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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. 1:07:52NOW PLAYING WATCH LATER ADD TO QUEUE JFK Assassination- Untold Stories Of The Autopsy 743K views2 years ago Valuetainment Bethesda Naval Medical Corps technician James Jenkins mentions the pre-autopsy incision. I wish I could have asked Jenkins other questions regards his handling of JFK's brain. He says in this interview he was handed JFK's brain, which he them placed in a "sling." He tells his interviewer that less than a third ( implied not much less ) was missing. * Note the official autopsy report states JFK's brain weighed 1500 grams. The same or even more than a normal, fullt intact male brain weight. And the removed brain was not photographed? Jenkins says he was right there in the morgue the whole time. Did he actually watch Commander Humes removing JFK's brain? Did he see Humes or "anyone else" sawing on JFK's remaining undamaged half skull to be able to pull it back and down to be able to remove the entire brain at once? How could JFK's brain be removed with temporal muscles, optic nerves and the brain stem cut without sawing and then peeling back JFK's skull cap as much as neccesary and normally required to do so? Fellow autopsy naval medical tech corpsman Paul O'Conner ( also continuously present and whose specialty was autopsy brain removal!) testified he saw no skull saw marks. Was ( and could ) all this cutting of JFK's brain from the connected parts mentioned be done simply by pulling back the damaged skull on one half of JFK's head? Also, Jenkins is adament about JFK's body being delivered to the morgue in a shipping casket, not the big Dallas ornate one Hume's described in his ARRB deposition.
  2. Mary Trump: My Uncle 'Enjoyed Every Second' Of ... - HuffPost www.huffpost.com › entry › mary-trump-donald-trum... 6 hours ago — Mary Trump: My Uncle 'Enjoyed Every Second' Of Capitol Riot. “He is a physical coward but he's perfectly happy when other people commit ...
  3. Republican lawmaker to ask Justice Department to investigate ... news.yahoo.com › republican-lawmaker-to-ask-justice-... 14 hours ago — Michael McCaul of Texas said on the Yahoo News “Skullduggery” podcast. ... President Trump in a video that day claimed he “immediately ... I read yesterday that 40 minutes after the violent and even murderous Trump base mob Capital Building seige that Trump finally reacted and made a public statement calling for the standing down by the insurrection terrorists whom he was also referring to regards his sympathetic, cajoling and even praising comments to them: "I know your pain, I know you are hurting, we had an election that was stolen from us, we love you, you are very special people." Sounds like Trump was propping them up for his pet "Medal Of Freedom" awarding! My question is this. Was the "40 minute" time line given for Trump's cajoling speech response 40 minutes after the seige began? Or, 40 minutes after it is was finally quelled. Either way, as this Mike McCaul is calling for an investigation into, isn't the main question how long did Trump sit and watch this deadly Capital Building insurrection before finally doing anything meaningful in stopping it? Many are stating that this shocking non-action delay by Trump constituted extreme dereliction of Presidential duty and responsibility to a degree that it should have been included into the Impeachment filing along with the charge of inciting insurrection against our own government.
  4. What I find very disturbing is that white women who voted in the 2020 presidential election voted in favor of Donald Trump by a majority of 55% to 45%. How could they favor a proven serial sexual predator like Trump?
