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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Unfortunately I had more time an hour ago, when i posted. Chris said: But,Ii'll be right on that simply because; if one person filled in a Dem ballot for their dead relative or incapacitated one, thats corruption. Chris,I'm sorry I'm going to have to dispel such monster dreams of American invincibility that those foreign to the U.S. often have. (Shining light,bastion of Democracy!) Are you really so naive to think that in a voting population of 145 million, you would not find one incident of corruption? You make no point at all. We've despaired here about the candidates age as well. I'm sure someone can post a video clip to highlight Trump's dementia as well. Can you honestly sit there with pride and say, thats my party or my president? When has anybody here said they are really enthusiastic about Biden? If you have been reading, or listening to anything I personally have already told you, you know I'm not a Biden fan. You're right, I meant to say you were pro brexit. But on behalf of people who aren't snowed by the rhetoric of politicians, and look at their policies, I can tell you that Donald Trump is a globalist with multi national interests throughout the world. I personally thought he was somewhat on target at least on his direction with China, if he didn't bungle it so badly. At the end, he tried to sell out all of his rhetoric when he asked XI if he could do him Trump a favor by investigating Joe Biden. Only an idiot thinks that doesn't come at a price. You didn't answer either of my questions, I assume you didn't know what "red mirage" was, and I don't give you much credit for knowing what a "blue wave" is, that's pretty much self explanatory. As far as "Banana Republic", I agree, the explanation for that is you got a candidate with Fascist tendencies who managed to turn the Republican Party into mindless sheep, and create a cult of 'know nothings' along with some people who saw a perfect storm for their domestic and global business interests. Gotta Go!
  2. Chris said:What percentage of the US population (328.2m approximately) are 'neo-poopoo' or 'White Superemicists' ? What am I supposed to have a figure for you? Considerably more than we thought 4 years ago, Chris. But you do bring up a point. It really could be any Trump fanatics that are incited to act violently. Chris.on a number of occasions you opined that Trump would win. You were largely ignored because most of us felt, as a Brit, how could you really know anything. Even 2 days ago, from your comments, it appeared you couldn't quite believe what was happening, and seem to suggest we were maybe deluding ourselves. You've expressed you're an anti Brexir Brit, which is fine. But for my curiosity, 1)What were your sources for your absolute certainly? What was your reading material, be it online or what web sites or publications do you subscribe to? 2)Did you in all your reading over the last few weeks about the election in our country come across the phrase, "Red Mirage". Perhaps if you did. this result wouldn't have been such a surprise.
  3. Joe , I understand you're being upset. But I stand by my prediction of 5 weeks ago,was it? Trump will resist but the results will eventually be too lopsided to really make a case and that will leave Trump with the prospect of lawsuits and jail time, and he won't go peacefully, but he really has no choice. The old guard, deep state, status quo, or just normalcy (Satan?) or whatever you want to call it will reinstate, with great resolve. If Trump stirs up trouble, and wants to take everyone down with him. The hard core Trump cultists, neo nazis, white supremacists , will all be surveiled and swooped down upon, or handily quashed should they raise their ugly heads, whether it's in the next few months or in 'mop up" operations through the next couple of years.
  4. Biden now leads in Georgia and Pennsylvania! Now we're talking like, with so many "yes" men around him, whose going to break it to the little baby? But even 10 years ago, the networks were making projections with far less evidence than this, and all of us just took it to the bank. The political analysts around Trump know it. The political analysts around Biden know it. Biden's scoring in the 70's or greater in all of these Pennsylvania and Georgia vote releases, because now they're all write in ballots. The media hasn't chose to call the races because they don't want to appear to inflame Trump to cry bloody victim and polarize his base. But it's coming soon. The first to scoop a projection of a Biden win in Arizona was Fox, and it's brought the wrath of both Trump and the Fox personalities against themselves. Fox was emboldened to make projections because they were more on target than the other MSM in 2016.
