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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. My cage is rattled Chris? I wasn't driven to call you a N-z-! It sounds like you're coming unglued again, like you've very embarrassingly done with Cliff and Kerry, hurling slurs, and then not owning your hostilities and in this case, trying to project them on me.
  2. No time for cuteness, Do you think you're fooling anybody including the mods, by calling somebody a "n-z-" here Chris?? You notice my comment was a joke. But most off us want to keep people from countries with dangerous variants who refuse to get a vaccine from entering our country. That makes sense. As I said earlier, the biggest expat populations are from 1)Mexico and 2.The U.K. and their most common destination is the U.S. And we can pick and choose, and what's in it for us? And for that, no one deserves name calling. What I see is earlier I brought up the fallacy and the natural consequences of your assumptions and you were unable to defend your points, and you're playing the "victim" now, and to take a page from your NYU professor you're trying to "crybully" your way out of it by calling somebody here a n-z-..
  3. Everyone has the right to refuse vaccination. (Just keep out of my country, you filthy slobs!..heh heh) And people who might be ashamed to disclose they're not vaccinated or fear some reprimand certainly don't have to reveal their choices under everyday circumstances. But if you're a public figure, that's out the window! If President or even non President Trump gets vaccinated, the public has a right to know and he's a bum for not revealing it when it happened! Similarly, we have a whole group of Fox newscasters who have now been eligible for vaccine who, for a year now have been poking fun at the covid mitigation efforts. Tucker Carlson, have you been vaccinated? Sean Hannity, Mark Levine, Ingraham, Brian Kilmeade (what a joke!), where are they at? If they don't have the courage of their convictions, they should be outed! Stop obfuscating and go on public record for all time!
  4. Wow Dennis, that was like a very delayed corona virus vaccine adverse reaction,(which I'm sure you're an expert about) but actually infinitely less clear.
  5. I know Paul, I was just trying to keep it somewhat informal. 😀
  6. Jim Di has never been one for nuance, grey areas or both sides of a story and at least use to push his narrative like inbox boner pills. How nice it must be to be so certain! Jim said: Those nutty neo Nazis we backed in Ukraine are about to light tinder to a conflagration they will lose in spades. Yes Jim and Ollie Stone, like Putin have been warning us about a fascist takeover for about 6 years. But what happened? The Ukranian people overwhelmingly elected a comedian no less, and overturned over 80% of their parliament. You got to admit, that sounds pretty cool! It would never happen here. But of course it's not the same. It sounds like Jim's chomping at the bit for a bloody fascist take over in Ukraine just so he could say that him and Ollie Stone after so many years, actually turned out to be right. Who can say if that is inevitable, but 6 years without the worst is 6 years without the worst! Jeff is generally more nuanced and is very astute about issues such as climate change and the covid pandemic. My criticism of both of them on this issue is this overwhelming desire to see as the devil incarnate in everything the U.S. does. Do we have to get sucked into the this super hero and super villain thing? U.S. economic imperialism is the next logical extension of exploitation following the complete rape of British colonialism, with a caveat that the U.S. have developed a much wider means of persuasion and coercion at their disposal, so there's a greater variety of abuses. Because after all, who has ruled the world yet who didn't utilize the means at their disposal? But of course, even though the U.S.safety net, though inadequate is much greater than Russia, somehow even an atrocious dictator with a greatly underachieving failed economy. (sorry to get economic with you guys, but to the vast majority of people, that does matter!) somehow comes out on top purely out of leftist rhetoric alone, with no regard for the working reality. Anybody whose followed Trump at all knows he's continually in debt making massive payments and is about to face payments in the hundreds of millions. But when explained the possibility of shady debts to Russian oligarchs, why would that be so hard to believe? And then holding up the Mueller report as some sort of witch hunt that lead to exoneration is just another "oh duh", moment for the Trumpies that Jim and Jeff have joined the ranks and count themselves part of, when in reality the report never delved into the true motive. As with every thing else with Trump, his emoluments violations, everything of course gets down to money and finance. And we find out at the end they never even investigated Trump's finances!. But this of course is where Jim and Jeff's investigative prowess miraculously falls off a cliff at what I can only assume is a complete lack of financial literacy. I've tried to appeal by using just logic on a very basic level as far as the computer hacking. As far as the extent of the damage that the U.S.could be claiming by Russian hacks, who really knows for sure? Certainly not the U.S. But that doesn't obscure the question, why wouldn't Russia hack us? I'm sure we hack them. It's the best kind of warfare, it's more abstract to every day people than dropping bombs. They can do a lot of damage relatively cheaply, with relative impunity. They'd be a fool not to do it. But somehow Putin's earned some sort of moral bona fides, that he would never stoop so low? I don't know if you guys are just stuck in a viewpoint that if you give just the slightest credence to any of these points, your argument starts quickly eroding away, and soon becomes indefensible, which is actually true, and I at least give you credit for realizing that.
  7. What I've always said about Yanukovych was, become elected as president. pilfer your Mother country to death of perhaps billions of dollars leaving behind an huge estate, and you get rewarded for it with................................................... an interview with Oliver Stone! Stone. normally a rather taciturn figure, have you ever seen him so happy?
