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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Joe, it looks like your billionaire buddy, Bloomberg has granted your wish. He's doing last minute funding of Biden in Texas and Ohio?????? Bloomberg's no dummy and I see this as evidence Bloomberg thinks Biden can just run the table, and maybe get 400 electoral votes and get a broad mandate. https://in.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-bloomberg/bloomberg-is-funding-late-biden-push-in-texas-ohio-new-york-times-idUSKBN27C1OX
  2. Ron, I just wanted to see what the walkout was about. But you're right, it was a waste of time. Not much longer Ron, if this election won't get you to vote, nothing wil! ***** Fox news anchors quarantining after exposure Jay Wallace, Fox News president, anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, and Dana Perino and Juan Williams, two hosts of The Five were all onboard the plane with the infected person and told to quarantine and get tested, the New York Times first reported. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewster/2020/10/26/fox-news-hosts-told-to-quarantine-after-exposure-on-debate-flight/#712736f63f2e
  3. I saw the unedited version a few days back that Wheeler is touting her and I can tell you, W. if you thought the edited version was just more Trump repeating his "same old bogus sales gimmicks." It's that doubled in the unedited version, and it's 37 minutes long. You'd be grateful for their editing. Just as you said, but more elaborately. "We've done a great job with the coronavirus", "we stopped people coming in from China", "Biden wouldn't have done that", " I wouldn't have done anything different." "It's because we test too much" It's a great economic recovery" "Hilary Clinton!" I've now seen the edited version on TV. Around 25:00 in the unedited, He tries to throw his last ditch "Hunter Biden Hail Mary" pass. It's also a little more elaborate,referring to "hard drives", has no real details, can't make any real tie. Ends up frustratingly bailing, ( shown on both versions) and like every action of this last month, trying to give his account and make lemonade out of catastrophic failure. ******* Now Putin's hedging his bets? Whoa
  4. Yes W. Spamming 487 posts and they're all this level quality, or it's quoting some jerk off on twitter. And he demeans others about the quality of their infinitely more well written, detailed posts? Like there's something unseemly about an uncle standing in for his departed brother? Like of course he would molest his own niece? The same "Q" lemming pedophile charges. It started with villainizing the pro choice movement, and then they became pedophiles who would kill their youth, drink the blood of their victims, and eat their adrenal glands to"sustain their youth". We're left with just Wheeler's recurring "pedophile" allegations among the 487 allegations and 0 hits! Wheeler's journey is like Trump's 487 mad campaign stumps this year, both with a conversion rate of zero, both going to lose miserably, both will be lamenting about it for the next 10 years, though Trump hasn't got that long..
  5. Dave said: Rudy's dumb, but not so dumb as to not recognize Cohen as Borat, As I said, I know what you're saying Dave. How could all these Republicans he's punked over the years as Ali G. not known he was Ali G.? But Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan, Brent Scowcroft,James Baker all didn't. Rudy was dumb enough to follow her in the bedroom , sit on the bed and then lay down. His excuse would have been much more convincing had he said he recognized Sasha Baron Cohen as the camera man and played along, instead he acted completely innocent and said he phoned the police! Cohen says this. In an interview with Good Morning America broadcast Friday, however, Cohen, appearing out of character, disputed Giuliani’s explanation. “I would say that if the president’s lawyer found what he did there appropriate behavior, then heaven knows what he’s done with other female journalists in hotel rooms,” Cohen said. “I just urge everyone to watch the movie. It is what it is. He did what he did. And make your own mind up. It was pretty clear to us.”
  6. I saw 2 Sasha Baron Cohen flicks in the last couple of days, and I liked them both., I got a trial on amazon prime and I saw the Borat movie, It is like all his movies, cringing, sometimes embarrassing but revealing and funny. Sometimes I think the sham he's trying to perpetrate is way over the top, but his subjects always fall for it, I assume because they've never experienced a true life character like Borat. And they did trap Giuliani, and it's pretty obvious what Rudy's Giuliani's intentions were. He was literally saved from an outright scandal solely because Cohen chose to invade the scene,in just the nick of time, in the role of a father protecting his daughter. Then on Netflix,Sasha Baron Cohen also played Abbie Hoffman in "The Trial of the Chicago 7" , written by Aaron Sorkin. I wasn't aware at the time of the riff between Nixon AG, John Mitchell and outgoing LBJ, AG Ramsey Clark played by Micheal Keaton, who testifies in court that in the last 6 months of his reign as AG they made the determination that they weren't going to prosecute the Chicago 7 because they determined that the Chicago police had provoked the riots. Jeremy Strong plays Jerry Rubin and Frank Langella plays judge Julius Hoffman. ********** Joe Biden has to do almost nothing but keep his keep his eye on the ball. The Dodgers seemed to have a problem with that last night. Two out in the 9th, the Rays behind by a run, with runners on first and second on a play with 2 defensive errors, and one base running error! But in fairness the Dodger catcher, Zunino probably did gauge correctly that he'd have to swipe and acted in haste, but he didn't know the runner tripped! (Though not visible as he had gotten up!) Only in baseball!
