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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Right Cliff, but the silliest was the column by Paul's designated spokesman, Kremlin political analyst Andrew Korbyko. What is this propaganda designed for child ideologues? Paul somehow thought this was something worth submitting to us. I assume the poor writing and complete repetition and redundancy,such as "well-connected cabal of powerful people” repeated 4 times, with each passing repetition leaves Paul at the edge of his seat. Whew! Watch your blood pressure old chap! Just some excepts Andrew Korbyko said: Time magazine admitted in a report last week that a self-described “conspiracy” run by a “well-connected cabal of powerful people” The Cat's Out Of The Bag!!! The first is that, since “Every Democrat Is A Wannabe Dictator”, As predicted in this author's analysis late last year about how “Biden's America Would Be A Dystopian Hellhole”, Well... Korbyko boy can certainly talk from experience living in the grade A under achieving, Putinesque Dystopian hellhole, if there ever was one! It's only saving grace is that the many centuries of peasant Serf culture's expectations can make it seem like not as much of a hellhole, or after a Putin generation, people would finally rise up! 1990--Russia, China--runners on your marks!---ready!--- set!---go! ......2021!.... China fastest growing economy in the history of the world. Russia--Still a hellhole, but eliminated, caught using steroids! Korbyko:Democrats want to rapidly impose a de facto one-party dictatorship Oh,You mean like Putin? Korbyko:They're (the Democrats) drunk enough on power after having successfully pulled off what RT's Nebojsa Malic rightly described as a Color Revolution This is said somewhat sarcastically, as evidence that the Democrats have co opted the blacks into their evil agenda but imagine the chances of a black Russian in Russian society, (only at a bar) or even a woman ascending to any position of real power! Korbyko:The Trump-inspired “Make America Great Again” movement is mired in a political war while simultaneously struggling to purge itself of subversive QAnon elements. Again "struggling to purge itself of subversive QAnon elements??" So what we can pick up from that is that Q anon is even too wacko for the Russians?? That's where they draw the line! And we're to assume the Russians and Andrew think Trump has any standard at all at who'll he'll try to trick to follow him, and Trump would actually sacrifice part of his base, for what?. To give himself one modicum more credibility? Does he realize what he's saying! Can you imagine the Russians being so deluded! In their dreams! Korbyko:After all, there's little doubt among the Democrats' opponents that the party is now going all out in its attempt to impose a de facto one-party dictatorship Yes those Democrats are very oppressive Paul, they scream, "Please. please don't invade our Capitol again! Gee where did I hear that before? It takes one to know one. Korbyko:“conspiracy” to “democratically” topple Trump due to the “secret” efforts of a “well-connected cabal of powerful people”. 2)One of the implied supplementary objectives of admitting to the “conspiracy” against Trump by a “well-connected cabal of powerful people” is to make it impossible for anyone to really know what to believe anymore! 3)Democrats' grand strategic goal of imposing a de facto one-party state onto the rest of the country. 4)Not only would any attempt to organize violent resistance be illegal and arguably immoral, but it would simply facilitate the Democrats' plans by providing real evidence of what they'd describe as a domestic terrorist plot. Ok Paul, I get where you're going, the storming of the Capitol was a Democrat ploy, right Paul? Korbyko: "brag about the self-described “conspiracy” that a “well-connected cabal of powerful people” pulled off against Trump.' And now that phrase for a fourth time Andrew? In the name of God, Andrew, Back off, You are whipping Paul into a bloody frenzy!!!
  2. Doug, I witnessed this. The presentation was becoming so compelling, I immediately thought: "How is Fox News going to spin this?" So I turned to Fox News and there was "The 5" with the caption on top "Firestorm after NBA halts the National Anthem" and Guttfield mentioned something about Mark Cuban. I'm seeing a mimicking of Tucker Carlson's new round of "covid hoax" surfacing here as well as in other sights, almost like clockwork! It resembled Trumps mimicking of Fox in his tweets and public statements during his Presidency.
