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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. That's right W. Ben, generally unaware of any American journalistic sources other than the biggest, most renown ones, will literally go anywhere to confirm his biases. Now the Federalist, has convinced Ben of a heavy Antifa presence at the Capitol on the 6th, which has been thoroughly denounced by even more earthbound conservative sources as well as Republican minority leader, Kevin Mc Carthy. You know Ben, you could go to media bias fact check, or a few other such sites and get at least a barometer review of the sources your using. Oh no, but anyone who wants to check facts these days is leftist, right, Ben? As anything like that, they may not be perfect. But you do get an idea of the slant.. Some times you can get an idea from film of the quality of people who are your brethren that are essentially making your case for you. Such a case is this guy whose completely on the inside of the 1/06 Riot, Paul Gosar. I don't want to be cruel when considering his demise, it may be due to over medication. But he seems to move by "lunging" these days, with slurred speech. and his head movements seem to mimmic a guy who hasn't returned to normal after trying to set a Guiness Worlds record for one interrupted week straight of "apple bobbing". I probably should have saved this when it first came out. I like to find the film without any nemesis commentary like CNN. I like to have the film do the talking. But you can get a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about in the first 3 minutes of this piece. Sorry, I really wanted to read the Rolling Stone piece W. But they tried to hit me up for a subscription even though I think I've read only one RS piece this entire year! Oh Well!
  2. I agree Jeff, I don't think either President has been briefed on details of the unreleased documents. Jeff: At the time of the 50th anniversary, on the CBS “Face The Nation” program, Peggy Noonan and Bob Woodward first acknowledged a “deep state” and then praised the Warren Commission as the work of “patriots”. This seemed like the initiation of the fall-back justification for the cover-up, but obviously this thinking has not, yet, coalesced with confidence. I also remember this, but you're right. It is rather vague. Was it about the WC or was it some justification involving something so commonplace knowledge to any JFK researchers as Hoover's," It's important that the public is satisfied that LHO was the lone assassin", then further justified by an alleged complete uncertainty of the facts about Oswald's true connections, that It was decided to forego any specific detail investigation about Oswald being from either the right or the left earlier on, so as to quell any baloney notion that Oswald may have been a Russian agent, so as to avert a possible WW3 scenario.? I may be wrong about that, but it did raise more questions than it answered. I don't remember any specific "deep state" comment from Woodward, but I do remember Noonan gushily praising them as great "Patriots"!
  3. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/10/biden-delays-release-jfk-assassination-documents.html The documents will now be released in two batches, one later this year and a larger one late next year, Biden said in a White House memo. "One later this year"? , There's only 2 months left! They make it sound like Biden is going to release the first batch within 2 months. Which at least indicates an intention to release. But somehow I suspect this is a quote from Biden earlier in the year. Though ridiculous, at least he hasn't tried to weasel out of this yet.
  4. That's what I say Steve, enough of this capitulation! Make America a Monster Again! MAMA!
  5. Re:Clapton , it is a bit of a hit piece. I think the people who always loved Clapton will still listen to him. After all, he didn't molest young children. But he's always had a big ego and a history of saying off the wall stuff. Nobody should listen to him about matters of covid. He's just a spoiled rock star. But unfortunately some people do.
  6. I've been on some political sites of people speculating about Trump's motives. For example, Some will say Trump has it in mind to stop voters from voting so once they have no recourse at the ballot box, (that they've denied themselves by following Trump) that the end result will be a violent revolution. But Trump doesn't think that far. The truth is more Republicans think the 2020 election was stolen from Trump (60%) than they want Trump to be the next President,( 44%). Though 2/3rds of them want Trump to head the party. This is why governors Abbot and De Santis are ruthlessly using their executive powers to make a national name for themselves, and could be why Trump is making a last ditch push for relevance before a projected fading. This isn't Trumps "3 dimensional chess" (that never existed) This is, what it appears, a power play to blackmail the old GOP leadership to overthrow the 2020 election. It's a stupid move because the reason so many in the GOP pledge support for Trump even though privately they say they don't like him is because the most important thing of all to them is that they are re elected to office. They know their efforts to overturn 2020 can no longer work. So Trump is effectively denying them the office, which is the only reason they're supporting him in the first place. The only thing that can salvage Trump now, is Mac Connell and Mac Carthy talking him out of it. That's not impossible because as we've seen with 1/6, they will forgive him for anything. But if Trump holds to this, his Presidential aspirations are dead!