  5. Yeah W., you should hear these people on Fox. We'll see how crazy these Trumpistas try to get. ****** On a lighter note,as I mentioned there is still hope of the Democrats getting a tie in the Senate that would be broken by VP Kamala Harris, from 2 runoff special elections in Georgia in January, where none of the candidates could get a 50% majority. Both the Republican incumbent Senator candidates have scandals of insider trading, Kelly Loeffler, who is the richest person in Congress is currently losing to Dem candidate Raphael Warnock leading to the runoff. The other race is this 33 year old film maker, Dem candidate Jon Osoff against incumbent Republican David Purdue, who if you remember was the politician who on the campaign stump just kept mispronouncing Kamala Harris's name, Kamala balla, etc.on purpose. Anyway, it appears that Purdue has slipped just under 50%, and if it holds we have a runoff. The parties are going to be pouring money into these campaigns like crazy! It's the Dems only chance to partially unseat Mitch Mac Connell. It was pretty hot and heavy in this debate (below)where Purdue is the guy who looks like a Halloween " Death Warmed Over" Figurine.
  6. Trump is slow torture toast! He's almost blown a 600,000 vote lead in Pennsylvania since Tuesday night, and Biden now trails Trump by 63K with several 100k remaining of nearly all mail in votes, largely from blue Philadelphia! Biden today, has been winning at an almost 80% clip! Pennsylvania will put Biden over the top and officials said that they expect the outcome to come tonight! Biden, once down by 372K, has now closed to within 3,000 votes of Trump in Georgia, and similarly most of the remaining votes are mail in ballot which have been overwhelmingly Democrat. It looks like it could be the one state race that I didn't pick the outcome but that's cool with me. It should put Biden over 300 electoral votes. Trump's losing it and is making wild allegations of voter fraud. Pennsylvania has been very much the most efficient at vote counting. They are counting hundreds of 1000's of votes a day.Georgia is fast too. Arizona has been slow but now is plodding along. North Carolina hasn't reported any change in at last day and a half!!. Nevada has been pitifully slow, even though they have the least people and say they should have a good idea of the results by Saturday, and will have all votes counted by a week from today. But it doesn't matter. When Biden takes Pennsylvania it's over!
  7. 61 K remaining in Georgia, with Trump up by 18k. Biden needs to get 2/3 to eek out a victory and even in that case, It will probably be litigated forever. It could get down to a couple of 1000 votes. In the biggest county, Fulton-Atlanta, Biden is picking up over 70%. Still, It doesn't look good for Biden, but who ever would have thought Biden would win Georgia? Nevada hasn't moved for over 24 hours, with Biden up 8k. apparently 200k votes left. So there's quite a bit there left. Fox news has Biden at 264 giving him Arizona. Everyone is crying foul. The mail in ballot was a scheme by the liberals to throw the election their way, under the guise of the pandemic.
  8. Good brush W!!! So Trump's wearing a cossack? ******* Guys, it's simple , you have to stop in Georgia. Keep going in Arizona. Keep going in Nevada, stop in North Carolina.Recount Wisconsin, and ultimately let Brett Cavanaugh weigh in because that's what the founders would have wanted.
  9. Make no mistake. I'm still going after 50 for 50! I could see a blue flip on Pennsylvania. When I went to bed Trump was up 600,000 in Pennsylvania. Now it's down to 200k with almost, a million left! But I don't think it matters anyway. Both AP and Fox have projected Biden winning Arizona. I don"t think I'd worry that much about Nevada. The remaining votes are supposedly in Clarke county which is largely blue. But we'll see. Trump was up in Georgia by over 300k when I went to bed. Now it's down to 39K, with 149,000 votes to be counted. I would never have picked Georgia for Biden! If this Senator from Georgia Purdue finishes under 50%. ( He currently is at 50.2). Then 2 senate seats from Georgia will be up for grabs in a special election in January.
