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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Paul Hornung, Definitely an athlete of his time. He was in his heyday in my youth. He also won games by kicking field goals, right? Him and Bart Star just kicked ass in my early years. He had that scandal betting on games. He wasn't particularly fast, but he could wriggle his way through. He was a hard runner to get a hold of.
  2. If Trump really thought he won the election , why would he be hiding in his basement for the last week? ******** And sure enough, Don't tell Trump U. Grad Wheeler but Trump's Election Defense Fund is another grift, bilking innocent people to pay off his election debts. 60% of the donations supposedly going to fight the election results are really going to pay off his exorbitant campaign debts. https://www.businessinsider.com/donations-trump-legal-fund-spent-on-paying-off-campaign-debt-2020-11 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-campaign-legal-defense-donations-debt/
  3. Thanks Steve, Check out "The Trial of the Chicago 7" on Netflix. *******
  4. Exactly W. That was missing in Jeff's article. It was a trade off of free men. Which was a big omission in the article. I noticed the author, in the end quoted Fareed Zakaria, who did a piece on the very same subject,for support. Which I thought was a little weird. ***** I think Trump is torn about looking defiant for his base, while some Republican leaders are trying to convince him he's better off, should he choose to run in 24, if he concedes now. Obviously Trump is also personally weighing his own fate, whether to pardon himself. Does he think he can escape jail.. etc ******* Did Rob Reiner write that Steve?
  5. Yes, that was from a release from that Wolkoff book about a month ago. Maybe not that compassionate. But think of poor Melania and all the obligations she still has to do even though she won't be First Lady soon! https://apis.mail.yahoo.com/ws/v3/mailboxes/@.id==VjN--Wpo0I_Q6rPAZ1jsTfHS24kxWbs1uKROjqKtcWphnyUS0eKm4Q5gji-Tixyir1JppXSQPIt7834jXjyRXCwNNg/messages/@.id==AF99ZGZiQQtaX6bk7wh74E7u_2Y/content/parts/@.id==2/thumbnail?appId=YMailNorrinLaunch
  6. A man GWB once affectionately called, "Turd Blossom" GWB Senior Campaign Advisor and Wheeler Icon., Karl Rove says that the election result won't be overturned. https://www.wsj.com/articles/this-election-result-wont-be-overturned-11605134335 Again Rove says, Trump won't overturn election. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/11/politics/karl-rove-2020-election-biden-trump/index.html
  7. Jeff, you can find this out in a number of sources, it's not sacred information, and as you said, it has been telegraphed for quite awhile. You yourself put out a similar article (one state, one vote). Remember? a couple of months ago. As far as the "MSM hysteria", you always see MSM hysteria. I think they're being pretty cool for now, just as I am. There's probably more hysteria here, from what I see. But the MSM is picking up the narrative that there is no precedent for a challenger winning by such a wide margin in both the popular and electoral votes and having an incumbent President contest the election. To give you an historic example, Bush Vs. Gore involved a vote count of 537 votes in Florida. The vote differential in Pennsylvania is 100 times that, and counting! Take Georgia, 30 times that and counting! Take Arizona 30 ties that! Take Michigan, where Trump's litigating , 300 times that! Even though it's commonly attempted here on the forum. You can't just pull something out of your ass, and make it stick, Jeff. Trump has to make a case that 1000's of votes were stolen. Where can he really begin to do that? Even if he could make a case somehow for Georgia and Arizona, and turn that around. It still doesn't matter. He still loses! I would say the reason Mitch Mc Connell isn't giving in can be attribute to one thing. Politics and his own self interest. He thinks Trump is an asset to carry into the Georgia Senate run offs on Jan 5th. He figures he still has time, and he'll put the nation through whatever. He may make a consolation to Biden, saying because we can't know for sure whose going to be President, he may favor Biden getting important briefings he would need as President to try to look even handed, but it's obvious what he's doing.
  8. About the convictions. that's hard to say. Wait till he plays this out. Jeff responded. Well so much for the "olive branch". Now you're just waiting for Wheeler. I figured I'd cover both the Canadian base and the drunkenness base in one fell swoop. I hope you enjoy!
  9. Now that Jeff has come in, I'm going to throw a bit of a monkey wrench into this. I like your intentions Cliff. Sort of like Joe Biden. But I feel it's somewhat misdirected. Yes, you should apologize for calling anyone here a fascist but you were the one to first call Trump a fascist, when we both agree, his threat was being minimized, and you should never apologize for that, because he is. We may have different levels of proof. But to me when Trump rolled over those protestors for a photo op at St . Michael's, it left the realm of Fascist talk and went to Fascist action. I can see you really want to get off Wheeler's "ignore" list, though I can't imagine why, still that's your choice. I was wondering who Fred Carter is, but I could make a mistake like that too. I guess what they have in common to you is that you've had disagreements with them. But you insult Jeff, believe me there's absolutely no comparison between Jeff Carter and Wheeler. Jeff spends time on research is intelligent,and well spoken, uses details and makes good reasonable arguments, is polite and is able to have a civil discussion. He's honest and doesn't try to bs and fabricate things, and he's actually got a pretty good sense of humor , when he chooses to. (I like that "drunk or overwhelmed with sentimentality' joke Jeff!) He's a grown man, not a 60 something with an adolescent emotional development. With Wheeler you have to ask is he basically dishonest or is he just addicted to dishonest sources and disinformation. In the end I don't think it matters. He's requires more effort to factually clean up after, than he would ever put into a post. I disagree with Jeff about Russia involvement, and I may think that as a Canadian he believes a lot of the U,S. self hype about justice where the rest of us natives can speak a little more from experience. Sometimes it seems to me like Jeff is like an immigrant to America whose trying to hold the rest of us to our higher American ideals. Which I may occasionally poke fun at, but I realize is a good thing.
