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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Right Cliff, Wheeler's such a tough guy, he's put both of us on "ignore". Over a couple of months Wheeler's gone from threats of armed Jersey insurrection to protecting government property, and now vigilantism. Wheeler past Q Anon comments, generally glossed over in the din of contentious conspiracy theories here? Or hopefully routinely dismissed as wacko. The JFK files are the Sword of Damacles over certain components of a Criminal Syndicate. Trump told GWB to give up the names of the "crooked cops", dirty generals, and compromised judges or else the JFK records get released. At the very least, they are Trump's dead man switch. Anything happens to the Trump family, the records get released. Trump and his allies (minions if you prefer) have been dropping breadcrumbs for the past two and a half years that point to the Executive Suite and Board of Directors of the enterprise that killed JFK. And To credit Trumps efforts to clean up the Deep State is to acknowledge the Deep State's destruction of the WTC and the murder of 3000+ people.
  2. Well, Wheeler certainly had a chance to humanize himself to you Paul. It's what I expected. You tried! It's curious you're mentioning this now Paul. But this callousness as you put it has been going on from the beginning, always trying to shock people with inhumane statements. Wheeler would have some think that the only reason people are put off with him is because he thinks he's the only one here who likes Trump. But from the beginning he's never really approached any of us with any real earnestness, any real sincerity. I'd say he probably approaches everyone that way. As I don't see him as having any other real associations. He lives here. He wears his callousness and his cruelty to some members, as sort of badge of courage, confident that as "good liberals'. We'll all let him have his say. Obviously, I'm not that liberal, and some of us like to shoot back. But he's really given more of a long term pass for his behavior than anyone I've seen here. I see him just as he responded, an angry guy, in his general posts, extremely jealous and investigating anyone whose ever really accomplished anything in their lives. Paul I remember years back, you announced you were quitting the forum, I thought it was really largely because of one person,who was a a boorish bully, but was he really as overtly angry, isolated and uncivil as Wheeler?
  3. Did you guys see that rant from Donald Trump Jr. last night? New vistas of utter tastelessness. But his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle? What a contrast, so far between these conventions. Is there anything real about these people? Or maybe to be kind , it's amateur hour? Do you know Kimberly Guilfoyle used to be married to California Governor Gavin Newsome? WTF? I'm reminded of the Stones song, Star Star. Clip below .Baby, baby, I've been so sad since you've been gone Way back to New York City Where you do belong
  4. I like your passion Dishan. I agree,, it's important to keep up the discussion, or I wouldn't be here.. You might read my passage again. Of course you weren't taught this in school. and neither were any of your contemporaries. I won't assume to know your age, as my picture's 15 years old! But the typical guy who is say 30ish and making his way out to the airways or really any influential position to inform the public has not been taught anything about a possible JFKAC in his institutional learning. Dishan:"the majority believing there was a conspiracy". I probably respectfully disagree with people who put a lot of credence in that. There are a lot of maybe not highly educated people, where that's really just the cool thing to say. Sort of a badge to say that they are independent thinkers who don't just automatically buy what the establishment tells them, but could never make any kind of pro conspiracy case in any depth themselves. I think it's a bit of a bandwagon thing. And on the other hand,there area lot of intelligent people who haven't thought it was really worth looking into, and just don't believe what you believe. As you get higher up in education and status, people who believe in the JFKAC become fewer. It's not because anyone tells them to think that way or brainwashes them. But having said that, the people who are genuinely motivated to research the JFKAC are generally a very intelligent free thinking lot. There area number of sticky reasons why people balk at funding Stone's films. But to a degree, any truly independent film maker with his own vision can have problems getting funded. At this point, I do wonder about the effectiveness of the government reopening another investigation of the JFKA. As I've said the best break the JFKA conspiracy movement could get short of a real break in the case would be some eccentric Silicon Valley billionaire staking an independent investigation into the JFKAC to the tune of say, 100 million.
  5. William, maybe you should write in about it? But that doesn't seen like an avenue where a real change will happen to me. I know a lot of musicians who are Dylan fans and people in my general age that sort of believe in a JFKAC, but aren't hard core.. I circulated it around, it didn't get a lot of response. sure that's not a fair test. You got to be able to move the needle. What is needed is a real break in the case that's easy for everyday people to understand. Or short of that, maybe a documentary getting some response, like Stone and Jim's coming out. About a year ago, I thought they were talking about a March 2020 release date. Does anyone know when that's coming out? I haven't seen anyone here ask Jim about that, though I know everyone is waiting. So I will.
