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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Matt's right, nobody cares that much about this other than us. Nobody in any number is going to take to the streets about this So what political pressure can there be? Nobody in government fears us. Those are just the facts. As far as defunding the modern day CIA. It's a pipe dream! No major industrial power is going to dismantle their intelligence apparatus. Period! Ben" But who can be against the full release of the JFK Records? In theory not many Ben. But most people aren't going to get up in a soapbox like you and decry, "Why doesn't the ACLU defend Nazis anymore, like they did in the good old 60s? To give you a realistic idea of the political reality. Which is all that really matters! The JFKA Assassination Conspiracy movement, if you will, does not currently have the political will of the "TQ" in the LGBTQ. It's not in the top 40 in political priorities in either party. We can bitch and moan forever about it and it won't the change the reality. Matt's right, the only thing that can change the status is in the hearts of minds of people. The best shot right now is the success of the movie. Those are facts. This is purely my conjecture. If the CIA, or MIC is so ominous and all powerful, do you really think they would leave behind information that directly lead to them? There would be nothing left in the files, and the general MSM commentary , would be "Ok,. now we've been through all this. And it turns out there's nothing there."
  2. One of the first of the outspoken anti covid vaccine pioneers, who leaves a rabid legacy in many online forums, such as ours, to this day. He courageously first called Faucci "a power tripping freak"., and said that the infectious disease expert and “power trip libb loons” Democrats were conspiring to make it seem like the pandemic was ongoing so they could grab more power.". He said : So,you think it wasn’t a SCAM DEMIC? NOT ONE ELECTED DEMOCRAT ever tested positive.” He called masks “face diapers” and “face pantys.” His name was Dick Farrell. Unfortunately our brave outspoken hero is now dead. He died of what else?, but covid. Amy Leigh Hair, a close friend of Farrel, wrote on Facebook, “COVID took one of my best friends! RIP Dick Farrel. He is the reason I took the shot. He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke! RIP https://www.thedailybeast.com/anti-vaxx-radio-host-and-former-newsmax-anchor-dick-farrel-dies-of-coronavirus
  3. Just to highlight a chronology I read leading up to Jan. 6th, of Trump's actions to thwart the results of the election, apart from any direct effort to overthrow the capitol, and any attempt to disrupt the certification of the election on Jan. 6th.. Nov 4th: Refuses to admit defeat, started with the 'frankly, we did win' Dec 12th: The SCOTUS shoots down the lawsuits that reached it concerning the elections. Dec 14th: Biden has enough electoral college votes from certified state results, he has finally and definitely won at this point. Dec 19th: Trump tweets 'be there, it will be wild'; which seems to be one of the first mentions of the upcoming protest on the 6th by him Dec 27th: Trump calls and fails to change the opinions of Rosenberg and others to turn the DOJ into his agency. Trump realizes everything so far failed, the 6th will be last chance. Jan 2nd, Trump calles Raffensberger in a last attempt to have Georgia overrule its own election results. Jan 3rd, Trump has last meeting with both Rosenberg and Clarke to decide what to do with Rosenberg (to replace him with Clarke, but all senior staff at the DOJ would quit) So what we have is that after the lawsuit got shot down by SCOTUS, in December/early January we see a multiprong attack on our democracy: State and election officials are pressured with personals call by the President to lie on his behalf the DOJ is pressure to make bold untruthful declarations about the election (they refused) the DOJ, FBI and CIA leadership are loyalty tested and threatened with being replaced (they and the military made clear they would quit en-masse if that happened) the GOP loyalists in Congress put pressure on their peers to object to the vote counting on the 6th the rhetoric leading up to the Jan 6th protest becomes more and more with fighting words, there are communications about this between organizers and the White House the protest is more and more planned as an assault on the capitol, with tours and shared maps etc. On nearly all of these points, the Jan 6th committee need to question Meadows and others. My guess is that somewhere in early January, Trump with a small group of trustees make the final decision that they will send the horde towards the capitol on the 6th, as it is their last ditch chance to stay in power. It wasn't just a coup attempt. The Jan 6th protest was a last hail mary of a weekslong campaign by the White House to overthrow the election results by illegal means after they exhausted all legal means. It was the grand final of weeks of illegal behavior by Trump and a group of loyalist around him. And as the article states, it is clear why Trump or his cronies were pushing for pardons for people like Meadows.
