precious! Do you know it was Cippilone who argued for Trump in his first impeachment hearing? We see here clips of the arguments of Adam Schiff for the Prosecution and then Cippilone for the Defense. Who turned out to be prophetic and who turned out to be a stooge? Cippilone, who after being Trump's counsel for a few years obviously knew better, but of course his job is to make the case for Trump. It starts with Hayes commentary at 1:57.' Haye's mentions something I didn't know. That Cippilone was Laura Ingraham's spiritual mentor and was instrumental in her conversion to Catholicism! My God!!!!
  6. That's exactly what it is. In my most most compassionate interpretation , it is people who are having a hard time adjusting to the economic and social changes of our times, who are overwhelmed with too many existential choices in their lives, and a feeling there's nothing to lose.. . It's an unconscious call for order. It's like a child wanting some sense of discipline. The culprits are not defined in the least, other than to call them something conveniently amorphous like the "deep state". So it becomes a striking out against everybody perceived to be in the opposite camp. There is no direction or plan. It all becomes a series of quests for short term victories "to own the libs."
  7. Tom: As I recall, Waldron's take is the government covered up for the mob in order to hide their ties with them and that's reason enough for them to coverup.
  8. Bannon Confirms Leaked Audio Of Trump Plan To ‘Declare Himself Winner’
  9. Yeah W., Multiply Hunter Biden by 4, (Ivanka, and Donald jr. and Eric (and Kushner) and square it and you have violations in the billions! Do you remember the charity scam involving all 3 of Trump's kids where Trump was ordered to pay 2 million? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/11/donald-trump-charity-scam
  10. Yikes!, I guess Trump is running out of cut outs! He now has directly tried to witness tamper with a phone call to a White House staffer who I believe is to testify next week! The 1/6 committee has notified the DOJ! I guess it can't get any more direct than this! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! hehe https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/12/jan-6-committee-notifies-doj-that-trump-tried-tampering-with-one-of-its-witnesses-cheney-says.html /www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/cheney-says-trump-called-jan-6-committee-witness-last-hearing-rcna37923
  11. 7 new BenSpams decrying the death of an Al Quaida member, and ignoring a Trump- Josh Bolton failed coup involving no less than 30 million Venezuelans! (oh but Trump was for peace! right Ben!) Then Ben's populist idols feeding him evidence that Ray Eps was an FBI agent. Any compassion for how those derelicts ruined his life? Of course not! Ray Eps was a least a dozen BenSpams, probably as many as his alarmist spams about the coming Deer Tic Pandemic! If you take out repeated posts, Ben probably has 100 posts on this thread, instead of approaching 1000 posts. Then when you weed out the bad preparation, poorly researched, launched with titanic expectations and resulting with egg on his face posts, what have we got, maybe 2 dozen good posts? I'm just estimating. I suppose some of it's subjective. Oh and speaking of bad preparation!
  12. So what would the Power Elites have to fear? What's at stake? What the worst that could happen? Rebellion?, so specifically what kind of rebellion are you talking about?
  13. I don't see any issue here in ST or Pat's posts that involve "name calling". But was Jim's reply really any kind of response to ST and Pat's? , or was he tone deaf? I hope that's not name calling. It's just an honest reaction. Just for the record. I think ST and Pat's responses were refreshing, and I don't want them swept away with subterfuge.