  6. Yikes!, Chris, Some monster paragraphs there! I see you're a very unassuming guy who has a million opinions about everything, and actually makes a lot of assumptions. As far as being opinionated, that's fine, I have a few myself, but I haven't got the time. Let historians say what they will about Trump. I'm sure it will just be those egghead all over again. Right? I've thought they've gotten some things wrong in the past. I don't know why you'd care. Sort of with you generally on economic issues. Let's see the emphasis, BLM, police defunding, (though you don't know what the opposition means). the left and "free borders". KKK-, what me worry? All sort of Fox boiler plate stuff. I find your thoughts more thorough about Brexit, (though you were an undecided voter) not working. You apparently have given it more thought now. I enjoy hearing it , and I'd like to hear other Brits opinions about their current situations, maybe a few here will chime in.
  7. At this point, nobody in power is suppressing it. They just don't believe it, and feel foraying into it damages their credibility in the long run, more than cashing in on the current Trump conspiracy phenomena in the short term. Of course to us that's a bit of a joke. But it's dead serious to them. And as you say, M$M, there's no money in it! They're not going to segue into new details of the JFKA conspiracy research while reviewing a Dylan song. What research credentials does an 80 year rock icon have? I personally don't think he's invested near the time many of us have. What research credentials does a rock critic have? Damn, I sure miss not being able to edit anymore.
  8. Some good points.Actually the parties use to have much more control than they do now, and nominees were often settled with horse trading in smoke filled rooms. Things have gotten worse, the power of money is everywhere.The political system is corrupt to the core. That was once a matter of greater agreement of both political parties, before Trump. But Trump is so overt, hes brought it out in the open and dared his party to take a stand against it, and they won't. "Were Obama’s people surveilling Trumps 2016 campaign?" The FBI was, with good reason. So you can snarkily say, the whole system is so corrupt why pick on Trump? Trump is a complete loose canon. The spectacle of the current week is Trump hiring a Postal inspector with ties to the USPS's competitors to sabotage the mail in voting necessary in the current pandemic in the coming election because it's well known that the greater the voter turnout, the more likely Trump will lose. So in essence,tampering with the election. As lax as it may seem rightly seem, that the American public would allow great corruption in the political process, there are still people who uphold a cherished right to vote. On the positive side, you can point out Trump's corruptions are just part of the natural outgrowth of a corrupt system and maybe lead to a movement when we finally get the money out of politics. I'm not holding my breathe, but that's more a possibility than it was 4 years ago.. Another silver lining from the Trump experience is those of us who rail against massive amounts of taxpayer going to fund the American War machine, to the point that we concoct huge narratives of hopelessness before the almighty "deep state" should be encouraged by Trump's election, that we can simply throw these people out. There was the stubbornly held view by Trump supporters that Trump was a peacenik. Now most of those die hards concede he's been co opted by the system. But historic statements from Trump reaffirm he was never a peacenik anyway. Nobody says it's going to be easy. People should take heart now that it is possible to overthrow the system , but with a person with some geopolitical knowledge, some underlying philosophy rather than being lead around by the nose by a news organization in a time of national crisis, some knowledge of political philosophy in part utilized by reading as to assess the proper people to have around him to initiate policy,some threadbare knowledge the world around him, and the concerns of others, whose not quite so inept and corrupt, blah blah blah.
  9. I was for Bernie, Yes, Wasserman Schultz the DNC chair,tried to cheat Bernie. A lot of people got upset. But Hilary was leading in delegates, unfortunately. Yeah the candidates are too old, but Biden faced a lot of candidates who were younger. unfortunately, the millenials (in 2016 and 2018) have never showed up yet. As you can see with Joe's comment,there are many who think the press favors Trump, which Trump people would find laughable. In the 2016 campaign, Trump got hours and hours of free time in all major outlets as no candidate ha ever got before. The reason for that is simple. Trump is a novelty with big ratings. Everyone wanted to talk about him. During the campaign none of the major networks really vetted him, because for many months, they never thought he could win. By the time he got the nomination when they started asking harder questions, it was too late, as Trump had gained so much momentum, there became a groundswell of Trump cultists.Trump then called their questions unfair, accused them of picking on him because he's not a mainstream candidate, called them fake news, and his followers embraced that attitude as well. He had won the battle, and was spared accountability. IMO, In essence the MSM are just like the campaigns themselves. Scurrying for the undecided voters or a few points in their ratings. The anti Trump press knows now that there are certain types of anti Trump issues, such as emoluments and Trumps taxes that without hard proof, are like pushing a boulder up hill with the public opposition. So without any new revelations. They end up shutting up about it. Which of course is abnegating their responsibility.
