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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Well first off Dennis , my continued condolences for the traitorous actions of that dirty vaxxh-ole Trump! For a long time in U.S. history,the number of people who polled anti vaccine were around 10%. Since Trump's it's clearly up to a third of the population. And now this! His defection to vaxxerdom is a scourge to your hard fought efforts and is definitely a bitter pill to swallow, but at least not a vaccine!. If it's any consolation, I know some really bad dudes who've said they feel very betrayed by Trump as they've lost some of their people because of Trump, and although they still don't vax, They told me that Trump "better watch his back!" heh heh heh heh heh heh Ok seriously Dennis, Dennis I always sense that the more angry and more ranting your posts are, the more frustrated you're feeling in your life and I really do sympathize. Go East to Davos Young Man. I don't what branch of the "great reset" you're in, but to assume any master" great reset plan" is going on there is folly. It's all just window dressing. I've specifically told you how the corporate state plays out and it's much more seamless and insidious than any of these silly medieval drama theories I hear about here. Though I'm sure they're deliciously overwhelming to all of you who hold them that it will give you sufficient license to continue to strike out aimlessly and then revert back to basking in your hopelessness and doing nothing. Unvaccinated Sarah Palin tests positive for Covid, delays New York Times defamation trial https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/24/-unvaccinated-sarah-palin-positive-for-covid-before-ny-times-defamation-trial.html
  2. Jim from your piece: Jim:Part of this crusade seems to simply stem from a reaction to RFK Jr’s outspokenness on the issue. Then you write this: Jim:He began speaking out about it back in 2013 during a public appearance with Rory hosted by Charlie Rose in Dallas. You call RFK Jr.outspoken , but it took him 50 years to out himself. Why did it take 50 years.?
  3. Thanks Pete, these are some of earlier interviews I remember. Could you imagine a more collected, lucid account, including articulating his motive, and aware very comprehensively of all implications of what he had done, and taking complete responsibility for himself, other than to say that at one point, after a drink, he has no recollection of what happened?
  4. Apparently they deleted it Dennis. But here it is again. For Meat Loaf fans or any body. This isn't going to be pleasant to watch. These are his last videos to his fans. It appears Meat Loaf is in denial that he has covid and although he says he's lost 77 lbs. is saying his problems are due to back injuries that are going to take several surgeries to repair. I expect some people here will say this is a covid misdiagnosis.
  5. For Meat Loaf fans or any body. This isn't going to be pleasant to watch. These are his last videos to his fans. It appears Meat Loaf is in denial that he has covid and although he says he's lost 77 lbs. is saying his problems are due to back injuries that are going to take several surgeries to repair. I expect some people here will say this is a covid misdiagnosis.
  6. Ty, I'm surprised you bring this up. You don't remember all the unpleasant things Trump would say "on mic" to reporters faces, calling them "fake news." "nasty" , "terrible reporters" "third rate reporters". I thought Trump supporters celebrated insulting reporters but I give you credit that you weren't in that group, but you obviously haven't seen that Trump is the most insulting of all Presidents we've ever had and that was with fair questions and not unknowingly with a "hot mic". Here is an exchange in the Spring of 2020, in a period of great uncertainty at the beginning of the covid pandemic when a reporter asks. Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response. Trump:"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say." The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast."You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'""Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism." This was a softball question that any true leader would have seized upon to reassure the public that "it's going to be tough but we're going to pull through". But Trump didn't have it in him. We can talk just about his civility, but almost 2 years later and probably million American lives lost by the end of this , 20 times the number of people lost in the Viet Nam War, this was a great tragedy, that could have lost him the election. And Fox News reinforced it, and was complicit with these insults which now make them look so hypocritical. The question itself was obvious and made to embarrass, but within the arc of testy questions reporters ask Presidents. More examples of Trump's treatment of reporters, of less testy questions.. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-lashes-out-at-reporters-during-coronavirus-press-briefings-2020-4
  7. Politically in the U.S. I've never seen a more dictatorial "cancel culture" censorship than the current Republican Party There is literally no disagreement allowed to Trump or they will tremble in fear to lose their jobs.. They' even gave up having a party platform. That's unprecedented. Boycotting is a tool that Young is employing, Of course people can disagree. Re the Pandemic. You can hem and haw, but it's been going on since the start of civilization. There are epidemics, and people don't want to be around people who can make them or their loved ones fatally sick, no matter how remote a chance the potential carriers think that is. As for Neil, I used to do an impersonation of Neil that would bring the house down. I hadn't done it in years, but it was received favorably playing out with my friend in Florida last spring. And that was fun! Before he met her. I dated his wife of many years, before he dumped her for Darryl Hannah a few years back , she's since died of cancer.
