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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. 9 out of 10 national polls had Sara Gideon beating Susan Collins by 2 to 6% points in the Maine senatorial race for months and right up to today. Collins is now 10% ahead of Gideon? Sorry, but I can't accept 9 out of 10 legitimate polling companies being that wrong...without great suspicion. In fact, these same polling companies got "all" the key swing states wrong as well? What are the odds of this huge majority of polling companies being this wrong? I feel in my gut, something just doesn't add up here. UPDATE: Incredibly, today it looks like the election has taken a turn in favor of the Democrats. I am really shocked. Still, I stand by my feelings of suspicion regards the race even being this close.
  2. God Help This Country. At this point with Trump ahead, America looks as insane as Trump.
  3. Federal judge orders USPS to have postal inspectors sweep processing facilities
  4. Why are there never any suffering wait times polling place lines in Republican majority districts? And after 20 to 30 years of this problem in poor and democrat majority districts, how in the world is this never ending problem never fixed?
  5. Will American citizens who voted for Biden passively accept "another" popular vote negating electoral process ( 3 in the last 6 elections ) and selection of Trump over Biden even though Biden and the Democrats once again have won the Presidential election popular vote? After 3 popular vote wins but electoral losses in the last 20 years, will they finally go to the streets and demand this singular popular vote negating scam be reversed and permanently done away with? If Biden wins the popular vote election but Trump is handed the office, that would once again tell these 70 million + voters for Biden that their votes are meaningless. As they were in 2,000 and 2016. How much vote disenfranchisement can American voters take? Most already lost a lot of trust with our leaders and voting system ( and our Supreme Court in 2,000 ) after those two other denied popular vote win elections. If Biden and the Democrats win the popular vote and are electoral college denied office "again" ... what should Americans do? Just shrug and say ... C"est La Vie? And simply accept the thought and belief that our democratic citizen voting process is a joke?
  6. Trump Supporters Surround Biden Bus | The View 220K views17 hours ago The View "The View” co-hosts react to President Trump's suggestion that the FBI stop investigating the incident. Millions of American women daily watch the national TV women talk shows like "THE VIEW", "THE TALK", etc. This recent episode of THE VIEW depicts their unanimous Trump dislike and mistrust feelings which are now at their most heightened level. A reflection of 10's of millions of American women. A huge majority percentage of American women despise Trump. How much and why? Imo it is because they have for too long heard him publicly disparage, demean and personally insult women constantly for years now in the crudest and most humiliating of terms: Fat, ugly, dog, horse face, nasty, crazy, not my type, XXXXX, "she had blood coming out of her...whatever" ( Megyn Kelley) and on and on including his signature legacy proclamation..."grab em by the pu$$y." They know about Trump's hush money payoffs to trysts partners Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and then publicly lying about this and them to this day. They know about the sexual predator expose book on Trump " All The President's Women. Donald Trump And The Making Of A Predator" in which almost two dozen women were willing to have their actual names made public in sharing their unwanted sexual behavior stories of Trump. They know about the long time New York City journalist and advice columnist E.Jean Carroll and her department store changing room rape charge against Trump. They know about Trump's niece Mary Trump's expose book "Too Much And Never Enough - How My family Created The World's Most Dangerous Man." In which she recount's a humiliating scene of Uncle Donnie saying to her "Holy xxxx Mary. You're Stacked" about her breast size right in front of his then wife Marla Maples at a meeting at Mar-a-lago. They know about Trump's perverse public comments of sympathy towards serial child sex predator Jeffrey Epstein procurer Ghislaine Maxwell after she was arrested. They know about Trump's ogling of young Miss Universe contestants while inappropriately walking into and through their dressing areas. If Trump loses this election, the huge majority women anti-Trump vote is the main reason. And we all know this reality...and why.