  3. Wow This Impeachment Trial presentation today was almost exactly what I was hoping they'd do. Anyone who lies crime show reconstructions would have to love this. It was very focused, timelines, maps of the Capitol, showing films of Congressman escaping and maps of where the rioters were! Good commentary, driving their points home. Trump tweets call Pence a traitor to the cause only 2 minutes before Pence and his family are escorted through a back route. It's too bad they couldn't subpoena some of the people around Trump to nail down that the President did nothing in response. But they instead mentioned how Ivanka a and Jared tried to get through to him to get him to call it to stop, but they quoted articles from NYT and WAPO, and of course the Republicans would refute such sources. I'm not sure if they're going to bring in other witnesses. I heard the Dems are giving their summation tomorrow.
  4. Jim, I thought you might be interested in the film that bears your books name. It seems like there's been a news blackout here for a long time. As I recall, this film was first to be released almost a year ago. Stone talks with Spike Lee of his problems getting it picked up on Netflix and National Geographic. https://www.irishcentral.com/culture/entertainment/oliver-stone-documentary-jfk
  5. So Paul,(Sorry I first called you Alan) in the first piece, elements of the U.S. political right and left unite, not to engineer a Joe Biden election victory, not to engineer a Donald Trump election victory but to ensure free and fair elections. They also possibly foresaw, as it turned out correctly that a neo facist President might try to overturn the results of a free and fair election. This was made more difficult by the pandemic, there was information disseminated that because of mail balloting that the public shouldn't be alarmed if the results of the election will not be known on Election night. The victory was obvious in shear numbers as a great turnout inevitably turns out for the Democrats, though there was healthy reactive response by the Trump campaign.Then as feared the neo fascist President tries to overturn the election. Ultimately at certain points, it was touch and go. Your author here in the second piece assumes the Democrats are now going for hegemony, in reality they lost part of the house, lost in state legislatures and eeked out the slimmest margin in the Senate. He doesn't even mention that the Republic Party is disintegrating on it's own, and his assertion that "the Trump-inspired “Make America Great Again” movement is struggling to purge itself of subversive QAnon elements" is ill informed at best and ludicrous at worst! Why do the Democrats for now look better? Because the Democrats didn't have the Fascists elements in them and the Fascist lost! It's that simple! So I guess you're sour grapes like the author, because that leaves you out, Paul?. I know you're a self proclaimed "expert" about American politics but maybe you're just another bitter Bit britching about the anti Bexit, eh? If you choose to engage as little as last time, we'll just say. "Chip Chip Cheerio! heh heh
  6. At first I heard they couldn't make up their minds if they wanted to call witnesses. That strikes me as absurd, why in the world would you not call witnesses. Then tonight I hear they are going to call someone from the FBI. Why don't they go for the jugular? The film is very powerful bit Trump can always deny and say the crowd misinterpreted what he said. The newspaper articles said that Trump was initially jubilant when they stormed the Capitol. And he deliberately for some time refused to take any outside calls for action. The source, I assume must be Presidential aides. Why not subpoena these aides and have then testify to Trump's negligence? That is about as directly damning of Trump as you can get! Then there's the whole systemic action and the stonewalling of Governor Larry Hogan's request to call out the National Guard. They should go through the entire sequence of events of Steny Hoyer in a bunker with Pelosi and Schumer phoning and asking for help from the Maryland Governor Larry Hogan who was denied approval to use his National Guard for 90 minutes! You really have to bring it directly to Trump! https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/maryland/national-guard-assistance-requests-denied-capitol-riots/65-e3ad38e5-f574-49d2-bfee-d3f504d7e53f
  7. I tried to find the stand alone film of the Capitol riots that the Democrats presented today. But I couldn't find one. If this isn't cued. Advance it to 1:49:24, and the film sequence begins,
