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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. As for the JFKA , I don't think anythings going to happen, as I've never thought any candidate would really do anything about the JFKA. Ruha's charges are interesting. I'd like to see a fact check. I know about letting off Mnuchin. She may have decided they don't have a good enough case. Ruha:and co-sponsored the bill that let Trump impose sanctions on Iran which violated the nuclear deal and lead to currently rising tensions, That sort of surprises me that she would aid Trump in going against the Obama lead Peace initiative in Iran?? That seems pretty ballsy, I was putting her in the Hillary foreign policy camp. Because despite all the hawk .B.S. written about her. I always found Hillary to be timid politically and playing every game between the 40 yard lines. In foreign policy. I think she's the same old. But now domestic policy is going to win the day. What people expect of Biden is to try to Make America Normal Again. And that's going to be hard enough. I don't think most people think it's time to be aggressively invading foreign countries. I thought Harris was the most likely of the finalists. I wonder about the wisdom of picking a Californian, when it's already sewed up for Biden in California. But do people vote for a VP just because he/she is from their state? If so, Demmings would have been a good choice winning Florida. One thing that was inexcusable for Al Gore in 2000 was that he lost Tennesee! Warren and Harris are definitely the most Presidential of the finalists. We know she has all the makings to be the tough cop. Maybe she could be the modern day Spiro Agnew "bad cop' continually beating home the message of Trump's corruption. I'm going to play the most impressive thing I think she's ever done. I think she could crucify Mike Pence in their debate, but does the VP debate matter?
  2. Joe, we tried to convince you about this before. But you can't be reached. You are the only one holding this conspiracy theory. No one on the inside of politics believes that. People who would vote for Bernie or Warren are among the most informed voters there are.There's no way they get sucked into voting for Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg told you when he entered , he was gong after the middle, because he had seen that the one heir apparent, centrist Democrat candidate, Biden was generating no interest.
  3. I know Dave, I've never heard of the guy and he starts out complaining about money and his family, eyeglasses. couldn't even spell Jordan right.I just got impatient and hung up.
  4. Biden should get in an exercise regimen.Do 5 pull ups, 10 pushups, whatever he can do well in gym clothes... And dare Trump to do the same. Do photo ops.Make a joke about it, sort of tongue in cheek. let's see you do this! Can you imagine what Trump would look like attempting to exercise!. Then Biden can hold Trump's sh-tty diet over him and be seen eating a plate of vegetables and dare Trump to do likewise. Bill Maher's been getting more attention for being one of the first to say Trump my not leave office. Though it's always been on a lot of people's minds. This is an interview with Colonel Larry Wilkerson who voices his suspicions and fears. Speculates about who in the military may be behind or not behind Trump in case he contests the election. I tried to cue it but it starts at 3:45. Video quality is poor, best I could find. Mark Cuban and Lebron have an idea of using stadiums to set up 300 voting stations vote? Sounds cool!.
  5. Ned, (William Hurt) has a sizzling hot affair with a married woman, (Kathleen Turner), when he meets her and her husband (Richard Crenna) a local mobster at a restaurant.
  6. Cliff, I saw it as a caption. I saw the typical Fox News glorification of Iraq Warll darling Condoleeza Rice. Dave reminded me in the cellphone version of the moment Floyd's urine flowed out into the gutter as his heart stopped. No wonder after seeing both versions , MSM Fox, AG Ellison tape would be the "official final word" for Wheeler..Sort of like the WCR! And nobody knows the $23 reference?
  7. Dave, I haven't seen the film. Maybe you can be an interpreter for Wheeler's comments to me. Wheeler:Keith Ellis could have released the footage day one, but then it might have been impossible to get a riot or let alone 180 or so going. First off, He's got the AG's name wrong. It's Ellison. He thinks if the film was released on day one, no one would have rioted?? How could that possibly be? You showed us the cellphone video that i thought was so incendiary, with a person on the street persistently telling the police that they're seriously hurting him and asking the police to desists and let him up. I had no idea if the demonstrators had seen that at the time, but as I say, I thought at the time that was incendiary as hell!. Can you tell me what Wheeler he means when he says it doesn't fit the narrative? . Wheeler: Man, the desperation. Not just here, but in Minneapolis as well. Those of you getting $23 an hour to be here are the most pathetic. Not just here? Who here is getting the $23 an hour, he's talking about whose pathetic? I thought in Minnesota he might be making some claim about paid protestors? It won't be the first time I've thought his depictions were completely off the wall.Can you interpret any of this for me?
  8. Yo Semites! some of my best friends are Semites! Me and Jared are like this! ll Itiz wot itiz! Both sides can make an embarrassing tape of the other sides gaffes. In an era of tribalism, In many sites I've seen, it seems the opposition to Trump is much more well informed about what the other side is thinking, and is much more aware of Biden's liabilities than Trump supporters are typically aware of Trump's liabilities. To think that Biden is so vulnerable and Trump isn't, just illustrates that massive blind spot. Maybe it's because of the desire to read and dissemble information comes more naturally to the opposition.