  4. I hear there's a new "macho dare" thing going on between some white males where they goad each other into arrogant confidence that their superior immune systems can easily withstand anything the covid virus throws at them. **** I understand from Dennis who speaks very authoritively, that in a couple of years the vaccinated will die because of increased susceptibilities to other illnesses through their hasty decision to get vaccinated. Obviously nobody can dispute that directly because of course that's in the future. But, since it's been tested for over a year, we'll start getting some idea about that in a year. Imagine what that world would then be? It would be populated with a lot of the world's poor who couldn't afford a vaccine and the anti vaxers in the wealthy nations, in effect ruling the world. I can't imagine a sillier group to inherit the earth, and to perpetuate the species... On the surface that would seem like an excellent opportunity to set the world anew with maybe two thirds of the current population. Maybe a one time chance in history to stem pollution and conquer climate change, if they could harbor any such idea.?. In the industrialized nations there would be great opportunities for those with cash ,including the opportunity to scoop up luxury homes and properties at deflated prices, and cheap labor. And maybe after a few years,a Trumpian renaissance of opportunity! But of course. not a chance. The most affluent and powerful of the world population would then be represented by a literal clown car of a social consciousness, a literal clown car of civic mindedness, The resulting contentiousness would end up in a feuding cycle of mistrust, wacko theories and completely insular, misguided policy by adamant ideologues. To entrust the future of the human species to this group would be such a disaster that the ones who first got vaccinated and perished would at last certainly be referred to as "the grateful dead."
  5. Ben: When Biden's neoliberal, globalist views are germane. Why was Biden installed? Wrong!, Talk about drinking the Trump Kool aid. He wasn't installed, he was elected, by a strong margin. Yes Biden has contributors who are globalists, and Trump is a globalist. You seem to be another who got lost in a cave in Thailand. The world is globalist Ben. Whether you and i like it or not. These are facts. In any of this anti globalist ideology you attributed to Trump, you were probably just biting the bait set up by Steve Banon. Are you really prepared to have a discussion about World globalism Ben? Maybe have the UK renounce the fruits you've in part been living off of all your life, and go off, honestly on their own with scant resources, maybe a little fossil fuel at the worst possible time? They saw their problems centuries ago and created an empire that you've benefited from. (Or maybe they didn't see their problem and were just naturally aspiring, greedy and warlike) heh heh When I first came here. Many were still living the cold war paradigm and there was no talk really of the corporate state. Every thing was the "government deep state" that derailed JFK 50 years ago. So as Greg as noted, What happened to the government deep state? They effectively 1)checked many of Trumps impulses toward being a global bully, stopped several global confrontations, some that would have resulted in the loss of perhaps many lives, and 2)wouldn't play ball with his hopes for a fascist takeover of the U.S.. Oh, how could it be so! We can call that "the reinstallation of the old regime" or a thwarting of an inept fascist coup or just a return to some normalcy. Again we could just say it's between picking the lesser of 2 evils, if you choose. But any hope of any lasting improvement hardly starts with a fascist takeover. And if you don't think a fascist takeover is worth avoiding Ben, well maybe I'm privileged, but all I can say is, when an old duff like you tells me he has nothing to lose...I believe him! heh heh,
  6. Jeremy:One advantage the 9/11 truthers have over the anti-vaxxers is that at least they aren't responsible for the spread of preventable diseases or for thousands of avoidable deaths. Well that's undoubtedly true. Jeremy said: I'm not sure Chris is justified in using this forum, which is supposed to be about the JFK assassination, to spread anti-vaxxer propaganda. Oh Jeremy!, you can't be arguing with Chris's god given right to express his "JFK conspiracies and beyond"? ****** I've weighed in only once before on this thread about this. It's called a pandemic. It's been going on since the world began. Do we have to play into the same game where one side can't conceivably understand the other side, and then talks endlessly about their freedom and the dangers of the emerging totalitarian state? Uninfected people who have taken the vaccine don't want to be around people who haven't taken the vaccine and who are willing to risk infecting others and could become infected. Who would have thought? Similarly nations who are battling their own struggle trying to mitigate the pandemic, don't want unvaccinated people from other countries infiltrating their country. Now small businesses, corporations and governments are taking measures to protect their employees. I'm hoping we don't have to have vaccine passports but it could get to that. I'd personally welcome it because I want to travel to foreign countries, and I want to distinguish myself from the unvaccinated and with these more virulent strains. I don't particularly want to share an airplane with them. Now we've lollygagged around long enough for another strain to adapt. This was unavoidable just because of the inequities of wealth between nations. But people here can get vaccinated for free. ( Biden is even willing to pay $100 to everyone who gets vaccinated**) But many will naturally just take their privilege for granted (as well as everyone around them) and will refuse to take the vaccine and be left alone. As far the cries of persecution among the unvaccinated. Their screams of insensitivity are nothing compared to their insensitivity to infecting others. But it's not even based in fact. I think there's been a good sincere effort to not intimidate and inform people about the vaccine. "Calmly try to reason with them, don't call them out." So they've adopted an attitude that they should be wooed like a high priced date. To them the goal is to get everyone vaccinated, and they understand that they can't be in any way coercive, or they'll turn people off. At a certain point, people will run out of patience. We can only hope that the variant soon peaks as it has apparently in the U.K. and India. The only idea I can see where people feel coerced is that in traveling throughout the country recently, I've seen in metropolitan areas of any size the local