  14. It's time to look back and reflect on what progress this thread has made since 2020.. I dedicate this meme to Ben, Chris, and "Stop the Steal Wheeler" who at one point on this thread was spamming at a pace that would give present day Ben a real run for his money! As Kathy pointed out his pace was broken when he chose to leave before the 2020 election, but now he says the title of "most frequent poster" on this thread was stolen from him!, and his free speech rights were violated!, and he wants to be compensated by the forum!, and has threatened the mods!, and says if they kick him out, he will sue them and threatened to look into their genealogy! Right now they're considering a compromise by giving him his own private thread no one else will see. And perhaps giving virtual room and board on the forum to Ben to be free to respond instantly to forum stimuli, at least when he's awake. So there's a lot being mulled over at this time. Stay tuned! Why are the biggest ideologues always the biggest spammers? They act like we would be so desolate if we didn't hear the next thing that indiscriminately drops out of their heads. Actually I wish this meme was more true. 60's Old School
  15. Ben:The left seems very interested in censorship This is going to be one of those boring tit for tat arguments.The right wants to be involved in personal privacy issues issues and take away a woman's right to choose, They are also, straight down the line in Scotus voted to give corporations rights as people in Citizen's United, hence censoring the economic rights of people.. Ben:and building up police-state apparatus- You've always been opposed to that Ben, because they want to prosecute neo fascist criminals who are plotting against the peaceful transition of government. This may shock you, but I think they're being too deliberate and soft! You may remain unconvinced despite these new revelations. but your own hero, who you probably don't know the name of, who, as you see it triumphed for Trump against Mueller in Russiagate. ( and what a joke that perception is!)Ty Cobb has said there's enough evidence there to probably cook Trump! Ben:The Wuhan lab leak has been debunked! This is the 20th time you've said this. You have no positive info one way or the other, and that has never really been a legitimate" Ben soapbox issue" here, because most people here realize they don't have the information to make a judgment and wouldn't trust the Chinese beyond that possibility anyway. Ben:A bigger Defense Department to bomb Libya is good! This from knee jerk NFZ in Ukraine Ben? I've already told you this. What the Democrat administration did in Libya, would have been done and done in in spades by the Republicans. You may not know this Ben, but the Senate hearings on Benghazi where they grilled HC for 11 hours were not a Republican cry for "Peace in Libya". It was because of perceived laxness that allowed Libyan terrorists to invade an American compound and kill 4 Americans. Ben:A bigger Defense Department We all agree in less Defense spending.. But these matters can be seen in simple numbers. As I said before. In this century, every year Republicans have given the Defense Dept. what they requested, and more. Trump was the biggest increase in his first years in office .And Democrats have consistently given a little less .Obama gave less than requested in 7 out of his 8 years with one exception in 2014.
  16. This is the crux. I'd vote for Robert Reich, Clinton Labor Secretary who got betrayed when Clinton knuckled to the Gingrich" Republican Revolution" and the "Contract with America." You might check out some of his movies such as "Inequality for all" "The one percent" and "Saving Capitalism". He doesn't live in Berkeley because he wants to hobnob with other Republicans. I'd also vote for Al Franken, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren. There is no comparable Republican candidate representing the everyday person. Despite the Democrat betrayal of the unions.There are still many more working people who vote Democrat than Republican. Reich understands that outside of forming a third party, the Democrats are the only party that could reclaim Labor.