  7. My Presidential Debate Analysis and Prognosis: In the first debate, It seemed Trump was doing his impression of a covid crazed mad dog. Later we were to find it wasn't an impression at all. Still it was great theater for his base. In the second debate Trump had contracted covid and the debate committee reasoned they should do a zoom video debate. Trump, even with only 2 debates remaining and considerably behind in the polls decided to cancel the second debate reasoning that his first debate performance was so stellar, that consenting to a debate that wasn't head to head, would just be giving up too much power. ??? His base, who marvel at Trumps ability to play three dimensional chess saw Trump as Bobby Fischer refusing to show up and forfeiting his match with Boris Spassky just to psych Spassky out! The third debate highlighted Trump's reliance on lying, other than that, it might have been a debate. It went way over the head of his base. But was Trump's last minute effort in 4 years, to try to appeal to anyone else. Result: Trump was down 5-3 and got shelled in a 5 run bottom of the 8th. He registered 4 walks, one balk, one hit batsman and a covid grand slam.
  8. I'm not sure how much anybody will convince anyone else about Prouty. But if you're hard core Prouty, when you read the ARRB transcript, you'd have to be disappointed at how Prouty continually backpedals, he's just hunkering down, to try to minimize his previous claims and position in distinction to his rather defiant attitude here, where he very authoritatively flaunts his position and experience in this C Span symposium in 1992, where he and John Judge are the foremost JFKA conspiracy proponents, that people should find interesting. His tone definitely provides a rallying cry for JFKAC advocates. Unfortunately I can't find film of another symposium I saw Prouty was in where he sort of mocks others for their naivete.
  9. I think the most important quote out of this debate is when Trump said that immigrants who enter the country and who eventually show up for their court dates are obviously "low IQ". Typical Trump, Like they would just have to be complete fools to do the legal thing, and show up rather than be fugitives in hiding, just like anybody who would enlist into the service , or pay all their taxes is a complete sucker!. Such a strange thing for a President to say! But I'm sure it plays well with his base.
  10. The aging rock world is also torn asunder by the 2020 pre election political climate! Beach Boys Brian Wilson and Al Jardine disavow Trump "Orange County ATM" Beach Boy Benefit in California with aging rock star equivalent to Rudy Giuliani, Mike Love at the helm. Mike Love got the name of "The Beach Boys" much the way Trump gets what he wants, he litigated. This isn't the first time. Mike Love also played at a Safari Club Int. Convention with safari hunter Donald Trump Jr. as keynote speaker! "In February, both Wilson and Jardine officially signed on to a Change.org petition urging a boycott of the touring Beach Boys, after Love and company booked a headlining gig at the Safari Club International Convention in Reno, Nevada, where noted safari hunting enthusiast Donald Trump Jr. was the keynote speaker." https://variety.com/2020/music/news/brian-wilson-al-jardine-trump-benefit-beach-boys-disavow-california-mike-love-1234808907/ David Crosby weighs in about Mike Love on twitter. He says he "most assuredly has no talent. " I've considered that. He sued Brian Wilson for partial songwriting rights on a handful of songs. I assume it was for some probably lame lyrics. https://guitar.com/news/music-news/david-crosby-beach-boys-mike-love/
  11. Wheeler: We still have 15 days to go before Election day and we're already up to CP on Hunter's computer and a former business partner who has to be protected from being "Epsteined."You guys realize Giuliani has had these lap-top contents for almost a year.These daily releases are all planned out.You know the worst of what's on the lap tops will be the "kill shot."The "when" part will be close enough to election day so that Biden's name can't be removed from the ballots.Go to the store tomorrow and buy some popcorn. Best movie ever! Uh huh....Polls show 38% of the battleground states have already voted. A couple of nautical analogies come to mind, "missing the boat" and "jumping the ship". Right now I think Joltin' Joe could shoot Rudy Giuliani right down on 5th Avenue, and still handily beat Trump! +++++ Just in, it appears Trump could have contracted the virus before the Rose Garden super spreader event as 2 days before, he met in a big fundraiser with the Branch Covidian Church and their very charismatic leader, Covid Darvish! Whew, would I like to be a fly on the wall, witnessing the meeting of those 2 heavyweight charismatic blowhards! But of course, I would be wearing my flymask!😀 heh heh!