  8. Can there be any doubt that Lou Dobbs, is-was the most shameless kiss ass in the history of North Korea?!
  9. Whoa! How about these 2 guys defending Trump in the second impeachment.: first this guy Bruce Castor:" He is most famous for his unapologetic defense of his decision in 2005 not to prosecute Bill Cosby after a Temple University employee, Andrea Constand, accused him of drugging and sexually assaulting her." Which was eventually prosecuted and produced a conviction. Then on the other hand, this David Schoen an Alabama-based civil rights and criminal defense lawyer, and "among his many cases, he played a significant role in a class-action lawsuit that challenged Alabama’s foster care system and led to improvements, and he represented the Ku Klux Klan in successfully challenging a law that forbade them from marching while wearing hoods and without paying a fee." "Nine days before Mr. Epstein’s death, Mr. Schoen had met with him for hours to discuss taking over his case. Based on Mr. Epstein’s demeanor and excitement about new legal strategies, and citing the nature of his injuries, Mr. Schoen said he did not think he had killed himself." https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/08/us/politics/david-schoen-bruce-castor-trump.html?campaign_id=140&emc=edit_ib_20210208&instance_id=26896&nl=impeachment-briefing&regi_id=61798350&segment_id=51250&te=1&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55
  10. Wow, if you're right, that's pretty good Ty.! I immediately thought Hoover and Elway. I think all of us have a local treasure trove of great local sports calls by our favorite local announcers. One such announcer in the SF Bay Area was Lon Simmons who, announced both the Giants and 49ers when I was growing and into middle age. unfortunately it seems like they resynced this call a second behind. But you get the picture of the urgency and surprise with a Steve Young run.
  11. Well I got my first jab today. It was pretty quick. I drove in, was given a questionnaire I filled out in 2 minutes. Went into a high school gym , submitted my questionnaire and got my shot in 5 minutes! Just about everyone there, from the people stopping you in your car to get in the parking lot, to the registrants, to the people giving you the jabs were women! They were like angels! After, they have you wait 15 minutes in the gym to see if you have any adverse reactions. There were about 40 people waiting in folding chairs like me that told me they were probably serving about 40 people every 15 minutes. I don't get a flu shot every year. But I did this year because they recommended it with covid. And there was less muscle soreness with this (the moderna vaccine) than there was with my flu shot, which was almost none. I went out and took a half hour hike afterwards. When I was waiting to leave another very intelligent nice lady was also waiting in a spaced chair socially distanced from me. We started talking and the subject came around to covid, the vaccine and then Robert Kennedy Jrs. covid position and she told me the Kennedy family broke with RFK Jr. in a op piece where they praised him for all the good work he's done on the environment but criticize his position on vaccines. I looked it up and found it. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/05/08/robert-kennedy-jr-measles-vaccines-226798
  12. Kirk said:But there were a number of coals on the fire and RFK did politically have to deal with own ambitions as well, so it being exposed before RFK's death is somewhat understandable, Again, Chris you don't read very carefully. But OK, So you believe the excuse given that RFK's silence was about the Civil Rights movement? That sounds like a family excuse, a sort of a political BS, "walk and chew gum" rationalization. RFK lived another 4 years after the passing of the Civil Rlghts Act and that and the Warren Commission Report were done by Sept. 64. If RFK had any doubts about the findings, he never made a public statement and the public never knew. I think it's more likely, what I said,several things on the fire and subsequent ambitions. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts. So you think the family's silence for 50 years was justified? I think it's the single biggest opportunity that was flubbed for keeping the JFKA in the public's mind.
  13. Excellent article given us by Doug and has said many things I didn't know about Cavanaugh. I had forgotten Cavanaugh was instrumental in the Ken Starr line of interrogation Bill Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. But Cavanaugh himself interned under a judge Alex Kosinski who himself had his own website, with a personal stash of pornographic images charitably described as “unusual.” That story would not break for two more years, but, given dirty-minded Kozinski’s penchant for showing the contents of said porn stash to his female clerks and his externs, Just like Clarence Thomas! Cavanaugh was not on Trump's list he first submitted for SC justice to fill Anthony Kennedy's vacating spot. But Trump and Anthony Kennedy were good friends, and Kennedy's son Justin headed the real estate division of the scumball Deutsche Bank and Trump was an important client, at a time when no one else would lend to Trump! Justin was also a guy guy Trump had known socially for years, they even were with each other at the U.S. Open! So it's quite possible, Kennedy himself later told Trump he wanted Cavanaugh to succeed him. Cavanugh was also involved with the stonewalling of Merrick Garland’s nomination in 2016. He's just a total political party animal!, and the Federalist Society heavily recommended him. People don't know but "The Federalist Society has mainstreamed ideas that were once considered intellectual outliers: that most of the New Deal and administrative state are unconstitutional, that corporations have free speech and free religion rights, that women and LGBT people are not “protected classes” under constitutional law, and that there is no right to privacy implied by the due process clause of the Constitution (i.e., banning abortion, contraception, and gay marriage are entirely constitutional). Two decades ago, hardly anyone in the legal academy took these ideas seriously. Now, they are litmus tests for conservative judges." IMO, This is a very good part 1 in 5! The Federalist Society has mainstreamed ideas that were once considered intellectual outliers: that most of the New Deal and administrative state are unconstitutional, that corporations have free speech and free religion rights, that women and LGBT people are not “protected classes” under constitutional law, and that there is no right to privacy implied by the due process clause of the Constitution (i.e., banning abortion, contraception, and gay marriage are entirely constitutional). Two decades ago, hardly anyone in the legal academy took these ideas seriously. Now, they are litmus tests for conservative judges.
