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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Every poll wrong. Almost every one by many % points. Only Rasmussen came the closest. These poll companies charge payment for their services. A guess is that this charge is not peanuts. This looks like a massive scam. Pay them millions of dollars and almost all get their polling numbers so wrong it's perverse.
  2. Your right CD. These election workers are being subjected to actual abuse. The abuse of feeling fear. It is a real thing. Like abused domestic violence victims who are held in fear by some abusive bully.
  3. Wow. Huge Democratic majority vote in those early mail in ballots. By the way, Biden's popular vote lead is currently at 3.55 million. And this is not even counting the 4 million California votes left to count which are running 2 to 1 in Biden's favor. This still uncounted 2/3rds Biden favoring California vote block alone will add another 1.3 million votes to Biden's popular vote lead. Washington State and Oregon will also add another 200,000 as well. Most all other states have most of their votes counted so Trump won't gain much at all by them. Biden's total popular vote win margin may very well come close to 5,000,000. And that is with 5,000,000 more Trump votes than in 2016!
  4. The election counting center protests are by Trump supporters only. And, they are organized ala a Roger Stone MO. These protesters are given the same signs and flags we see at Trump rallies which are printed up and distributed by Trump's campaign people. Many have signs that charge the Democrats with stealing the election. It really is an angry shouting mob. Someone obviously contacts these people to let them know where to congregate and how to act. No one is telling these protest groups to be calm, peaceful, respectfully quiet. They are given highly inciting message signs. Some look like they may have even been bussed in. Armed police have to guard the entrance doors and protect and even escort ballot counting workers to their cars! Can you believe that? These are just pure fear and intimidation rallies. It's really fascist appearing. Exactly like Roger Stone bussing in paid fake protesters in Dade County Florida in 2000 ( called the Brooks Brothers event because they were wearing suits ) to act out extremely aggressively, breaking through the entrance doors, banging on windows, scaring the heck out of election workers. In Detroit, they are also acting aggressively, crowding up to the windows, shouting loudly, intimidating the count workers inside. Police have to block the entrance. Anyone know of any Democratic voter protests going on at any vote counting centers anywhere? These Trump people are just that aggressive and threatening. Their highly provocotive, loud honking and bus encircling highway caravans have caused much fear and congestion. And their cult leader Trump not only refuses to tell them to stand down, he even encourages and emboldens them and their aggressive threatening public behavior by calling them patriots! Like I mentioned in an earlier post. There is no displaying of Biden/Harris signs in people's yards or bumper stickers on their cars like you would find in all our past presidential elections. Maybe one sign every mile or so? I've never seen this before and I have been through 16 presidential elections. The reason I hear most often about the almost complete absense of presidential political signs is fear. People fear others shooting at their signs and homes or cars. Says alot about inflamed Trump times in this country imo.
  5. MIchigan just called for Biden by Associated Press. With Michigan's 16 electoral votes that puts Biden at 264. If Nevada keeps it's Biden majority vote count...Biden will garner their 6 electoral votes and win the Presidency with a count of 270. Trump, his people and backers are in absolutely frantic mode right now. As they should be. Once Trump is out of office Bill Barr can't protect him anymore from all the lawsuits and criminal charges. And Douche Bank said they will forclose on his $400 million dollar dept and begin seizing his assests if he stalls or reneges on paying. Trump's kids will have to go back to their family business jobs. All of Trump's staff will be scrambling too. And with the taint of enabling the worst president in our history. Rudy Guiliani might have to go incognito as "Judy" again to avoid the negative Trump association spotlight. "President Biden." Sounds pretty good to me.