  5. I'm sure it's been covered 100 times by huge investigative effort researchers but just for the sake of giving this new thread some common knowledge understanding context for us newer members ( I still consider myself a newbie even after 3 years ) may I present a few basic questions regarding JFK's body arriving at Bethesda to be autopsied? Whom do you believe? The following are some excerpts of JFK autopsy performing Navy Commander James Humes ARRB deposition testimony. Q. Dr. Humes, when did you first see the body of President Kennedy? A. I didn't look at my watch, if I even had a watch on, but I would guess it was >>> 6:45 or 7 o'clock <<< , something like that, approximately. Q. Was the body in the casket when you first saw it? A. Yes, it was in a casket. Q. Could you describe the casket in just very general terms? A. Yes. It was a wooden casket with long Page 67 handles on both sides like you usually see for the use of pallbearers and so forth. One of the handles was broken. I forget which side it was on. But it was a handsome--the standard of those things. It was a good-looking casket. Q. Where did you first see the casket? A. As the people--I think they were sailors that were--it was a Navy ambulance, a Navy ambulance crew who had picked up the body at the airport, and they brought it into the morgue and promptly left. Q. Do you remember what color the ambulance was? A. No--oh, gray. I saw it on television later. And all our ambulances were gray in those days. Q. Were you with the casket from the time it was unloaded from the gray ambulance until you opened the lid of the casket? A. I didn't go out on the loading dock. I was there from the time it came through the door of the morgue until the President left the next Page 68 morning. Q. How many rooms or hallways are there between the loading dock and the morgue where you first saw-- A. Just a very brief hallway. I guess maybe 15, 20 feet, something like that. No rooms. Q. And was the casket opened in the morgue? A. Yes. Q. Who else was in the room when the casket was opened? A. Oh, I can't tell you that. Dr. Boswell and I removed the body from the casket, and I--I don't know who. >>>There were some enlisted helpers, technicians from our department there <<< and I don't know who else was there. I can't tell you. I was too intent on what I was doing and too, to tell you the truth, a little bit shook by the whole procedure, initially at least. It was disturbing to have a deceased President there in your arms, you know. It's not an unemotional experience. But I was not worrying about who was around or whatever. It was the least of my worries. Page 69 Q. Who else in addition to Dr. Boswell, if anyone, helped you remove the body from the casket? A. I don't recall that anyone did, >>> but I don't gainsay the possibility that one of the enlisted men may have helped.<<< But nobody else. Q. How was the President's body wrapped? A. It was wrapped in white sheets and the head was--head wound, massive head wound, was covered with gauze sponges and gauze dressing. Q. Was there any plastic or rubber sheeting at all near the President's head? A. No. Well, I'm not sure what finally tied down the gauze bandage over the skull wound. It might have been plastic or something, but, you know, I don't know. Adhesive tape or God knows what. It was easily removed. It wasn't tight at all. Q. Was there any plastic sheeting or rubber sheeting of any kind that you saw in the casket-- A. No. Q. --with the exception of possibly with the head? Page 70 A. No. Q. From the time that you first saw the body of President Kennedy, were you in the same room with the body until it left Bethesda? A. One hundred percent of the time. Q. Other than the trip down the hallway, did the body ever leave the morgue room? A. No. Q. Were you involved with the process of unwrapping the body? A. Yes. Yes. Q. During that, did any skull fragments fall out from the wrapping? A. Not that I recall. Q. Did any bullets or bullet fragments fall out from the wrapping? A. No. Q. Could you describe how the President's head looked at the very first time that you saw it after it had been unwrapped? A. Well, the most obvious thing was a large defect in the right parietal area. The most striking thing was this large defect. His face was, for all intents and purposes, normal. Normal as anybody can be in death, I guess. It was not significantly injured in any way. Q. Were any portions of the brain extruding from any wounds in the head? A. Well, the wound was so big that--I don't know what you mean by extruding. It wasn't really- -it was just a gaping hole and the brain was right there. It wasn't really being extruded, no. Q. So you could see it, but it was not as if it were coming out-- A. No. Q. --sort of just seeing inside a hole-- A. It was a big hole, yeah. Page 74 Q. I'd like to ask you some questions about this. First, was this document, Exhibit 1, in your possession at any point during which you were writing the autopsy protocol? A. Probably. Probably was. Over the weekend, yeah. Q. I'd like to draw your attention to a few items on the first page of this document. Right next to the marking for brain, there's no entry of a weight there. Do you see that on the document? A. Yes, I see that it's blank, yeah. Q. Why is there no weight for the brain there? >>> A. I don't know. I don't really--can't really recall why. >>> Q. Was the fresh brain weighed? A. I don't