  7. Reading many vote win scenario's daily for the last few weeks, it looks to me like Biden could lose 4 of the states Jim mentions and still win. Biden will win Virginia. The polls show him beyond the 3.5% margin of error there. North Carolina is the key. If Biden can win there he could lose Florida, Georgia,Texas and South Carolina and still win the electoral ... but this is contingent on Biden winning Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The popular vote is locked for Biden. In 3 out of 5 of our most populated states Biden is "crushing" Trump by over 30% points. Just over 100 million Americans ( one third of our entire population ) live in these following Trump crushing states: California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Washington. If Trump is leading in these other states with another 100 million Americans, it is by very close margins: Texas, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. Do the simple popular vote math. Biden crushes Trump with one third the population. It is a toss up with the 2nd third. The last third of our population is also a toss up. 30% population = 30% vote count margin Biden win. 32% population = Biden / Trump toss up. 35% population = Biden / Trump toss up. 3% other candidates or no vote. 30%+ Biden favoring Calif, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusettes, Washington over the toss up rest of the country give Biden a 7 to 10 million vote victory margin.
  8. I saw a right side view video taken by someone driving the same direction as the Biden Campaign bus. The speed appeared to be at least 50 mph. What was really scary looking from this side view was seeing how close one of the Trump vigilante trucks were on the right side of the bus. Just a couple to a few feet. The driver of that truck was obviously purposely steering and keeping this dangerously close position. It made me nervous just seeing this scary and dangerous move. Clearly, some moving car endangerment law must be on the books down there in Texas and this Bus encirclement scene was a clear violation of this law. Like I said, if these Trump MAD MAX intimidation marauders caused a crash of that bus resulting in injury and death, this could have been a trigger for angry and maybe even violent reactions nationwide. The beligerent and taunting risks Trump's bully people take are unbelievable. And Trump's defense of these endangering vigilantes is a huge and sickening risk as well.
  9. Michigan will go Biden. Not sure about Florida. Still don't trust that state since 2,000. I think Texas will go Trump, Arizona too and Nevada and Ohio. Pennsylvania and North Carolina are the key for Biden electoral win. Popular vote? Agree with C. Varnell. If not 10,000,000 Biden victory margin at least 7 to 8,000,000.
  10. STEVE ... THAT IS ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! The incongruity is crazily surreal! Like someone playing music while the Titanic is sinking! Nice pleasant music in the direct midst of rioters running to and fro with gun shots, rock throwing and flashing light police cars and ambulances all racing about! Like the world's gone merrily mad! I just have to forward this hilarity to my friends.
  11. Surprised Trump's motorcycle gang boys haven't been participating in the Trump Train highway caravans. Trump has said many times this group of patriotic Americans is behind him 100%. Maybe because their lion roaring big bike and threatening outlaw appearance often looks exactly like the scary motorcycle mauraders in the Mel Gibson film "MAD MAX" some one told them to "stand down and stand by " ... for now anyway.
  12. Really wierd that this unprecedented and laughably absurd Trump incompetency campaign stuff isn't being discussed or reported more in the national media. Money missing all over the place which is a Trump signature. They still can't account for those missing millions in the 2017 Trump inauguration fund. Just look at Trump's former top campaign advisors and where they all ended up. Manafort in jail for corruption involving millions of dollars. Steve Bannon charged with siphoning millions from his Trump Wall charity fund? Brad Parsacle, missing funds and he's arrested while drunk and threatening to harm himself and tossed into a looney bin? All immersed in corruption scandals. How about Roger Stone? Rudy Giuliani? It truly is a crazy comedy reality show. Trump's talent for picking the best? Ha!
