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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Micah, I posted the Thom Hartmann interview with Waldron a couple of weeks ago. It's actually very well presented because Hartmann had collaborated with Waldron on his earlier JFKA books. There is no middle ground here. Waldron alleges the autopsy was supervised by RFK through Burkeley. Executing according "to plan" as to control the narrative to avoid complicating international implications. According to Waldron's account from Nolan at 1:04, the contingency plans made to control the autopsy were first made in anticipation if Castro were to get word of the coup plan that Waldron says was to be actually carried out against him, and decided to take preemptive actions. The example given allegedly by Nolan is the killing of the Ambassador to Panama. In which case , it's reasoned with the possible fate of the world being held in the balance, it would be necessary to control every aspect of the autopsy and the information about it going out to the world.
  2. Oh do I sense a victim here Ben?? Graciousness is graciousness but l-es are l-es. Oh really Ben?, right after you've been caught red handed parcing Trumps statements to mislead us in order to promote Trump as a non corporate politician when he actually acknowledged his corporate giveaway to the Koch's? But then like a Trumpian character you haven't answered to your omission.? Your hoping to not address it, and have it just swept under the rug? Of course this makes me wonder, if I was to use a minimal research as I did, what others untruths would I uncover? Despite your disavowing. In 10 years here, I've honestly have never seen such sycophancy here to promote a politician here as you. Then in your deafness you open up another thread the very next day here solely for the purpose of pushing your political views and you got slammed again!.. You did the same thing with Tucker Carlson here a few months ago, and you promptly shown the door back then. You've never noticed that you don't see other people here starting threads to promote their favorite politicians or network talk show personalities? I've never understood this slavishness toward Trump. It's seems like Trump just make you guys l-e, cheat and steal for him, only to get caught and yet you guys keep coming back. . Don't you Ben? ******
  3. John, I forgot as well. Try the link by Michael Clark in the funding thread near the top of this page.
  4. James, please tell me if you've received my payment. As I recall , before we took care of this rather handily with a donation drive. Right?
  5. This is Peter Navarro about the takeover plan.. It was going to be a real "cool coup". In fact , not even a coup really. You'd barely notice it. Hey, just carry on with whatever you were doing. I mean, nothing to get hung about! Take this one. Not this one. Can't get rid of it
  6. That is bad news James. Yes, I second Jim's suggestion. Could our contribution possibly dissuade you?.
  7. It's good to hear about these personal anecdotal stories from either side. More of Ben, compulsively rushing to defend Trump. More falsehoods, but probably unwitting (looking for a reason to believe) falsehoods this time. Actually trying to spin one of Trump's worst First Amendment moments (including JFKA file release.) and make Trump's complete caving in to be an innocent victim at the hands of others. Of course no mention from either Greenwald or Ben about Trump Sec. of State Pompeo considering a plot to kidnap or possibly even murder Assange. Let's take the opportunity to see how Trump looks as he handles this question in a live interview with FOX Candace Owens. He certainly doesn't act like a victim. If I could find a clip of just this segment, I would, but since Ben is already using Glen Greenwald, I have no problem showing Kyle Kulinski's overview of it as well.
  8. Ben quoting Trump “The globalist Koch Brothers, who have become a total joke in real Republican circles, are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade. I never sought their support because I don’t need their money or bad ideas,” Trump tweeted. “Their network is highly overrated, I have beaten them at every turn. They want to protect their companies outside the U.S. from being taxed, I’m for America First & the American Worker - a puppet for no one,” he wrote, before dubbing them, “Two nice guys with bad ideas.”" Ben , I smelled a rat. You're not being honest about this and deliberately quoting to each side and deliberately omitting a critical sentence in between that is the very highlight of W.'s comments. Your quotation is from a 7/31 2018 Trump tweet. Below is verbatim what you quoted above and the bold print is what you omitted in the middle. --------- The globalist Koch Brothers, who have become a total joke in real Republican circles, are against Strong Borders and Powerful Trade,” Trump said in a series of tweets early Tuesday. “I never sought their support because I don’t need their money or bad ideas. They love my Tax & Regulation Cuts, Judicial picks & more. I made them richer. Their network is highly overrated, I have beaten them at every turn,” he added. “They want to protect their companies outside the U.S. from being taxed, I’m for America First & the American Worker — a puppet for no one. Two nice guys with bad ideas. Make America Great Again!” ***** They love my Tax & Regulation Cuts, Judicial picks & more. I made them richer. You knew this was a critical line to omit. This is "the wink and the nod" to the "Corporate state". Trump in essence saying "You can act like you're against me. But the bottom line is, you'd be a fool to oppose me because I'm making you money." This is by far, the most honest line there. If you really sincerely don't want to continue to do the bidding of the Corporate State, you might read what I wrote about it on page 500. Only a complete novice, using rhetoric to hide his ignorance of the actual issues would use Trump's quotes to make a point anyway. But even when faced with the text, you felt obligated to omit the "corporate dog whistle" and end up being just another corporate shill. And for what, and who? Congratulations! Thanks for the honesty. BS is BS Ben! This is the length some people will go to, to protect Trump.