  8. 27 House members sign letter asking Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy to bring stock trading ban to the floor: 'We came to Congress to serve our country, not turn a quick buck' It's signed by 25 Democrats and 2 Republicans! ******* Alex Jones met with 1/6 committee and says he pleaded the Fifth 'almost 100 times' https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/25/politics/alex-jones-january-6-plead-fifth/index.html John Eastman law prof who authored memo on how Pence could block certification of Electoral College vote, invoked 5th Amendment 146 times! At hearing on John Eastman's efforts to block 1/6 committee from getting his emails, Doug Letter, House counsel, reveals that Eastman, law prof who authored memo on how Pence could block certification of Electoral College vote, invoked 5th Amendment 146 times.
  9. Do tell, George, so he was an early acid head who, I guess lived in Wyoming and knew Dick Cheney?
  10. Yes Bob, Actually Tucker was Ben's hero!. He took out a thread here to endorse him at one point. He seems to have peered a little more beyond the surface of late ***** .Ben has completely exhausted his 3 sources, his theories now thoroughly debunked, and like Trump himself, is desperately looking for bias confirming websites. And now tracing the timeline. Ben posted a Ray Epps story from a website source Trump earlier used a week ago in his recent speech in Arizona. Wow, how original! And now what is Ben left to do? Pull out his picture of Liz Cheney with the Democrats. Ben: . It's da donks! Da donks have been taken over by Liz Cheney and the NSS "DEEP STATE!, Cant you see? Ben's got photo evidence! ******* Ben, You don't think we can see you've done this song and dance for last 9 months. Can't you just approach people sincerely, even if you don't agree with them ? You know we've been snipping at Liz Cheney and her Dad since long before you ever came here. Stop acting like LBJ's guy who "can't walk and chew gum at the same time". You know the strange bedfellows situation that going on with that. In reality, Ben has much more in common with Liz Cheney than any of us. If Ben could have voted in the U.S. 2016 and 2020 elections, His votes would have been identical to Liz Cheney. He would have voted both elections for Trump.
  11. Paydirt! So in his general lecture, this was the first incongruity to the WR anyone had heard? Mc Lelland and Perry were very close. Perry disclosed to Mc Lelland that he had been threatened to shut up. At the time Perry was 34. He then moved off to New York state to practice for over 10 years. He told Mc Lelland he left because he didn't feel safe.He eventually retired in Texas. At 23:45
  12. I agree Ron, Gee Ben it; looks like you're going to have to revise your UK definition of "scrums" being cute little chaps in scrum shorts to now include plots of shotguns and automatic weapons. Welcome to the big leagues! Nice Call! heh heh Ben's hoping Trump will lend credibility to his website that claims that Ray Epps masterminded the 1/6 Capital break in, that he's been preaching to us the last 6 months. Yes, that's a joke! Trump praises right-wing site that helped to seed the conspiracy theory that the FBI is to blame for the Capitol riot
  13. Well Ty, i appreciate you showing me exceptions and you would know better, but I have watched a bit of Fox. And honestly I'm not that impressed. You could have seen much better coverage Ty. The best by far is the first one. It's the only one I've seen that has direct interviews with health care workers,but only briefly.. I'm glad they dedicated a program, but why did it take a year and a half,? until Oct. 2021? Your second and third links are about veterans who are doing their symbolic bits to honor HCW, but can we agree that drawing a symbolic American flag really isn't any help to the HCW at all? Does a symbolic flying of a fleet really help the HCW? Front-line workers honored with 'combat paper' art made from scrubs, military uniforms Ok, I don't understand the full story, but what really is this? It's nice, but who are the real heroes here? I don't see one live story of Doctors or nurses in scrubs recounting the stress of deciding who gets a bed or a ventilator. Or accounting the everyday stress at the worse levels of the pandemic. One thing that's curious about these links is that they aren't putting a face on who these these health care workers are, their lives,their families the trials they've been through. Most of these stories are about third parties and veterans and the sacrifices they're making to honor them as a group, what?!!! You almost think if there wasn't grateful vets, they wouldn't have any coverage at all! The last is sort of a PSA on site which they all do. . Honestly Ty, i come out of these links and I'm amazed at the lengths they are going to to depersonalize who the real heroes were. I think their coverage sucks!