recall. I don't recall. It's as simple as that. Q. Would it be standard practice for a gunshot wound in the head to have the brain weighed? A. Yeah, we weigh it with gunshot wound or Page 75 no. Normally we weigh the brain when we remove it. I can't recall why--I don't know, one, whether it was weighed or not, or, two, why it doesn't show here. I have no explanation for that. <<< If that ridiculously illogical and weak explanation for not doing one of the most important aspects of criminal investigation autopsy procedures doesn't create huge suspicion, what would? Navy medical tech corpsman Paul O'Conner, who was right at JFK's lifeless body's head the entire autopsy, gave sworn testimony that hugely contradicts at least one of Commander Humes autopsy recollections. The one regards JFK's brain. O'Conner states that at some point during the autopsy, he noticed that almost all of JFK's brain was gone! Not in the skull cavity. Just a handful of macerated pieces. And most importantly, that JFK's skull hadn't been cut open in a typical brain removal way when he noticed the brain missing. Which means that JFK's brain, if removed earlier, couldn't have been removed in a medically correct way to ensure it was removed properly without further damage. In other words, you don't just reach in through the JFK head back wound and yank what brain matter you can out. Gerry Spence clearly asked brain removal trained O'Conner if he ( O'Conner ) saw any of the skull sawing marks that would normally be made to properly remove the brain. O'Conner says flat out..."no!" Then if Humes removed JFK's brain in the morgue in the hour before JFK's body was transferred into the autopsy room, how did he remove this without majorly cutting the undamaged other half of JFK's skull cap correctly following official procedure including severing the brain from JFK's temporal muscles and brain stem? JFK's temporal muscle cutting would have resulted in trauma discoloration in that area which I don't see in autopsy pictures of JFK's face. O'Conner states that he first saw JFK's body when he and fellow Corpsman James Jenkins lifted it out of a cheap shipping casket to then place it on the autopsy table. O'Conner states the time of the autopsy beginning and this lifting of JFK's body out of the casket and onto the autopsy table as 8:00 PM. Humes states in his ARRB testimony that he received JFK's body in the Bethesda Naval Hospital "morgue" at 6:45 to 7:00 PM. A room seperate from the autopsy room. A full hour before O'Conner was involved with the body? Are we to assume, that Humes removed JFK's brain during this first hour in the morgue, unknown to O'Conner who didn't see JFK's body until 8:00 PM? The official documented finding of JFK's brain weight is not based on Hume's records. He testified under oath that he didn't even weigh the brain or list a weight. Lots to consider here with logical and valid suspicion regards JFK's brain. And JFK's brain went completely missing just a day or two after the autopsy? Please! ON TRIAL: LEE HARVEY OSWALD" (PART 19) (PAUL O ... www.youtube.com › watch
  6. POLITICS Horned Capitol Rioter Wants Pardon From Trump: Only There At ‘Invitation Of President’ Buffalo Headdress Man Is Absolutely Right! His fearless leader told him and thousands of others less than an hour before their blood lust stolen election crusade to confront and attack the Capital Building, to "march down there and I'll march with you", "fight harder", don't be "weak!" Minutes before Trump's fight harder rally cry speech, his own attorney Rudy ( AKA Judy) Giuliani worked up Buffalo Man and his war paint adorned, ready to fight tribe as well by righteous indignation shouting the stolen election protest situation required ..."Trial By Combat!" The fearless leader's favorite son "Donnie Jr." also inspired the "MAD AS HELL" MAGA mob crowd even further. "The people who did nothing to stop the steal -- this gathering should send a message to them," said the President's eldest son. Heck, even Trump's extraordinarily affectionate Daddy's girl daughter Ivanka got in on the fist pump encouraging and riling up act, tweeting to the mob...you are "American Patriots!" And after the Buffalo Man and his high on Trump Peyote crazed hooping, flag spear chucking raiding party's vicious attack on the Capital Building battle ... their beloved WAR CHIEF publicly sympathized with, cajoled and even PRAISED them! "I know your pain, I know you are hurting..." "we had an election that was stolen from us." "We love you" "You're very special people." With those loving and supportive words and after loyally and faithfully carrying out Trump's, his son's and his attorney's calls to march right down to that Capital Building filled with unpatriotic election stealing, Democratic party heathens and fight like hell and don't be weak encouragement , OF COURSE Buffalo headdress, facial war paint wearing man feels Trump should pardon him and his sibling righteous cause fighting warriors. Trump let his worked up warrior base know they "fought the good fight" in his post insurrection speech to the nation and world. That he was proud of them and their brave and inspired obeying call to arms, action and sacrifice. This Buffalo man now want's his "War Call" Chief to also stand up for them in their hour of prison sentence threat need. And maybe Trump could also throw in a few of his favorite ceremonial photo-op "Medal Of Freedom" awards to boot?