TV news is pushing vaccinations, and informing people of where they can be vaccinated and talking to people who have lost loved ones to covid, or heroic stories of survivors or the brave first line responders and health care workers who unfortunately now have to mobilize all over again. I'm sure when bombarded 24/7 on the media about the virus , it's easy for them to think it's just a media conspiracy against them. But In reality , it's just reporting the relevant news of the day. And on the local level, how more relevant can a story be, but of a human struggle of a people battling a pandemic? But of course. how commonplace and droll to the perpetual conspiracy theorists! Is all the pain and the misery and human suffering just lost on these individuals who see nothing in this except their loss of their "freedoms", as they just keep crying of their phony persecution. No it's all about them. And in the beginning the great majority of them were denying it as hoax or just something that was overblown by government with a pretext only to take away their rights. They go to their authors or are directed online to authors that confirm there biases and memorize it word for word. Making shoddy cases against the science , with erroneous facts and figures that were just absurd. Then making distancing and wearing masks a political decision, kicking and screaming about the thought of having to make any compromise. Scoffing at people who would wear masks. Then when it didn't go away in 3 months, they finally started to accept it, mostly because they realize that they weren't going to get anything done in public unless they wore a mask. I've experienced a number of people online who talk boldly about resisting government enforced restrictions that are actually hiding the fact that they've been vaccinated. And there are a bunch of celebrities "influencers" who could be fulfilling a useful function in encouraging people to get vaccinated, but when asked if they're vaccinated will say "It's none of your business and your infringing on my right to privacy to even ask! " Just like Rome decayed from within, historians will someday see the West and the U.S. in particular's response to the pandemic as a watershed event, that contrasted the mettle of the populations of the U.S. and China , and actually foretold the future, and it will show that U.S, could have responded intelligently without having to adopt the draconian measures of China, because they after all had the great technological edge to develop vaccines, but the people were so lazy, undisciplined, and not thorough and so willing to believe phony conspiracy theories, that the West compelled itself to suffer losses of life far beyond their Asian counterparts. **In California they are spending 150 million dollars for a lottery to encourage people to get vaccinated. So they are giving away $50,000 dollars apiece to over 3000 people to simply get vaccinated! Will they ever stop persecuting these people?
  7. Benjamin, sometimes to get a fuller idea of context, you have to research your material more than you may like. Browsing your link, i have no less than 7 cases of suspects who were caught with firearms who were released on their own recognizance in just the A-B-C names at the beginning of your Capitol Breach Case document. (one of those was released on bond) At that rate I would guess that there are at least 30 such cases of suspects being released on OR who carried deadly weapons. Are we to assume now those are all FBI agents? Just to clue you, looking at lists like these can ,on the surface show inconsistencies depending on the details of the case. For example most of the the rioters who are charged with assaulting police officers were promptly put in jail when identified, but not every one. Not coincidentally now Tucker Carlson has made such a charge about 20 such "FBI agents" who were fomenting the Capitol riots so you're in your usual company.. My guess is he's probably doing just very basic threadbare research like I just did and assuming every person now out on OR is just automatically an FBI agent! The fact that these guys who carried firearms to the Capitol and are now free on OR, to me is a travesty of leniency, but that's hardly the point you were trying to make.
  8. I wouldn't be at all shocked if there were some infiltration by the FBI into the Trumpers on 1/6. And here's a shocker, I think most of the public expects the FBI to infiltrate right wing and left wing groups, as they do in a lot of the industrialized nations.. But the idea that the FBI fomented the 1/6 capitol riots in a false flag operation is about as paranoid absurd a notion as I could imagine. I guess Ben's next obsession we'll hear over and over again is about "Liz Cheney and the Democrats". Liz Cheney is allying with the Democrats solely to investigate the Capitol riots. Anybody who knows anything about U.S. politics knows that won't increase her National Security profile influence in a Democratic held Congress one wit. The Dems owe her nothing, and she's naively trying to salvage her party. Now we have record of Trump telling the DOJ to declare the election a "fraud', and 'I'll do the rest". So just because over and over he's proven so inept at overturning a Democratically elected government, we should just let him go? But we know he's not going to jail , so we're going to pass it off on some of his lemmings but more vigorously some people who were trying to control those lemmings to "ineptly"try to turn over the government. But again,just like Trump, it doesn't matter how inept they were. ***** I don't totally trust Joe Biden in future foreign policy but I know nobody here was thinking Joe Biden would pull out of Afghanistan. It flies in the face of that whole phony narrative that U.S, Presidents are completely beholden to the MiC "deep state". "Mr. Peace", record Defense spender Trump could also have done it, but he chose not to for whatever reason, including the last person who got his ear. Biden could have been given hell by his party that control both houses of Congress, but he knew he could easily get away with it. It's that simple. They'll be a lot of reporting about possible atrocities by the Taliban of the people who were U.S, allies in their occupation and Biden will take the heat. To say all that heat is from the MIC/ MSM complex is the usual dummying down. Certainly some of it is, and some of it also reflects some more hawkish individuals and organizations but a lot of it is also because it's a news story, and not reporting the inevitable consequences of a long standing U.S foreign policy debacle, and acting like it didn't happen would be completely irresponsible. The overall effect is actually positive in that it adds to a already growing reticence about future U.S. involvements.