  12. Thanks for the lead in Steve, Have you guys heard Trump has issued a "Proclamation on on National Character Counts Week, 2020" (that's right ,with 2 "on's") A fitting quote within the text below. Every opportunity to show consideration for another person is also an opportunity to build habits of kindness and strengthen our character. Our words and deeds leave imprints in our homes, schools, communities, and places of worship. Throughout this week, we recommit to being more kind, loving, understanding, and virtuous. Together, as one national family, we must serve others with giving and grateful hearts to ensureour Republic remains strong, vibrant, and a beacon of hope for future generations. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-national-character-counts-week-2020/ I'm sure Trump is is seizing this moment of sincerity and dedicating himself to lead by his example. You can't make this stuff up.
  13. Good T.T.- W! Hey, some great song lyrics you guys! Ha ha This just in, On a more serious note, some good news for the Republicans. The MSM has personally assured me that they're going to downplay Rudy being a Russian spy because they believe in the 2 party system! At least it's good to see in these times of internal strife, all the elites getting on the same page! Heh heh heh ho ho ahhh!
  14. Wheeler:It's starting to feel like Hunter Biden sold all of you out. Hunter who? Ho hum, Nothing more than feelings. Chris Wallace e mailed me today and told me the MSM is completely behind us. Another Trump October Surprise cut and pasted on page 26! WH: Biden is barely campaigning. Why campaign at all? I'd take an anti science page from Trump. I don't think Biden should debate Trump on Thursday. I think Trump is still contagious with something. And I don't want to take any chance of joltin' Joe standing in the same room with Grandpa Covid. We'll just call it koodies. .. WH: Fingers in ears, eyes closed, yelling gibberish. Thank you for at last acknowledging, Yes we have had to put up with your deafness, your tunnel vision and your screaming inanities. Still most people here believe in the First Amendment and Free Gibberish, even if I don't. WH:That's all you got! Yeah I know, times are tough, Democrat sweep. Collapse of the spineless Republican Party, Anyway, too late to jump ship now!
  15. Right Steve, Are the higher ups of the Republican party unwitting Russian assets? Every thing about the story, seems so unlikely. Robert B.---That is priceless! I've never seen the Susie Essman roasting Trump before! Cliff, "LxxR LxxR" by the Castaways, excellent!, just the image of the woman dancing hypnotically invoked Wheeler to scream out about "Satanic Pedophiles." More Predictions: Again Democrat blue wave sweep. As Cliff said,Trump literally will never go back to Iowa, Ohio, Wisconsin and Minnesota, or maybe the USA. Finished in politics forever: 2MP, Mike Pence and Pompeo, William Barr, Donald Trump Jr. and siblings, Betsy De Voss, Ben Carson, Mick Mulvaney, Wilbur Ross, John Bolton, Steve Banon, Sean Spicer, Dennis Miller. Wheeler's congressional district- Blue!. Kellyanne Conway, Kayleigh Mc Enanany finished, Sarah Huckabee Sanders gone forever! Powerless hulk of a human being, Mitch Mac Connell and Lindsey Graham (win or lose) .