  9. That's interesting, I wonder what Michael Moore means when he says we're going to have to "put our bodies on the line". Moore gets a lot of credit in 2016. Actually back in 2016, Michael Moore was wrong, He expressed fear that Trump would win the popular vote, which he didn't. A lot of people thought that the results might be reversed with HC winning the electoral and Trump winning the popular vote. That's what Trump was threatening about. No polls were coming out with Trump winning the Electoral College. I hear all these things from people saying HC was up by over 5 on election Day.I think she was over 5-7 points up only once in the entire campaign. The the polls I was looking at election day showed it close. Hillary up by 3 with a 2% margin of error. And Hillary ended up winning by 2.1%! Still the fact that Trump won, while impressive, has stoked this aura of invincibility among Trump supporters. There was always that factor that people would be too embarrassed to admit they were voting for Trump. But the Trump people have pretty much come out of the closet now.
  10. I don't know how they got wind of it. Jeff, for once, you're not going to come out of this unscathed. Yes we on the West Coast WILL secede and Hawaii will follow and we'll buy off Alaska and annex British Colombia! You seem like an Ontarioan Jeff. But don' worry you guys can always get access to Asia by going over the top of Alaska. We'll let you through. Nevada will gladly go with us. The cool states of Colorado and New Mexico will come with us, and we'll just run over Arizona, (it was just a matter of time anyway) and we'll box Mitt and the Mormons in, but let them live. I guarantee excitement for you Jeff. And you know, when we say excitement. We deliver! Ok seriously that seems like that was written 2 months ago. They really think Biden could lose all those states he's solidly ahead? I suppose anything's possible. It just seems like there'd have to be some Biden meltdown. The escalation of the virus has made people not feel safe with Trump. **** Gohmert's daughter has now criticized her Father for not wearing a mask saying it's not worth following a President who has no remorse for leading his follwers into an early grave. https://www.woodtv.com/health/coronavirus/my-father-ignored-medical-expertise-and-now-he-has-covid-rep-gohmerts-daughter-says/
  11. Yeah, my family's majority is Democrat, so in this election, we get to vote for all our dead Republican, Independent and Democrat relatives! And most of the Republicans are dead. Pretty good deal!, at just the right time!
  12. Wow! Steve, 'the grift that keeps giving'! Might as well 'jump on the Trump' gravy train while it lasts! But how will these kids feel when they see the first $142 bill?! Pretty ingenious. So it's fleece young white males, turn them against Trump, fight for our constitution, and make a tidy profit! Only in the USA! Grifters against Trump!
  13. Wheeler: It's a small world and a Deep State. I am happy to answer any questions. I get a lot on other forums. If he gets so much response for his conspiracy porn on other forums, why is he always here?.
  14. I can't say I've ever heard that Dave. It would be a good conspiracy theory that FDR and his ilk of liberals subsidized the Bonus army to trip up Herbert Hoover campaign in 1932 against FDR, i suppose.. But even after Hoover used Mac Arthur , Patton and Mac Arthur's subordinate Eisenhower to brutally disperse the protestors and arrest many people and destroy the camps of "Hooverville" in front of the Capitol., Mac Arthur followed the protestors across the Ananacosta river to the protestors main camp, defying president Hoover's instructions. Mac Arthur claiming the protestors were attempting to overthrow the U.S.government when in reality, they were only WW1 veterans who were protesting for funds they had been promised by an earlier bill as compensation for their service in WW1, now finding hard times during the Depression. Eisenhower expressed reluctance, but ultimately wrote a favorable report about Mac Arthur's incursion. None of the Generals who were complicit lost their public standing but Hoover lost the election. It is interesting to note that a second bonus army assembled in 1933 after FDR became President. FDR was against them, but eventually offered them jobs with his Civilian Conservation Corps.
  15. Ahemm.....well, I agree Kirk it's not that good. But I often think, how much worse off would we be right now if we didn't have Mike Pence heading up the corona virus task force?
  16. This resistance is very stubborn. Got the dates slightly mixed up. On July 1, the same day Herman Cain was taken by ambulance to the hospital as his breathing worsened, he put out a tweet complimenting South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem for not making social distancing and mask-wearing mandatory at Trump's July 3 appearance in her state.
  17. Wheeler: What....me paranoid?------------Who?...........whose stalking me? It's just Ron "gaslighting" Wheeler again!
  18. I don't believe there was a conspiracy by the Chinese to release this virus on us. I'm open to the idea that it could have gotten out of a lab. But look what they've stumbled upon. Now they know they could intentionally release another virus on the U.S. and drop it to it's knees. Just a lot of ignorant people , and once they get that idea reinforced by social media. It's become immovable. I heard on a radio show yesterday, where a guest said, that if America had this element as part of their makeup in WW2, we'd be speaking German.Ok, I won't comment on that. In another website I go for expats, i checked a chat board I don't usually check out.. A very sincere man is accounting 2 friends of his that are dying of covid, and implores other posters that they have nothing to lose, except a little inconvenience if they would please wear masks, out in public.. Over half the respondents, some with multiple posts went off in a million little paranoid tangents, lots of conspiracy talk. It's like it's so compulsive, only one mentioned he was sorry to hear about his friend. They couldn't have just left the thread alone. One person started it, and it sort of caught fire. I came back to the post a half hour later, because I had time to post.. i think the moderator is the woman who started the website as many have complained after heated political discussions in the past, that their attempted posts were pulled. I see this entire thread is now pulled. Which I think is a shame, Because it really shows what those who want to end the scourge of this pandemic are up against. None of these people propose any solutions, (maybe a miracle cure now and then) because there's really no problem. It's a hoax.