  10. You'd think after losing 6 out of the last 7 Presidential elections by the popular vote. They could be more gracious. Well put, Cliff, You're right, except over 50% of us regarded the White House stolen. And what has been the effect of the non popularly elected Presidents? The 2 worst Presidents in the last 100 years, Bush through pursuing a costly, elective War in Iraq that he wasn't he was under no political pressure to start. And then Trump, with what can easily be considered the worst crisis handling in our countries history involving the corona virus pandemic.
  11. What could be good news, It seems the Supreme court is backing down from a wholesale rejection of Obamacare. ******** It looks like a sizable amount of the Republicans are following Trump's lead like sheep. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/poll-70-percent-of-republicans-dont-think-the-election-was-free-and-fair/ar-BB1aQH3N?li=BBnb7Kz
  12. That white woman thing does blow my mind Chris! Extrapolating by yesterdays data. California (87%) counted has 2 million more votes to be counted, at least at the present rate of a 64% Biden clip, should mean around at least 560k more for Biden. New York has counted less, (79%) has about 1.7 million outstanding votes, but at a lower Biden rate of 55.7%, means about 100k more for Biden. But that's a very conservative estimate if considerably more of the % of remaining votes that were mail in ballots, which it appears they are..
  13. I agree Ty, with term limits we could have a whole new group in there, and let the best (whatever that means) rise to the top. I 'd probably find some way to get the money out of politics. Maybe federal funding. Give each candidate a pittance, and see how well they spend it! Like we even need really a quarter of all the campaign ads on TV that we see every election campaign! It's interesting you bring up Bernie, whatever you think of his politics, he is the real deal and sincerely has the good of the country at heart. If you're concerned about the Social Democratic thing, there's always 2 other houses of Congress that will be weighing in.
  14. Ty, it's nice to see a Trump supporter whose employed critical thinking over the last few years and realizes that nothing is true simply because Donald Trump say it is. In fairness to Dennis, I can do a fair job of keeping numbers in my head, and i did, over a 3 day period once see a vote total where Biden advanced by I think over 1000 votes and Trump advanced zero. Obviously this needs an explanation. But I put in the same category with a number of JFKA "too good to be true" incidents. Are we really too assume that the people who would perpetuate this to be so careless to do something that they couldn't later explain. I don't think so. Then of course, it would be Wheeler who bring forth unverifiable bs evidence that extends it and say, not only did Biden's vote totals expand but they in fact were subtracted from Trump? At no time, did I ever see a subtraction of totals. On the other hand, There are a number of things that can make this seem more of a steal to Trump supporters than it was. The first was the fact that some red states didn't allow the pre counting of mail in ballots until Election day. At that point, most states started counting ballots cast on election day, which were mostly Trump voters hence the "red mirage". This was all spelled out ahead of time in this Oct. 31st article below, you can look to the individual states and it's largely accurate. This election appears falsely closer than it is, as Biden will win by over 5 million votes when it's all over projecting the remaining states. It could have been called on Pennsylvania on Thursday night. Biden's scoring in the 70's or greater in all of these remaining Pennsylvania districts because, 1) the votes left to be counted were largely from Philadelphia and other populated blue strongholds. And 2) were overwhelmingly mail in ballots. Trump all but prohibited mail in ballots to his followers , except in a few states. The networks have historically made projections with far less evidence than this, and all of us just took it to the bank. My guess is that MSM chose not to call the races sooner because they didn't want to inflame calls of "media bias" and have Trump cry bloody victim and polarize the situation further. JMO. But keep in mind, Fox News was the first to call Arizona for Biden and the MSM didn't do that for days! https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/election-results-timing/# ******** Andrew the Pfizer vaccine is a big deal, but the average person may not get it for 6 months.
  15. Wheeler said:This is going to be 2000 on Steroids!!!. Oh yeah?, it won't even get you a hard on! It will be like the alleged Hunter Biden pedophilia scandal on estrogen!
  16. You can have the Wheeler trophy. Why on earth would we let Wheeler make any rules? . Whose ever closest to the final result total wins. That's where all the bets are. You've predicted 50 more electoral votes for Dems than me. (340-88). My total is 291-147.That's almost exactly what it would be if Biden didn't win Georgia. Everybody's pretty much casting it as Biden 306, the same total as Trump in 2016. So I'd be off by 15, and you'd be off by 34.
