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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. The middle and lower classes ( the huge majority of Americans ) would still be early 1900's criminally used, abused and unprotected by the wealthiest class if it wasn't for our common good defending Democratic party and leadership during the last 88 years and the incredibly courageous progressive movement led by so many heroic women during those early years. Include also the much more tolerant policies towards the tens of millions of illegals and the children they gave birth to after arriving. When I see Hispanics voicing support for Republicans and especially Donald Trump I want to ask them which party has treated them and their newly arriving shared lineage poor better by far for generations and still today?
  2. Exhausting, but I just read 75% of the posts in this thread. The interconnections between the wealthy and powerful personally and politically seems never ending, and is a disturbing reality check on the way things really work in the highest rungs of power and control in our country. More a plutocracy than a democracy imo.
  3. The picture of Marshall Clint Peoples in Doug's original thread post link looks exactly like "The Lone Ranger" on his big white horse "Silver" only without People's wearing the eye mask. White cowboy hat included. Guess he was a real life "Lone Ranger."
  4. You know I'm from California. When I do get out, I don't see anyone not wearing a mask. Even idle walkers, dog walkers and joggers. Our downtowns are practically deserted. The restaurants are totally shut down. Theaters months ago. This is a tourist area and the hotels are nearly empty and what few tourists are on the streets are all wearing masks. I know in the larger urban areas of the state it is harder for residents to distance, but it seems like most of them are now wearing masks. Yet, the virus is spreading faster than when hardly anyone were wearing masks! Hugely so! Everyone still has to buy groceries. I have heard that spreading is happening in that environment more than any other now. But still, I sense this massive increase in spreading is due to something more than too many not wearing masks, washing their hands and distancing. Could we also be under a more virulent and more easily spread virus strain like the UK? How come Africa hasn't gone ballistic in the virus spread? In the most ill-prepared and greatest medical supply shortage area of the world, you would think Covid would be raging!
  5. Did Angleton and Bradlee actually go so far as to commit the crime of trespassing on Meyer's little garden property and into her shed to find her dairy? The editor of one of our nation's most influencial newspapers and the third highest agency man? Even Ian Fleming would have a tough time setting up such a high level plot line in a believable way. If they did then Mary Meyer's importance elevates to a much higher level than the down playing role assigned to her, imo.
  6. The "Apprentice" was a mindless escape reality show with Trump at its eccentric star basking in its weekly national attention and ego stroking glory spotlight. Never enough attention and ego stroking seeking Trump was the perfect fit for that role. Trying to assess Trump as president in some intellectual way isn't neccessary or logical. He is simply reprising his "Apprentice" TV show role. Bombastic, laughably vain and narcissistic, overly sarcastic to even a sadistic and cruel degree. Making shockingly blunt fun of people and demeaning and insulting them often right to their face. Think "Apprentice" contestants or the White House Press corps. The presidency has been Trump's ultimate personal attention craving dream Reality show. And he has played the ever more shocking words and action star role to the hilt. No one, not even Oliver Stone could ever make a movie about Trump without it coming across as anything but a perverse even surreal weird humor farce! Maybe Woody Allen or the Farrelly Brothers could do it justice. I can't get a specific handle on such a film myself but so many things about Trump as president bring back flashbacks of films like the Peter Seller's "The Pink Panther," and "Dr. Strangelove," or other farces such as "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World," etc. Log line for such a film would be simply " A Nut Becomes President!"