  14. The country was in shock looking for answers Vince. They would have gone wherever AG Bobby would have taken them. RFK Jr.s interpretation that raising their voices and questioning the findings of the WC was a distraction from the Civil Rights movement hardly seems adequate. But there were a number of coals on the fire and RFK did politically have to deal with own ambitions as well, so it being exposed before RFK's death is somewhat understandable, but the silence of the Kennedy family for generations (and Teddy ) given what we're now presented, was a serious abdication of public duty. They were the powerful voices that particularly the first generations of those raising questions of the Warren Report were counting on. Now a clip with quotes, 50 years later, is way to little, way too late.
  15. That's pretty insightful Richard. I've thought of that, everything becomes like National All Star Wrestling from our childhood. They really want to believe it, but deep inside they know it's fake. Richard said: Unfortunately I think many in the Trump world look at him and see someone expressing their deeply felt loss of hope and position and see what they think is a successful man who feels like they do. That, to me is why the follow him like little sheep. and similarly, the sad thing is, too many of his followers, it doesn't matter if he's a total fraud. He's 'smart' enough to live like a billionaire even if he doesn't have a cent to his name. Many would all imitate him and let the rest of the world burn if they could. ****** Ron, I think you better be careful about flipping off those Trumpie trucksters. It's not exactly the same, but you don't want to have happen to you what happened in real life to Jan Berry! You should of heard the whine from my screamin' machine, dude!
  16. Navalny's statement to Putin after sentencing: The reason why it all happened is one man’s hatred and fear — one man hiding in a bunker. I mortally offended him by surviving an attempt at my life he ordered. … I mortally offended him by surviving, thanks to good people, thanks to pilots and doctors. And then I committed an even more serious offense: I didn’t go into hiding, didn’t start living under protection in a smaller bunker I could afford. Then something truly terrifying happened … I participated in the investigation of my own poisoning, and we showed and proved, that it was Putin who, using Russia’s Federal Security Service, exercised this attempted murder. … And that’s driving this thieving little man in his bunker out of his mind. The fact that it all came to light. There’s no popularity ratings. No massive support. There’s none of that. Because it turns out that dealing with a political opponent who has no access to television and no political party merely requires trying to kill him with a chemical weapon. So, of course, he’s losing his mind over this. Because everyone was convinced that he’s just a petty bureaucrat who was accidentally appointed to his position. He’s never participated in any debates or campaigned in an election. Murder is the only way he knows how to fight. … He’ll go down in history as nothing but a poisoner. We all remember Alexander the Liberator [Alexander II] and Yaroslav the Wise [Yaroslav I]. Well, now we’ll have Vladimir the Poisoner of Underpants — that’s how he will go down in history. … I’m standing here, guarded by the police, and the National Guard is out there with half of Moscow cordoned off. All this because that small man in a bunker is losing his mind. He’s losing his mind because we proved and demonstrated that he isn’t buried in geopolitics; he’s busy holding meetings where he decides how to steal opponents’ underpants and smear them with chemical weapons. ***** Dramatic stuff, the entire text is here: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/03/opinion/navalny-putin-speech.html
  17. Biden pulls U.S. out of the civil war in Yemen https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-pulls-support-yemen-war_n_601c253ac5b6179453d6d14f
  18. I was waiting to hear something other than stories about how painfully slow the covid vaccine rollout is in California, then an hour ago, I got notified online, filled out the application and I'm getting my first jab this weekend!