  17. Well thank you Cliff, As I said at the time, you and I were pretty much in sync, and you did get Georgia, but you also gave Biden Florida and North Carolina. I said I thought there was an outside chance you could be right about Florida, but I didn't trust Florida. But I did complement you for your astuteness on Arizona. Contrast our performance to Wheeler, who predicted 356-82 in electoral votes for Trump! I'm sure that was well thought out.(Of course if that happened, what need would there be for a recount, that Wheeler is now so sure about?) Has Wheeler ever gotten a prediction right? Just 2 weeks ago, he predicted they were going to drop the bomb about Hunter Biden's pedophilia and abuse of his niece, the day before election day. What he didn't calculate was that there was 101 million votes that were already mailed in? hah hah! Wheeler's like Trump, he has no performance standard, so he's never a candidate to evaluate his performance and realize his mistakes, so he's condemned to a life of silly arguments, baseless scandalous accusations, and perpetual online blunder! Now we're going to be seeing a slough of baseless allegations about the election.
  18. Right on! Well sad,Kathy, Paul! I also want to live in a more diverse, inclusive country. But an appeal like Van Jone's flies right by Wheeler.
  19. Everybody's out today! Honestly, I'm almost bored of Joe Biden already. He'll talk about unity. I don't expect him to say anything he hasn't been saying.. But that's ok, I'm not so empty that I expect a promotional seminar everyday, telling me what to think, who to love and who to hate, like I have everyday the last 4 years! It's been like a campaign year EVERY YEAR FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS!!! But even then, so much of it was publicly so stupid, just designed to relieve some perpetual desperate boredom factor. I'm more self sufficient, and for the whole of my life, I've got along quite well without depending on a fix from some politician every day. Thank You! I'd be more happy with someone who took their job seriously and just quietly went about doing it!
  20. Hey what about a trophy for me? I got 49 out of 50!, and Biden at 291! The one miss is Georgia but that really hasn't been called yet, right? I just put Maine for Biden, I guess there's a split thing in Maine? Actually that is a pretty good idea for all the states to do. It's more equitable, at least short of abolishing the electoral outright! I see Wheeler with his calculations still wasn't aware of the "red mirage". That's what you get with one sided sources. Everyone was warned for weeks. As Jim said, because some of the Republican state legislatures didn't let them count the early mail in ballots ahead of time. They counted them at the end, and everybody knew weeks in advance that the early mail in votes were largely for Biden! No amount of math and probability have anything to with it! Trump himself, all but prohibited his voters from doing mail in ballots. Hello!
  21. I completely agree Jim. But I don't know if I trust Beto to run the DNC, and I wonder if he has the skill set. But it's true, he's not doing anything, and he probably should have been! The Dems in the past have won when they have a dynamic younger looking figure. JFK, Clinton, Obama who promises change. Even Jimmy Carter was not a fossil, 51 when he was elected. It was a disappointment for the Dems with state legislatures and of course the Senate, where now their only hope is to win both sides of the elections in January in Georgia to just tie, and get the advantage through VP Kamala Harris. The most positive thing you can say about Trump is he got people to become more informed and more involved as citizens.
  22. Our Brit correspondent Chris wanted to be here to weigh in, because after all, as Chris has said he doesn't particularly care about the U.S. election result anyway. Chris said: I don't think Biden's cognitive decline is related to that, he's one step away from going out for a walk and forgetting his way home. Ok, I'll leave out any wisecrack about an aspiring marketing mogul being uniquely qualified to make a judgment about Joe Biden's declining cognitive abilities. And we can , as we say in the U.S.,stop beating the dead horse about both candidates being too old. Outside of a couple of other Trump supporters here , we'd all agree.. Check this out. I've always admired the the Brit's diction is more precise than the Americans. A sense of humor never hurts! Fox News Is Very Concerned About This Presidential Candidate's Brain | The Daily Show Or we can take a little more of a comparative analysis by experts, but after all they're just experts right? It was a concern for both candidates.Obviously it's a great concern if a very debilitating episode happens in public. Reagan was in decline from the beginning of his 8 year Presidency. But functionally, usually a crisis is dealt with internally with the President's appointed cabinet advising him. One unique problem however, with Trump is the extent of his non reliance on a cabinet. Will he realize an episode of the decline of his cognitive abilities and defer? There were many incidents of Trump getting angry and flying off the handle.Thank God, they didn't occur at very critical times to say the National security. I do think Trump damaged himself irreparably with his anger in the first debate, but he was also probably coming on to covid infection. Or you could argue the spike in Biden's ratings after that debate were because he held his own. I absolutely shudder to think of Donald Trump at the helm, during the Cuban Missile Crisis! But of course, too late now.
  23. News Flash-Faucci conspiracy plot!---Now Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has caught covid! Tonight's theme- how will it happen?
  24. It's strange Trump supporters believe there's voter fraud with zero evidence but couldn't believe he sexually assaulted woman with 26 allegations. *************
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