  10. Dave said:Why should voting not be made compulsory for citizenship? Streamline the physical process it and expand it, but make it a duty as enforceable as the Census. Remember Ross Perot (of EDS Electronic Data Systems)said we should all be able to vote from a button from our couches. ******** This means, Biden probably rules from the center.Woman's rights, environment, suffers. Managed care (if you love your HMO!) wins. Stock market likes the gridlock of divided government. Tech stocks win, good for my portfolio. Unfortunately, Forget packing the court, or abolishing or reshaping the Electoral College. Still might be good for the pot industry! ***** Michigan called for Biden. Interesting Nevada, N. Carolina's totals haven't changed. The Republicans are talking about scandal with culinary workers in Nevada getting ballots in 2 different states. How many people can that be? As I said, stupid laws prohibiting Pennsylvania from counting ballots as they came in. ***** It looks like the Dems could end up gaining 2 in the Senate as this vote in Michigan is close but the Dem candidate is losing by .3 of a per cent. What is strange is that even if the Democrats don't technically win the Senate, the 2 independents in the Senate are Bernie Sanders and Angus King of Maine, who generally vote with the Democrats, anyway.
  11. Woke up. Infinitely better for Biden! When I went to sleep Biden was down by 200k in Michigan, Now Biden Leads! Biden was down,I think 80K in Wisconsin, Biden Now Leads! But more importantly, I'm going 49 for 49 in prediction which would leave only Pennsylvania, which even if it did go to Trump. Biden Wins! Heh heh I think Biden will beat Trump by more than HC beat Trump, probably by 4 million votes. I believe they don't show all the California totals yet. And since there are several million early cast votes left in all states, which are heavily Democrat , Biden will add to his overall popular vote lead! It's important that Trump Fox viewers have seen that, at no time during these election results has Biden not lead! So we're not going to have this expectation game for Republicans that they had with Bush in 2000!
  12. Not to toot my horn. So far I think I will have correctly predicted 47 out of 47 states, with the 3 critical outstanding ones remaining. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. I have Biden winning all those. Though Fox News whose much more aggressive at projecting the winners than CNN, hasn't yet predicted those 3 states and Georgia, North Carolina, or Ohio for Trump, or Nevada for Biden. Trump's ahead in those states and I already predicted them so I'm giving them to Trump and Nevada to Biden. I have Biden, getting those 3 states and finishing with 291, so even if Trump won Pennsylvania. Biden still has 271, and wins, but that is of course only if Michigan and Wisconsin goes for Biden. And in all 3 states Biden is currently behind. But in all those states, the Democrat strongholds and the early votes have largely yet to be counted. As predicted there's going to have to be a big bunch of lawsuits about Pennsylvania. The CNN coverage is very number oriented, almost exclusively about the Presidential race. The Fox news has about everybody on board including Tucker Carlson. Their analysis number cruncher Bill something is a novice compared to Bill King at CNN, and botches his figures from time to time. The fact that this election is not a blowout but is close, had the Fox news people coasting and confident until Fox projected Arizona going to Biden. Then a pall went over them as Trump lost the first state he had won in 2016. Now they're they're arguing with themselves if they didn't prematurely make the Arizona projection. So now they've just brought out their chief analyst, who is defending their call of Arizona, and is 100% sure.Now for the first time on Fox, the analyst reveals that the mail in ballots which are largely outstanding in the counting, in the critical 3 states are strongly Democrat votes and he's explaining that's why he also hasn't called North Carolina and Georgia for Trump. And he says, although Trump is ahead in Wisconsin, he thinks Biden most likely could win. As you might know, Biden's made a statement,preaching patience and apparently Trump is about to comment.You know he's going to talk tough , and say he was robbed. This is close and may not be settled tomorrow. Nov. 4th.