  7. A city under seige! All this out of fear of one group and one group only...Trump's violent base. No fears of Biden supporters. At all.
  8. Outstanding! No holding back from the raw and obvious truth. After all, after the main power Trump backers driven 1% wealth and power gain agenda, it is a racial issue more than any other. And Casino money minded Trump's biggest "Whale" has just past away - Sheldon Adelson. Wonder what Trump and his family will do with that massive 200 million dollar "Fight The Steal" legal fund booty now that that con is over?
  9. I hope General Services keeps an eye out for DJTrump lifting whatever he likes from our "People's House" to take back to his gold gilded bathroom residences. Like he did from our French Embassy. The art of the steal? Trump swipes $750,000 worth of art from ... www.theartnewspaper.com › blog › the-art-of-the-steal-... Sep 8, 2020 — President Donald Trump swiped some art from the residence of the US ambassador to France during a 2018 visit—the same visit on which he ...
  10. If true, those members of Congress should, in the least, be immediately removed from office.
  11. Watched the impeachment coverage yesterday. It was sickening to hear the Republicans talking about how the country needs healing, calming, uniting etc. and how this action against Trump will set those patriotic needs back. Listening to their disgustingly disingenuous, shamelessly hypocritical, factually illogical and substance empty rhetoric defense of lynch mob instigator Trump was pathetic. Their take on Trump and his worked up Trump base terrorist Capital Building attack with murder, life and death traumatizing fear, destructive vandalism, theft and even defecation in the hallways and which is clearly one of the most violent and important Democracy threatening events in our 245 year history was...well... an unparalled American history disgrace. If they could dictate the narrative of this most majorly important death causing democracy threatening insurrection in and of our most sacred, hallowed ground institution it would be a downplaying of it into something akin to an egg and water balloon tossing, toilet paper TPing prank pulled off by a band of rowdy, fun loving immature teenagers who really didn't mean to hurt anyone. As disturbingly laughable as that defense is, it was matched by Trump's unbelievably cynical and hypocritical scripted damage control speech yesterday where the lynch mob instigator himself looked straight into the camera and told the world that he was a man who only wanted peaceful, law abiding protest! A man of peace and respect for all! HA! Future movies of this Trump era theater of the absurd might consider using the same title of an older farce film made decades ago..."It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!"
  12. Trump telling his Capital Building defecators and urinaters " You're very special people" and "We love you" ??? OMG! Sadism personified. This Trump theater of the absurd has evolved into Freuding madness. The sexual identity conflicted dreams Trump and his violent followers must have. LBJ had a similar fixation with defecation and using this to humiliate others by making them hear his dumping through a left open bathroom door.
  13. I'm a little confused here. I am checking into the CNN internet news site off and on to keep abreast of the impeachment proceedings. In their split screen video feed, they show a "Yea and Nay" vote tally number listing by political party. There is also a listing for "NV" or "no vote" numbers. Is this just some procedural vote or the "actual vote" to go forward or not go forward with the impeachment process as described in the Pelosi/Schumer filing? Whatever this vote is for...the Republican "nay" vote numbers are well above the Democratic members "yea" votes. However, in the 3rd column to the right of these vote numbers is a listing of NV or "no vote" numbers which are showing well over 200! What the heck?
  14. EUROPEAN ALLIES SCORN PENCE AND POMPEO When CNN’s Jim Acosta reported a “source close to VP” saying Pence’s plan for the next week is to “telegraph to our allies and adversaries that we have a fully functioning government," Global Translations decided it was time to find out what European ambassadors in D.C., thought about that plan. They aren’t buying it. Those I spoke to all read this piece by Fiona Hill, the star witness of the first Trump impeachment, arguing that the storming of Capitol Hill was a coup attempt. One ambassador said that the Trump administration “will hardly ever get rid of the stench of Jan. 6,” and certainly not via platitudes about stable government. National capitals are “constantly asking us for assessments about where things are going,” the ambassador said. From Cuba to Yemen to tariffs and pardons, another ambassador said they’d predicted the Trump exit ramp, except and until the Capitol riot. Now the diplomatic corps are simply holding on until Jan. 20 as best they can. The final fear: “minimal chance of a military strike somewhere.” Pompeo and no ceremony: From tiny Luxembourg to the grey corridors of Brussels, no-one wanted to participate in the secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s victory lap. Luxembourg’s foreign minister Jean Asselborn went as far as to call Trump a “criminal” and “political pyromaniac,” so Pompeo canceled the European leg of the tour. Here’s the inside story. International Rescue Committee chief David Miliband, a former U.K. foreign secretary, also called Pompeo’s listing of Yemen's Houthi rebels as a terror group (effective from Jan. 19) “pure diplomatic vandalism.” Aid groups are united in arguing that this will prevent delivery of humanitarian aid.
