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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Chris:It seems like the arguing with Dennis & I over the past year or so has influenced your world outlook. Oh really? i think you're overestimating your influence Chris. I haven't interacted much with you and hardly at all with Dennis. Since you're giving me your impression of who you think I am. I'll give mine and I'll say i don't put you and Dennis at all in the same bag, or are really motivated at all by the same things. Please tell me in your words about the present day pervasiveness of the corporate state.
  2. Richard, I think your posts have always been thoughtful and you should contribute. I agree, of course, as you know, that's the same problem of humans and any governing body. since the beginning of time.But we see where this is headed, and eliminating this influence can only help, and only lead to further transparency.
  3. Page #500!!!! Jeff, Substantively the articles are pretty much the same. I don't how you brought Russiagate in here. But regarding the article. I, cover all this here. I was inspired through Dennis's . "Biden beyond the veil" about the release of the JFK files. So I start by weighing in on that. But I think the topic was just sort of a prop for Dennis expansively telling us about his view of the insidiousness of the present day deep state. And that's cool with me, and I continue with that. I'm conversationally often talking to Dennis, here but it could be to everyone.. I'm going to share with you what some might find JFK- to- present-day- deep- state nihilism. I try to expose what I think is a lot of myth making by a lot of people here, so I don't expect it to be popular or fall along some ideological lines. But I think there are some twists and turns to common perceptions.I don;t think anybody that I've heard post here has posted anything that I think is near what would be called the "Deep state." I'm not sure any of the allegations thrown out have ever been solution oriented but often just general rants of personal frustration (which I understand). which can be true, but I feel there's a great confusion about who the true enemy is and how it manifests. I welcome everyone's response. ***** First re the Government response to the JFKA research communities requests. I don't think anybody in government is conscious of any real "bombs" in the remaining JFK files, and is holding on for dear life to withhold valuable information from the public. I agree that maybe the research done by the outside is impressive to the government, but it's probably not even enough to make them further undertake any great research into it. The effort that you seem to imply that the "powers that be" are taking to conceal is probably averted with a stroke of a pen. I'm not sure, but I'm afraid it might be a case where you're setting yourself up for profound disappointment as to the resistance offered and the nature of the existing content. Try this. IMO Nobody in government knows who killed JFK, and that in itself is probably worthy of a thread. And just as with the government, now in 2021 I'm not sure the subset of people who may be aware through family connection or corporate connection, of their ancestral or company complicity in the JFKA are included among any of the worlds "powers that be", in any loose sense, much less directly pulling the levers of the NSS or are themselves current kingpins of industry. I'm not saying it couldn't possibly be. The notion that there are 5th generation career government bureaucrats that are being groomed for high government positions to guard the JFKA secrets is rather absurd to me. But I suppose there could be some wealthy heirs that know their dark family secrets, but are they really as heavy players on the world scene today as new generations of wealth that have been amassed at a pace unheard of with the old money? (We have RFK JR complaining about the massive profits being made by Pinterest!!) And do the successive generations really have that much on the ball? But I suppose it's the RFK Jr. generation that would be keeping the secrets, like maybe that Du Pont heir who was obsessed with wrestling and ended being a murderer who Steve Carel played in that movie. heh heh Ok, I digress, I don't mean to be a party pooper, But these are the conclusions to me, that make the most sense. Dennis: Some researchers have done great work on the political reasons for the murder, but very few branch out to put the JFK case in proper historical context. Admittedly, this is much harder to do. Ok it certainly is. I think this is your central theme, isn't it? I've already tried to discuss with you some of your covid theories. I'll leave your covid tie in to the JFKA alone, and try to focus on what I think are your most lucid points. You always seem very comprehensive in your scope, which I can relate to. Dennis:We say it was a coup but then don’t follow that logic through to today. If the security services were involved, the important question is who do they serve? That's a good question. But drawing the direct line to today is, as you said harder to do. The reason is that the initial culprits IMO, were comprised of a relatively very small