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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Well Jim, Where have you been? I thought you were wise to keep out of this unless you're set on ruining the response to the "Revision" 4 hour version and polarizing it with new "johnny come lately" Trump crazed Q anon followers which may serve you well but ultimately will ruin the JFKAC!. I noted a wise reluctance to steer away from these matters in interviews with Stone lately. I certainly hope Stone uses better judgment than you. But it's not too late, Jim. Jim has never been one for nuance, grey areas or both sides of a story and at least use to push his narrative like inbox boner pills. How nice it must be to be so certain! This is a quote from Jim probably around 2017! Jim said: Those nutty neo Nazis we backed in Ukraine are about to light tinder to a conflagration they will lose in spades. Yes Jim and Ollie Stone, like Putin have been warning us about a fascist takeover for now 8 years! But what happened, Jim? The Ukranian people overwhelmingly elected a comedian no less, and overturned over 80% of their parliament. You got to admit, that sounds pretty cool. Some of us, including me, would like to see that happen in our country. Jim for years, was parroting the Putin "de Nazification"' propaganda that we've been hearing from our newly crazed Putin. At one time, I remember Bob Ness and I were talking about the huge estate left by Yanukovych upon his exile, after pilfering his native country for billions. Jim then defended Yanukovych and said all would be explained if we watched Stones "Ukraine on Fire". We both scoffed at the idea that one movie should so radically change our viewpoint. Well I did watch "Ukraine on Fire", and though it was a while back, and I'm not in awe of everything Stone does so it wasn't that entertaining but I remember Stone really bought the Putin Russian pablum and his chief narrative was the the Maidan protestors who overthrew the Yanukovych government were neo nazis, citing the fact than an old historic nationalist Maidan controversial hero figure was a poopoo, when upon later research I found he embraced the Nazis against the collectivist purges during Ukraine's Stalin imposed great famine years. So is it any wonder Russia and Putin would use that as propaganda? Whatever threat they posed 8 years ago, real or imagined. Upon research later on I found the group became a militant right wing minority within the movement that later formed a fledgling party in their last election that was handily defeated by Zelensky. They got a total of 2% of the popular vote! As stated in the article below: In Ukraine’s 2019 national election, a far-right political alliance including Azov’s political arm only received 2 percent of the vote. There is no evidence that Zelensky’s government is engaging in large-scale extermination of Russians; no international human rights group nor credible expert has made such a claim. https://www.vox.com/2022/2/24/22948944/putin-ukraine-poopoo-russia-speech-declare-war
  2. Ben:From the very-most pinnacle of moral righteousness, where you are firmly perched if not ingloriously impaled Well, I see I've stepped on a few toes! It was a simple question. But very floridly and righteously written indeed! Ben, I could be wrong, but I always sense you fell in love with the "idea of Donald Trump?" Which is easy to do from far away, and you don't have to live with him. You continually rave about Trump as anti globalist, and both you and I share a fear of China economically , but Trump pronouncements and hype mean nothing unless it gets results. You might sit down. This could mean letting go of a lot of illusions, but ultimately I don't expect it will in any way effect your talking points for the next 6 months. But the truth is: Trump's treaty with China was a miserable failure. Hard bargaining Trump got punk'd by Xi and the CCP. In the end, Bown calculates, China bought only 57% of all the exported goods and services it had committed to purchase under the deal, “not even enough to reach its import levels from before the trade war.” https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-02-16/column-trump-trade-deal-china Hmmm, I'm " ingloriously impaled in righteousness?" But I didn't call anybody "squalid" It isn't fair! heh heh
  3. There weren't demonstrations throughout the world for Kyle Rittenhouse. So squalid people like George Floyd aren't deserving of basic rights, Ben?
  4. Matt, that "Woman in Kiev" twitter was really stirring for me! Everyone should check it out! Wouldn't that be something if people all over the world started to denounce the invasion? Just like they did with George Floyd? Man! that would be an uplifting human development! Right Ben? Jeff?