  7. How many people can walk into a public place in broad daylight, pull a gun and blast several holes into an unarmed person killing them ( no matter if inspired by wife or other lover cheating jealousy ) and then be convicted by a courtroom jury of murder with malice...and then immediately be let go "scot free" by the presiding judge? Malcolm Wallace's overruled jury conviction was one of the most corrupt actions in Texas legal history. So outrageously and blatantly corrupt any normal judicial review board in the country would have immediately thrown out the decision and the judge. But not in LBJ controlled Travis County Texas. The Wallace walk free story tells us all how corrupt Texas was under control of LBJ and his benefactors like Ed Clark. That state was it's own organized crime syndicate operation with Clark, LBJ and others as Godfathers. Wallace under LBJ's controlling mentorship, his marriage disintegrating, descent into alcoholism and who knows what sordid sexual relationship with LBJ's nymphomatic, bi-sexual sister Josepha ( who was also sleeping with Wallace's murder victim ) finally had the ultimate breakdown...murderous madness. Yet, unlike 99.999% of aggressive, intentional, unarmed victim murder committing and murder conviction persons, he spends no time in jail, no time in an institution? Was he even ordered to pay restitution or burial fees for his victim? Once someone crosses the mental line of committing brutal non-self defense, broad daylight in front of others murder like Wallace...they can never be the same as before. The brain, emotional and character wiring is permanently altered. And how much is such a person indebted and beholden to someone who got them out of a murder conviction and twenty years of hard jail time like LBJ did for Wallace? In the corrupt world of organized crime that ultimate debt equates into total blood loyalty. No payback demand can be refused. Did this mean Wallace became LBJ's personal hitman? His very own Frankenstein monster? It wouldn't be illogical at all to consider Wallace's ultimate over-the-line broken mental state and feeling of ultimate indebtedness to LBJ as a strong circumstantial element of just such a relationship. Somebody brutally murdered Henry Marshall. There is no debate about this reality. And who benefited the most by Marshall's death? Wallace was a dark, damaged and obviously extremely violent man. A very strong and athletic man. Pictures of his face and expression are almost always that of a darkly ominous, non-smiling even scary stare man. And there was at least one witness near the Henry Marshall property who described a man strongly resembling Wallace asking for directions earlier on the day of Marshall's killing. Fellow LBJ connected big time crook Billy Sol Estes knew the truth about Henry Marshall. Isn't it time we quit pretending he didn't? Isn't it time we faced the full ugly truth about the super corrupt LBJ? And grow up and out of the Robert Caro LBJ mythology?
  8. Agree. You would think Bobby could not get it out of his thoughts that the car he was in was his brothers brutal death scene carraige. And to ride in it with someone he reportedly felt had something to do with his brothers murder just makes the pic even more surreal.
  9. The Warren Commission was concerned enough about this very noticeable steel frame indentation damage to ask S.A. Greer specific questions about it. They wanted to know it's origin date. One must assume someone on the Commission felt the indentation with 5 inches of raised steel metal uplifted above it and side to side was so obvious and unsightly enough that it seems illogical that those responsible for maintaining the showiest car in the presidential fleet would have let it remain. And for two years? Please. Was this show limo flown overseas for use as well?
  10. Trump's turned the White House into a Nut House. The loyal staff at Mar-a-Lago castle awaits their fallen King.
  11. TRUMPOLOGY Is Trump Cracking Under the Weight of Losing? By MICHAEL KRUSE 12/20/2020 07:00 AM EST
  12. Credibly verified time line, provenance and lab tested real photographs can certainly expose and prove formerly accepted truths as falsehoods. We all remember "Case Closed" author Gerald Leo Posner's promotion of David Ferrie's claims of never meeting Lee Harvey Oswald being embarrassingly exposed as "flat out wrong" when one of Oswald's fellow student civil air patrol mates produced the famous photo of Oswald's presence at an outdoor group training activity with David Ferrie. It's a common event. The Jeffrey Epstein underage sex abuse case is loaded with incrimidating lie exposing and guilt bolstering photographs. One could cite 1,000 more examples. Until someone proves the June, 1963 JFK limo photograph we see above is an altered forgery, or it's date and location misstated, it is rational to consider it's authenticity and WC finding changing weight as real. A true "smoking gun" imo.
  13. Trump's Friday Night Oval Office Meeting Devolves Into Screaming Match Chaos! Which is what turns on this disturbingly desperate man who is obsessed with trying to create another reality other than the true one of him being one of the all time biggest ( one term only ) LOSERS in the history of U.S. Presidents. Donald Trump's presidency by the numbers - CNNPolitics www.cnn.com › 2020/12/18 › politics › trump-presidenc... 2 days ago — Donald Trump's presidency by the numbers. By Maegan Vazquez, Christopher Hickey, Priya Krishnakumar and Janie Boschma, CNN. Updated ...