group of National Security and the MIC defending corporate interests, but that group was so narrow. The interests back then were largely industrial, securing raw materials through out the world. Those industries are larger now, but actually a smaller percentage of the pie now than it was and really now only a drop in the bucket of the total world GDP.. Honestly Dennis, again, the modern day culprit isn't even a "who". And there's really no "there" there. heh heh. If you're really serious about focusing and not just making scattershot allegations. If you really want change, you have to know the nature of your enemy, the Corporate State, which infiltrates and controls governments in various degrees throughout the world. What is of prime importance to realize is that the Corporate State, being multi national, has only one real potential foe, and that is the federal governments of the world stopping them in their tracks by extracting taxes from them for their enormous gains, as over our lifetime they have had large success in in infiltrating these governments and obstructing policy to do so. It's in the corporate interest to a degree to foment the current climate of government distrust, to the masses of people, by propagating that the government is an intrusive evil, that takes away your rights, intrudes on your privacy, and extracts taxes from your hard earned pay, so as to create a climate of resentment to taxation and a resultant defunding of government. But all these evils of government are in large part, because they control it! You have to cut the serpent off at it's head, that is, get rid of corporate influence. Your misdirection in confusing the culprit as the temporal nation state government is just music to the ears of the Corporate State, who while they are quite content with the status quo, as they've been winning the game marginalizing the middle class for the last 40 years. ( In fact they're even willing to give some back in taxes) None the less they would love to control the narrative to capitalize on misdirected anger to enrage people against the government in order to find reasons to defund the Government "administrative state" (as Steve Banon puts it.), which of course would be a great windfall for them. The fact that they have such an existing role in government already means they can regulate the specific ways the government is defunded. The world Corporate State philosophy is essentially a Libertarian philosophy that states that people are primarily responsible for their own survival, (which in their dishonest jargon, "survival" is exalted as "freedom" and" liberty") and there should be as little of a Government security net as possible. So in their ideal state, (which outside of a few groups, they know isn't completely achievable, unless there's an economic catastrophic event). They would probably scale back the government to the pre New Deal, if they could get away with it. This isn't in any way to say that all people in corporations are alike or evil. Many of them individually have different ideas about the role of a government safety net. But that's the elegance and seamlessness of it. No one person can be held to blame! Similarly, It is this philosophy that is the reason, that there are no conspiracies per se, (oh, boo hoo!) in that none of them have to sit around and plot and conspire against you and me. They just naturally think alike.
  4. Kudos Jeff!πŸ˜€ That's probably the most cogent link I've seen from a foreigner on this thread in at least recent history. Of course it would be a Canadian. There are a few coals on the fire in the U.S. other than Ben's' "Save my Lulu's" campaign. Jeff, I see now that your leanings, as I suspected are more typically Canadian, which I like. But it's as I said in my post last week. The Democrats don't have any real majority Hudson's obviously a progressive but technically wrong in that the voters didn't vote for Biden to advance the progressive agenda, but did overwhelmingly want all the things in his progressive agenda, and I explain the contradiction there. Most of it is because there are huge groups of people in red states that vote against their stated interests, to put it as kind as I can. They'd accept it if it was from the Republicans but the Republicans only want increased Defense spending and to give tax cuts to the rich. What Hudson seems to imply is that this whole buildup was a fake out to convince the progressive wing that they at least had good intentions, but never really intended to go through. But he seems to trust Bernie Sanders. Bernie has spent hundreds of hours on this and if he says this whole thing was a fake out, I'd believe him, but he hasn't, at least yet. But when they couldn't get the holdouts, Maserati,Big Yacht Joe Manchin and Senema, and couldn't assemble a real consensus, the more moderates just caved. P.S.I was disappointed to see Hudson bring up Mac Aulife. Mac Aulife lost becomes he's kind of a windbag. But give him credit in that he at least conceded. The mafioso Republican guy who lost by more in the New Jersey Governor's race, still hasn't conceded. This is what W. is schooling Chris about "lies". There is an objective reality. Sometimes you just have to do some homework.