  5. Sandy, Another phrase that Ben uses is the the "Donks" and the "Phants". In all my life I don't know any Americans who have ever even referenced in conversation the Donkeys and the Elephants to symbolize the 2 parties. Before Ben, I would have thought the only people referring to those terms would be some English speaking European trying to ingratiate himself to Americans, by knowing our inside nomenclature. Either that or some cornball Conservative, in a tweed suit and a bow tie, who probably also makes continual references to "the Constitution" and then maybe the Bible.
  6. 2 good articles, Matt and W.! Obama said all during his first term as President, when the U.S. would meet with Russia and Putin to discuss issues between them. Never did Putin ever mention an encroaching Nato! It's really just his fear that a former member state of the Soviet Union would leave Russia behind! So it's very hard for Putin to understand. "Yes we don't want to be with you! We didn't appreciate your economic system that you foisted on us, nor your totalitarian police state!" ******* . Ben:1. Biden, pre-invasion, said out loud the US would not send troops into Ukraine. I would say because at the beginning, there was hope Putin would not invade, and if Biden stated that 1) that there was no prospect in the near future that Ukraine would be admitted to Nato and 2)he was abiding by the current understanding and the current framework didn't permit the U.S. getting involved with a non Nato member, then maybe that was a starting point.. That was pretty much understood by everybody, that the world super powers should take all possible steps to avoid direct confrontation. It's a buffering. Now you're Monday morning quarterbacking?, you've been pretty silent and peripheral about this, diverting off to China, continually, and now you're talking like an activist tough guy to the right of John Mc Cain, Ben? Why now? I do appreciate you're starting to see a greater picture than just the U.S. NSS, as I've been telling you it's a corporate state., Yes Ben that's a nice dream. It would be nice if everyone in SE Asia and India would start buying killer submarines and organizing boycotts against China, or corporate America would stop doing business with China. ,But no politicians going to do that in one fell swoop because of a thing called economic displacement. It would bring on a depression or a deep recession, until new supply chains were established, and that could take years, and there are already supply chain problems, or have you heard? It would be so extremely unpopular, no politicians could hope to keep the peace for long, much less ever get re elected. Does that answer your question?
  7. Steve:It's all about going after Joe Biden. If Putin can help, they'll cheer him on. I never thought there was a chance of Trump going to jail. A couple of lead prosecutors in New York have left the case. The tax system just allows that abuse. The country's eventually going to have to decide if they are going to pursue the super wealthy to make them pay a fair share of their taxes. They don't have the funding to do it now. So they are just going to go after the low hanging fruit and get a lot of easy chicken scratch from the middle class.
  8. We can see who wears the pants in the Russia style democracy!. Here the spy chief weighs in to Putin on the action to be taken in the Donbass region. Obviously Putin anticipates his disagreement and brow beats him to respond. His response to Putin is to vote for having their cake and eating it too, then Putin scolds him that the vote is simply to have the cake. That is, the spy chief says his vote is to incorporate the disputed regions into the Russian Federation! Where Putin then informs him the vote was only to recognize their sovereignty!. Nobody outside of Putin, even seem to know what the issues at hand are! You can't make this stuff up! Suffice to say, I don't think Putin is going to have a hard time admitting Donetsk and Luhansk into the Russian Federation in the future. We