  14. Right on W. To Ben, Epps is his star witness against the government deep state. To us he's had his 15 minutes of fame, and it's inconceivable that such a character like that could have started the 1/6 Capitol break in anyway. **** I remember a year ago last summer, during a general covid lock down. There was a baseball game where they honored the health care workers, who were the only fans at the game. It brought tears to my eyes to see these people finally get honored for all the overtime work they had done earlier, during the first covid breakout in the Spring of 2020. Over the last 2 years. I'm reminded how in the right wing media, and Fox News, there's never any inkling , at least that I ever saw, of a tribute to the brave souls who've provided care to the victims of the covid pandemic, endlessly risking infection and getting covid themselves. It was ignored because it could be acknowledging that there was actually a problem at all. And now care givers have to deal selflessly with unvaccinated people who could be taking away beds and other precious resources from victims of automobile accidents, people needing various emergency surgeries and care, young people who might have their appendix burst and even elective surgeries. These are essential people who are being treated as expendable people, which can only reflect a greater attitude towards the rights of the lesser powerful as well. No matter what anyone's politics, in a climate where there's always media criticism that there aren't enough good feeling, inspiring stories in the dark times of a pandemic. These people should have gotten a lot more air time for their heroics among right wing media than they did, and still do.JMO
  15. You've taken an hour to just obfuscate. You've asked one real question, and I'll answer it.. Chris;What made you take two separate quotes, combine them and add some words for sensation and then place them in quotes attributing them to me? They are direct quotes, and not separate quotes and they're not combined. I quoted your paragraph and then focused on your first sentence and asked you a question. There's no trickery at all. Kirk: What is this "corruption that is sweeping the globe?" Be specific! Since it was an easy question. And you're running from answering it. It obvious it was just another frustrated, alarmist cry for attention, when your argument goes against you that was deliberately vague and you can't back up, and you've had plenty of chances. Chris:you’re going to lose almost everything you have ever worked for in your life. I This is a very irresponsible statement to make to someone when you have so little knowledge and life experience to back it up. But we're supposed to put up with it because you're so hurt? Not a chance!
  16. This is your quote: This statement hasn't made anything "more real' to anyone. What is this "corruption that is sweeping the globe?" Be specific! Stop the hemming and hawing and answer the question.
  17. Yes, Let's address that, Chris you can't just run to the mods when you don't like something someone said, when you can directly address the person who said it...... Me. Here's the quotation you want to be known. Chris: "I’ll say something that might make this real. If this corruption that is sweeping the globe, and ruining economies isn’t stopped quickly, you’re going to lose almost everything you have ever worked for in your life. I don’t want that to happen to you or anybody else, but, it’s coming. That is the trajectory we are on at present. Your country is being pulled apart from within, and you can’t see it. “ "I’ll say something that might make this real. If this corruption that is sweeping the globe, and ruining economies isn’t stopped quickly, First off, This statement hasn't made anything "more real' to anyone. What is this corruption that is sweeping the globe? Be specific!
  18. Oh Chris, so that's been in your craw now for the last week even though the rest of us were not very impressed the first time and hardly want to go through it again. . As far as accreditation, I'd put up W's accreditation about 100 times over yours as a 40 something who acts like a 20 something as this post shows, and as a "media expert".who campaigns against "collectivism" and extols Jordan Peterson and quotes Barry Goldwater. I personally smell yet another rat.
  19. Yes Joe, It sounds like you should get tested. Just do it! I've had 3 modernas now so I'm ground zero for a lot of these spike protein naysayers. My first Moderna I had no reaction whatsoever. But the next 2 I did have have reactions. The next day I felt under the weather. It didn't stop me from doing a mild schedule. The first reaction day, I did get a haircut and do chores.The second one was similar, in both cases I felt like I was coming on to a bad cold that never really materialized. Never any hard symptoms and in In both cases after waking up from a sleep. I felt refreshed. True to the covid conspiracy theorists, I am encouraged to take the shot and have gotten credit ($15) for each shot and booster through my health rewards card to buy health care related items for free. Yeah, tough world we live in! I was taking it anyway, so that didn't matter. Then I was walking through my grocery chain, when they were offering flu shots and I could get one on the spot and get a $5 credit for it, so I did it and I'll be damned if I didn't get a mild reaction to that the next day too! I don't take flu shot every year and I haven't gotten a flu in years and I don't know if I will in the future. I personally want no muss and fuss for the flu. I regret getting this one. Then I've got these endless e mails to take moderna surveys and even Pfizer surveys and I didn't even take the Pfizer! It sounds like maybe I'm doing a good thing and If i fill out the surveys they promise a gift worth $90, and all I have to pay for is shipping. They give me a choice of about a dozen of the same items. I've done this before, and the manufacturers end up billing me for the item anyway. I receive the merchandise, and get the bill later.. I spend time over the phone, explaining to them that I was offered to take a survey and the item was for free except for shipping and they act like they've never done business with the survey takers ever before! But in the end, they don't dispute and I get the item, which never seems like it's worth $90 bucks, So I decided I was never taking those surveys again because the hassle just isn't worth it, unless you're really looking for a decent flashlight, keto pills or skin cream. Just a word of caution!