  9. I agree with you Matt. I use to like Greenwald and particularly Taibbi. But I don't feel obligated to spew the same old stuff when the reality has changed. These groupies just glom on to these few figures for years and just parrot all their concerns even if the reality changed and these guys themselves have changed.
  10. Well of course it is a strawman, W.. Benjamin, talking of "Buffalo Horns':The colorful, signature character of the Jan. 6 follies. The emblematic figure is still in prison, Yes, colorful and emblematic indeed!. Buffalo horns has so captured Ben's fancy, he again becomes obsessed, this time with Buffalo Horns, who becomes the only figure he has any knowledge about in the entire riots. Benjamin is so smitten that the whole 1/6 world revolves around him. And is leading man in his political theater. Much like Ben's first obsession with the antagonist, Brian Sicknick as "emblematically" typifying the police reaction during the riots as he actually tries to say even if the riots never happened Sicknick was going to die the next day anyway! Sort of like to the covid deniers a year ago who were saying BUT DID HE REALLY DIED OF COVID! So then he pits them together, it's innocent ,though amusingly ludicrous Mr. Bull Horns who is after all just part of a new version of the "Merry Pranksters" against the evil Capitol police who of course the ominous MSM (the hidden "deep"underlying antagonists subtext) tries to portray as victims by misappropriating one of the police deaths to the rioters! Whew, Great drama, Ben. I can't wait to see Act 3. ******* Well, speaking of theater, I don't want sound caddy, but the bloom is certainly off the rose with Glen Greenwad , is it not? Even Matt looks like a bit of a skull these days. I guess that's what happens if you dare oppose the dreaded "Deep State'! Or maybe just the politics of discreditation ?
  11. When the Democrat members of the 1/6 investigative committee are interviewed about the upcoming investigations, they seem to be almost fed leads by the press as to where to steer their investigation, as there is no shortage of potential witnesses for the prosecution, yet their body language seems to downplay titanic aspirations, which doesn't exactly inspire my confidence! Obviously Trump as a witness is out of the question, I don't know why, but in any relevant investigation there are members of his family and Mark Meadows who were with Trump at the time of the riots and can bear testimony to timeliness of his actions. I can't see any reason in the world Kevin Mc Carthy wouldn't be on national TV recounting his conversation with Trump in trying to get him to call off the riots. What about the actions of some congressional members, Jordan, Biggs, Gosar. to name a few. The pre 1/06 tours at a time when no other tours were being done. Any preparatory 1/6, Trump meetings and their participants. Possible ties and connections to right wing groups. I agree, I don't think Pence is at all critical, and is probably fruitless without this alleged corroborated conversations and insights from Kellogg and Ornato. Here's our boy, doing his tightrope act to the very end! Pelosi rejected Jim Jordan from the committee for a good reason, because he could be called as a witness. Even though he's on friendly ground on Fox News, watch Jordan fumble when asked if he had a conversation with Trump on 1/06. It starts on 4:26.
  12. You guys have a bit more faith in Pence and in Pence's faith than I do. Despite all his religion, I don't see him as a particularly introspective person, and I can easily see him as very self deceived person, whose already gone down the slippery slope. So you guys really think we're going to go all the way and get to the bottom of this? I hope you're right. Obviously Kellogg and Ornato need to be spoken to under oath. I don't know if I'm going to be impressed with the witness list when this is all over. Again, I'm hoping. Re: Pence: The real thing missing in these stories is nobody, Nicole Wallace ,Phillip Rucker, and Carol Leonig can say with any certainty what's going on in Pence's head. They could all be projecting. If Pence honestly feels that Trump's tried to stay in power by organizing a plan with an insurrectionist mob. or like W. says.W: if Pence has reason to believe that Trump and the Secret Service conspired to block the election certification, what does he have to lose by telling the truth and exposing the plot? Ok, then why is he silent?? What supposedly decent, serious man of faith would be silent this late in the game? If Pence knows the truth, and hasn't spoken out by now. He'll probably only come forward when they close in on him. I don't think Pence knows what's going on and may be just afraid to know the truth. That works well with his profile as an American religious hypocrite opportunist, with monster ambitions,whose made his own deal to ride the coattails of the devil, Trump, for however long it lasts. Pence was put in a incredible position, and chose to go with the 2/3 majority, and didn't want to be part of the first coup in American history to overturn a legitimate election. Yes, it could have been worse, but I'm not that impressed. Pence has worked enough elections in his career to know a lie is a lie. As far as Raskin's quote, if it was that simple for a renegade lowly lame duck Vice President to overthrow the election result, We need a serious constitutional overhaul.