  9. Regarding : Demystifying Putin : U.S. vs. Russia Geopolitics, The real story. Chris, You ignore the very basic tenets of good research and project on us that we should be the same. You apparently don't care at all who wrote this and are interested only because he supports your point of view. Others of us with more rigorous standards prefer to know who writes long articles we're about to read. Maybe we actually want to research them and find out what their biases might be, or read other articles and get a clearer idea of where they're coming from. You should be aware of your audience. You've joined a forum of people largely who were opposed to the Vietnam when it happened or since believe it was a terrible war for reasons largely covered by your author LT in the article. But many of us were also opposed to GWB and Tony Blair's 's invasion of Iraq. An invasion you expressed you were in favor of at the time. I have a daughter roughly around your stated age. And she did not at all feel your approval to that war. Of course, with a lot of young people, their views about that have a lot to do with their Father's views, either espousing the Father's general philosophy, or rebelling 180 degrees against their Father , as I did against my Father in the case of the Vietnam War. In her case, her Father, for example also never really bought the government explanation of the JFK assassination that was trotted out by the Warren Report, many years before either of you were even born!!! heh heh I thought I'd toot my horn a little bit. But that fits, because often your sort of preachy tone has struck me of the zeal of the recently converted. And when that naive trust is broken, then nothing is taken at face value, and everything becomes a conspiracy.IMO (again here, people are put off by the MSM characterization of "Conspiracy Theories" and their use to disparage. It is disheartening, but these are conspiracy theories, and some are credible but now many are not, and unfortunately the JFKAC becomes painted with the broad brush of Trump conspiracies, which as I've said for years, was inevitable) . Having said that, I have a lot of historical agreement with the article. I think he pinpoints the general historical mistakes, many of which, as I say are realized by your audience here. But I think he does a good job of citing the reasons they failed, that might be beneficial to some here. However, In this specific case, there are a number of conclusions I don't buy because he says so, including the idea that Zelensky has been taunting his neighboring Super Power to boost his flagging polls. But it is interesting the idea that if Biden insist on Zelensky's enforcing the Minsk accords, that could give him a political out. But that might bea little late after Putin rcognizing Donetsk and Luhansk sovereignty. But in any rate, He seems supremely confident that this seizure of an area that the Russians largely control anyway,won't spread out of this isolated region, outside of unforced errors by everybody but Putin.. Obviously , that's quite a bet to stake his credibility on. As I said, I thought there was a possibility Putin would formally take these regions and then gauge the US/Nato response. I have my doubts about Lyall Taylor's (which is actually his name) bet here , but time will tell how correct he is.
  10. For my curiosity Paul, was your Dad living during the fall of the Soviet Union? , and what were his thoughts about it?
  11. Jeff: There is no invasion. The Ukrainians themselves don’t believe there will be an invasion. The only faction hyping an invasion is the anglo bloc of NATO along with NATO senior leadership. Jeff:There is no Russian invasion of Ukraine. If the rebel provinces are seriously attacked then the Russians will intervene, and have the capability to do so without moving personnel physically across a border. **** No acknowledgment, from ideologue Jeff of being wrong about Putin. Just my Putin right or wrong? right Jeff?. No expression of disappointment, but probably buying the Kool Aid that the provinces were seriously attacked, as if they couldn't have just come in and tell these people they were in danger and it was in their interest to be bused out, and then blow it up into their headline news in RT... Maybe after they invade, they'll show us pictures they say are Ukraine soldier atrocities, that are maybe 10 year old., but who'll know? Good standard of proof. I knew we were going to hear about Iraq. Like any of us wanted that.? After 7 years of peace, now Putin and his oligarchs want their piece in Putin's grand scheme to bring equality and parity and make the rest of the world the shith-le he hasn't been able bring his country out of for 20 years.