  17. People are talking!!...... Donald Trump This is just more of the inane polarizing commentary. If you lived in the U.S. Ben, you'd know there's been a lot of good press on Abe, even stories I wonder about, such as Abe being the "Trump whisperer"and a voice of calm moderation to Trump when he was in office. He's continually given kudos as Japan's longest serving PM. In what is considered left leaning bay area talk radio here locally. He's has gotten a lot of good talk. This is just another case of one side paraphrasing some comment from the other side, or sometimes even worse, taking some inane comment made on twitter from the opposing point of view and trying to portray it as the mainstream from the opposing view. BEN:“Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a divisive arch-conservative and one of his nation's most powerful and influential figures, has died.... This is your strongest quote Ben, and you didn't even source it. Then similarly Ben, a recurring theme in posts of yours, is that only the left dare mentioning the possibility of civil war, and you continually reassert that the dreaded left leaning "deep state" is getting us ready for a massive crackdown and suppression. That in itself, is fear mongering. But then Matt posts this this Facebook commentary from Racheal Wachstien,a Highland Park resident, entitled "Bobby Crimo is no lone wolf" who claims Crimo and his group created a flyer calling her a dangerous Communist with her picture, name, address, and a call to action that she must be stopped. and later she says Crimo participated in a violent Trump "stop the steal" protests that occurred in Dec. 2020.She fears she must be on a list of people that Crimo may want to kill., "I’ve heard on CNN and other news sources that there are only a few photos of the shooter with Trump Flags and that his major motivator was a love of death and destruction. This is blatantly false. There are multiple news articles from the Patch and Chicago Tribune featuring photos of the shooter at these MAGA events. I recognized him right away as part of the group of local angry white young men who had previously waited for me after protests, to threaten and harassed me, and came to a Protect the Results vigil on December 12, 2020 in Highland Park’s Sunset Park where they did the poopoo salute multiple times and screamed the following at our small group through a bullhorn…" This goes 180 degrees contrary to Ben's allegation that the msm is suggesting civil war to prepare for a government deep state crackdown, not that that would in any way stop him from repeatedly making that charge in the future. Honestly I think anybody who would attend "stop the steal" rallies in Dec 2020 could be suspect.Though I'm sure very few would go to these lengths. Of course I would consider all info that Wachstein cited as being very important. If this is true why would the media outlets be sitting on it? When I first came here, i thought Di Eugenio hyped the early msm complicity in the coverup of the jfka to the present day to such a fever pitch, all of his followers took the ball and ran with it so it seemed every post included some reference to the msm, and some of them were such "shooting the dark" references. The MSM is a terrible problem to this day, but this is the last place i would ever consider having any nuanced conversation about the msm. It's really like talking about the "deep state." But to me, it's actually harder. It's pretty hard to believe the MSM hasn't investigated this. But why would they suppress it.? If It's as bad as Wachstein has said, it would be their duty to report it. There could be some reasons for their negligence. One is that Wachstein is not credible , or lying, which seems unlikely. Or maybe just too much of a counter polarizing figure? The other maybe Matt can probably speak more to this. The truth is, I have a brother who lives in Wisconsin, but I don't live in this area of the country. If I think of an area of the country where violence could break out, It would be here. Are they soft pedaling the real danger because it's commonplace to be living with one another and they fear greater political polarization could lead to a real breaking point? Still that doesn't explain national entities like CNN or MSNBC, downplaying it. The people who want serious criminal prosecution for 1/6 riots, including the President would be outraged that such critical facts surrounding this shooting have not come out, while if they did come out, others, say like Ben might say that the msm is fomenting a civil war as a pretext to engage in a massive government "deep state" crackdown. Again the allegations about the msm are as malleable as the oppressive "deep state!" Matt's, Wachstein, FB link again https://www.facebook.com/rachael.wachstein/posts/10217117076597298
  18. This clip from TMWKK, is of funeral director Paul Groody accounting the late night visit from the FBI to obtain Oswald's prints from 3:0030 to aprox 3:03. Later, Garrison, then at 3:19-3:22. Groody's ideas after Oswald's exhumation. Incidentally, Starting at around 2:35 and leading up to the visit to her house after the assassination by the police at 2:57, you can judge for yourself how good a performance Ruth Paine gives in incriminating Oswald in this film. Do you think money might be a factor? heh During this sequences there is also Frazier, Marion Baker.