  13. That's my point W. He's not ethical, he's a political animal. That ain't going to happen. But what is interesting is that he's going to have to do an interview and he will be asked if and why he turned down the ride. Unless he fears a shoe dropping, or another person's testimony. He'd just say, that he took his responsibility to certify the election too seriously to leave., Besides, any of his conjecture is just speculation anyway.Politicians are usually lawyers, and are very careful of the allegations they make of other politicians.
  14. Pence left the Senate floor with his wife and daughter so you're to believe that Pence was separated from them before the Secret Service was to take Pence away because they are not mentioned in the article as witnesses. You would think there would be some record of where Pence was to go and who gave the specific orders.But as I say, even if the order was directly linked to Trump, he could say he was doing it out of concern for Pence's safety. Politically, it's not incumbent on Pence to reveal his suspicions of Trump's motive on removing him from the Capitol and he'll just say it was his duty to stay there and certify the election. And if he was asked questions about his suspicions of Trump's motives in an investigation, his political ambition would just make him lie straight faced about that, as we know he can! To incriminate Trump would dash his political hopes.
  15. Agreed W. Ken Starr has always been one of these slimeballs who has used religion and a credo of the dominancy of the male, to defend sexist, misogynist policies. As to Cavanaugh, I looked and there is only one justice in U.S. Supreme Court history who has been impeached and that was in 1804! It's that sort of reluctance to admit that our much ballyhooed Democratic form of government is capable of making mistakes that virtually assures Cavanaugh will never have to worry about being impeached and Trump won't end up doing any prison time, even though many countries have had former heads of states successfully prosecuted for high crimes. https://www.salon.com/2021/07/21/ken-starr-a-pedophiles-best-friend_partner/
  16. I told you '' admittedly' the source is just Wikipedia. I don't make any claims that I'm sufficiently moved to really research this guy. But of course neither have you, W.. All you're doing is copy and pasting the forward. Ok we have some of his resume. I'm not sure wikipedia makes make up phony articles whole cloth, you can usually see the areas where critics skew interpretations and of course there's always quoting out of context, but what he has published and his party affiliations are a matter of public record. He undoubtedly had a Kopp Verlag blog. If you're really serious about researching this.W. 1)Find out if he wrote that "Barack Obama ordered the burning of bibles and any other things he said about Obama and let's make a judgment. 2.Ulfkotte was involved in the far right Pro Germany Citizens' Movement. obviously that sounds ominous by itself! But are they really far right? They do say one of their battle cries was against the "creeping Islamisation" of Germany". Get some idea of the stands they took on relevant political issues of the day. You've heavily endorsed this guy, give me some context on the world and the political climate he lived in. 3. They say the party aligned with a far right Belgian party, It worked with them to organise an anti-Islamic 9/11 anniversary march in Brussels Wow W.! I think you'd have something to say about that! Aren't you a 9/11 truther and don't believe Islamists were involved in that at all?? I know you'd probably like to counsel Ufkotte about his misplaced hostility, but of course he's dead. Anyway check into that. At the least, they associate him with newspapers and political parties that are definitely very German right wing. Which as I said, always has sort of an ominous connotation to me. Check into the Obama allegations, his party associations, the anti islamic 9/11 anniversary march and whatever relevant stuff you can pick up, or of course, choose not to. Good Luck!
