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Sandy Larsen

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About Sandy Larsen

  • Birthday 11/18/1955

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  1. Sandy, I thought you were going to send me the questions etc re the teeth problem.

    1. Sandy Larsen

      Sandy Larsen


      Sorry it's taking so long. John Armstrong has been trying to send the presentations to a couple of retired dentists and it hasn't worked out so far. The problem is that neither of them is computer smart. John has tried sending links to the presentations for someone local to print, and then hand the hard copies to the retired dentist. Unfortunately nobody can get the presentations to print.

      So I've been waiting for them to sort it out and figure out a solution.

      I haven't sent anything to you because you said (or I got the impression) that your dentist friend is also not computer smart.

      BTW, how did you send this to me. It looks like a PM but I'm reading it here in my profile.

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