  12. Kremlin says repeated predictions of Ukraine invasion may have 'detrimental consequences' So by that: Is Putin saying?: "If you say we're going to invade .....3 more times, I'll do it, swear to God I'm going to invade." or..... "I'm so offended that you would even accuse me of invading, I'm just going to invade to show you." or..... "Look if you guys don’t stop saying that we’re gonna invade Ukraine, then we’re gonna have to invade Ukraine.” or...... "Guys, everybody seems to really want us to invade Ukraine... I mean, I wasn't gonna... but now it feels like I kinda have to, you know?!" or....... Putin: We are unable to fabricate a believable false-flag pretext for invasion given the transparency of the Internet and commercially available satellite imagery, so we're going to blame your repeated warnings that we are in attack posture for our being "forced" to attack. Trump's weighed in: “I asked Putin if he had troops on the border, he said they didn’t and I believe him” ******* Has Old Man Biden punk'd Putin? As I was saying, this has turned out to be a good Biden strategy. They call Putin out on a world stage, and say Putin is committed to attack.'which means that if Russia attacks, US gets to say "we have superior intelligence" (who for sure knows we don't?), while if they back down to show the US had bad intelligence, Ukraine doesn't get invaded. It's win-win for the US and lose-lose for Russia, and reaffirms every day, Putin is the aggressor. I never thought I'd say this, but "brilliant". ******* Jeff, our Putin insider and Forum Convoy Expert has assured us again, the Putin convoy is "going nowhere". Good to know! heh heh
  13. It's probably not completely fair to judge to judge from East European immigrants what life was like under the Soviets as they or their family immigrated here precisely because they weren't comfortable with the Soviet system. I've encountered a number of people from a number of Soviet satellite countries but also a few while traveling in Europe, and whether they're from Russia, East Germany, Ukraine,Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, there is no love lost at all for the Soviet Union. Many feel cheated that they lived half of their lives under Soviet dominance. They completely bought the West's characterization of themselves as the "Free World". They feel they missed out on the rich cultural experiences of a freer society , including political movements, Rock and Roll and alternative lifestyles. I think the experimentations with Socialism and Communism in the 20th Century was a very useful stage in historical political development to see the how these systems would function in real life. There are some very successful European governments that have some Socailst leanings. In a rare case the juries out still economically, at least with China, but regarding the the USSR and present day Russia there's a tendency by some to discount the economic tragedy that many generations have suffered at the hands of the rulers of the USSR and Russia, as it is clearly the most underachieving country in the world with a population still having remnants of the old Serf mentality with low expectation and never insisting that their government truly could serve it's people. To put this in terms of human survival. We do have to acknowledge that the USSR lost 21- 26 million people during WW2, but still: The population of Russia proper in 1900 was 87 million and US was 76 million. 2022: Russia has 146 million and US has 332 million. (2.3 times as much) We can be thankful. Also Russia's population was 147 million in 1990. It's lost 1 million people in the last 30 years
  14. Greg, I believe this crisis was instigated by Putin. I do think if his purpose was to invade, he would have. He would have gotten ready and gone. It's possible that he had intentions and they were usurped by a strong exposure and a vociferous threatening reaction by the West, but I don't think so. I think many of the threatened sanctions had already been voiced. I do think he sees Nato as weak and divided economically, and possibly bluffing. I don't think he thought Nato would militarily take any action. I tend to think there is some revision going on Greg: What I see ahead in my crystal ball is quite simply, partition (at best for Putin), and NATO troops inside Ukraine with the Ukraine government's permission on Putin's direct border (in the worst case for Putin). I agree in that I don't think Putin had any interest in an extended ground war in Ukraine. Gaining some of Eastern Ukraine and yet yielding Nato troops in West Ukraine would be a disaster for Putin's stated goals. I'm probably oversimplifying this but the only time Nato has used article 5, a threat against a member, was 9-11. Many people say the intervention in Kosovo was illegitimate because it was a civil war and not a threat to any Nato member from without but rationalized under article 4, as a threat to the region. This is neither, a threat from without to a non Nato member. What I think Putin wants is some guarantees about Ukraine never being admitted to Nato, which would never be granted by Nato under military threat, but admittedly probably wouldn't have been listened to otherwise. If that's not possible, he may opt to secure areas of East Ukraine and force Nato's hand when Zelensky asks for intervention. It was interesting today, in an interview Zelensky said, he's being told by the West that invasion is imminent. He says if that's true, bring