  17. Hmm...So Ron, do you read a lot of right wing German literature? Here's what I'm reading about Ufkotte. Ok, Admittedly it's from Wikipedia. It sound like he's German neo N-z-.! It sounds like at the very least, he's got a weird axe to grind! Did you research this guy at all W?. claiming on his Kopp Verlag blog that Barack Obama ordered the burning of bibles,[10]that African sportsmen would "slaughter whites" if allowed into Germany,[11] or that Muslims were waging "fecal jihad" against Europe.[12] Ulfkotte was involved in the far right Pro Germany Citizens' Movement.[13] In June 2007, he signed the anti-Islam organisation Bundesverband der Bürgerbewegungen (BDB)'s "Wertheimer Appell" against the "creeping Islamisation" of Germany.[13] The BDB merged with Ulfkotte's Pax Europa[14] organisation to form Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa, but Ulfkotte left this in 2008 after an internal dispute.[13] Pax Europa was affiliated to the anti-Muslim Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE) alliance and approached the far-right Belgian party Vlaams Belang (VB) for their assistance.[15] It worked with them to organise an anti-Islamic 9/11 anniversary march in Brussels in 2007, but mayor Freddy Thielemans refused to license it and it was eventually cancelled, leading to a split between Ulfkotte and SIOE.[15]n
  18. First off W., to be clear I just asked for evidence. You didn't read W. I didn't duck that at all, In fact, I gave you credit as being the only person who came up with any hard evidence at all. And you mentioned your surprise that there is no other evidence.. And I explained how I look at it. Kirk "The only person who came up with any real evidence was W. and that was 5 years ago in Germany. Not even on our soil. But at least it's some evidence, an article. I think it could be true. But to be clear, I don't blindly accept everything I read. You can put as much faith in that as you want. " I don' blindly accept everything I read. Anybody can write an article or a book, W. that doesn't automatically confer legitimacy. I even remember when you first came out with this, maybe a year ago and I read it.. You can call this a major story. If you want to do more research or read a book about it, if there is one, go ahead. As I say you can put as much faith in this story as you want. But don't ask everybody to accept it as some religious tenet. You ultimately choose to put as much faith in whatever story you choose. Ultimately, Why is your heartfelt backing of this story any more valid than Dennis's heartfelt backing of the anti vax doctor in Lytton B.C.? *** P.S. W. wrote That's sort of like ignoring William Colby's Church Committee testimony and Carl Bernstein's Rolling Stone article while discussing Operation Mockingbird. W. That was 50 years ago. Nobody's disputing that the CIA was actively involved in covering up the JFKA for 30 years after the assassination! ********* In studying the JFKA. I've seen a lot of holes in research.There are a number of witnesses over the years that have come to be accepted as credible. Authors can boast about the number footnotes in a book. and of course, footnotes are good, but of course, you are just handing down one account from someone to someone else. But along this long chain of hand me downs in a 55 year old story, there are other matters, for example, you're really just accepting one researchers claim that a certain witness is credible in an interview they may have made 40 years ago.. That researcher may be believing or discrediting witnesses because they don't fit into their grand thesis. Sometimes I just wonder who was this person being interviewed, and would I see this person as credible, if i interviewed him? I think there could be a lot of such characters. Now because of Newman's work. All the Antonio Veciana claims could be B.S. There were a lot of authors using his alleged claims for many years! Possibly I don't need to believe and I just have a higher standard of proof.
  19. Fox News is starting to fold on their anti vax message, probably in fear of lawsuits! Sean Hannity after 8 months is finally pleading with his viewers to get the vaccine! I could only find this "Breakfast show" , which I've never seen before, with the actual Hannity clip starting around 1:22.
  20. Jeff: I would say the "secret veto" of your last paragraph already took place just ahead of Super Tuesday last year. Po-ho! Super Tuesday! Are we going to go through that again?. Yes the all powerful CIA stole all the New England votes which were in a satchel in a public bathroom, with Hunter Biden's laptop, and changed most of the votes from Bernie to Biden. They even made Biden an overwhelming victor in Massachusetts ahead of their own native son Elizabeth Warren. Of course we in the west didn't flinch in our preference for Bernie. It's just that old guard in the northeast got cold feet. I hate to toot my horn Jeff, but I've had quite a run of political predictions including picking 49 out of 50 states her in the Presidential election. (missed on Georgia) A major part of the art of prognostication is having a clear idea what is going on in the present. I actually told you and others in a thread a week before that after Super Tuesday that Dukakis and Klobuchar would lose and throw their delegates to Biden, and Warren would drop out. So I caught hold of the "secret veto' Jeff. Does that make me CIA? The one thing I got wrong was Dukakis and Klobuchar dropped out just before Super Tuesday. What really went on is the party went up to Buttigieg and Klobuchar and said ,"We can all see through our polling that neither of you are going to win, why not just do what you're going to do on Wednesday now to head off Bernie." .If Biden had gone up to Buttigieg and Klo and lead them in his direction.I would have given Biden kudos for taking charge. That's called 'politics' in our country a little more free wheeling and spontaneous system than yours but the political systems reflects the country. Kirk; A major part of the art prognostication is having a clear idea what is going on in the present. I did ask , do you really think an editor from on high (or a liaison from the CIA) is telling them what to write? The crummy reviews of Stones has nothing to do with the CIA influencing