  7. Yes, they don't let you cut corners! You have to go through every stage of recovery. Sometimes they resort to handcuffing behind the back for days on end, and actually spoon feed you. But it's worth it! 😄😜
  8. Ben I saw this ad in your Taibbi article and I realize this is what lead you to the Taibbi piece in the first place! We're happy that you've finally recognized your problem, and we support your decision and wish you a speedy recovery. Help is only an out stretched hand away. But of course, that's where the struggle begins! Beat it with Jesus! May God Bless, Ben Which poses a question, can a site be judged by it's ads?
  9. News Flash! The head of the Republican Party, Donald Trump has declared that all Republicans should sit out the 2022 and 2024 election until the election fraud of 2020 is solved! And welcome news. But somehow I think Lindsay Graham and Mitch Mac Connel at last won't be blindly following his lead on this one. With about all other candidates , this would be thoroughly discrediting.But to Trump's devotees they may just admire his courage to overtake the Republican Party.I would expect there were no advisors on this decision. Is this Georgia revisited? . https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-tells-republicans-not-to-vote-in-2022-or-2024 And just to be clear, this isn't a joke! https://www.cbs17.com/news/political-news/trump-republicans-will-not-be-voting-if-2020-fraud-isnt-solved/
  10. Re Secession: i don't think it would go down like that Jeff. Ben: Maybe Masachusetts bolts with the Far West. Massachusetts leaving to be with the West Coast??? I don't want say that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. But It's right up there. "Hypermobalized global Security Apparatus?" Hmmm....Sure you didn't just make that up Ben? heh heh ******** Gee, in Texas this governor has just turned into an autocratic wacko! Do the major metropolitan areas even exist ? What the hell, bring on Matt Mcconaughey! If it was a red state blue state thing. I would think Texas and Florida's newfound role of supporting the states between them and then some others, like Mitch's Kentucky would get old pretty quick! *** In this Governor's race in Virginia, the Republican candidate, Youngkin is running on a pro Trump ANTI WOKISM platform! It turns out he was a co ceo with the Carlyle Group! ** Good article W.! The October Surprise was kind of Robert Parry's baby!
  11. Robert,You've always been a positive force here and a fun guy, who would pose good questions. Keep up your spirits and do what it takes to get well! I could write a lot about what I think has changed over the years. I always believe learning the truth is a good thing. I'd like to think it would have a positive effect on reexamining the myths of the Cold War and the resultant militarism and lead to adapting a more hands off foreign policy (but maybe only budget cuts.) But that could happen without the JFKA, the dislocations to wars have destroyed us, we're overextended with too many problems at home. But that question is determined by how the new paradigm plays out IMO.
  12. Ben. I knew you wouldn't answer any of my questions. Your assertion as to any number of firearms was a completely skewed personal confirmation bias talking out of your butt! Ben:If 600 halfwits can overpower two police department with a combined force of 6,000.. You'll have a hard convincing anyone that the police outnumbered the protestors 10 X1, but I am becoming convinced you could believe it. So now they're halfwits. When you were first here, you portrayed them as some nice blokes you'd gladly have a pint with at the local pub.. Never once could you conceive that possibly Trump could have a hand in this mismanagement, and though you recite the Fox protocols, does it really make sense that the police force are completely political and entirely controlled by the Democrats and the Republicans have no say at all? Are you aware Trump had huge Law Enforcement support throughout the country but also within the rank and file of the Capitol Police? I've considered both sides of the argument, but as you say, it is important to you to" stick to your story". Ok You are quite the tough talking Police Academy wicked taskmaster of the cop on the beat Ben. You repeatedly refer to this as a "scrum". That's sort of a laugh. If so, I wonder how long some rugby chaps would last in a true "American scrum"? I would suspect in the words of MLK, How long?.......not long!. heh heh heh heh
  13. Oh, is it possible Ben? When you get that confirmation bias going Ben, you just don't listen. I've told you , your arrest records show practically no one was arrested at the capitol, and you extrapolate from that that everyone was physically searched and they only found one firearm? Why would you assume everyone was searched? There is no evidence of that. They're obviously going to conceal their weapons. How did they know to charge people? I already told you, they arrested them from photographs, their online postings and tipsters. https://www.usatoday.com/storytelling/capitol-riot-mob-arrests/ ***** You largely ignore your own evidence. Your list isn't complete but in just scouring the first half, even excluding charges of acts of physical violence, violent entry,obstruction of police officers. Let's just focus on real serious stuff, firearms, assault on police officers, and possession of dangerous weapons. As I say, I've scanned about a third of your records. It's probably 3 times these numbers. Firearms-2 Assault on Police Officers- 16 charges. Possession of dangerous weapons-30 charges Obviously it would be good to know specifically what the dangerous weapons are, but as W. said. Bats, clubs, bear mace to name a few. Let's not have any discussion that there aren't dangerous weapons outside of firearms. And these are some big American boys! Some scrum! .