  19. HYGIENE tips for Wheeler, his friends and the unmasked. Including now 2 new Titan Texas politicians, Gohmert and Hunt. 1) First defecate 2)Clean yourself up before leaving the toilet. It's a good idea to be well stocked with toilet paper, but I wouldn't presume to infringe on your freedom., that's only if you choose. 3)Flush and leave the toilet area, THEN ... WASH YOUR HANDS! It must be in that order! You see , it's sort of self defeating to wash your hands first, because....well........I don't want to confuse you guys with a bunch of details. Just do it in this order, EVERY TIME! I didn't think I would have had to have said this but, get your wife to do it too. Tell her it's because you love her!
  20. Let's be clear, Wheeler called it the "Covid Hoax". In this statement he's "backing down" and "qualifying " to hide his original intention of "trolling". +++++ Wheeler Wildwood, New Jersey Armed Insurrection CANCELLED ? BIGGEST SH-THOLE I COULD FIND 2020 Jets football CANCELLED Wheeler pleas to "please put me on "ignore" CANCELLED NOT EVEN CONSIDERED
  21. That's right Dave. Trump crisis handling of the corona virus pandemic----Biggest U.S. disaster since George Bush's Iraq War, before that LBJ's Viet Nam War. If not for the fact that nobody blames Trump for all the lives lost- It would be the greatest presidential failure in U.S. history.
  22. Trumps economic advisor has been around forever. He' always been totally out of touch. He takes in almost economic indicators really except the movement of the stock market.
  23. William said:My working theory -- based on the info Matt Allison posted two months ago--is that Umbrella Man was an agent provocateur working with the MPD to incriminate the George Floyd protesters, and trigger a police attack. William, that was all our working theory. That was the premise given us, I won't say by Matt, because he was merely presenting the video and the subsequent interview with the kid who accosted the Umbrella Man. But that begs the question,, who was Matt's source? Someone found the photo of Pedereson and matched it to the intruder. Who was it? Being that the story was sketchy, and I'm very interested like everyone else but I needed a higher standard of proof. I asked Matt. To paraphrase, I said 1)Matt the likenesses in the photos I think are impressive. But what is the source of this story? 2) You seem very certain Matt, what do you know about this story, that the rest of us don't? Is it pretty much based on the likenesses in the photos? Matt answered none of my questions. That made the story sketchy for me. So William, do you have anything other than the photo likeness? I think either of those guys could be the guy but I do think Perderson is more likely. Hardly conclusive. Certainly not near enough evidence to convict a guy. Someone, it may have been Matt, said the case went to no other than Keith Ellison the Minnesota AG, who is something of a national figure, as you may remember he lost a close battle to be head of the DNC? So this is being investigated beyond just Minnesota Police Department. The political fallout: there is some motivation for Ellison because if it were true, it would be very positive for the demonstrators and the Democrats with either of these guys. It is interesting they got a search warrant but they haven't arrested the guy. Now I see CNN is going with the story. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/28/us/umbrella-man-associated-white-supremacist-group-george-floyd/index.html I'm sorry I brought up GWB being in Dealey Plaza. I've been long aware of every point you've made. The initial photo is very inconclusive for me. I haven't see that closeup either. I agree with you about the the ears and hairline. It looks like a close up that's computer light enhanced. It looks like someone drew a line with a white pencil on his collar. Why the 2 tone collar? That's not at all evident in the first photo. That's more interesting, but again, in both stories I just need a higher standard of proof. ******* Ron it was a completely stupid song. I had older brothers and listened to radio early in my life.I remember there were songs back then, where they had news stories like the aliens came to earth,and they'd ask them questions and interject vignettes of R&R, Anyway on youtube I found a clip from Ed Sullivan of David Seville. https://youtu.be/9iA_TZ15ruA
  24. Sorry to hear that Joe. This is about people's lives in a situation through no fault of their own.
  25. Yeah, we're really on the ball! Do you think Wheeler knows any of the back story here? He doesn't seem to realize that we would have no knowledge of her at all if it wasn't for a conscious choice made by his hero Trump! Trump was out in front the press today. Curiously he was with Mnuchin whose negotiating this stimulus package.Trump says the working man needs more money from this bailout, and he blames Pelosi and says that she's running off with the money. He's not aware the Democrat position is that they want at least $600, is it per person, where right now Trump's party the Republicans are completely split and right now, will only give $200. Mnuchin looks away, like "get me outa here!" Trump is completely out of the process!
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