  5. Chris is always judging everything in the U,S. from up on the moon where "everything's everything" and making broad proclamations so he can hide the fact that he can't answer any of the most basic nuts and bolts questions about U.S. politics with any real specificity .He holds the distinction of being the only person on the forum to swallow the big lie the day following the election. Ben isn't quite as clueless because he can pool all of his 3 authors who basically think the same.
  6. Ron said: 1984? That's right Ron. Hell hath no fury as Glen (and Ben?) scorned. Of course I don't think Greenwald should be removed from twitter, but his tweets are a perpetual monotonous, (but certainly mesmerizing to Ben), bitchfest and railing against the" corporate democrats" who ironically have now been trying to engineer the biggest social works program, since FDR, but fell 2 people short because they can't can't seem to get around the Fox strangle hood of their red state constituencies, and win any kind of solid majority in elections. This despite the fact t that you ask all these people in red states if they'd like expanded medicare benefits, if they'd like to break up big pharma's ban on competitive collective bargaining pricing for prescription drugs, as Canada has. If they'd like help with child care, If they'd like help with paid leave during childbirth and all they seem to unaminously agree they would, and yet can't make the leap that that's what the Democrats want to give them, because they've swallowed the culture wars and this Democrat "elitist" label that the true economic elitists as Tucker,Fox news opinion makers have spoonfed them. But the travesty is, they are joined by Greenwald, who should know better but is only thrashing out because despite being an avid first amendment proponent had a critical lapse of judgment and and was shunned by the intelligentsia for being an enabler in 2016 of the biggest presidential first amendment tyrant of any President in U.S. history, and because of that is on an endless hissyfit about the "Democrats and the liberal media establishment." Having said that, I can understand that some people might oppose all this spending, but they're in the vast minority. A lot of the opposition are just mesmerized with the Fox culture wars and don't vote in their interest. But they would gladly accept such spending if it was given to them by the Republicans, but unfortunately they only want to appropriate more money for defense and to cut revenue by lowering taxes to millionaires. Which has some sort of twisted appeal to them, because in their dreams, that's the kind of problem they'd like to have. https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=30643&key=e576d9fb4f72757000dc6911101efe23Gr
  7. Sylvio , SVZ said "there's a war going on but only one side is fighting it." Stop worrying about offending people who are trying to overthrow the government, We've been worrying about them for a couple of hundred years. Start at 2:00. If Trump runs again. Do you guys know all he has to do is primary 2 or 3 state governors or elect new state Secretary of States, (who run the state elections and are currently resigning from office) and if we have a replay of 2020, Trump will make up more BS about voter fraud but this time he'll have his people successfully throwing out the elections and put it to the one state one vote house of representatives? Then we'll have a real mess. The general Democratic Party narrative seems to be sort of whistling by the graveyard, confident that Pro Trump candidates can easily win primaries but are poor in the general election. Are they that confident? Their margins in both houses are so slim, they have no certainty, with the almost automatic turnover that occurs in the off year Congressional elections, that their majority will hold up at all. Regarding the hearings, The Dems are again talking a tough game, But if the gentlemanly rules of Congress won't allow them to potentially imprison another member. Are they really going to protect us against fascists? If Democrats don't have a prayer of successfully prosecuting Trump they should say so. Or explain exactly what the follow up game is. There are lots of other criminal suits going on against Trump, but Trumps lawyers can postpone them at least until after the 2022 elections. Just the election fraud of Trump's phone call to the Georgia AG, is plenty enough to send Trump to jail and we have plenty of witnesses. Are criminals going to be prosecuted? It's as if the President is beyond prosecution and can do whatever he wants because prosecuting him and throwing him in jail would be too reminiscent of Banana Republics. And we're supposed to be above that but that's nonsense, besides there are many examples of industrialized nations throwing their chief executives in jail including now France's Sarkozy has been sentenced.. No charges yet regarding Trump's phone call to the Georgia attorney general???? That's a slam dunk if ever there was one! It looks as if AG Garland is hesitant to prosecute Banon for Contempt of Congress. -Some recent tweets from Lawrence Tribe. -There is a strong case against the former president and his co-conspirators under each of a number of federal criminal statutes. Hesitating to seek indictments at this point would be an abdication of duty unworthy of the U.S. Justice Department. -We cannot have a system where a current president can’t be prosecuted, and then, because we don’t want to look backward, the former president can’t be prosecuted; that they’re somehow too big to jail.” -The conspiracy incubated at the Willard hotel to overthrow the government that had just won the 2020 election was a federal crime. 