on the sanctions now, before the invasion. But the intelligence agencies think just the opposite, that Putin is more likely to invade once he is sanctioned. First Biden says, the invasion will be after the Winter Olympics, then it's the 16th, then it's in a couple of days, or maybe now it looks with further talks, it's after the Olympics again. But maybe this pants wetting spamming that Biden is doing is intentional. He looks prophetic if Putin invades at all. The longer it goes, the more indecisive Putin looks which he can overcome by looking like negotiations were all he ever wanted in the first place. Does that make sense? ****** Mentioning Gorbachev, I really thought we botched a great opportunity by which this all could have been averted, at the the fall of the Soviet Empire. If we had just given a hand to start them out right, but it seems we lost interest in them after beating them, and found them profitless and moved on. I can't say exactly. But it seems like something we'd do. But why the Russian economic collapse? To hear Di Eugenio tell it years back, the U.S, policy doomed them to eternal bankruptcy, and now Jeff, says Russia was just an innocent victim of the U.S.and Jeff lists a series of broken promises regarding NATO expansion, and a general dismissal of articulated Russian security concerns (as can be confirmed at the National Security Archive). But what do any of these have to do with Russia's economic development in the 90's? Nothing. They already gave their satellite's up, and less defense spending would have been a good thing. And of course it begs the question, why would the U.S. sabotage a Russia fledgling Democracy? Probably their response would be that we missed bullying the Soviet Union around and wanted them under our thumbs again. To hear them tell it. We just wanted to plunder their economy out of malice, for the fun of it. But in reality, there wasn't much activism on the part of the U.S. at all, but indifference. It's really more like being turned down for a bank loan. heh heh And I understand that hurts a bit, but come on! It's true, we did sort of preach to them to be like us. You would have thought that they at least had a good safety net, after all isn't that what a Socialist country is all about? Even though the reality is I don't think it even provided the level the European and U.S. countries provided. But they have to take responsibility. What did they do? IMO, They ended throwing the baby (safety net) out with the bathwater to emulate the West and fouling up everything they did have going, and abandoning the people who won the Great Patriotic War and about everyone else outside of a handful of oligarchs. Nothing was well thought out. China on the other hand, could see also see their problems and gradually let people start businesses, make money and obtain property and now they're the burgeoning economic super power.
  15. "Gangsta Phant" BenC, let down again while trying to shoot the HC low hangin' fruit! This is the Hilary Clinton story that Trump has said the Clintons should be "executed" over. Which I'm sure lends credibility to the Hillary spying story for BenC and Fox News, but now Fox news hero Prosecutor John Durham (a foremost proponent that facial hair is more attractive than lips) has repudiated Fox News for exaggerating his results, after no less than a week of Fox News spinning the results that Hillary was at last, going to jail. I get it, what TV journalists have time to read these days? It was a lot of fun while it lasted! Warning: Content may contain clips of Hilary Clinton and for Pizzagate believers, Parental Guidance is Advised Also this, https://www.alternet.org/2022/02/durham/ Hilary is threatening to sue. It's probably too late now!l
  16. Paul B. :And they are being baited into sending in troops, while we claim that any reasons they give will be manufactured by their propaganda machine. What about our propaganda machine? Baited??? Paul, I generally like your judgments, but this is the closest I've seen to someone here rationalizing a Putin invasion of Ukraine, (though I'm sure Jeff can) And what is it based on, your over reaction to the west propaganda machine? There 's no cause under any circumstances for Putin to unilaterally invade Ukraine. And the idea that Nato would is total stupidity. This idea of Putin being "baited" absolves Putin of any responsibility and is similar to the license people give Trump as being a victim. IMO Don't the Ukraine people have a right to live in peace? Chris, your first instincts were also to talk voluminously about the West and their propaganda machine. I'm glad you're walking back to state that Putin does have some responsibility here. I liked your article about the alleged photos of troop movements and the construction of bridges etc. I've never believed these 130,000 troops , 160,000, and now 190,000 troops estimates, and nobody else should. You can effectively see arms buildup. But there's no way you can estimate how many troops. Now with your latest clip, It's sounds like you're migrating to my position. I don't think anythings going to happen, but I might be wrong.
  17. Jeff, Maybe we can agree that the people of Ukraine are regretfully being held as a pawn in a Super Power geopolitical game. But what I'd like to hear from you and Glen Greenwald (from his recent tweets) and even Oliver Stone is that Putin's invasion of Ukraine would be unconscionable. And all I'm hearing up to now from you is justification.