  10. Kishan, Of course, we all don't all think the same. We all have our different points of emphasis. And there are greater issues at stake than if the government reopens an investigation into the JFKA assassination. There are just too many other more pressing priorities for that to happen any time soon. There are some here that believe there's been an ongoing conspiracy for 50 years passed on secretly from generation to generation. So the JFKA assassination is attracting a lot of johnny -come- lately Trump "any conspiracy goes" theorists, with no knowledge of the JFKA conspiracy, like Wheeler spamming the site with endless innuendos about skull and crossbones and upper crust family conspiracy. Still many people who have put a lot of research into the JFKA are now decrying how the movement is being lumped in with Wheeler's Q Anon and other crazy theories. But I've been telling them now for years this was bound to happen. Di Eugenio and Jeff Carter have perpetuated this idea of a 60 year old Deep state MIC with a big media cabal that is to this day stonewalling the JFKA conspiracy. And this position has a strong lure among many conspiracy theorists, including some here and I noticed particularly from new graduates who come on the forum from Jim's K&K website. For the first 20-30 years I think that was true. As far as William's assertion that there's so much disinformation in the media, the BBC would actually be a good improvement, but I think W, would agree that this has been taken to a whole other level now, and it's a false equivalency to assume the disinformation is equal on both sides. And there are numerous egregious examples in broadcast media that have cost a toll in human lives that I show in video clips in the "Journals in the Plague Year"thread. You guys are younger, did any of your teachers or professors spent a lot of time in history classes teaching you their JFK conspiracy theories? I think not. Contrary to hopes, The subject is not approached with any fear by the MSM, as if they are protecting multi generational long held secrets. None of the people brought up in the schools and institutions of the last 30 years who are holding power or positions of influence are "threatened" by this discussion. They earnestly think the people advancing the theories are probably wackos. But as I think you're saying,I always find it curious that the people who assume this "deep state" government conspiracy passed on through generations are sometimes the ones who espouse reopening a big government investigation into who killed JFK? Do you believe your government is as hopelessly sinister as you say or don't you? I believe probably all the 60's assassinations were conspiracies. And this is not to say that I don't believe there aren't more modern day conspiracies. But there will always be a ongoing struggle between intelligence and law enforcement agencies infringing on individual rights, particularly in the modern communication age where many people have now come to give up their privacy to an extent that 30 years ago, many of us would have thought to be a 1984 totalitarian surveillance state. Yes I think there's a greater danger of mass manipulation, subtle or otherwise. But I hardly believe the MSM is "fair", whatever that subjectively means to any number of people here, who decry that MSM is covering up this valuable story they have, but never seem to realize that they got the story from the MSM! Chris, yes it is a terrible choice. I personally thought Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren would have been excellent candidates. But socialism is quite a bugaboo word in the rather unsophisticated American voter constituency. At a point along the way. After a lot of sort of hidden deliberation a majority of the opposition decided that maybe the urgency to get Trump out of office was so great, that it was no time for wishful thinking and they went with a milquetoast centrist candidate with some experience. Of course keeping in mind in the UK, the response to the covid crisis has hardly been stellar, as your PM was very lax initially and your resultant death rate per 100k is fifth highest in the world among countries of any size, and higher than the U.S. Maybe it took your PM going to his deathbed to assign the priorities that you're in remarkably better shape now than the U.S. I thought his tribute to the people who helped save him was very sincere and eloquent, so much more sincerity and eloquence than our President is capable of. I find it interesting that his last name is Johnson, as he looks like a member of a Swedish knock off Beatle band! heh heh
  11. I think Jim Di makes a pretty good case fora MSM coverup of the details of the JFKA for at least the first 20 years after the assassination. It's often been noted here that the MSM is owned by the top 1-2% was it? I get the impression from a lot of posters here that in the last 20 years, the word has come down from on high to cover up new evidence about the JFKA. I think that's a case of a bunch of researchers believing their own hype. The JFKA researchers are not feared at all by the MSM but are more apt to be looked at as intelligent wackos. I do think that's unfortunate.I see a lot of expression here that the word comes down from on high about a number of stories and the stories are quashed. I don't subscribe to that idea, but I will give you a real life example of where this actually happened involving Fox new's handling of the coronavirus pandemic in March. I wasn't aware that Fox was actually scaremongering the Ebola virus pandemic in 2015 in order to put pressure on lay blame on Obama. I guess the fact that I was so clueless about the Ebola virus ever making inroads into the U.S. says something good about the Obama administration. Oh how could it be so? And what do you know?, there's actually a connection between the Fox new commentary and the awakening of our President, that the news organization is actually dictating policy. Is that what they mean when they say, the tail wagging the dog? look at the corresponding timeline in Trump policy changes. So are the Fox producers now the creators of U.S. foreign policy? On maybe a lighter note, we can explore how Fox and Friends is Trump's daily briefing, because of course, Trump doesn't like to read.--- 50 examples?