  20. Doing what he's told? What is this, another contrived conspiracy? Who told him? The FBI? ,yeah, they and the donks are really tight, right?............ the MSM?................. Maybe FBI-MSM??? Whoa! Awesome! I get it now! ********* Ron's right. That would be playing for the 1% who wasn't going to vote for him while alienating the moderate 10%. And that's not good odds. It's called politics. ** Newsome's trying to give health care to all Californians, even non citizens. It's a first. Apart from the citizenship issue, Other states depend more on the federal government for health care assistance. I've always wondered, even with Fed help, how can any state guarantee that?, and I live here. Definitely a high tax state. He's obviously angling to be the progressive executive candidate if Biden gives it a rest.
  21. News Flash- Oath Keepers leader arrested by FBI 11 Arrested for Seditious Conspiracy.
  22. WTF?? Tell me this isn't happening! Talk about coasting on his position! Pence has no qualms about using the Capitol Police for a Republican, law and order photo op. And feels no obligation to the police and continues to obfuscate and ignore calls to testify as to his inside knowledge of the events leading up to and his thoughts and actions during Jan. 6th. I'm glad Aquilino got around to tweeting him, but it's too bad they didn't ask him about it when they were with him, or other questions like "Hey Mike, how come you Republicans hate us and the Health Care Workers?" But I guess they were starstruck? Just another everyday injustice in America! Staff Seargent Gonell Aquilino Thank you Mike Pence. It was an honor to protect you on January 6. If you could tell the truth for the sake of our country about what led to that day, it would be greatly appreciated. Mike Pence @Mike_Pence · 12h On this National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day we pay a debt of gratitude to the incredible men and women serving on the Thin Blue Line every day to keep us safe! God Bless! #BackTheBlue
  23. As you can see, Greg, to Chris there is no point in addressing wealth inequality, his earlier comments involving this question were that if the rich were to face greater taxation, they'll just flee to another country, which is the typical corporate veiled threat. "If you don't treat,me right, I'll just leave". I'm sure that argument, has made more sense to the powerful in the U.K. They can always come here. But most of the wealthy people in the US want to stay here. I think I might be able to ad some context here. Things are pretty dire everywhere. There are people in all age groups but I want address people their 30s and 40s who are having a very hard time getting by, In many cases they're saddled with great debt, student and otherwise and see no way out. If you're in your 20's you at least have the perennial optimism that things can and will get better. More recently retired baby boomers are scooping up second homes and driving up real estate prices for younger people who might have otherwise been able to take a stake in the American dream. In some cases maybe some after many years of feeling they've been treading time and it appeared they might be starting to get ahead, they've been stopped in their tracks by the Covid Pandemic, and naturally being healthier and more resistant object to the pandemic tying their hands behind their back in their desire to finally make progress. In Washington, of course the U.S. major parties are controlled by very old people. There's been a younger push to succeed Nancy Pelosi for 4 years now. I think whatever advantages Pelosi could boast as to her experience at a critical juncture have now been shown as a blown opportunity. You'd hope some of these people would finally step aside, but unfortunately with the divided Republicans, that problem is much worse. ******** Chris: Thank's for you opinion, Greg. However, I think you've misunderstood me and that may be because you haven't read all that I have been saying, and you've taken something in isolation and chosen to allocate a meaning to it. My prerogative is to wake you guys up to what is right in front of your eyes, like a Dr telling you that you need to quit drinking booze, fatty foods or cigarettes. I thought perhaps you watching your lives disappearing down the plughole being a trigger for change. The implications of you guys not seeing truth, is that affects me. A Chris criticizes Greg for not reading more of him. But in my experience through wading the voluminous amounts of Chris's opinion, with an amount of time, that I now consider generous, is that the overall content doesn't change. His writing, like Ben is so compulsively repetitive. I think Chris's comments are more telling about what's going on in Chris's life. I see Chris as a disillusioned corporate aspirant. Of that I make no judgment. Chris: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." This was a line I was going to use concerning what I've gleaned from Chris's general philosophy but he did it for me. In fact he closed with it. It's clear to Chris that any act of kindness or altruism, or thought for the greater good, including environmental concerns, is a thought very desperately not wanted to be believed, but is rationalized as useless anyway. And Chris's buzzwords of "collectivism"are straight out of an Ayn Rand novel. Using a 40's phrase like that shows too much book learning and no practical experience. Chris: I could probably write 300,000 words on this topic. Let me give you my message clearly, wake up, read the views of your opponents, understand their views, and then make a decisions as to whether they have merit. "I could probably write 300,000 words on this topic. " I'm sure Chris could, and