  9. Well put W.! When you talk of the American political parties, There are always many issues to consider. Doug's Nixon thing is interesting , those were progressive times. But the best shot we had at establishing a good National Health Care system way back, which would have saved us a lot of money over the years would have been under Hubert Humphrey, that was his field of expertise. W. I think you, might appreciate this.
  10. Definitely a bit of a buzz going on. In the liberal hotbed SF Bay Area radio I've heard Russ Baker, Jeff Morley and Lamar Waldron as guests recently. Just this week I heard a radio broadcast from an ex CIA agent John Kiriakou who was the first official to confirm waterboarding and was later convicted for passing on classified information to a reporter and spent 2 years in prison for it. At one point, he attributed JFK's alleged "scatter the CIA to the winds" statement that we've never really pinned down the source to, to Mary Meyer which made me feel a little lukewarm to him. As I said before. A month ago, for the first time on a prime time major network channel I saw Tink Thompson's 90 minute film "JFK Unsolved". I was hoping it was shown up and down the West Coast but it appears now , it was only in the Bay Area. It might be because Thompson was originally a local, from Marin County. It was following an NBA game on Saturday night, and local affiliates are at their own discretion to fill in programming before local late night news.
  11. . While Steve posts a story about the most powerful man in the most powerful country in the world calling for the seizing of election materials in states that he lost. Ben launches into his 57th Ray Epps post with the same 5 links. His most used link that invoked Antifa in their article is Revolver, a pro Trump site that, has advocated shooting people to quell violence in Louisville following the Breonna Taylor verdict in September. Revolver.News, A Right-Wing Website Endorsed By Trump, Calls For Shooting Protestors Ben, You didn't answer my question. I would think it would have been important for you to watch the Tucker series you were spinning. So no new evidence. Seen it all. Ray Epps and bullhorn guy all over again. I see you're sucked into the spin of the right. That the AG won't comment on an ongoing investigation is just the way things are done in this country. And of course the questioner may be your favorite congressman, but is the pipsqueak congressman who armed his family for a seasons greetings card, which should tell you about the arc of effectiveness of his political career and your judgment. Obviously anyone trying to incite a riot should be exposed and prosecuted."Keep an open mind" would be fine . But you aren't. You're making the assumption that 1. the allegations are true, which haven't been proven.This is a lead that you've brought up many times, and we've bounced it around a bit now, and from what you're telling me, there are no new developments. But then you leverage that unproven allegation to further assert that 2 ) that the 1/6 committee knows it's true and 3. the committee is covering up. One of the true highlights of this super thread is Ben's "I have a dream for America speech" where he prays for the Trumpies to reform the Republican Party! I think you might do some further research to find out who these people are.
  12. Ben, Again, What's your source that the FBI provoked the 1/6 riots? Boy, that Tucker special on that faded into obscurity. I assume you cared enough to watch it after recommending it so heartily to us. But we haven't heard you follow up on that. Obviously you could have. All you had to do was subscribe to Fox Nation for a month for free and drop it if they require payment afterward. Did you?