  12. Yes,from what I've heard they advertised that 100% of the donations will go directly to the wall, and they used a disabled person as a poster boy, whose collected big in the scam. They got a smoking gun. Banon was aware last November, probably through his bank that the feds were looking into his records. Then they have evidence that when Banon became aware, they tried to coverup, so the Banon group knows what they're doing was against the law. He has until some time in September to post 2 million in bail.
  13. I agree William, outside of a few speeches at some critical times. I've always thought a lot of Obama's oratory was sort of professorial, like he would never want to be seen as pandering to emotions.Over the years ,there was a couple of times, where I've wanted to shake him! If ever there was a time when he needed to drop that and this sort of tradition of a President not criticizing a standing President, it's now, and he did convey an urgency. Obama really getting down was a tough act for Kamala Harris to follow. It is an historic moment. A black woman for VP. Let everyone from every background enjoy it for what it is. ,But we have had a Black man as President, a Woman Presidential candidate that popularly won the national election, and 2 women VP candidates. I liked Elizabeth Warren a lot. I would have preferred her as VP. But she could do a lot of good as Secretary of the Treasury or Commerce though Wall Street would hate it. i agree with Ron's earlier comment. The Democratic roll call was touching. Every state made a statement. It showed a diversity of common people.. It felt a lot more spontaneous, (though it was scripted) than hearing some politician say "The great state of Idaho, famous for it's potatoes, pledges it's 13 votes for the next President of the United States, blah blah blah.
  14. Hyeah, that bourgeois thing is probably B.S., they're starving and they're going to eat em'! Hey it was pretty funny and fractious today between Trumpie, "My Pillow" guy and Anderson Cooper when the My Pillow guy was trying to sell oleandrin as a cure to covid! I didn't know there was a bunch of lawsuits against him for false advertising his my pillow product. I use to grow oleanders because they were poison and deers wouldn't eat them. I'll dispay as a link. .https://youtu.be/spouhfBiQjs?t=7
  15. Hey Jeff, I remember Jim use to scold the forum by saying " I can't believe no one here has even said anything about"-- something that was happening like Alex Jones getting kicked off of Facebook! So Jeff, I'm wondering if you're slipping. How come you haven't mentioned anything about Kevin Clinesmith pleading guilty to making false statements? I can imagine that story spread like a wild fire throughout every nook and cranny of Canada, from the Yukon Gold country to the tundra town of Yellowknife! At least for now, it looks like the contagion of the American "Deep State" is being temporarily held in check. I can only imagine an horrendous weight taken off the shoulders of you and your countryman. Right? Please share your thoughts!!!
  16. That's interesting Dave, I like her too. But she had a choice of 3 dates in Sept, Oct, and November and picking the soonest day, with her party currently doing very well would look like a conflict of interest, particularly during a pandemic, when apparently the viewpoint is like in the U.S. that a more normal election could be made further in the future when the pandemic presumably winds down. So it is seen as a very unselfish move. Though I've heard that they've done extremely well at fighting the virus.
  17. That's right on Steve! Bernie Sanders has proposed a 60% windfall tax on the stay-at-home companies that have profited greatly during the covid crisis, from March 16th to August 3rd. Bezos has profited 74.9 billion in this period, Elon Musk 42.5 billion and Mark Zuckerberg.16.2 billion. Gol-den showers fill your eyes Puddles await you when you rise Trump: That's OK, the help will take care of that!