18 USC sec 2384. Bannon’s testimony would have to do with the planning of the events that led to the assault. If that’s an activity of the executive branch, it’s certainly not a legitimate one. Executive privilege doesn’t extend to hiding evidence of a coup.” Precisely! -raises all the hoops thru which DOJ will jump in deciding whether to indict Bannon, including OLC memos and Nixon v. GSA. But the bottom line remains: Bannon must be indicted if the rule of law (and AG Garland’s credibility) are to survive: -We’ve also learned Kevin McCarthy received money from Lev Parnas, the Rudy Giuliani sidekick whose money came through Ukrainian oligarch Firtash and who was convicted by a jury yesterday. And Oleg Deripaska seems to be involved. Hence Moscow Mitch, given Okeg’s Ky aluminum plant -I worry that many Americans are still blind, as I once was, to the authoritarian impulses that now grip Mr. Trump’s party. Democrats need to step up to thwart them.” -If it's right that AG Merrick Garland is reluctant to investigate former President Trump, then I agree that the AG is making a mistake of epic proportions. I hope and pray that Schiff is wrong about Garland. So odd that both were my students! -News: House GOP leaders are recommending a β€œno” vote on the criminal contempt referral for Steve Bannon, House GOP whip Steve Scalise announced in conference this morning, according to a source in the room. @MZanona reporting Tribe:No surprise there. Until the GOP becomes a genuine political party again and not just a pathetic and dangerous cult, it will continue to vote "no" on every effort to restore truth and to prevent another coup and insurrection Eliminate the Filibuster-Not a tough call, if you ask me. If democracy topples, of what possible use will the filibuster be? And, make no mistake, if we let the filibuster block legislation to protect voting rights and preserve electoral integrity, democracy will be on the chopping block.
  8. Ben:Yes, the real-time observations of "nobodies" carry more weight with me than synthetic M$M news. Synthetic M$M news?, Believe your eyes. It's called live film. Ben:and only one protestor carried a firearm But they searched practically no one. Oh, Ok, I know what you're thinking Ben. In America firearms are everywhere!. But people can actually conceal firearms so no one can see them. Ben. I already obliterated your argument on that one, with your own arrest records, that you didn't look at in any detail. There was almost nobody arrested at the Capitol, except the most foolhardy. The vast majority of them were arrested days, months later from photo evidence, their own tweets, postings. other witnesses and being turned in by associates and family. You know, as I've said before. I think when people are good at predicting the future, it's usually because they have a very good grasp on the present. My experience has been when you're not relentlessly driving home stuff we already know, you haven't been right about anything yet. Which is not to say, you couldn't be in the future, I suppose. But I'm sure, like fellow Libertarian, Barry Goldwater, in your heart, you will always be right! heh heh But it is true, you did get me thinking about one thing. If I was to go off to Thailand,it would be in part to get some peace of mind from this contentious, everyday American life, but then.... I'm an American. But then you made me realize, if you're from any other country than America and you leave that country for any other country than America. Then....what else is there to think about, but America. Right Ben? I'm sure no one will accuse you of being a Buddhist! P.S. And about your brethren, your quotee Thomas Massey, whom I'm sure, as always you thoroughly researched, and probably empathize with. He's sort of a pariah in Congress. He was the guy who called everybody in Congress to come back from their home states to get a quorum on the voting of the coronavirus relief package in Spring 2020. He did this so every member of Congress would have to publicly go on the record with their vote, because he was concerned that some Republicans like him, would lie about it later. Which on the surface could sound like a good thing. But the vote turned out, like everything else to be almost straight down party lines anyway, so the net effect was that nobody later lied about their vote. He ended up just pissing off every other Congressman in both parties, and rendered himself completely ineffectual to the point that he'll forever be forced to follow because no one will work with him. Finger on the Pulse, Good show Thomas!