  18. Paul, I didn't see Jeff making any specific predictions of hostilities or war, but he alleges an economic motive from the West. I'm not sure what good missiles will do in Poland if you're not going to use them. Do you think they would? Maybe another chip to remove in the future. It's hard to see circumstances in the future where Nato would dare to admit Ukraine in. Despite the escalation in rhetoric, and the anticipant verbal chess playing. I tend to think nothings going to happen. That is, the Russians won't invade , so Nato won't invade, if they were ever going to. . They seem to be playing up these hostilities that have been going on in Donbass. I suppose we'll see soon about that. PAGE #600!
  19. Whew! Jeff How are you? You've certainly been in the news cycle for the last couple of weeks up there in the Great White North! I thought I saw you on TV at the Windsor Bridge! Were you the dude with the Maga hat and the Confederate flag? We're on pins and needles. Tell me your thoughts about that Fascist Trudeau!. heh heh a joke Yes, So Putin isn't surrounding Ukraine with troops? That's all just western poppycock to be used as a pretext to dismantle a pipeline and provide an" in" for U.S. and Canadians suppliers? Since you know, do you think it could degenerate into a full scale U.S. Nato invasion of Ukraine? “Justin Trudeau’s lack of leadership to end these protests is exactly why these protests are so necessary!” A frustrated Canadian
  20. Definitely the most articulate spokesperson for exposing Congressional spying that I've heard is Marjorie Taylor Greene.
  21. Yes, Richard and Matt, they do discuss that in the broadcast. The matter of trust. This is a crossroads.. We're really seeing with Trump what the powerful can expect to get away with. And after the New York investigation we'll see how the tax system is rigged for the wealthy to not pay tax. But we do already know that, with Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, (he finally chose to pay some tax after selling stock) and many others. They're some politicians like Sanders and Warren who are talking bad about them but no ones going after them. The IRS cites limited agents and resources as reason for going after the middle class this year! The system is rotten to the core, the powerful will never hold each other responsible, and the mass of people just can't get interested about it. Trump could be a poster boy for how evil and corrupt the system is but a 40% of the people either don't see it or are willing to forgive it.
  22. Ben thgis is the Ben , You've circulated this now 3 times. None of us citizens weigh through this government crap, or take it very seriously..This is what I meant when I said earlier that people from other countries can't filter out the "noise" from American life outside of an isolated, agitated bloke from Thailand, who could know? You're the one most alarmed. I'm wondering how many more posts you're going to obsess about the deer virus. I'm almost hoping it happens, and get it over with , so we don't have to hear about it anymore. Now is that sick? heh heh heh! Hey I didn't start it!
  23. Here's a radio broadcast from the liberal hotbed of San Francisco. The radio host Pat Thurston is a liberal, she's good hearted and intelligent, sometimes a little wacky. But I've heard Russ Baker twice on her show and recently Lamar Waldron. I'm sure if Jim were to go on the show to plug the film, he'd be treated very well. The guest is David Katz, a former DC federal prosecutor, who now is a white collar criminal defense attorney in Beverley Hills. His insights are always very interesting. Although, like me, he doesn't think Trump will be the Republican Party nominee in 2024. Unfortunately, for whatever it's worth. He doesn't think Garland is going to bring charges against Trump, even though he says Trump is as dirty as any client he's ever had. He's not happy with Garland's progress. He says Garland is not seriously pursuing charges around 1/6 just as Mueller never looked into Trump's finances. Trump's also pardoned people who would have snitched on him, and he can continually keep moving money around to avoid detection. He does think there's a very strong case in Georgia because they have the conversation on tape of Trump asking for the 11,740 votes. He says New York may have a good case, as they have 4 years of Trump taxes, but he's concerned about their case's progress as well. They start talking about the case against Trump at 13:11 https://omny.fm/shows/kgo-810/playlists/podcast/embed?style=cover
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