  18. Right on Richard! They are essential. Sorry you have to hear guff from smirky little s-i-s like Wheeler. I do appreciate the mail and I am very familiar with postal systems in other countries that aren't near as efficient. There was a guy here who was a real nice guy. He was really into vouchers. I'm not qualified to weigh in much on that. But he was really down on teachers. Sure there are bad teachers, but its another job that doesn't get the proper respect. At one point he kind of went over the edge and started saying anti Semitic stuff. And I'm proud people called him on it. As we say, just sayin' My friend say no, don't go for that cotton candy.----- D.F.
  19. Hi Chris, you're learning the hard way. It's probably just one guy's theory that lasted all of a couple of pages here that Wheeler thought worth posting without any sort of fact checking. It is confusing. In the thread, they never once mention Stalin's sons name, do they? What immediately struck me as phony is that Doug isn't 110 years old! Wheeler misstated that Doug knew the man who smuggled Stalin's son but in the blog Doug responds that he attended school with him when Doug was between 18-22 and Doug said Clendenin Ryan ll died by the time he was 30. So it would have had to have been his Father, Clendenin Ryan l, except Doug showed me a blog that says that there was never any account of Stalin's only remaining son being smuggled anywhere and he died in 1962, which I could probably have looked up for myself. Though I suppose it's not absolutely for sure. Vasily Iosifovich Stalin (Russian: Васи́лий Ио́сифович Ста́лин; né Dzhugashvili; Russian: Джугашви́ли; 21 March 1921 – 19 March 1962) was the son of Joseph Stalin by his second wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva. Vasily's mother committed suicide when he was 11 years old, so he was mainly raised by his father. He joined the Air Force when Nazi Germany launched Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union, in 1941. While he saw limited active service, he managed to rise to the rank of general. After the war he held a few command posts. After Joseph Stalin's death in 1953, Vasily lost his authority, developed a severe alcohol problem, and was ultimately arrested and sentenced to prison. Despite being given clemency, he proved unable to clean up his life, and he spent the remainder of his life between imprisonment and hospitalization until he died in 1962.
  20. Jim said; Looks like Trump is guaranteeing he gets four more years. In broad daylight: Unless somebody does something, with CV 19 raging, I think Trump will now have. a good chance to win. You could be up 5-1 in the bottom of the 9th, and walk the lead off hitter, and Captain Jim would get skittish, cry foul and forfeit the game! Remember how skittish Jim was about the impeachment being a windfall for Trump? Do we have to hear a running commentary on every palpitating fear and apprehension that Jim has? Wish he'd keep his heartbeats to himself!
  21. AOC replying to Trump statement about AOC being a poor student. (at bottom)
  22. Bernie Sanders has proposed a 60% windfall tax on the stay-at-home companies that have profited greatly during the covid crisis, from March 16th to August 3rd. Bezos has profited 74.9 billion in this period, Elon Musk 42.5 billion and Mark Zuckerberg.16.2 billion. https://www.accountingtoday.com/articles/bernie-sanders-calls-for-taxing-titans-obscene-wealth-gains-during-crisis
  23. Now is that a completely worthless post? Cruising the tweetosphere for the most irrelevant tweet, probably choosing to quote him for no other reason then he's a black Trumpie, as that would make him some sort of authority? He won't commit himself as to it having any veracity. As all of his posts. Then quotes a poll, and immediately acknowledges his poll is BS, and conjectures maybe Trump will get half of that.
  24. How about this brutal repression in Belarus! People being gassed, thrown in jail and shot at after protesting an election that assured this 25 year reigning Lukashenko would continue his control. Belarus has been an unquestioning lackey of Putin and Russia ever since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Maybe Vlad could help, and say "Hey come on man, You've been in power now and rigged elections for over 20 years! Don't you think its time to maybe step down?" Think that could happen? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53762995 ******** Re: Tulsi, Maybe now Tulsi would have plenty of time to pursue that lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. That was a real turning point in her campaign! That was really bad! heh
  25. Colorado news: Hey William, How about that Q anon candidate, Gun toting bar owner,Lauren Boebert (Lorena Bobbit????). Ouch! She seems like a real whack job! She's from the other side of the divide right? I've been to Grand Junction. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/07/qanon-sympathizer-beats-gop- and Kanye entering the Colorado primary to rob votes from Biden? ****** Doug mentioned this, and I checked into it. I didn't realize that Gabbard had actually said she was not running for another Congressional term back in October 2019. She decided it was the Presidency or nothing! Oh well! So her Congressional career made it about as far as Sonny Bono, except Sonny 1) was a great fundraiser for the Republican Party and 2) Sonny had a highway named after him! heh heh
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