  9. Ben, regarding that woman, Are you just going to dredge up every insignificant tweet from nobodies at the Capitol on 1/6 and insist that means something? Either that or you become obsessed with somebody who you've called "emblematic" like the buffalo horns guy? You always seen to be struggling with putting together 1/6 fragmented images in sort of a confused jumble. Maybe I can demystify this for you. There's a great abundance of film at the Capitol that day. Here in the states we had live feeds of some of the followers entering the open capitol taking cell phone pictures. These tweets you find compelling don't mystify us or make us scratch our head. I don't think the majority who entered the Capitol originally had an specific idea to break into the Capitol. Do you feel more validated now? All this is common knowledge. And here's something I think will be news to you. In the states we saw live feeds of police being over run by the rioters as well as police capitulating to the rioters! You act like this guy in the Federalist article is really somebody. Why would one guy walking around have any kind of comprehensive idea of what's really going on that any of us should put any real faith into? Particularly a guy from a far right pro Trump publication? We have a lot of film evidence. Ben: If you read the primary documents, many, many of the rioters inside the Capitol texted in real time that they were "let in." What's a many, many?. You also have a lot more definitive film evidence of people storming the Capitol, running through the police forces, in some cases attacking them, and breaking windows to enter. People can tweet anything. What's to stop them from lying and downplaying violence they may have seen?What is the more definitive evidence? Live film or tweets? But as I said, this isn't speculation. We've seen some photo evidence of rioters being let in the Capitol. And that possibly couldn't be because there are law enforcement who are inside Trump people? Ben: 1)But the Capitol Police and the DC Metropolitan Police do not report to Trump, but to Democratic Party officials. 2) second option is that Jan. 6 was instigated by provocateurs, in conjunction with police, which would not be a first in history.... 2)What you seem to be saying here isn't very clear. Are you saying that certain police people could have been inside men" for Trump? Or is this what you've been alluding to a number of times now, that this is some Italian,Pelosi, Antifa, Pizza Gate conspiracy theory? You always seem to be ending up insisting that Trump and his supporters are hapless victims. Like your phrase."velcro President" It's funny but it denotes sort of a victimhood as if Trump is doing nothing to merit the criticisms. There are a number of films that can show you time stamped maps of where rioters were pushing through as legislators, including Pence narrowly escapes them, if you choose to look at them. It will be a lot more enlightening then showing insignificant tweets or accounts from "nobodies."