  13. That's interesting George. North Carolina is the race I know the least about.
  14. I think Michigan is Biden. The entire rust belt outside of Ohio as well. Yes Arizona is Biden, as Cliff said. I don't trust the South or any of the State governments, outside of possibly Florida. But Florida has always teased and failed. Once burned, twice shy. Biden 291, Trump 247, if Biden can get Florida Biden 320, Trump 218 Biden wins by 7-8 million. 2.5 times HC's lead in 2016. Democrat sweep in Senate 53-54 to 47 to 46. We find out Pennsylvania won't even start counting mail in ballots until Wednesday! And Trump will probably do well in walk in voting tomorrow. So there's plenty of time for Trump to stir up sh-t. How lame. All states should be counting mail in ballots from the start, and some don't until election day.
  15. Federal judge rejects efforts by GOP activists to invalidate nearly 127,000 votes cast at drive-thru polling centers in Houston https://www.pilotonline.com/nation-world/ct-houston-drive-thru-ballots-20201102-zqliinvpuzemfmvmffkblhnbbu-story.html It is a good article Ron. That's why wrote a piece on it earlier.
  16. There are 2 excellent articles by Doug The first about the uncounted absentee ballots that will end never being counted, but I'm really struck with this Counter Punch article. Maybe we should call it this: It's the Politics stupid! (No offense intended.) Not surprisingly with JFKA story, when I first came here, most people here were obsessed with a government deep state specifically regarding military expenditures and an aggressive sometimes imperialist American foreign policy. All this was well justified. In the same mainstream media, to this day there isn't really dependable spokesmen advocating to wind down the MIC. I can understand it would seem like there's a huge cabal working against us, but the truth it wasn't near as bad as it was in the 60's... It could have been solved by an enlightened leader who wasn't in such a weak position politically that he had to barter for what he wanted by giving the defense owned representatives in Congress what they wanted. It could have been done surgically. People who know politics know it was always that simple. But the only President to find himself in such a position in our lifetime was Kennedy, who sort of stumbled into proving his anti communist credentials with the public by staring down Khruschev in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The intelligentsia didn't realize that JFK's boost in public support came for middle America, who were still spooked by the Russians and were for America "standing strong against the Red Menace.". That situation still exists today, with whole areas economically depending on strong federal defense budgets, and there was always a surplus of Americans who can never feel secure, could never not have some imaginary American foe, like Wheeler whose voted for generations of Bush's all of his adult life. JFK's prospects for re election were strong. It was the realization of Kennedy's true intentions, and the fact that Kennedy had the political wind at his back that killed him. But the JFKA has in part become the conspiratorial peephole windfall by which the financial elites can now use the unwitting onslaught of new Trump or other conspiracy cadets to now dissolve the public realm, and throw the entire government safety net baby out with the bathwater. Trump has done a masterful job at eroding public faith in all our institutions, not just a bloated defense budget. And they've cultivated a sizable number of people who were going to depend on government services in the future to declare "all government is bad."? The "one issue -bring down the MIC!" pundits here were continually distracted by Trump, completely overlooking Trump's domestic policies and in some cases were seeing a "light at the end of the tunnel" by evaluating U.S. foreign relations by one barometer. How well was the U.S. repairing their relationship with the age old cold war rival, Russia and Putin. Other than that, they seemed to lack much clarity in evaluating whether Trump was really winding down the MIC at all, but just giving special consideration to autocratic dictators, shifting the focus slightly, and not realizing in fact he was borrowing to increase defense spending and "reestablish America as the primary world military power." But the damage done to the public realm has been immeasurable. A lot of good career people with experience who weren't hurling bombs in foreign countries, but truly wanted to serve the public are now gone from government. It's not going to be corrected anytime soon, and your economic rights, your social security, and public health care will be effected.
  17. So Jim, As you know, he says a lot more here then the wet market. Some we would probably all agree about. I know you idolize the Kennedy family, But are you prepared to discuss what he says in it's entirety?
  18. Wheeler, who has always seen fact check sites of any kind, as tools of the "leftists' has now verified that that is indeed Trump's pacifier, and the photo below is real, and you can "take it to the bank" right Wheeler? I think what destroyed Trump in the interview with Leslie Stahl was her saying right at the beginning. "Are you ready for some tough questions." He didn't like being challenged by a woman. He mentioned it later as a slight when he walked out. Oh you poor widdow baby!