  6. I may be just losing my mind here but ... We just saw MSNBC declare Michigan for Biden. And this supposedly increased Biden's electoral vote total to 263 according to them and the Associated Press. On the AP "Election Results" website they also show Biden with 248 electoral votes. Not yet counting Michigan's 16 new ones. When they do add Michigan, their total would be one more than CNN's total count. Which is it? Is it true that Biden only gets 3 of the 4 electoral votes coming from Maine? If so, this could explain them showing Biden with one less electoral vote than AP. With 263 electoral votes, even if Biden wins Nevada's 6 electoral votes, he still can't hit 270 electoral votes and his total would be one short at 269? I have double checked the total of electoral votes Trump would win if Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Alaska all go for him. But not Nevada. With Maine's one electoral vote added to these four states this would add 45 electoral votes to Trump. His electoral vote total would also be 269. My ulcers are already killing me the last 24 hours, and this possible new craziness with a tie in the electoral college has me about ready to drive down to our shoreline and throw myself into the water. Can anyone clear up this possible electoral math conundrum? UPDATE: Just read where Biden will be getting one of Nebraska's electoral college votes! If true and Biden wins Michigan and Nevada...he wins the electoral vote with 270!
  7. Biden's popular vote winning margin is currently right at 3 million. More than Hillary's 2.9 million in 2016. California still has 1/3rd of it's vote to count. With just 66% of California's votes counted Biden leads 7,740,000 to Trump's 3,920,000. That's a 33% victory margin. With almost 4 million more California ballots to be counted, this percentage difference should equate into another 2.5 million votes in Biden's popular vote total.
  8. The Presidential election has 10X the import versus the Democratic primaries. Bloomberg spending 10X less on the Presidential election than he did on the primary election defies logic. 850 million more in the Presidential election gets the Denmocrats quite likely North Carolina and maybe Wisconsin and the Maine senate seat. And Bloomberg's 100 million in Florida wasn't even enough to swing that state. Can you name one state that was swung or one senate seat that was won because of Bloomberg's comparatively meager ( Presidential election versus the Democratic primaries ) financial commitment?
  9. Maybe if Michael Bloomberg had committed as much money to Biden's campaign run as he did his own brief Democratic Primary one ( 115 million versus almost 1 BILLION ) they might have swung two or more states and especially the senatorial race in Maine. I still can't believe half this country supporting a guy like Trump. I thought the unprecedented public condemnation of Trump by so many top tiered military, intelligence, state department and justice department officials, former Attorney Generals, psychiatric and other medical professional experts would somehow break the cult of Trump worship with just enough effect to sway the election. But I was wrong. Clearly, nothing...NOTHING can break Trump idolizer's devotion to him as their heroic and spiritual leader I guess.
  10. 9 out of 10 national polls had Sara Gideon beating Susan Collins by 2 to 6% points in the Maine senatorial race for months and right up to today. Collins is now 10% ahead of Gideon? Sorry, but I can't accept 9 out of 10 legitimate polling companies being that wrong...without great suspicion. In fact, these same polling companies got "all" the key swing states wrong as well? What are the odds of this huge majority of polling companies being this wrong? I feel in my gut, something just doesn't add up here. UPDATE: Incredibly, today it looks like the election has taken a turn in favor of the Democrats. I am really shocked. Still, I stand by my feelings of suspicion regards the race even being this close.
  11. God Help This Country. At this point with Trump ahead, America looks as insane as Trump.
  12. Federal judge orders USPS to have postal inspectors sweep processing facilities
  13. Why are there never any suffering wait times polling place lines in Republican majority districts? And after 20 to 30 years of this problem in poor and democrat majority districts, how in the world is this never ending problem never fixed?
  14. Will American citizens who voted for Biden passively accept "another" popular vote negating electoral process ( 3 in the last 6 elections ) and selection of Trump over Biden even though Biden and the Democrats once again have won the Presidential election popular vote? After 3 popular vote wins but electoral losses in the last 20 years, will they finally go to the streets and demand this singular popular vote negating scam be reversed and permanently done away with? If Biden wins the popular vote election but Trump is handed the office, that would once again tell these 70 million + voters for Biden that their votes are meaningless. As they were in 2,000 and 2016. How much vote disenfranchisement can American voters take? Most already lost a lot of trust with our leaders and voting system ( and our Supreme Court in 2,000 ) after those two other denied popular vote win elections. If Biden and the Democrats win the popular vote and are electoral college denied office "again" ... what should Americans do? Just shrug and say ... C"est La Vie? And simply accept the thought and belief that our democratic citizen voting process is a joke?