  19. It's nice to see someone in government who is aware of the seriousness and experiences my outrage. It was important when asked Honore' said he thought ultimately the military would not have sided with Trump. I definitely think that's true. The fact that the military didn't side with Trump would have been used by the Fascists and their kook minions to minimize the danger and preach again that the U.S. is under direct control of the "deep state". But the truth is, we would have had 48 hours of utter chaos, then there would have been a crackdown nationwide for a few months, and it wouldn't have been pretty. It would have been a great national embarrassment to the "land of the free"to the rest of the world. And I'm sure more people would have died. But at least we'd be further along than we are now. It's like a family trying to hide their criminal, terrorist teenager because they fear it will embarrass the family, and chooses to not deal with it in some naive hope that taking the tolerant approach and hoping that the situation corrects itself on it's own, when in this case Trump, gradually loses popular support and doesn't run again for President. But I don't think there's any guarantee of that at all. But somebody like Garland has to step forward and Honore might think Biden should give him another 6 months but that sounds like an eternity to me. JMO
  20. Sean's right. You guys just want to start another "inevitable" thread with 500 words or less! We're hep to what you're trying to do! And I agree with what I think both Mark and Sean are saying. There's absolutely nothing, no "deep state" secrets in the JFKA that are to be learned that have any direct relevance.to today. Except maybe the "7 deadly sins" and "absolute power corrupts absolutely". Who doesn't know that? Read Shakespeare! 60 years might as well be 600! Maybe you guys should just mellow out! heh heh
  21. The Democrats have to make their campaign about sensible gun legislation and the Scotus overturn of Roe vs. Wade.. Abortion has never been a vote getter for the Democrats, but was always a great motivator for the Repubs because the Dems were always on the right side of the law with Roe Vs. Wade, but that no longer is the case. The 2016 Trump voter in many cases never voted in a general election before. They didn't show in the 2018 midterm and there's no reason to assume they'll show up now. The Democrats took over the house in 2018 and the only reason they didn't sweep Congress is because they had many more Senate seats coming up for election than the Repubs. But now It's just the opposite, in the Senate 22 Republican seats are coming up as opposed to only 14 for the Democrats. So the possibility of the Dems taking the Senate is greater than holding on to the house. But now there's a new twist. The very latest generic polls show people have shifted in favor of the Democrats! Whether it's just a little blip or how long it will last remains to be seen.
  22. Wow, that sounds awful Matt! Matt, did you read Joe's post? I'm addressing a quote from Lawrence Tribe that he expects violence if Trump is indicted, and I say "so what?'
  23. Tribe expects violence if Trump is indicted. That might be, I won't worry about it, if we go through a year or 2 of prosecuting the criminals and mopping up the people who then cause trouble.. I think the great majority of them are cowards, a lot are too dysfunctional to make a future difference. I like Matt's vigilance, but I don't think Trump's going to jail, but I hope so. But even if he did, I don't think we have a lot to worry about from his minions. Trump day by day is getting discredited, and becoming lesser an alternative despite inflation and Biden's old age. Ultimately, the real issue is how much are Trump's footprints going to influence the people who are taking his place? Criminals actually being prosecuted will in the long run, be a benefit in the national mindset to everyone. But for many, it will be a sober and needed awakening, like a big boot camp or a drug or cult intervention. Order in thinking will start to prevail and there will start to become more of a meritocracy where a lot of people will have to come to their senses that they can't spurt undisciplined nonsense and expect a ready audience. But to do that, the forces for orderly transitions of power have to really start dropping shoes before the midterms, but I don't see repubs winning in Congress is going to stop ongoing litigation with Trump. Hey what can I say, being an optimist, maybe after gaining some clarity and letting some kooks fall by the wayside the majority of people can arrive at some consensus on the who and how the middle class is being marginalized and everyday people are being economically oppressed and start to take measures to go after the actual culprits. There's nothing near that now. But is a couple of years enough? Obviously the timetable could run out on that if say De Santis would be elected.
  24. Oh come on, Ben I can only imagine what an empty backwater Thailand is in your life, because you're absolutely more addicted to American life than anyone here. You spend most of your waking hours on this thread trying to engage with real life Americans to find out from us what's really going on. And I understand that, it beats talking for hours with "Ninja Johnny" at the local Thai dive bar. heh heh In a couple of months you're going to be the most frequent poster on this thread, despite the fact that you've only been here for about the last third of this threads pages. Face it dude. We're your lifeline! ***** I understand Ben has applied to be Glenn Greenwald's nanny in Rio, and although it would involve quite a move from Thailand, and starting a whole new life, but he would at last geographically be much closer to the addictive pulse of the American way of life, while denying it's pull, and of course be with Glenn. Though the chances are slim, I've been instructed that while it's still pending, we shouldn't tell Ben's Thai wife. heh heh, a joke of course. uhh... Happy 4th!
  25. Yeah, Mike and Dave were like big hellions! Dave has some stories about Mike that would blow your mind! Right Dave? heh heh
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