  13. First off Dennis, i understand the need to strike out! I can only imagine the profound sense of heartbreak and displacement among the anti vaxxer community now that Trump has declared himself a vaxxer! What's with these old people anyway? right Dennis? Well there's always Alex Jones for President in 24. ****** Hmmm...Aren't those the people waging the "War on Christmas" Dennis? That's not real comedy, too Foxy, no subtlety, too politically contrived and plaintive. Isn't it suicide for the right to try to compete with the left about anything creative including humor. It's certainly been demonstrated many times on this forum! From someone whose studied the subject a little more. In contrast, this is my pick for the #1 most funny joke from the right in 2021. Then to contrast, of the 2021 memes from the left, there's a question if this even makes the Comedy top 100! Only the same message from the same people who've been telling you this all your life before GW, but unfortunately Dad never bought into it? Dennis, After years, It must be a relief to finally out yourself as a cultural warrior. Congrats! Well worth the wait! heh heh!
  14. Yes Larry , I tend to think that. But re Mongoose: It is interesting in that I do believe Waldron says he initially believed that Operation Mongoose was found out and discarded by JFK in June 62, like most researchers here. But his eventual contacts with Nolan ,Williams and Rusk(though with him that's not clear) dissuaded him from that notion. Obviously since the same sources are used, we are led to conclude that either Williams and Nolan collaborated on a deception or Waldron isn't being truthful. Waldron says the reason for Nolan eventually spilling the beans was probably that he found out in the Assassination hearings that he was potential collateral damage in a Castro assassination plot that was to be carried out when Nolan and Castro were skin diving together. Yet more fantastic stuff!
  15. Thanks for all your efforts Larry, It seems like the Kennedy family has always been a thorn in the side of the JFKA research community. This has always perplexed me. Incidentally, Anna Eshoo is my congresswoman. Hey I'm not trying to be a heretic. If anybody's bored here, with no smoking gun, or a need to strike out in a different direction. While I was driving I heard this radio interview with Lamar Waldron, a JFKA researcher who many of us are familiar with and I know Jim Di doesn't like because he in the camp that says RFK was part of the coverup as he asserts it was a Mafia hit and that ultimately RFK felt responsible for his brother's death.. The first thing all of us think of is how could there be such a massive government coverup if the Mafia killed JFK? Waldron's answer is that CIA feared Mafia would expose their ties to them, RFK and Operation Mongoose and that that was plenty. To summarize, He cites RFK aide Robert Nolan, whose also in Manchester's book, as telling him that Bobby was part of the coverup and to those not familiar, there was to be an invasion of Cuba on Dec 1st, 1963 with the full knowledge of the Kennedys, Cyrus Vance, and Alexander Haig. The third in command, and founder and head of Castro's Cuban army. Juan Almeida (sp?) had approached the U.S. about overthrowing Castro. The plan was thwarted by JFK'S death and much later Waldron said he got an admission of the plot to overthrow Castro by no less than Dean Rusk. There's a lot here about hard core anti Castro Bay of Pigs hero, Harry Williams (starts at 30.00) befriended by Bobby in the negotiation for release of BOP prisoners, who told Bobby Hoffa wanted to kill him, and later who was initially approached by Almeida,, and the threatening of his life by a Mafia representative who wants the continued Mafia presence in Cuba after the overthrow of Castro in no less than Bobby's apartment! Obviously it sounds way too fantastic, and Waldron's having a lot of fun telling it! This whole thing is 2 hours long, but you can get a pretty good summary in the last 25 minutes or so. This is from Thom Hartmann's nationally syndicated radio show,who I'm sure many are familiar with. Hartmann was Waldron's main assistant and co author in his numerous previous works on the JFKA.
  16. Wow, David, I've never seen that before. Sort of the inside scuttlebutt.
  17. Demand outstripping supply. Too much money chasing too few goods and services = rising prices =inflation. When the supply side problems abate. Things should start normalizing. I would think inflation would be peaking now or in the next quarter. . I'm sure this could be used by the foreign perpetual conspiracy crowd to say the U.S. caused the covid pandemic!, and I'm not in any way saying that there's still not a lot of hurt out there. But https://twitter.com/MacroAlf/status/1472668452691267584/photo/1
  18. Good to hear different points of view. Here's Beau of the Fifth column, I assume a Southerner by his accent. An ex military contractor and supposedly an anarchist, which isn't readily apparent. In this first clip he talks of Trump's accomplishments. This sounds pretty similar to what Ben's has said as Trump's accomplishments. But I got to give it to Beau, a bit more comprehensive. Ben talks about the fallout, of alleged Q anon founder , Micheal Flynn's renouncing Q anon.