  15. Trump Supporters Surround Biden Bus | The View 220K views17 hours ago The View "The View” co-hosts react to President Trump's suggestion that the FBI stop investigating the incident. Millions of American women daily watch the national TV women talk shows like "THE VIEW", "THE TALK", etc. This recent episode of THE VIEW depicts their unanimous Trump dislike and mistrust feelings which are now at their most heightened level. A reflection of 10's of millions of American women. A huge majority percentage of American women despise Trump. How much and why? Imo it is because they have for too long heard him publicly disparage, demean and personally insult women constantly for years now in the crudest and most humiliating of terms: Fat, ugly, dog, horse face, nasty, crazy, not my type, XXXXX, "she had blood coming out of her...whatever" ( Megyn Kelley) and on and on including his signature legacy proclamation..."grab em by the pu$$y." They know about Trump's hush money payoffs to trysts partners Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and then publicly lying about this and them to this day. They know about the sexual predator expose book on Trump " All The President's Women. Donald Trump And The Making Of A Predator" in which almost two dozen women were willing to have their actual names made public in sharing their unwanted sexual behavior stories of Trump. They know about the long time New York City journalist and advice columnist E.Jean Carroll and her department store changing room rape charge against Trump. They know about Trump's niece Mary Trump's expose book "Too Much And Never Enough - How My family Created The World's Most Dangerous Man." In which she recount's a humiliating scene of Uncle Donnie saying to her "Holy xxxx Mary. You're Stacked" about her breast size right in front of his then wife Marla Maples at a meeting at Mar-a-lago. They know about Trump's perverse public comments of sympathy towards serial child sex predator Jeffrey Epstein procurer Ghislaine Maxwell after she was arrested. They know about Trump's ogling of young Miss Universe contestants while inappropriately walking into and through their dressing areas. If Trump loses this election, the huge majority women anti-Trump vote is the main reason. And we all know this reality...and why.
  16. Reading many vote win scenario's daily for the last few weeks, it looks to me like Biden could lose 4 of the states Jim mentions and still win. Biden will win Virginia. The polls show him beyond the 3.5% margin of error there. North Carolina is the key. If Biden can win there he could lose Florida, Georgia,Texas and South Carolina and still win the electoral ... but this is contingent on Biden winning Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The popular vote is locked for Biden. In 3 out of 5 of our most populated states Biden is "crushing" Trump by over 30% points. Just over 100 million Americans ( one third of our entire population ) live in these following Trump crushing states: California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Washington. If Trump is leading in these other states with another 100 million Americans, it is by very close margins: Texas, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. Do the simple popular vote math. Biden crushes Trump with one third the population. It is a toss up with the 2nd third. The last third of our population is also a toss up. 30% population = 30% vote count margin Biden win. 32% population = Biden / Trump toss up. 35% population = Biden / Trump toss up. 3% other candidates or no vote. 30%+ Biden favoring Calif, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusettes, Washington over the toss up rest of the country give Biden a 7 to 10 million vote victory margin.
  17. I saw a right side view video taken by someone driving the same direction as the Biden Campaign bus. The speed appeared to be at least 50 mph. What was really scary looking from this side view was seeing how close one of the Trump vigilante trucks were on the right side of the bus. Just a couple to a few feet. The driver of that truck was obviously purposely steering and keeping this dangerously close position. It made me nervous just seeing this scary and dangerous move. Clearly, some moving car endangerment law must be on the books down there in Texas and this Bus encirclement scene was a clear violation of this law. Like I said, if these Trump MAD MAX intimidation marauders caused a crash of that bus resulting in injury and death, this could have been a trigger for angry and maybe even violent reactions nationwide. The beligerent and taunting risks Trump's bully people take are unbelievable. And Trump's defense of these endangering vigilantes is a huge and sickening risk as well.
  18. Michigan will go Biden. Not sure about Florida. Still don't trust that state since 2,000. I think Texas will go Trump, Arizona too and Nevada and Ohio. Pennsylvania and North Carolina are the key for Biden electoral win. Popular vote? Agree with C. Varnell. If not 10,000,000 Biden victory margin at least 7 to 8,000,000.
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