  19. Uh Hmmmmm, Well Kathy as Wheeler's childhood idol, Paul Harvey would say "Now you've you've heard the rest of the story" ******** Joe said: My point is, when your mind and body is subjected to 24/7 angry, fighting and shouting conflict every day for years, part of you gets kind of used to it in a perverse visceral way. I understand Joe. But I think you and W. might be surprised how quickly you go back to the life you've lived for decades before and you'll feel a sense of relief. (Dave! ,You were never that political! But I know you care! But I think in another 56 years, you 'll be fine too! heh heh) As I said, Trump will still be in the news, but not in a place where he can any longer do major damage. I think you may appreciate this skit from SNL, ehh it's just ok, but it echoes your concerns. You know who did a really lame piece on this? Ronn Owens from KGO! If they're going to roll him out of retirement, he should be doing interviews , because his commentary absolutely sucks!
  20. That's just the problem Joe. It takes no imagination for anyone to imagine a Trump movie. My guess is when he's gone some people will be either perversely missing the excitement of Trump being President and clamor for a movie, but he'll still be in the news by either pushing his views through say, the OAN network, or through the court trials he'll be in. People who think he may go to jail will be waiting to see what the last chapter of Trump looks like before writing a movie about it. There are others where the last thing they want to hear about is Trump as they will be anxious to look to the future. Right now, after 4 years, he's overexposed to put it mildly. I could almost see something coming out in the U.K. within the next couple of years. because they really haven't had to live out the histrionics of the Trump Presidency the way we have. I would disappointed if Stone decides to play up Trump in a movie and somehow I don't think he will.
  21. TUCKER CARLSON LOSES HIS ONLY COPY OF HUNTER BIDEN FILTH THAT WAS TO TURN THE ELECTION! It was going to be so sweet! They sent the only copy made in the 21s century through a reputable carrier, who Tucker declines to mention, and tracked it, and someone along the way opened the envelope and stole it !!!. Oh well !, shrugs Tucker! The whole story below. Is there anything Biden's Deep State won't do?!!!
  22. Wheeler just can't accept what's happening and writes 5000 words of disbelief. The Republican party has gradually diminished over the years and got a life jacket from Trump who rallied people who the Democrats had left behind for the last 25 years. It was a very uneasy coalition between the wealthy and powerful and the very people they've successfully marginalized over the last 40 years. The hubris was the Republicans thinking they could presume on it and yet not deliver to their new constituents. They acted arrogantly and seized every advantage over the Democrats and ended up waking a sleeping giant, who was always potentially there. The Republican Party could be very successful in a 3 party system. But it's really hard to expand beyond their big and small business base and the religious right. The best they can do is try to makeover themselves as sort of a business inclusion party that expands opportunity everywhere, maybe goes after the Asian American vote, and in the future, capitalizes on the economic theme that Americans are going to have to get lean and mean against the emerging Chinese threat. Some of that is kind of tough to see right now.
  23. We don't feel the same about Giuliani but I'll go with you on that Dave. Pelosi should take the deal and get relief out, at least in the House now. The Republicans have no reason after the election to put forth a stimulus. But the matter is urgent! But actually it's all bogus posturing anyway. Because it would throw the ball in the court of Mitch Mc Connell, and he won't go for it anyway, but at least he'll be on record as denying the stimulus. There are sizable amount of Repubs in the Senate that do gauge the recovery on the stock market performance and as long as that's not collapsing, they are not going to spend any money at all. So it's a lot of BS, and the poor little guy gets stuck in the middle without any funds to pay his rent, or to salvage his business, or even to live off of.
  24. Mark, I was waiting for your update. Sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure why I think this from your posts, but my impression is that you're a hardy guy and I wish you luck and to keep being free from any major symptoms.
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