  19. You're not offending me, W. quite the opposite! Just keep in mind "you’re going to lose almost everything you have ever worked for in your life", and "feel like a "real chump" that you didn't helplessly alarm everybody about their utterly hopeless situation right now! And by the way, Merry Xmas!!! and the best of Holiday Wishes!! ho ho ho!
  20. Chris to W. Whew! Boy this omicron hysteria is getting rather moronic, how fitting an anagram! Ben and Chris, Well, I do remember both you guys coming here looking for followers and when nobody was spellbound and knocked over with a feather at your every utterance, then both you got vindictive on us. Just like the arrogant tripe (above) that you always come back to Chris, that we've been conditioned in the U.S. to believe everything our authorities tell us, and we just couldn't see. Awww! Chris and Ben just can't understand why we just don't adopt all their conspiracy theories! Chris and Ben have since become the forum's "new conspiracy woke". Hoping they can make all their theories PC here, Chris attempts it through voluminous posts as the entire previous page suggests, and editorializing on his own all weather/ all conspiracy thread blog where he can postulate for pages on end, that he tries to revive every other week or so. Ben isn't as hostile, (how could he be?) but has a repetitive, grinding, monotonous, writing style, and uses sort of a Trump/ Mao quotation method of saying the same dozen or so things using the same dozen or so people, institutions or buzzwords about... 150 times apiece through,...let's see 960 posts, (hmmm 2 per post maybe) hoping that if he repeats the same thing enough times, people will just give up and accept it. Where have I seen that before? I won't pretend to speak for everybody here, but I was hoping we'd be cancelled here, but it soon became evident, that they 1) had no place else to go and 2) they were not leaving. So in keeping with free speech and Holiday Spirit to the homeless. Obviously putting out lots of small fires can be rather time consuming. But I'm not alone. And I make the best of a limited situation, and try to call out unsubstantiated BS, and have a good time at it. Merry Xmas! ho ho ho, heh heh heh
  21. That's funny Andrew. RFK's wife says no unvaxxed people in the house! Enough is enough! I didn't know Cheryl Hines and RFK Jr. were married! Larry David introduced Cheryl Hines to RFK Jr in 2012, and they've been married since 2014! ****** On a more serious note,to no one's surprise Texas Oil Pig: Rick Perry ----Fascist! Rick Perry likely authored a text outlining a strategy to undermine election results, CNN reported. https://www.businessinsider.com/rick-perry-likely-texted-mark-meadows-plan-to-sabotage-election-cnn-2021-12
  22. Of course, It's like George Bush Sr. whose planning his first run for Congress the next year and actually has a hand in the JFKA, and decides he's going to Dallas afterward and shoot the sh-t about it with a bunch of yahoos on the street? The more powerful and sinister you make Bush, the less likely that is to be.
  23. Hmm... you know these are both Mc Cord, right Ron? i didn't want to take the effort of cropping Ron's hall man. to put alongside it.
  24. IMO, Not quite the same vibe Ron. Mc Cord eyes more incisive, fierce, not as passive. Mc Cord looks more like some cop. Both men are very dimply, hall man has more dimples on his right. Difficult finding earlier Mc Cord pictures. His only pictures with glasses are when testifying.
  25. Hey Jeff, I think you know the most of anybody here about Assange. I have a personal question about Assange you might be able to help me with. Is Julian's favorite rock classic "Born to Run"? Of course I mean the "indoor" version. heh heh heh heh But I think you and I are in agreement Jeff, unlike Glenn and Benn* , I feel no conflict of interest in calling Pompeo a "pig" for his kidnapping plan! *A little joke there. But doesn't it figure that someone as verbosely redundant as Greenwald would spell "Glen" with 2 "n"s? Kudos to Ben! Though similar, he doesn't have to stoop so low! ****** As I was saying earlier, last Saturday night I was watching an NBA game that was finished and from 8PM to 9:30, there was this documentary film with Josiah Thompson that was the most pro JFK conspiracy thing I've seen on any of the major U.S. networks. It's not a big deal by our standards. It doesn't get into the who killed JFK but just makes a case for conspiracy, which could be just enough of a bite size chunk for a lot of people. Anyway then I found it on Youtube.
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