  14. W: How man of Trump's January 6th insurrectionists at the Capitol were arrested (and searched) on January 6th? Weren't most of them tracked down and arrested after the event? Ben:Not sure on how many in the Jan. 6 scrum then managed to run back outside and "escape," so to speak. Some did, but I do have a count. I just came into this conversation. Ben, don't the arrest records you just provided prove that all of them escaped and none of them were arrested at the Capitol? Most were arrested by their photos and their own online accounts, phone numbers and other photo and eyewitness testimony, and testimony from family and acquaintances, at a lot of expense, I assume? So how can anyone , make any conjecture about the number of weapons carried by the rioters? Ben: I have to say, if you are inside a building, that by definition has (relatively) small entrances and exits, and there are 6,000 Capitol Police and Metro Police in DC....the police could not even capture rioters as they left the building? Maybe you and I are in agreement. What kind of police state is this? Once they were assembled, you'd think they'd just enter at the exits and say. "Everybody down on the floor". Ben:The story line is the Capitol Police and DC Metro Police officials were waiting for the National Guard to be called up. Does that make sense to you? Do you realize that when the National Guard is called up, reservists (who are generally civilians) have to assemble at Guard HQ's and then be trucked to location? And the narrative is Trump didn't call out the Guard, so the 600-person scrum took over the Capitol? No I wonder about that too. There was a lot of confusion about that. But I haven't heard your narrative that "Trump didn't call out the Guard so the 600-person scrum took over the Capitol". The explanation is given here with layers of bureaucracy. It says here, in this AP fact check. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-national-guard-in-dc-c4c8f14643b6254e261aa0be0841e9e2 "Army leaders say the delay in the movement of Guard troops to the Capitol was because the initial agreement largely limited those forces to checkpoints and Metro stations and stipulated they would not go to the Capitol. As a result, authorities had to get approval for the new mission, then call Guard members to the armory, brief them and get them their riot gear, and then send them to the Capitol." And yet it's said Trump was not part of that "initial agreement". Still, we know he could have called it off, but he chose not to. (like that isn't enough!) I suppose if a Trump subordinate schemed the bureaucracy for that result we'd be hearing about it. But I haven't completely discounted that. Gosh, could it be just bureaucratic ineptness? But how could that be? Aren't they suppose to be the all powerful Government "Deep State" " Police State"? If we could only fear them more. Wouldn't that answer everything? heh heh
  15. If given that choice, I suppose I'd be an onanonist. In a related matter. I found these old home movies of Lady Bird. Very pretty, sort of Texas High Society 1941. What a gal! I tried to queue it to the second movie that she's in at 3:01.
  16. That's right W! Some of us were setting our sights on the big fish, while Ben was going after the corner drug pusher. You know, the guy with the buffalo horns? heh heh heh heh!