  14. Ladies and gentlemen; Do we have a rock solid piece of JFK conspiracy smoking gun evidence right in front of our faces here? Seriously, if the picture we are looking at above is the JFK/Dealey Plaza limo and this picture was taken in June of 1963, in the least it proves S.A. Geis's statement of the indentation's provenance is false and whether deliberately or negligently, highly suspicious in it's promotion either way. It also strongly bolsters S.A. Greer's Warren Commission testimony that he never saw this indentation until "the day after 11,22,1963." And if it's true that the indentation wasn't there until after the shooting, and it could be proven no piece of secondary impact projecting skull bone could ever cause such deep and uniformally round puncturing of solid steel ... what else could anyone call this impact besides a bullet hole? Look closely at the bottom (June 1963) picture of the front upper frame piece. You can so clearly and easily see the difference between the June 1963 frame picture and the one taken after 11,22,1963. The June, 1963 picture shows a frame piece all along it's front horizontal plane that is free from any indentation damage. You can see the same square breaks along this as you can in the damage photo. Also, you cannot say that the sun visors are blocking any view of the frame piece. The visors are pulled out in the latter picture, probably because the sun was shining brightly and directly in front of the Limo as it went down Elm Street. In both photos however, there is no visor blocking ( whether pulled out and up or left flat) obstructing the full view of the frame at all. I've always thought this deep circular shaped indentation in the JFK limo upper front windshield frame ( which I believe to be caused by a bullet ) should have been considered as a huge piece of incredibly important evidence outrageously disputing and contradicting ( scientifically ) the number of shots and bullet trajectory testimony and evidence used to promote the WC line of one shooter and two shots only into the limo. Didn't the Warren Commission ever see the earlier June, 1963 picture of the JFK limo and it's upper body frame free of any indentation damage? Obviously not. If they had, they would have no choice but to call and swear in S.A. Geis and confront him regards his false testimony. Now, I totally believe S.A. Greer's sworn testimony that the indentation was not there until after the shooting on 11,22,1963. In my opinion, the indentation story will always be one of the most important and personally convincing conspiracy belief foundation ones.
  15. I just have a very hard time believing someone who drove that car as many times as S.A. Greer wouldn't have noticed that ugly and easy to see dent/smash. It was right in front of his face while driving as well as a passenger side front seat mate like S.A. Roy Kellerman. And especially if Greer had ever been physically engaged in adding on or taking off the bubble top or any other covering that Greer said involved snapping down buttons. Great picture by the way. This is the one I had seen long ago. It's quite large and pronounced isn't it? Thanks for finding and posting this.
  16. S.A. Geis says he believes the indentation damage to the windshield frame was done on November 11, 1961 ... over TWO YEARS previous to 11,22,1963? In two years time possibly hundreds of personnel had to have been close to or even inside the limo. Maintenance men, drivers, let alone those who washed the exterior and cleaned the interior. Are we supposed to believe that that many close up limo responsible people either missed such a starkly obvious ugly dent...or if they saw this, didn't think it was even worth mentioning? The president's number 1 show limo? S.A. agent Bill Greer himself testified to the Warren Commission he was in and around the car extensively. He stated he had to help dress the car in either snapping on or taking off the limo's fabric and bubble top. He did so in the days right up to the Dallas visit. When asked if he ever saw the indentation he stated he never did, until the day after 11,22,1963. I think I saw a picture of the dent "once." Not sure of the source. My recollection was that if I had a dent like that on the inside of "my" personal car right in front of me every time I drove, I would have seen and noticed it hundreds of times, and felt it was an ugly, unsightly and distracting flaw. And if I really personally cared about my car and could afford it, I would have had it repaired. I just can't see federal employees responsible for JFK's most showy public parade car dismissing a dent that obvious if their job was to keep the car in immaculate tip top shape.