  13. Trump Supporters Spend Weekend Clogging Blue State ... money.yahoo.com › trump-supporters-spend-weekend-... 18 hours ago — Trump Train from Seaford to Montauk, Long Island NY ... Trump Supporters Spend Weekend Clogging Blue State Highways ... going to try to steal it back after the election,” Jason Miller, a Trump adviser, told ABC's This Week. Police respond to multiple incidents during "Trump Train" - CNN www.cnn.com › 2020/11/02 › richmond-trump-train 4 hours ago — Richmond Police Department officials responded to multiple incidents Sunday afternoon during a "Trump Train" mobile vehicle rally, according ... Missing: virginia ‎| Must include: virginia Donald Trump praises supporters who surrounded Joe ... - ABC www.abc.net.au › news › trump-praises-supporters-who... 13 hours ago — United States President Donald Trump expresses his admiration for supporters ... were in the "Trump train" with some yelling profanities and obscenities. ... that Trump supporters "tried to run [the campaign bus] off the road". Missing: clogging ‎| Must include: clogging Road warriors called "Patriots" !!! I personally witnessed a big pickup truck Trump caravan purposely slowing traffic and constantly and loudly blaring their horns through a major intersection of my home town yesterday. The effect of this scary loud aggressive action on other drivers and people on the street was one of fear and even confrontation. It was a purposeful and powerful act of intimidation and instigation. Getting a political demonstration permit and gathering in a safe and open place in a city with hand held signs and maybe even a lot of yelling is one way of legally protesting or promoting your candidate and party. A traditional and safe type of demonstrating we are all used to and somewhat comfortable with. But to take your demonstration on the moving vehicle roadway with traffic slowing, eye distracting sign and flag adorned and loud horn blaring pick up trucks is a new level of political demonstrating. Clearly a more aggressive and road safety threatening one. We have never seen anything like the more aggressive and confrontational political actions of Trump supporters this election. You can't deny this reality. Encouraging Trump supporters to go to polling places to "watch" for Democratic voters cheating? Tens of thousands of Trump supporters all across the country participating in dangerous highway clogging and slowing "Trump Trains." Clogging traffic and potentially effecting emergency vehicle access and response time. "Mad Max" road warrior types intimidating and endangering Biden supporters ( the Biden Bus encircling incident in Texas ) on our roads and highways? People all across the country afraid to post Biden campaign signs or use Biden bumper stickers for fear of drawing fire? I can hardly find Biden signs in our city or neighboring ones. Never seen this almost complete absense of presidential candidate election signs and bumper stickers before. Never seen such stark public fear like this in our presidential election history. City businesses boarding up their windows in anticipation of post election violence? Quit pretending Trump times aren't the most anger feeding and violence fearing in our election history.
  14. What's a little humor here compared to Trump's tweeting to 100 million Americans "I LOVE TEXAS" in response to one of his encouraged highway vigilante teams terrifying the driver and passengers in the Biden Campaign bus in Texas? Watching the video of Trump's boys encircling Biden's campaign bus so dangerously close while they are all moving on the highway reminded me of the scary highway vigilante Mel Gibson film "Mad Max!" This thread actually needs a little humor to balance out it's heaviness. And what figure in America has a more central and influential role in this plague year than Trump?
  15. I was humorously inspired by David Andrew's post above mine doing exactly the same thing.
  16. Just watched the Texas Biden Bus bullying video again. Knowingly and purposely using one's moving vehicle to endanger, threaten or harm others is a crime so obvious in every state in the Union. Look at the video! I would have had a panic attack if I was the driver and or a passenger. Try this to a police or first responder vehicle and see what happens. Any Highway Patrol would stop and arrest you. And you will do time. And for a President of the United States to encourage this vigilante intimidation lawlessness with comments like "I LOVE TEXAS" to the entire nation, should be considered so outrageous, it should cost him the election. These are highly aggressive and beligerent acts of endangering done by roving bands of taunting and intimidating vigilantes. These individual acts of tolerated aggression are risking blowing things even more wide open. What if the Biden Bus had crashed and some Democratic party officials on board were killed? And all this President can say regards this violence heightening risk KKK type threatening bullying action is ... " I LOVE TEXAS?" What a scary outrage.
  17. Even here in our relatively small coastal town of Monterey, CA we have our TRUMP flag and banner caravans! I was walking into a gas station store 4 hours ago when I heard constant loud horn honking and shouts of people back and forth. I looked up and sure enough it was a Trump caravan...honking and slowing traffic at the nearest intersection. I am being truthful...most of the 12 or so Trump banner and American flag adorned vehicles involved were pickup trucks. The jacked up high ones with big wheels. Some with ladder racks. They looked like the kind of trucks you would see hunters and construction workers use. A squat big bellied, straggly haired woman next to me started waving her arms frantically and shouting encouragement to the caravan. Just to be sure I asked her...was that a Trump deal? She got real beligerent and growled back at me ..."Yeah it was...you gotta problem with that?" Later I heard on KCBS radio station in San Francisco that hundreds of business owners in downtown San Francisco were closing down and boarding up their windows in anticipation of violence after the election. The city police force is going to beef up with hundreds more personnel as well. Same thing in San Jose. A political election historian was interviewed during this news report and said we ( the United States) have never experienced such heightened anger and violence anticipation during a presidential election. He cited Trump's encouragement of his base to go to polling places to watch out for irregularities as an act of intimidation. He mentioned Trump's Twitter response to the Texas Biden Campaign bus intimidation. Trump's calming, condemning words? "I LOVE TEXAS."!!! Clearly this fear and violence atmosphere is being fed by Trump according to this contributing news guest. Clips of average people expressing their feelings about this violence threat included one young lady saying almost desperately..."this is crazy!" I can't believe someone as blatantly vigilante encouraging as Trump could be elected again. If he is, that young lady's assessment of what is going on in our country ( "this is crazy!" ) is seriously and tragically true.