the reviewers. Read what I wrote. Stone's seen as a controversial figure and some people just don't like his politics. It may seem unfair, but it happens all the time. If you get out of your bubble and meet people who are agnostic about the jfka, you'll hear a lot of mixed reviews about Stone, with even some people who are really into movies and his movies. It doesn't mean they're influenced by the CIA. All these reactions can be explained logically. The CIA won that media battle 30 years ago, not that it's by any means hopeless. I challenged any one here to show me that the CIA is directly involved in any media influence now. Benjamin, who brought the whole topic up responded by saying. Benjamin: It is impossible to know how extensive CIA, or other military intel, grooming of the media is today. But judging from results.... but judging from results??? We've seen your judgment Ben. with all your "fine minds" of Trump supporters. No thanks, Any idiot by now should be able to see an attempted fascist takeover, and we'd prefer to hold on to our republic. 'Translated: The CIA/military intel does have a presence and is so omnipotent and so completely dominating everything we read and see and so expert at covering their tracks. It's impossible to ever know any thing about the terrible things they're doing. That's really just a wimpy excuse for really not having any facts. It's a corporate owned media. Do they really need the CIA? Then Jeff, you come up with Super Tuesday. The only person who came up with any real evidence was W. and that was 5 years ago in Germany. Not even on our soil. But at least it's some evidence, an article. I think it could be true. But to be clear, I don't blindly accept everything I read. You can put as much faith in that as you want. Oliver Stone: ‘There’s still a presence out there reminding people not to speak about JFK’s killing’ Usually I just say things once, but this bears repeating. This is just Stone paranoid crap. The CIA is not fearful at all of us. If they are so dominant in our lives. ("They know when we've been sleeping, they know when we're awake.") Do you really think anything in those files are going to link them to the murder of JFK? Are you crazy? You see the contradiction? I'm going to scoop all you guys and you Jeff.. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service are about to break a big international spy case and are about to reveal that Canadian rapper Drake is really a CIA agent. Kind a makes sense doesn't it? ******** Hope you're not too old to appreciate the humor of that joke Jeff.. And about Trudeau just making small talk, Jeff. Just trying to pry that Canadian out a little bit. You can see by the content, I'm hardly doting on him, like some others..
  21. Obviously Trump and Pence had a symbiotic relationship not built at all on mutual trust. Even if it's found out that Trump directed the order to remove Pence from the capitol, he can always say it was done for Pence's safety. We've seen from Pence's previous statements about 1/6 up to now, that he'll probably just say because he is presiding over the certification of the election, he didn't think it's right that he should leave the capitol, and just leave it that. The whole situation is very intriguing. We can only hope other shoes drop. Otherwise it's another frustrating JFKA moment of "why can't you see what's obviously going on" while there's not 100% positive proof.
  22. Well I certainly concur with you about Latin America Jeff. As far as secret veto power? Maybe you're right? It's useless We're completely f--k--!. and so are our kids. But in the United States we're not even near getting a consensus to put anything on a ballot. Polling shows over and over, Most people here don't vote in their interest. 74 million people voted for Trump though he's not in the majority in any major polling topics except he had an edge over Biden on the economy. It's not just the government Jeff. Just because we're the wealthiest, most powerful nation in the history of the world, don't overestimate us! I know you don't. We don't need a highly evolved deep state to be able to repress us. We offer almost no opposition. As far as true oppressors, the elites, we aid them. With most of these people storming the capitol, there's absolutely no personal interest in these guys voting Republican.. In this tragic death of Ashli Babbitt who was killed at the riots trying to break in a door in the capitol. She actually obtained a credit card at 44% annual interest to finance her trip to Washington. Just another unwitting victim turned reluctant corporate shill. Have any of these people ever heard of Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren? These are truly anti elite candidates that have actually campaigned in their interest! And the people that get elected. For example, Senator Ted Cruz's has got a self righteous, sanctimonious, smarmy sort of corn pone style, and does nothing in the Senate but piss people of both parties off, and yet he's gets re elected. Texas also has an attorney general no less, whose been under indictment for 5 years and gets reelected. How can they get re elected?, because Texans really eat this sh-t up! They say thing may be changing. We'll see. They have a congressman Louie Gohmert, (another mask adverse covid denier who caught covid) who actually asked the chief deputy of the Forest Service if we could alter the path of the earth's orbit around the sun to effect climate change! Of course he's just a congressman, but some elected officials in the U.S. you just wouldn't believe. They have a governor whose whose a threatening slave driver. Ok, It's not fair to just pick on some elected officials in Texas. I'm only beating up on them because it's so easy. But we and now have all of these representatives from many states just straight faced lying in knots and retracting their first statements about 1/6 Capitol riots just to please Trump. Also of course the U.S. defense state and war machine is a scourge throughout the world and a major topic of agreement here. It would seem that the MICs all powerful, but there's really a lot of public complicity. There are whole cities with economies that live on defense, mostly in red states where the federal defense appropriations are a higher percentage