with the same tone, which is why despite all his avowed marketing prowess and study of Bernay. His current ability to influence is zero. That is, at least here. I'm sure there's no shortage of conspiracy websites, where he may obtain more influence. I personally haven't found any clue that Chris understand the nature of the power struggle, because his initial aspirations and perhaps upbringing, were to be a big part of the power structure. And what is this? Chris: I believe in a butterfly effect: the idea that a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon and creates a tremendous hurricane in Europe. The smallest action can have the most profound effect. Something you or I say can go around the world a thousand times over. I believe in Robert F. Kennedy's "Ripples of hope" that he describes in his famous speech in South Africa, that small ripples of hope from many directions can form a current that can sweep away even the mightiest walls of oppression. Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough, and I can move the world, said Archimedes. We too can move the world. We have to withdraw our consent. And then immediately afterward Chris: Beware a wolf in sheep's clothing." "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." To start in going from the metaphysical touchy feely that I assume was inspired by RFK Jr. and then to close with your usual right wing dogma show no unity in thought and purpose. It's as if you're trying to pander and be all things to not all people, but all the fringes. Chris: I believe in a butterfly effect: the idea that a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon and creates a tremendous hurricane in Europe. What kind of liberal pie in the sky hokum is that? This is exactly the type of fringe stuff that the right wing rightfully accuses the left of. So here we journey into metaphysics? And practically, where does this lead? The last time we saw that kind of appeal to moderates by a right winger was GHWB's "1000 points of light". It would do absolutely nothing but bring on the conditions that Chris is anxious to foretell, as in statements such as this one to W. Chris: "A civil war is coming to you, but you're not at all prepared. You will lose almost all the things you've worked for all your life!" For Chris to tell us about the coming Civil War in America and know precisely how it will play out from nothing other than vigorous bias confirmation searches on the internet halfway around the world is so arrogant and presumptuous to us mere inhabitants of the US, and is very typical of both Chris and Ben and will always set back any aspirations to be an "influencer".. What this tells me about Chris is that everything is going to crap and the only thing left to be salvaged for Chris is above all, to be proven right, and he glorifies himself as being on some divine mission, (just as con, Jordan Peterson)which can be showcased in the title of Chris's newest thread. It's pretty transparent. In both cases of Chris and Ben, it's is the same message over and again, and I see as reflecting an even greater widespread futility abroad. It's our responsibility to see it as a whole as Chris's personal struggle, but are we really to play into these appetites that so often appear in conspiracy threads, (Hey, I'm open to different label, if anyone would suggest it, but it's always seemed to me to be a silly sort of PC thing to think about among others who also subscribe to the JFKAC.) As Greg has said, it's just a running drone of fear and hopelessness that plays right into the wishes of the power elites and the corporate state which I have found in some instances, Ben has aided as well. As I've said before the only impingement, the only check that the multi national corporate state can experience is through the separate governments of the world. And that's through appropriate taxation and the attempted diminution or eradication at whatever level of money in politics.The only way that can happen is through a grass roots movement of populations who understand and recognize these present relationships (because as we've seen in recent years, a miss as good as a mile!), and act on them in their everyday actions and at the ballot box. Not "withdrawing your consent" to represent yourself.
  24. Micah: Okay, so is Lamar Waldron just a crazy old man who likes to lie? Actually asking. Pretty groundbreaking information to come across in the early 90's, only to save it for a random podcast in 2021. As a professional courtesy, I don't think you're going to get Larry to say, "Yes Waldron's a li-r." As he says, I think there's always a danger of researchers trying to make a leap to connect the dots. i certainly have problems seeing Bobby, a laymen, 5 hours after his Brother's death, directing the autopsy with Burkeley and no other people around. How would he know what to do?, Outside of perhaps butchering the body beyond any definitive analysis.I suppose. I haven't read any of the Waldron books. But I think Waldron has always contended that the Kennedy's didn't discontinue Operation Mongoose, I believe. He said he first believed the Castro coup plan was not actual. I did a little research. As for the time lag. Waldron contends he had to put off the publishing of his book because while corroborating Nolan's sources with a General Oliva , when he mentioned Almeida offer for a Castro coup, was told sternly he must never mention Almeida's name again because he's still alive and there's an ongoing relationship and uttering his name could cause Hartmann and Waldron to be tried for treason. So Waldron waited 12-15 years to mention Almeida and the coup attempt. For whatever it's worth.
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