  19. Yow! it looks like the Dems are playing hardball and asking Trump to testify on Monday, a day before the impeachment trial starts! https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-impeachment/house-impeachment-managers-ask-trump-to-testify-under-oath-next-week-idUSKBN2A42J0
  20. Even Newsmax has had their fill of the "My Pillow" guy. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pillow-guy-mike-lindell-newsmax-interview_n_6019d41ec5b684e5709dd2fa?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJDWYzXegvsneEuAyKh-E5F9hno4rnyakUr-Ur9EI3yAOb738SodkSQ2UQjaMg0jYsCTyVCGlB075M7VcJ2DVUqGHqCGP03izRyOMm_AjOX6jUahxLNPvQrc_LdvP7UwTHzzh5p7rYJ2pcpclo-IMQ8B2Q7kKHHQIkp-ArbGX4sm
  21. I'm now seeing the struggles that the Dem congress people had to go through during the Capital Riots. Some at first weren't directed anywhere. AOC was hiding in Congressman Katie Porters bathroom,and she gave AOC tennis shoes in case she would have to run. In any Impeachment trial worth it's a salt, they have to reconstruct what happened , get intelligence people's testimony to verify the timelines, show every relevant bit of film evidence. If that one Capitol Cop redirected the mob,they have to show how close Mike Pence was to being seen or apprehended. Then you bring Pence to the witness stand, verify through Mike Pence;s testimony that he has built his political career as a man who professes love of his family, God, and Mother Country. Then you verify that his family was with him. Ask him if he heard the mob, Were you frightened for the welfare of your family? If he downplays it, show film of the mob chanting to hang Pence., Don;t spare any drama and make Pence search his soul, on National TV. What did you feel like when you and your family could hear the angry mob down the hall? Did you fear for your family? You bring Congress women to testify as to their fears. Unfortunately I wonder If AOC's just too divisive a figure to the right, but unfortunately through Fox, even the center. But there are other women including Republican women. This isn't even to mention the Trump meeting on Jan.5th. To really investigate that right, and to effectively use the testimony of the victims which were the the members of Congress themselves, (now that's real life drama!) as well as the various police forces. You just need more time. The Democrats should hold on. They shouldn't spill all their beans in a hastily constructed trial. I think they gather evidence, lay low, get their witnesses ready and orchestrate it to maximum effect. Wow! I've only seen snippets of this. AOC tonight accounting her experience during the Capitol Riots.
  22. Jim Di said" IMO, the American republic ended in November of 1963! Oh , I see, Hence your new twitter handle: Jimmy die 1963!! Very, Very clever Jim!! Very good marketing! So 50's white America was great for very young Jim. Just to give you a radically different viewpoint, Jim. I personally don't think America became real at all until after the JFKA. We agree that the real enemy at that time was the MIC. It seemed like when I first got here, I was amazed that was actually still the prevalent idea, perpetuated by Jim's rhetoric of "bureaucratic memory" . But the regime had long since changed for the last 40 years. It's become a world multi national corporate regime. ***. This is what I mean when I say Jim never provides any balance. So the conversations strays to who is the worst President. All the points made, IMO are good. Matt says: "Trump killed more Americans than any war has, and then tried to end the Republic. It is laughable to think any other President has been worse than that.' So W, writes a balanced piece to Matt, acknowledging the horrendous loss of human life under Nixon , LBJ, and GW. But saying "I believe that Trump is the most habitually dishonest, scientifically ignorant, corrupt, and administratively inept POTUS in history". which I completely agree with. Jim counters by not once mentioning Trump, and only supporting W's arguments and regurgitating his own arguments as to the great loss of life in SE Asia, and pays a little paltry token to Matt, who made the prescient point of all that if Trump is allowed to incite a Civil War, WE DON"T HAVE SH-T, and the entire world suffers! Of course that would matter little to Jim. Jim's been orphaned by the Republic since 1963! heh
  23. Ron , I see the articles just talking about the Lincoln Project piece on Kevin Mc Carthy, but doesn't have the link. Here's the link.
  24. Well Benjamin,that was a total rehash,complete with "won't settle worst President ever", Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley", and "good riddance". And actually we did get the book recommendation, only yesterday. Are you sure we can't interest you one last time in "identity politics?"
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