  17. There's been no shortage of talk this election about Hillary Clinton's ties to Wall Street or the fact her campaign has received $21.4 million from the financial services sector. So it was surprising when, on Wednesday, Clinton seemed like she'd been caught off guard when asked during a CNN Democratic town hall why she had accepted $675,000 in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs. Here's the exchange between Clinton and the host, Anderson Cooper: There are a few problems with Clinton's explanation. For one, the year in question is 2013. Yes, Clinton had stepped down from her government position as secretary of state. But she said at the time she was already openly considering running for the White House. And even if she hadn't been, it's hard to imagine neither she nor the banks expected her to again be in a position of power. "Politicians often leverage their political talent and celebrity for personal financial gain, and paid speeches are common after they leave office," said Josh Stewart, deputy communications director for the Sunlight Foundation. "What is unique is a potential presidential candidate choosing to accept top dollar from one of the nation's largest investment banks." Then there's the question of how much she was paid. In the above exchange, Clinton suggests that she didn't have a role in ensuring that she received a certain amount from Goldman. But as Gawker's Ashley Feinberg points out, Clinton's minimum speaking fee was $200,000. In some ways, Cooper's question actually undersells the amount of money Clinton received. Including the $675,000 from Goldman, Clinton pulled in $2.3 million from speaking to a handful of firms in 2013, including Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Fidelity Investments, and Bank of America, according to the Intercept. Why do those firms give so much money to potentially powerful figures? By saying that she doesn't know why Goldman Sachs paid her $675,000, Clinton is exposing herself to one attack line while shielding herself from another. Her enemies have long alleged that she's coy about revealing her true motivations. Saying she has no idea why she received this money plays into this critique, and contributed to the round of negative headlines that followed her remarks Wednesday night. This influence is sometimes hard to pin down. It doesn't entail a strict quid pro quo, but rather makes it more likely that Clinton will turn to someone from Goldman for advice when formulating policy related to investment banking, and more likely that Goldman will be able to reach out to her, according to campaign finance experts. In the long term, Biersack said, that could pay big dividends for the investment bank.
  18. You remember that ole Sonny And Cher song? And The Grift Goes On ... And The Grift Goes On Greed keeps pounding an urging to the brain la de da de da...la de da de da Kushner OK'd Trump campaign shell company that secretly ... www.businessinsider.com › Politics › BI Prime 1 day ago — EXCLUSIVE: Jared Kushner helped create a Trump campaign shell company that secretly paid the president's family members and spent $617 ...
  19. Big Oil, Big Brass, Big Money, Big Greed, Big Ego, Big Control Obssession, Big Racial Hatred. Big Corruption Of The Soul.
  20. Here we go. The Bloomberg factor. Biden quietly adds Goldman Sachs veterans to ... - Salon.com www.salon.com › 2020/12/18 › biden-quietly-adds-gol... 20 hours ago — President-elect Joe Biden's transition team in recent weeks has quietly brought aboard alumni of Wall Street titan Goldman Sachs, tech giants ... Missing: appoints ‎| Must include: appoints
  21. Wow...interesting photo. 13 men ( most big men ) in or on one car! Never got close to that many in our teenage car packing days. And for just being a former press secretary ole Pierre Salinger sure got around. Vince, a question for you? Below is an excerpt of SS limo driver Bill Greer's Warren Commission testimony. It regards his recollection of the fairly deep indentation in the solid steel windshield frame of the Dallas motorcade presidential limo. He says he never saw this before 11,22,1963 and only noticed it the day after. And he says he would have noticed it as he was one of the persons assigned to dress and undress the limo's cloth coverings with clippings around the top and installing or removing the bubble top. He says he would also inspect the limo. Mr. SPECTER. Now calling your attention to a small arrow--Mr. GREER. Arrow.Mr. SPECTER. Which points up on what appears to be an indentation, I ask you if you--when was the first time, if at all, that you observed that indentation? Mr. GREER. I didn't observe that-- Mr. SPECTER. On the car? Mr. GREER. Until after I got back to Washington, until the car came back to Washington, I saw it at the White House garage. It was the first time I had ever noticed that. Mr. SPECTER. On what date did you observe that indentation on the car?Mr. GREER. That was the day after, the 23, would be it. It would be the day after the shooting. We got back from Dallas. Mr. SPECTER. And what time of the day did you observe the car at the White House garage on that date?Mr. GREER. It was in the afternoon, I believe. I believe it was in the afternoon, I believe.Mr. SPECTER. Did anyone