of their smaller economies. The American people aren't as peacenik as you and I Jeff. That doesn't even fall in the category of "implementing the public will" because cutting defense is not a high priority." Because Americans don't vote in their interests and those people are easily diverted into "culture wars." I would say the Democrats have to get in touch with their inner " Deep state national security state" side that Benjamin's talking about and ruthlessly rip the assh-le out of the filibuster and push their voting rights bill, greatly expand a national health plan, push for more environmental legislation and pay for it by soaking the mega rich, and force your 'secret veto', and see what happens.. We've seen the Republicans ruthlessly use their narrow majorities to push their Supreme Court judges and tax cuts to the wealthy. They'd just be responding in kind. Obviously I'm not holding my breathe! ******** Jeff, I'd be curious what you think about this. Trudeau's shut down by pig Bolsenaro of Brazil no less, at the G 20! This is from some "Get the business edge with better body language" guy. It could happen to anyone, Trudeau makes a friendly handshake gesture just as Bolso is greeted from the other side. This guy totally sacks him! I think Trudeau is just being a "polite Canadian' Trudeau IGNORED AGAIN At G20 - Social Coach Tells What He SHOULD HAVE Done
  23. That's more realistic Robert. We're doing kind of movie review mania here. And many of the reviews aren't worth bringing here, much less having their own thread. Still it's fun to compare, Imo. I'm sorry W. but I think this tendency to pass this off as "operation mocking bird" is really just folly. , Paul said: "Mockingbird assets were (are) simply individuals who will write a slanted story on CIA request". i think the operative word is "were". I don't see the CIA getting directly involved in propaganda behind the release of "Through the looking glass." Or at least, the overall effect is negllgible. They've pretty much sewed this up 30 years ago. And as for Hollywood and the media and their reviews. Does anybody here really think that any of these reviewers are being dictated by the mighty editors on high on what to write? I think that just B.S. It has nothing to do with some monolithic industry wide viewpoint Hollywood is selling. Those notions lead to a lot of irrational fears and aren't productive at all. It's simply been institutionalized. The great majority of people now living were born after the JFKA. Of the people born before the assassination 1963, an even greater minority were not even at intelligible age to have any idea what was really going on in 11/63. In successive generations, they were brought up with parents where the JFKA was a distant memory and later were brought up with parents who weren't even born by that time. They were brought up with teachers in grade school and later in college who had largely either forgotten about it, or have accepted all the precepts of the WC. Oliver Stone: ‘There’s still a presence out there reminding people not to speak about JFK’s killing’ This sort of Stone self dramatization is great at getting people's blood running and rallying the troops and I know Jim has followed right in suit for years with this type of rally cry. Personally I think it's more b.s. for the masses, though I'm sure they believe it.. To me Stone's always been a bit of a drama queen. But still I very much respect him. Hey people are complex for chrissake! I don't even think Stone would quarrel about his penchant to dramatize. It would be hard not to. He's taken a lot of guff. But among modern day mainstream journalists, Nobody has any real "fear" of discussing he JFKA But, for the vast majority, as an investigative piece either they've been totally snowed by their upbringing, their parents, their early schooling,and the interpretation their college journalism professors have given them, or they're somewhat agnostic and it's just a rabbit hole, and the chances of any real investigative journalistic success to them are bleak and after all, it was 60 years ago! Blah blah My advice to JFKA researchers to advance the cause is to realize that you really have to win is a war of ideas. For once and for all, get over the fact that people could actually disagree with you and stop villainizing them. Drop all the whiny victimization and go out on an equal footing, stick to the facts and get your point across to everyday people, or as they use to say in my generation "cut you hair and get out there". This advice will largely be ignored because there's such a temptation among some JFKA researchers to martyrdom. I might end this on an encouraging note. It does seem that more people are accepting that the WR is very flawed, and more people are questioning that LHO was a lone gunman, and that is progress! P.S. Benjamin, as to the "unholy alliance among captured and aligned media, coprolitic political parties, the national security state and multinationals.' Yes I agree, but I think you have to make more distinctions. The political parties change, witness the Republican party with Trump, and all the instruments of government you've listed can change if an informed electorate elected the right people. The process I tried to delineate was an organic movement over time of the everyday people becoming less informed and abdicating their responsibilities, though to be clear, I am in sympathy. When you subtract the government agencies you've listed the only thing remaining are the multi nationals and their ownership of the media. It's not even an alliance anymore. Nobody needs to lift a finger now at some new movie about an historic incident 50 years ago. I think it's important to realize that the people who are conspiring against us don't even meet and don't even conspire, they just naturally think alike.
  24. Can you believe this picture of flooding of in the Netherlands? It looks like some porn I've seen.
  25. Almost a last ditch Reichstag moment from Trump in his departure. We can only thank god he had the ineptitude of filthy rich person who had never really been tested in his life. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/14/donald-trump-reichstag-moment-general-mark-milley-book
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