  17. Yeah, You know that Kavanaugh hearing thing you mentioned? Back in the U.S. That was about 3 years ago! Sorry you missed it. heh heh heh
  18. I know this also must have been quite a shock for you Ben. Your anti "deep state" hero actually discussing with the deep state CIA the possibility of kidnapping Julian Assange!! It's interesting how Glen Greenwald, who I know you like, is a big supporter of Julian Assange's struggle, but has been so quiet on twitter about this. But maybe I can give you some badly needed context as the situation involving Glen is a bit soap operaish now. I noticed Greenwald's tweets read more and more like a tabloid these days. He jumped into the twitter fray a couple weeks ago about of all things, the Nikki Minaj covid statement concerning her cousin's friend whose testacles swelled up. This is what he said about the "Democrat" response. Democratic Party YouTubers trying to dictate to @NICKIMINAJ what she can and can't say, who she is and isn't permitted to cite, what partisan box she must stay in. But the truth is, There wasn't an official response by the Democratic Party. I'm not sure what Glen is implying. Maybe he just assumes that Nikki Minaj is a Democrat because she's black and he's putting down the Democrats for turning against their own?? Anyway, you'd think this would be beyond a serious investigative journalist. What's really needed is context. It's really Glen talking about Glen. Glen, like Assange has experienced some isolation among his peer journalists for aiding Trump over Hillary in the 2016 election. This was motivated by Glen's intense dislike of Hillary Clinton, who Glen sees as such a warmonger when she was Secretary of State for her actions in Libya. Which, although she does deserve blame, is honestly sort of a myth in that any Republican would have done the same thing or worse, particularly in those days where there was this false illusion that the west adapted of "Arab Spring" that all the Middle East countries that were affected were just playing out their natural aspirations toward being free and instituting democracies in their countries. Whose to say that the CIA wouldn't have assassinate Assange? Whose to say the CIA wouldn't have assassinate Greenwald? Among Glen's major avowed values is First Amendment rights. Glen never realized at the time in 2016 that if Trump had the power, and Glen crossed Trump, Trump wouldn't hesitate to squash him, either through again pulling the levers of government or maybe some of his goons might take it upon themselves to get rid of Glen to which all Trump would say later would be nothing more than " it was unfortunate". Because wiser minds in his profession saw Trump had tyrannical tendencies to First Amendment rights before he was elected. Naturally they weren't thrilled with Greenwald. So Greenwald's been hissy fitting about it ever since. In theory most all the press uphold both Assange and Greenwald's First Amendment rights. But they're not going to go to great lengths, because in their perceptions, Assange and Greenwald brought it on themselves. And now we see Trump and Pompeo actually considered kidnapping Assange, which only reinforces Greenwald's past bad judgments. It's not completely right, but sometimes a bad judgment can follow someone the rest of their lives. I hope not. I'd sooner see him get into politics more than silly vendettas.
  19. Oh Ben! So you were actually profoundly disappointed that Kavanaugh wasn't chastised at his SC appointment hearing for his dragging his feet on the release the JFKA files? This is what I mean by parachuting out into the America political experience from Thailand! You probably need to sit down to hear this Ben, But actually the release of the JFKA files is not in the top 40 in priority of either the 2 major parties. There's not one person in the an American Congress that would divert a second of his questioning time to ask Kavanaugh about it.
  20. I guess some mythology among Trumpers about Trump being the ideal antidote for the government "Deep State" are going to have to be revised! Trump's SS Mike Pompeo discussed kidnapping Julian Assange with the CIA!. https://news.yahoo.com/kidnapping-assassination-and-a-london-shoot-out-inside-the-ci-as-secret-war-plans-against-wiki-leaks-090057786.html
  21. On that day, they also were making the case for indictment against LBJ. Michaleen: But what a powder keg situation that was. What if LHO, either deranged or telling the truth, yelled that he was a paid Russian assassin - that could’ve immediately led to WWIII. Who in America could’ve stopped it? He also could’ve said he was the proverbial spy left out in the cold by his own govt. Or that others were involved still at large. Or he could’ve yelled Viva Castro! But he didn’t say any of these things. Except that he was a patsy, which really isn't saying anything. But that's right, in his short press conference LHO could have spilled a lot more beans if he had them, and actually serve to protect himself, as any group he would expose may now be more hesitant to draw attention to themselves by murdering him. According to Lovell, Oswald was very confident he was in no danger by going out to the public. Which could indicate he thought he was being protected by somebody.