  15. 4 years Trump promoter,defender, enabler, loyal friend Geraldo "Al Capone's Empty Vaults infamous" Rivera finally jumps ship as Trump's Titanic burns and sinks. Rivera "now" believes his great friend Donald Trump should be impeached! Now THAT's the kind of loyalty Trump himself truly understands. Giving Rivera some slack here though as his super hyped but empty Capone vault bust did actually reveal one old "moonshine bathub gin" bottle. YEAH! Geraldo Rivera Goes All-In On Impeachment Of ‘Loyal Friend’ Trump
  16. This is the right-wing media problem in a microcosm CNN.com·14 hours ago
  17. HUFFPOST PERSONAL I've Experienced U.S. Capitol Security Firsthand — And It Was Nothing Like The Rioters Saw JAMIE DAVIS SMITH Guest Writer
  18. Classic desperate guilt avoidance double speak! Yes, if you enforce the law, we can't guarantee our violent base won't break the law again and retaliate against you....so don't do it! ??? The bully's controlling the victims with more threats of violence if they dare stand up against them. Reminds one of the wife beating husband who warns her of more beatings if she dares go to the cops or presses charges.
  19. Still, I will give AS credit for creating his own celebrity and movie star status even with and despite his at times super heavy, distracting and even dumb sounding German/Austrian accent and with relatively no natural or credibly trained acting skills. Although I do consider some of his main star acting performance roles quite impressive such as: Hercules In New York, Conan the Barbarian, Terminator, Kindergarten Cop, Twins, Jingle All The Way, Eraser, etc.
  20. Pat, you just concisely explained President/Senate cross voting in realpolotik truth revealing terms. Cranston was really "on our side" I am sure many Reagan voters believed. Kind of feel that way about CA Senator Diane Feinstein continually being elected during the GW Bush and Trump terms. For years, that lady seemed to support and vote for the Republican agenda half the time. I always sensed that Feinstein had well funded backing well beyond and outside of strictly Democratic party voters. Especially these last twenty years and her being well passed her mentally cognitive prime. Republican Susan Collins 8% victory margin re-election contradictive of Biden's 9% point victory margin win in Maine could very well be explained as you say. Still, I felt an uneasy cringe when this happened. I followed the Maine Senate polls closely right up until the election. The swing from Collin's opponent's clear lead in the all the polls to a way beyond close victory vote for Collin's in the last month was just too polling illogical imo. I wonder if Cranston's poll numbers swung wildly like that in the California cross voting example you cited, or was he always favored to win? So much of our most important elections have suspicious anomolies. Ohio in 2004? Trump's 2016 razor thin vote victories in "just the right electoral vote states" to win even though losing the popular vote by over 3 million votes? Machiavellian reality is still with us. No?
  21. Team Trump's latest desperate damage control test dangle a meaningless minuscule inch of disgustingly disingenuous drivel. And yet, pathetically, still grudgingly offered with a childishly naive "we still have standing" false reality believing pride! Kevin McCarthy makes a press statement that ... President Trump is ready to admit "some" responsibility in the deadly and seditious Capital Building insurrection! Oh, how honorably and nobly contrite! The king has apologized! Time to forgive and forget. Time to move on...still repecting his honor, name and position. NOT! Trump and his most ardent defenders and enablers are seeing their fake "Wizard Of Oz" exposed leadership house of cards crash down all around them beyond anything they ever imagined. And we mean CRASHING! Like in every section of society domestically and even internationally. Like the rope bridge being cut underneath Daniel Dravot. Like a reckoning of having to tell their deluded " Emperor" he really has "no clothes." These marauding power plundering pirates and their blustering "Black Beard" Captain have finally been reigned in and are on the last few steps of their deserved punishment plank walk. Trump and his co-criminal gang are desperately trying "anything", any guilt and punishment escaping PR scheme, stunt or angle, no matter how ridiculously disingenuous and grudging one inch valueless like this weak and empty Trump "confession" in their last ditch efforts to keep from going down with the sinking Titanic Trump ship all together ... imo.