call that indentation to your attention at that time? Mr. GREER. Yes; I was asked if I knew about it. Mr. SPECTER. Who was it who asked you? Mr. GREER. I can't remember now who did say that, but I was shown that indentation at the same time I was the break in the glass. I was shown both and asked if I had known but I can't remember who might have asked me. Mr. SPECTER. Had you ever observed that indentation before the assassination occurred? Mr. GREER. No, sir. I had never noticed it before at any time. I had never seen it before. Mr. SPECTER. Had you ever had any occasion to examine closely that metallic area to ascertain whether or not there was such an indentation prior to the assassination? Mr. GREER. Well, it seems to me I would have prior to that had it been there because I do take care of the car sometimes, and it had never been--I had never noticed it at any previous time. Mr. SPECTER. I hand you Commission Exhibit 350 and ask you if you are able to state what that depicts? Vince, since the indentation was in heavy "solid steel" ( perhaps to a depth of half an inch or more ) it would have taken at least a strong blow from a ball pin hammer to have made this or a solid bullet imo. No piece of skull could have penetrated so deeply or evenly in a circle form. Do you recall any other testimony from SS agents about the indentation in windshield frame that adds or detracts from Greer's? I have always considered that indentation a much more important fact of evidence in that the testimony of someone as close to the limo and this specific part of it as Greer was before and during the shooting that the indentation wasn't there before the shooting very strongly suggest another bullet entering the limo besides the two causing injuries to have created this. And if the bullet entering JFK's skull fragmentized, it couldn't have caused the finger tip wide and evenly round indentation in the solid steel windshield frame. If you have no more info on any other SS testimony of the time line provenance of the indentation that's fine. Always enjoy your SS research findings. And I still think Clint Hill was in love with Jackie Kennedy.
  22. Pat. I am sure you have read much more than me regards the autopsy and activities of those in the observation area. Even though I would like to know what sources you cite in stating how long Greer, Hill and Kellerman were in the autopsy room and why they were there? I am going to read their Warren Commission testimonies to see if this is where the information on their autopsy room visits comes from. If it is and they were not there long but for a very brief view for their own sad motivation curiosity then I could understand more why they were allowed in? I do think that just anyone ( students, other doctors and staff and certainly no press ) could not drop in even to get a quick morbid curiosity look at JFK's body and the procedure. In this case there had to have been screeners. Could you share where you read about the three SS agents and the specific information explaining their brief presence in the JFK autopsy scene? Joseph McBride's autopsy "brain removal" fainting story is hilarious. I too would have felt weak seeing something like that for the first time. As I mentioned, I am sure that most in the autopsy observation audience surely must have had many bad recollection dreams about seeing JFK's dead open eyes and naked pale body cut open in front of them. Just like all those in the Parkland ER room with JFK who seemed emotionally effected in recollecting their feelings even decades later. Talk about a traumatic experience. Below is an excerpt from SS driver Bill Greer's Warren Commission testimony: Mr. GREER. I returned on Air Force 1 with the President's remains.Mr. SPECTER. And at approximately what time did you leave Dallas to fly back?Mr. GREER. I would have to look in my reports to say exactly. I would have to go back on the times. Two something but I don't remember.Mr. SPECTER. Do you have any idea of the time you arrived in the Washington area?Mr. GREER. I believe it was 6 or 6:15. As I say I have it in my reports but I haven't looked at the times recently.Mr. SPECTER. Where did you arrive in the Washington area?Mr. GREER. At Andrews Air Force Base.Mr. SPECTER. What did you do next in connection with this matter?Mr. GREER. I helped to get the casket out of the plane, and put it into a Navy ambulance and then I drove that Navy ambulance to Bethesda Naval Center. Mr. SPECTER. What did you do upon arriving at the Bethesda Naval Center? Mr. GREER. I stayed in, while the autopsy was being performed, I stayed in the autopsy room with Mr. Kellerman and the doctors and the people who were in there. I stayed in there and observed what was necessary that I could do. Mr. SPECTER. Were any Secret Service Agents present besides you and Mr. Kellerman?Mr. GREER. No, sir.Mr. SPECTER. At the autopsy?Mr. GREER. There may have been, Mr. Hill may have come in and out but he didn't stay there. Mr. Kellerman and I stayed permanently the whole time there. There may have been, Mr. Hill may have come in there and have gone back out but he didn't stay in there.
  23. Over 50,000 positive covid test results in California ... in one day!
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