  22. W: How did California Republicans manage to get this ridiculous, costly recall measure on a ballot? It sounds like another brainchild of one of the Koch-funded "think tanks." From what I've read, Newsom could have been deposed with less than 50% of the vote, and Elder could have replaced him with 24%. File it under, "minority rule," "the modern GOP war on democracy, etc." W. It's part of the initiative , referendum and recall elective tools that have always existed in California. Specifically with the recall, someone correct me on this but i believe all someone has to do is get a petition signed by 1% of the eligible voters in the last general election and they can put the Governor up to recall. Which is insane, but what's even more insane is that if the public votes "yay" by any majority for recall, it invited in this case 46 candidates to run against each other where all the winner has to do is win a plurality which could be as little as 2% and he becomes Governor! In this case it was particularly bad for the incumbent party, the Democrats who aren't going to run candidates against Newsome because they believe he's been a good governor, and shouldn't be recalled in the first place.. They're going to change this, probably they are going to need 5% rather than 1% in the future to put the recall on the ballot. But that still doesn't fix a flooding of candidates where a winner could receive in the single digits and become Governor. There should be some kind of runoff, but I assume they created it this way because they want to save some money on Special elections. In this case, Newsome comes up for re election again in a year!.
  23. Ben Shapiro is sort of the Steven Miller equivalent in privileged online right wing punditry. Apparently he had great hopes for the California recall of Gavin Newsome and is now profoundly disappointed when it lost 2-1. He's spouting off about civil war, but knowing him. I wouldn't take it seriously. He's just pouting. California ended up spending 276 million dollars on a recall election that was defeated almost 2 to one. Think of how many homeless people could be fed and temporarily housed with that money! For over a year the recall Newsome movement put up their booths at highway junctions or sort of picketed at freeway overpasses with signs. I saw a group 2 days after the election on a freeway overpass.I didn't get a good look, though one of the signs said Infowars.com. i was driving around ranch country near Atascadero Cal. the day after the election. It's very pretty country but right now bone dry. I saw this sign on the side of the road.
  24. I don't think Ben's questioning that Ron. He simply saying no one theory can be proven. I'm making no reference here at all to Larry and Tipping Point. But how I relate to the broader question. I've seen a lot of people throw a lot of faith in a one book or one author. Or a lot of dogmatic insistence on some point that isn't isn't really essential anyway. If there's so much effort put into upholding something that isn't essential, how accurate can it be with something important? And of course, a lot of confirmation bias. A lot more could be done by narrowing focus and really scrutinizing how some of these pet theories came to be. And as I warned a few years back.The JFKA has come to be cheapened in recent years by a certain bandwagon effect where the JFKA is just being used as a tool of another confirmation bias, and subsequently is thrown into the category of just another "conspiracy theory." Some think that's the work of major media conspiracy. But I saw it as just inevitable. JMO
  25. https://thecovidblog.com/2021/07/26/jordan-hayes-33-year-old-new-york-man-calls-the-non-vaccinated-idiots-and-morons-dead-14-weeks-after-covid-19-vaccine/ Dennis,I'm only taking what you're giving me here with this article and website. Of course, people die all the time, and never once is it even mentioned specifically that he died of covid. That's quite an omission!! And we don't have the testimonials of his family as to what he died of. I checked his gofundme page. On the site, they claim -Masks are harmful -Hydrochloriquene and Ivermectin approved, with that same Jamaican woman. (Ok, I don't care. go ahead!) -Then other claims, of course the vaccine is also responsible for dementia, skin disorders, pericarditis. But the spike protein is deadly, or almost deadly, but there is one cure. It can be cured by drinking white pine needle tea and wouldn't you know, they sell white pine needles! But talk about an "own the libs echo chamber" website! Complete with the tired cliches like "virtue signaling", and all the buzzwords. -"Breitbart approved" -"We don't believe in the Russian hoax"--(Oh good, then they must be qualified to talk to me about vaccines!) -"there’s really no proof that COVID-19 exists (most COVID deaths are the flu)." So... the plandemic??? So I guess we now have to ask whose fomenting this? hoo boy! Maybe Lawrenson read this blog. -Donate! You can usually tell a fledgling website by how readily they throw out pitches for even the most remote political endorsements. Dennis I assume you don't have any such cases close to yourself, or you would have said so. And you don't have any background in this. So why believe this one person and website with the most ominous covid vaccine prognosis for which they have the only cure? Anybody can write a book or an article.
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