  10. Deborah Birx, now says Trump could have reduced U.S. Covid deaths by 30-40% with a more concerted effort with greater testing. Gee, do you think so.? A great opportunity to bail out his Presidency fell right into Trump's lap, He could have gotten the jump on competitors and marketed "Maga masks", and make a fortune and also ensure his re election. But he was too dense and thought listening to the experts was a sign of weakness. What terrible timing that we had the first President of our time who actually became a cult figure. And to this day, even out of office, he has a group that still slavishly follows him, and some to their grave. Birx, of course is also to blame, but she'll always have that excuse, that she had to play along to an extent or Trump would fire her and she'd have no input at all. In reference to another thread , she was always sort of the well ornamented old style Republican woman, sort of the Peggy Noonan face of the U.S Covid response! https://www.axios.com/birx-trump-covid-white-house-congress-1ffe94bb-6d16-4be7-9bb0-c3b52a440e5d.html
  11. That's right W. Ben, generally unaware of any American journalistic sources other than the biggest, most renown ones, will literally go anywhere to confirm his biases. Now the Federalist, has convinced Ben of a heavy Antifa presence at the Capitol on the 6th, which has been thoroughly denounced by even more earthbound conservative sources as well as Republican minority leader, Kevin Mc Carthy. You know Ben, you could go to media bias fact check, or a few other such sites and get at least a barometer review of the sources your using. Oh no, but anyone who wants to check facts these days is leftist, right, Ben? As anything like that, they may not be perfect. But you do get an idea of the slant.. Some times you can get an idea from film of the quality of people who are your brethren that are essentially making your case for you. Such a case is this guy whose completely on the inside of the 1/06 Riot, Paul Gosar. I don't want to be cruel when considering his demise, it may be due to over medication. But he seems to move by "lunging" these days, with slurred speech. and his head movements seem to mimmic a guy who hasn't returned to normal after trying to set a Guiness Worlds record for one interrupted week straight of "apple bobbing". I probably should have saved this when it first came out. I like to find the film without any nemesis commentary like CNN. I like to have the film do the talking. But you can get a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about in the first 3 minutes of this piece. Sorry, I really wanted to read the Rolling Stone piece W. But they tried to hit me up for a subscription even though I think I've read only one RS piece this entire year! Oh Well!
  12. I agree Jeff, I don't think either President has been briefed on details of the unreleased documents. Jeff: At the time of the 50th anniversary, on the CBS β€œFace The Nation” program, Peggy Noonan and Bob Woodward first acknowledged a β€œdeep state” and then praised the Warren Commission as the work of β€œpatriots”. This seemed like the initiation of the fall-back justification for the cover-up, but obviously this thinking has not, yet, coalesced with confidence. I also remember this, but you're right. It is rather vague. Was it about the WC or was it some justification involving something so commonplace knowledge to any JFK researchers as Hoover's," It's important that the public is satisfied that LHO was the lone assassin", then further justified by an alleged complete uncertainty of the facts about Oswald's true connections, that It was decided to forego any specific detail investigation about Oswald being from either the right or the left earlier on, so as to quell any baloney notion that Oswald may have been a Russian agent, so as to avert a possible WW3 scenario.? I may be wrong about that, but it did raise more questions than it answered. I don't remember any specific "deep state" comment from Woodward, but I do remember Noonan gushily praising them as great "Patriots"!
  13. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/10/biden-delays-release-jfk-assassination-documents.html The documents will now be released in two batches, one later this year and a larger one late next year, Biden said in a White House memo. "One later this year"? , There's only 2 months left! They make it sound like Biden is going to release the first batch within 2 months. Which at least indicates an intention to release. But somehow I suspect this is a quote from Biden earlier in the year. Though ridiculous, at least he hasn't tried to weasel out of this yet.
  14. That's what I say Steve, enough of this capitulation! Make America a Monster Again! MAMA!
  15. Re:Clapton , it is a bit of a hit piece. I think the people who always loved Clapton will still listen to him. After all, he didn't molest young children. But he's always had a big ego and a history of saying off the wall stuff. Nobody should listen to him about matters of covid. He's just a spoiled rock star. But unfortunately some people do.
  16. I've been on some political sites of people speculating about Trump's motives. For example, Some will say Trump has it in mind to stop voters from voting so once they have no recourse at the ballot box, (that they've denied themselves by following Trump) that the end result will be a violent revolution. But Trump doesn't think that far. The truth is more Republicans think the 2020 election was stolen from Trump (60%) than they want Trump to be the next President,( 44%). Though 2/3rds of them want Trump to head the party. This is why governors Abbot and De Santis are ruthlessly using their executive powers to make a national name for themselves, and could be why Trump is making a last ditch push for relevance before a projected fading. This isn't Trumps "3 dimensional chess" (that never existed) This is, what it appears, a power play to blackmail the old GOP leadership to overthrow the 2020 election. It's a stupid move because the reason so many in the GOP pledge support for Trump even though privately they say they don't like him is because the most important thing of all to them is that they are re elected to office. They know their efforts to overturn 2020 can no longer work. So Trump is effectively denying them the office, which is the only reason they're supporting him in the first place. The only thing that can salvage Trump now, is Mac Connell and Mac Carthy talking him out of it. That's not impossible because as we've seen with 1/6, they will forgive him for anything. But if Trump holds to this, his Presidential aspirations are dead!