  22. I have always felt huge misgivings about Schwarzenegger politically and personally. Being a Californian and watching his 2003 campaign for Governer and listening to his campaign speeches, debate comments and press appearance sound bites I was about as turned off to him as I was Trump in 2016. An authoritarian leaning right wing type ( "You lack DISCIPLINE!") he seemed to me to be ( like Trump) a narcissistic, fame spoiled and addicted egomanic who deludedly believed he was more like his exaggerated and fake movie heroes than not, and in this self-image fantasy he could somehow rescue the day just by walking into the Governor's office and being... well, the Terminator! The state's too liberal democratic controlled legislative bodies ( Schwarzeneggar constantly insulted their manhood by calling them "Girly Men" ) will simply follow and obey him and his agenda by his sheer more manly movie star hero muscle-bound energy and aura will! However, Schwarzeneggar's governor performance didn't turn out that way at all. In fact, it bombed! I still feel Schwarzeneggar was extremely unqualified to be our Governor and he really did a bad job. One of the worst in modern times. He crowed loudly and constantly what a horrible job Grey Davis was doing and aggressively promoted his grossly underserved and sham recall to help himself win Davis's seat. Yet, by the time Schwarzenegger left the California Governors office, California's unemployment numbers and deficit were far worse than anything Grey Davis had presided over. "Double" that which AS inherited from Grey Davis! All that criticism of Davis by AS was self-serving and ignorant BS. Grey Davis was taken out by corporate interests. He was also the victim of a fraudulent energy crisis which the crooks at Enron helped set up. Davis's recall was a corporate hit job. Just like the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court Rose Bird recall. A brilliant lawyer friend of mine once told me that the Bird recall ( fakely worked up over the false flag issue of her stand on the death penalty ) was funded primarily by major insurance companies whom Bird was consistently ruling against. Sadly, that's how things really work in the American political world far too often. Yet, even I was moved by Arnold Schwarzenegger's desk side speech we see in this video. I actually got choked up a little with it's seemingly sincere highest humanitarian morals and American pride message. His personal sharing of his childhood experience observing his Nxxxx following adult generation guilt and let down ( with accompanying wife and child beating behavior ) after their being influenced by lies and referencing them to Trump struck a chord as I too was a victim of a super violent stepfather ... and who hated JFK with a passion. AS has always been a charmer with an incredibly magnetic and upbeat personality as obessively self-promoting as it was. I'll give him credit for creating his own celebrity fame. His muscles and good looks deserving much credit. His speech in this video seems to reflect a much more mature wisdom I want to believe is sincere and that is born out of not just self-pained and regretted life learned mistakes but his true respect and appreciation for the American constitution and what it and this country has provided for him personally as well as his family and most of his fellow Americans.
  23. Paul, I'm on the same page with you 98% of the time and always have been. You may think that I am trying to make something more out of the Susan Collins victory than her simply being more popular with her voters than the polls indicated. Collin's Democratic challenger was consistently given a strong lead in these polls, up until the last month before the election. In that last month and right up to election day that lead vanished. Collins challenger didn't do anything noticeably bad or have some negative expose that would explain such a quick turn around in those poll numbers. All I can figure is that many people called in those Maine polls simply lied to the pollsters or wouldn't say who they were voting for. Hence the skewed poll numbers. And those who lied or didn't pick a candidate in those polls were mostly Collins supporters anyway. They showed their true political colors at voting time and obviously they were Collins supporters all along. Still, voting for Democratic presidential candidate Biden over Trump by a strong 9% margin and a similar margin for an opposite political party Senate candidate is an anomaly according to the Pew research article which said that now-a-days state voters usually vote down party lines with the Presidential vote and the Senate vote being of the same party.
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