  8. That's really funny Richard. i like those phone calls. Hey Pam, I tried to PM you.
  9. Boy, I'm not sure if this guy, Greenberg whose ratting on Matt Gaetz could be any more of a screw up. "Tiger King gets elected Tax Collector?" https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/11/us/politics/joel-greenberg-matt-gaetz.html?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20210412&instance_id=29131&nl=the-morning&regi_id=61798350&segment_id=55394&te=1&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55
  10. Yeah, Sturgis was the first I had heard about that. Jim, you didn't know Sturgis was the inspiration for Secret Agenda? heh heh
  11. Police Say an Antifa Activist Likely Shot at Officers. His Gun Suggests Otherwise. This is about the antifa guy in an Aug. 29 shooting death of a supporter of the far-right group Patriot Prayer during the summer’s street protests over race and policing in Portland. Investigators said that Michael Reinoehl probably opened fire before officers killed him last year. But some key evidence raises questions about that conclusion. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/10/us/michael-reinoehl-killing-investigation.html?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20210411&instance_id=29113&nl=the-morning&regi_id=61798350&segment_id=55362&te=1&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55
  12. Chris, You brought up some interesting stuff, which I'll address later. Dennis said:The next part of the propaganda will seek to blame non vaccinated people for the continuing “crisis”. Well of course, they will, and you'd be silly naive to think otherwise. Anybody who accepts any responsibility for their actions has to be aware of that. It's also fair to say, the great majority of people will neither sympathize with your feelings of victimization, nor find your defiant acts as courageous as you do. You're in a very low risk group who could still conceivably lethally infect someone from a high risk group, but you choose to do nothing for reasons of your own health!! I'm not sure in what alternative universe that you guys envision where that would be considered "noble". So what's a little ostracism? At least nobody's forcing you to get vaccinated. Maybe in your mind , you'll be a modern day LHO, but you'll live! Maybe the best of both worlds! Maybe because of this, you'll find others of like mind, who you'll be friends with the rest of your life!! heh heh Let's elevate this beyond anything petty, or personal. This isn't just a matter of polite/or even impolite disagreement. These are facts. When you error on the side of caution, the worst that can happen is that it will peeve Paul and I off, Paul because he won't be able to see the face of his date from an online dating service because she insists on wearing masks. I'd tell her to walk Paul. What is a woman like that doing in an online dating service? JMO . And I'm peeved because I dread the idea of wearing a mask indoors for at least the first few days I'm visiting my friend who just recently got his second vaccination. But these days when you bring up baseless allegations that you can't back up. And you're giving that license to others for that attitude, you kill people. Ok maybe you aren't killing people but how would you truly know the effects of your actions? It's not too far fetched to say this could be a whole group of peoples "real life moment". But of course, in the present, that's so disappointing to their high expectations, they'll never seize it. I've never seen anything like this in my life. The action of everyday people, and particularly some" influencers" are given the power of life and death. We see a lot of people who don't see the importance of things that may seem small to them. Some people are very selfish and careless. Some people just surrender to whatever they habitually do, no matter what the consequences. Some people are so much in fear, they just shut the world out, or escape in destructive behavior. I do wonder if approaching the pandemic as a conspiracy or a "plandemic" is just a nervous adolescent way of avoidance and not stepping up to the plate, because I'm certainly hearing no real substance to put any faith in, at a time when bul-s-it walks, and it's very important that people think clearly.
  13. Now we're getting our hopes up on this again. I'd say no chance it's going to happen, and I don't think there's anything left in them anyway. Though maybe Cliff's right that you might get some further clues to the coverup.
  14. I don't care what Joe Biden is saying now. My attitude toward using a vaccine passport or not. Speaking as a U.S. citizen, I would say do whatever it takes if it comes to it. I don't see that, under the circumstances as being Dystopian. Let's take someone from the U.K. For example. 1) The U.K..is the most shoddy covid under performer of the G8, the super industrialized nation with the highest covid death rate in the world! 2) The UK.has the most virulent covid variant now existing in the world! 3)The U.K's saving grace is that they are right up there with the U.S. as the 2 top nations dispensing the most vaccine to their population right now. That's good news! 4) But of course, what good does that do, if the person subscribes to pandemic conspiracy theories from Corbett and quacks like Yeadon, and massively underestimated the covid pandemic, and can never admit he's wrong, but cries that he's persecuted in any fact based argument with others, and refuses to get vaxxed because he fears he would be seen as "giving in" to the "deep state"by his peer group? It's not that the government doesn't want you, for example in the U.S. Chris. It's us, the American people.Why do we need that profile? Even apart from any attitudes of entitlement. You're not vaccinated. The 3 nations in the world with the most expats are :1) Mexico, 2) the U.K and 3) Canada.And we're the most frequent recipient to all 3! We have to take means to protect our borders from high risk people. What good could come out of it for us? Why take a chance?