  17. Yes, they don't let you cut corners! You have to go through every stage of recovery. Sometimes they resort to handcuffing behind the back for days on end, and actually spoon feed you. But it's worth it! πŸ˜„πŸ˜œ
  18. Ben I saw this ad in your Taibbi article and I realize this is what lead you to the Taibbi piece in the first place! We're happy that you've finally recognized your problem, and we support your decision and wish you a speedy recovery. Help is only an out stretched hand away. But of course, that's where the struggle begins! Beat it with Jesus! May God Bless, Ben Which poses a question, can a site be judged by it's ads?
  19. News Flash! The head of the Republican Party, Donald Trump has declared that all Republicans should sit out the 2022 and 2024 election until the election fraud of 2020 is solved! And welcome news. But somehow I think Lindsay Graham and Mitch Mac Connel at last won't be blindly following his lead on this one. With about all other candidates , this would be thoroughly discrediting.But to Trump's devotees they may just admire his courage to overtake the Republican Party.I would expect there were no advisors on this decision. Is this Georgia revisited? . https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-tells-republicans-not-to-vote-in-2022-or-2024 And just to be clear, this isn't a joke! https://www.cbs17.com/news/political-news/trump-republicans-will-not-be-voting-if-2020-fraud-isnt-solved/
  20. Re Secession: i don't think it would go down like that Jeff. Ben: Maybe Masachusetts bolts with the Far West. Massachusetts leaving to be with the West Coast??? I don't want say that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. But It's right up there. "Hypermobalized global Security Apparatus?" Hmmm....Sure you didn't just make that up Ben? heh heh ******** Gee, in Texas this governor has just turned into an autocratic wacko! Do the major metropolitan areas even exist ? What the hell, bring on Matt Mcconaughey! If it was a red state blue state thing. I would think Texas and Florida's newfound role of supporting the states between them and then some others, like Mitch's Kentucky would get old pretty quick! *** In this Governor's race in Virginia, the Republican candidate, Youngkin is running on a pro Trump ANTI WOKISM platform! It turns out he was a co ceo with the Carlyle Group! ** Good article W.! The October Surprise was kind of Robert Parry's baby!
  21. Robert,You've always been a positive force here and a fun guy, who would pose good questions. Keep up your spirits and do what it takes to get well! I could write a lot about what I think has changed over the years. I always believe learning the truth is a good thing. I'd like to think it would have a positive effect on reexamining the myths of the Cold War and the resultant militarism and lead to adapting a more hands off foreign policy (but maybe only budget cuts.) But that could happen without the JFKA, the dislocations to wars have destroyed us, we're overextended with too many problems at home. But that question is determined by how the new paradigm plays out IMO.