  16. Wheeler: Think about it, if 9/11 was an inside job, not everyone in the Military and the Intelligence agencies would have thought it was a great idea. I would say the majority of the Military Brass and Intelligence employees who have inside information about 9/11 would think its a bad idea. General Flynn is one of those guys, as he was in a position to know back in 2001. Admiral Rogers is another. Then you probably have a sizable group of Majors, Colonels, Commanders and Captains as well as civilians in the FBI, NSA, CIA, Treasury Dept. that decided to do something; which would be to prevent another 9/11 type of event. Yeah, I'm sure 100's of the military top brass as well as civilians in the FBI, NSA, CIA, Treasury were polled about pulling off the 911 job, and eventually any who disagreed were told. "Tough luck, we're going to do it anyway." And they've kept the secret ever since then. Maybe they should be asked by some non MSM reporter, "Did you approve of the 911 job? Right? Whatever you think of 911, Wheeler could be called "gullible" or "delusional'. There have been some good humored exchanges, good humored observations which I like to think I've contributed to. But this desire to see Wheeler as a rational person, get to know his beliefs, if for curiosity or some missionary zeal. Personally I've never seen it result in any anything fruitful, or in any way consistent. It just ends up being more xxxxx feeding. In another few weeks, we'll be dealing with a more frustrated Wheeler. Really just emphasizing the most dark, negative quality of conspiracy websites. The self avowed "brilliant" narcissist that craves to look down on all the other masses of people, who of course, are inferior and stupid. ******* Wheeler:The DNC rammed through Biden and rail-roaded Bernie because they intended to replace old Joe with Andrew Cuomo. Another 'homey" Wheeler fantasy he concocted months ago when he first fell in love with Andy Cuomo in his first corona virus news conference. Unfortunately Wheeler's never left the tri-state area.
  17. Actually, Stone's including the scene with Garrison and Prouty in Washington was an excellent dramatic choice, as it for the first time in the movie, clearly defines the enemy and their motives. It is for me, the most memorable scene in the movie.
  18. I saw most of Trump last night. I feared Savannah Guthrie as moderator would get rolled over by Trump. It turned out, she did the best job yet, which isn't saying much with Chris Wallace, in the previous debate. Trump does particularly poor when talking with everyday people. The first half was a straight interview. To Guthrie's credit, she didn't let up. He was definitely on the defensive. You sense Trump was a bit invaded, and vulnerable when Guthrie mentioned he owed 400 million dollars! You could feel that this was a legitimate interview but it seems there's so often something slimy about things Trump is involved in. Just behind Trump in the socially distanced, sparce audience was this young, well dressed black woman, who would continually energetically nod up and down affirming every bullet point Trump would lay out, even in subjects that you would hardly think she might have a a strong opinion about. She had a strong response was when at one point Trump said for the 1000th time. "I've been the greatest President for black people since Abraham Lincoln." Then if Trump was making a negative point, she would shake her head. You do wonder if she was paid off!
  19. Interesting Wheeler's response to Paul's question about why Wheeler likes Trump. And then W.'s response to counter. With Wheeler , he's completely owned by "culture wars". He has a very isolated perception of the other half, and by extension how he thinks we think. Whereas W.'s response is substantive, and issued oriented. Wheeler's not at all, issue oriented. The 'Q"movement begins with seeing pro choice people as "baby killers", then it extends to the opposition leaders who have become pedophiles who rape and eventually kill young kids and drink their blood , and eat their adrenal glands to recapture youth. . 'Paul said: Mr Wheeler is too smart to be taken in by the gibberish he posts. I'm not sure you're right about that Paul. I'm not sure he has the solid grip on things you think. Of course, by now nothing he could say would shock us. But he falls prey to a lot of things. Are you sure he doesn't believe this about 78 year old Joe Biden? Wheeler:You forgot to mention he traffics children. It’s in the Senate Report. There’s a reason Joe Biden likes to vacation a 15 minute boat ride from Epstein’s Island. Here is a clue, Joe has the same predilection for younger females as his son.
  20. And talk about some more BS charges, the long sought after "Unmasking report has concluded without any public report! Not to mention major indictments! I know our Jeff, Jim and Wheeler have been glued to the Bill Barr ticker tape for many months now, hoping for the Coup de gras "October surprise." Now they'll have to wait until the report about the Russia probe which unfortunately won't be out until after the election. As Sean Hannity eloquently asked "What did Barack Obama and Joe Biden know, and when did they know it?" And apparently they don't know sh-t. Bill Barr apparently doesn't think 2 kidnapping and murdering plots of 2 governors is even worthy of comment! https://www.washingtonpost.com/ https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/520922-unmasking-probe-concludes-without-finding-any-substantive-wrongdoing
  21. Another group Trump's assertion of "the best economy ever" never filtered down to is the farmer. The federal government has accelerated its farm subsidies ahead of Election Day. Government support will account for about 40 percent of total U.S. farm income this year. As has been pointed out. Obama in his last 3 years of his administration employed 1.5 million more people than Trump in his 3 years. People at home in the U.S. and abroad should realize the difference was Obama just wasn't beating it into your head like Trump was.
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