  15. I didn't see your first post Paul. The 1.8 % rate in California is the lowest it's been and people are encouraged by that. In some locales over this last 6 months nation wide, I've heard of positive rates up in the 30's and higher. I'm planning to go to Florida net week and see somebody who gets his second shot this week.He's seems squeamish.Then I heard Faucci say yesterday that an asymptomatic person whose fully vaccinated chance of passing on the virus to an unvaccinated person is near zero. I was relieved to hear that. ***** It is interesting, with 30,550 million cases and 550,000 deaths- that's a death rate of 1.8 %, but I'm sure with the vaccines, that rate can only come down.
  16. I don't think Chris qualified that. He called it a death rate. But he probably knows where he put that post. It is a good point to bring up, though. But that's pretty nebulous because I've heard at least a few months ago, that the % infected was several times the number who have been tested and were positive. I'm not sure what they would project now. Most of the projections have said herd immunity would start becoming a factor at near 70% of the population becoming infected, which would mean 230 million people would have to be infected in the U.S. I just looked and the U.S. has 30 million 533 thousand we know are infected.
  17. Chris said: There are plenty in governments, including those in charge of the pandemic who got their predictions wrong, But of course, no one prognosticating online, right Chris? You know, Chris I remember you wrote a big long treatise about the pandemic, was it in September.? I agreed with 90% of it, as far making a valid but by no means conclusive case largely against shutting down economies. It is amazing how the pandemic has made online experts of so many people with no background or real expertise.Whenever I see the new experts downplaying the effects of the pandemic, I'm always looking for one statistic that I've noticed represents their bias, and that is the estimated Covid death rate. I remember you very authoriatively said the the Covid death rate was between .03-.07 per cent. You didn't qualify it, by saying, "At this time, it's difficult to say what the exact death rate is, but I'VE HEARD." This rate was the lowest I had ever seen. The closest was one guy I saw on an online forum who came in slightly higher at .05-.09 %, . who was eventually so disputed in other matters unrelated to Covid, he just trolled for a while , and ended up leaving. In the beginning people couldn't be sure of estimates and they were running as high as .5 %. These estimates have come down a bit since. In your post, your estimate of .03-.07%, let's take your mean estimate at .05%. That means, according to your estimate you posted. The total number of deaths in the U.S. would have largely stopped at 165,000 deaths. But now the U.S.number of deaths has gone over 550,000, approaching 3 and half times your prediction , so you're predicted totals were 350 per cent low! The rate of increase in deaths been brought down in recent months by a vaccine, but your prediction didn't really even take that in consideration. I assume it was made under some factless projection of herd immunity. This isn't rocket science. U.S.population around 330 million. 1% X 330 million. is 3.3 million .05 % X 3.3 million is 165,000 I assume you got this stat from some wacko online source, probably in May 2020, when all of his counterparts were underestimating the pandemic. And yet I would estimate your post was around September.
  18. Of course, Matt Gaetz is under investigation for sex trafficking. But when he was on Tucker Carlson to try to explain, he tried to appeal to Carlson for sympathy by dredging up a 20 year old sex charge against Carlson that didn't go anywhere, that Carlson obviously wished Gaetz never mentioned! Gaetz then mentions seeing Carlson and his wife at a restaurant and introducing the girl in question, which Carlson denies! (Gaetz is married!) I'm not sure what Gaetz expectation was, did he really expect to get sympathy and future exposure on Fox by embarrassing his host? Ideally it would be nice to show just those isolated clips, rather than go through the 10 minute interview. But the most concise way was this sequence that starts at 2:18 and ends at 6:00 on Jimmy Kimmel.
  19. As part of my journal of the plague year, I came upon this, Andy Kaufman on the Dating Game! Jim Lang was an on air am radio talent in San Francisco when I grew up. On a more serious note,Wow! what an ensemble! a panel discussion with Sasha Baron Cohen, Jim Carrey, Cheadle, Danson the Fonz, Simons.
  20. All I can say Calvin, is we don't have any stats on that, but we are an equal opportunity conspiracy!😃
  21. It was very good. It is at least 5 years old Doug. As I recall it made a strong factual case while not falling into a trap of being propagandist and overly pushy, that would be rather eye opening to people who had never considered a JFKA conspiracy.
  22. True, if he wasn't sure before he knew he had to get out by this time. He was already in ankle deep. He does seem somewhat sympathetic to Diem though.
  23. JFK: with changes in policy and perhaps personnel Call Human Resources Dave!!!, We need new personnel! "Personnel", Now that's what they mean by JFK's "communication skills", that people always rave about and emulate. In fact I thought somewhere I heard the same quote from Alan Dulles! Sorry, Just a little gallows humor between Dave and I! ******** JFK on Diem :An impossible situation to save.. Yeah, like a month old mango! Even pigs brains might be a better alternative now1
  24. Definitely damning. It seems like JFK is just being lead along. At least damning to JFK's narrative of events.
  25. I'd imagine some of the Kennedy family might have some curiosity. Do you think it might be too hot politically for them to weigh in? Or are they afraid, after 50 years, that the public would just dismiss them as crybabies?
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