  22. Ben. I knew you wouldn't answer any of my questions. Your assertion as to any number of firearms was a completely skewed personal confirmation bias talking out of your butt! Ben:If 600 halfwits can overpower two police department with a combined force of 6,000.. You'll have a hard convincing anyone that the police outnumbered the protestors 10 X1, but I am becoming convinced you could believe it. So now they're halfwits. When you were first here, you portrayed them as some nice blokes you'd gladly have a pint with at the local pub.. Never once could you conceive that possibly Trump could have a hand in this mismanagement, and though you recite the Fox protocols, does it really make sense that the police force are completely political and entirely controlled by the Democrats and the Republicans have no say at all? Are you aware Trump had huge Law Enforcement support throughout the country but also within the rank and file of the Capitol Police? I've considered both sides of the argument, but as you say, it is important to you to" stick to your story". Ok You are quite the tough talking Police Academy wicked taskmaster of the cop on the beat Ben. You repeatedly refer to this as a "scrum". That's sort of a laugh. If so, I wonder how long some rugby chaps would last in a true "American scrum"? I would suspect in the words of MLK, How long?.......not long!. heh heh heh heh
  23. Oh, is it possible Ben? When you get that confirmation bias going Ben, you just don't listen. I've told you , your arrest records show practically no one was arrested at the capitol, and you extrapolate from that that everyone was physically searched and they only found one firearm? Why would you assume everyone was searched? There is no evidence of that. They're obviously going to conceal their weapons. How did they know to charge people? I already told you, they arrested them from photographs, their online postings and tipsters. https://www.usatoday.com/storytelling/capitol-riot-mob-arrests/ ***** You largely ignore your own evidence. Your list isn't complete but in just scouring the first half, even excluding charges of acts of physical violence, violent entry,obstruction of police officers. Let's just focus on real serious stuff, firearms, assault on police officers, and possession of dangerous weapons. As I say, I've scanned about a third of your records. It's probably 3 times these numbers. Firearms-2 Assault on Police Officers- 16 charges. Possession of dangerous weapons-30 charges Obviously it would be good to know specifically what the dangerous weapons are, but as W. said. Bats, clubs, bear mace to name a few. Let's not have any discussion that there aren't dangerous weapons outside of firearms. And these are some big American boys! Some scrum! .
  24. W: How man of Trump's January 6th insurrectionists at the Capitol were arrested (and searched) on January 6th? Weren't most of them tracked down and arrested after the event? Ben:Not sure on how many in the Jan. 6 scrum then managed to run back outside and "escape," so to speak. Some did, but I do have a count. I just came into this conversation. Ben, don't the arrest records you just provided prove that all of them escaped and none of them were arrested at the Capitol? Most were arrested by their photos and their own online accounts, phone numbers and other photo and eyewitness testimony, and testimony from family and acquaintances, at a lot of expense, I assume? So how can anyone , make any conjecture about the number of weapons carried by the rioters? Ben: I have to say, if you are inside a building, that by definition has (relatively) small entrances and exits, and there are 6,000 Capitol Police and Metro Police in DC....the police could not even capture rioters as they left the building? Maybe you and I are in agreement. What kind of police state is this? Once they were assembled, you'd think they'd just enter at the exits and say. "Everybody down on the floor". Ben:The story line is the Capitol Police and DC Metro Police officials were waiting for the National Guard to be called up. Does that make sense to you? Do you realize that when the National Guard is called up, reservists (who are generally civilians) have to assemble at Guard HQ's and then be trucked to location? And the narrative is Trump didn't call out the Guard, so the 600-person scrum took over the Capitol? No I wonder about that too. There was a lot of confusion about that. But I haven't heard your narrative that "Trump didn't call out the Guard so the 600-person scrum took over the Capitol". The explanation is given here with layers of bureaucracy. It says here, in this AP fact check. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-national-guard-in-dc-c4c8f14643b6254e261aa0be0841e9e2 "Army leaders say the delay in the movement of Guard troops to the Capitol was because the initial agreement largely limited those forces to checkpoints and Metro stations and stipulated they would not go to the Capitol. As a result, authorities had to get approval for the new mission, then call Guard members to the armory, brief them and get them their riot gear, and then send them to the Capitol." And yet it's said Trump was not part of that "initial agreement". Still, we know he could have called it off, but he chose not to. (like that isn't enough!) I suppose if a Trump subordinate schemed the bureaucracy for that result we'd be hearing about it. But I haven't completely discounted that. Gosh, could it be just bureaucratic ineptness? But how could that be? Aren't they suppose to be the all powerful Government "Deep State" " Police State"? If we could only fear them more. Wouldn't that answer everything? heh heh
  25. If given that choice, I suppose I'd be an onanonist. In a related matter. I found these old home movies of Lady Bird. Very pretty, sort of Texas High Society 1941. What a gal! I tried to queue it to the second movie that she's in at 3:01.
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