  18. You can't avoid varying degrees of personal opinion in debating facts or credibility questions and taking any kind of personal belief stand ... imo. Sharing conclusory and at times even speculative discussion is what drives this forum as much as copied and pasted dry paper documents, testimony ( including so-called expert scientific analysis testimony ), photos and other hard physical evidence. I have mentioned before the need for a thorough "scientific " comparative analysis study of the suspected Lansdale/ Three Tramp/Dealey Plaza photo by top experts in the field. Which has never been done to my knowledge. And probably never will because of the expense. I would imagine that the science of personal identification through comparative photo analysis is quite advanced now. And I think the photos of the tall fedora wearing motorcade sidewalk bystander ( who many feel could be Rip Robertson ) should be analysed in this way as well. Ahh, if only I was financially well off. I would personally pay for these top expert personal identity studies. Lastly, did I read that Lansdale had some covert action dealings with William Harvey? Imo, anyone who dealt with JFK and RFK hating / Johnny Roselli respecting William Harvey in any way and who gave him their loyalty and respect even after JFK's death, should be suspect.
  19. The world’s near-richest man, Warren Buffet, has netted tens of billions from over 50 years of betting on stock-market rises, but unlike Trump Warren Buffet can speak the truth: “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” American Freedom = Enriching the Rich In the first campaign of “making America Great Again”, the 40-year-old slogan Trump has brought back from the dead, Reagan defined US freedom as “the freedom to get rich”. What is not said is that this freedom “from government on our backs” has transferred $50 trillion from the bottom 90%of the population to the top 1%. In the words of Time, the US chose every step. “We chose to cut taxes on billionaires and to deregulate the financial industry. We chose to allow CEOs to manipulate share prices through stock buybacks, and to lavishly reward themselves with the proceeds. We chose to permit giant corporations, through mergers and acquisitions, to accumulate the vast monopoly power necessary to dictate both prices charged and wages paid. We chose to erode the minimum wage and the overtime threshold and the bargaining power of labor. For four decades, we chose to elect political leaders who put the material interests of the rich and powerful above those of the American people. – – – If wealth distribution since 1975 had continued in the same manner as between 1945 and 1975, today’s $35,000 salary would be over $60,000. It’s little wonder that so many Americans are lashing out at the broken system”. The Trickle Down Myth “Trickle-down” never worked, but the delusion still reigns. So does the big lie Trump tells yet again with his $1.2 trillion of public money hemorrhaged out in 2017 tax cuts. Here too there were assurances that money would be freed up for waiting corporate investment in jobs and R&D. But in the very following year “S&P 500 companies set a new record for buying their own stock to artificially boost stock prices for management and investors — a practice that was illegal until the Reagan years. – – – They have depleted so much of their funds that they have turned to the pandemic-inspired CARES Act for relief to ‘distressed industries. – – [Meanwhile] ‘essential’ workers are experiencing high child mortality rates, declining life expectancies and premature deaths from preventable illnesses.” This is an epitome of the unspoken agenda of destroying public power to govern in the common life interest while enriching the already rich instead. Yet in perhaps the greatest irony of US history, the very dispossessed and under-educated white workers who have been most broken by this greatest-ever seizure of American wealth have jumped onto the bandwagon of a demagogue New York developer now presiding over a de-regulated social and ecological chaos. tps://www.counterpunch.org/2020/10/30/the-unseen-agenda-behind-trump-destroy-the-public-realm-to-free-the-rich/ Forget the link. Read the piece itself.
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