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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Found the police report of Guy Banister's death call and finding. According to this report, Guy Banister's dead body was not found nude. He was described as wearing "boxer type" undershorts. Interesting stuff. Still, not sure about Banister secretary Delphine Roberts. Sense she knew so much more about everything. And she was reported to have been Banister's mistress. Banister was estranged from his wife during this time. Who knows, maybe Banister died while having sex with Roberts in his apartment the night before she called one of Banister's associates to accompany her to Banister's place to check on him? Kind of a Megan Marshack thing? "B"
  2. In reference to my earlier post regarding Guy Banister and his missing files upon his death, I just read New Orleans District Attorney investigator Andrew Sciambra's notes of his interview with Banister's surviving wife Mary Banister Wilson. Mrs. Banister and her husband Guy Banister were separated at the time if his death. According to her statements, the disposing of her husband's files immediately following his death involved herself and others such as Banister's secretary Delphine Roberts. Mrs. Banister stated she gave and even sold files to Carlos Marcello attorney G. Wray Gill, the Louisiana State Police and others including the New Orleans Metropolitan Crime Commission. She also claimed to have even destroyed some files which she felt might hurt innocent people. She also stated that some files were taken by some agents who she identified as perhaps FBI or Secret Service men. So, Guy Banister's files were absconded by several different individuals and groups and at her discretion regards some of them according to her statements to Andrew Sciambra. One statement she made (and that even righteous truth super sleuth John McAdam's doesn't refute) was her claim of finding pamphlets in her husband's office that per her description matched those that Lee Harvey Oswald distributed on the streets of downtown New Orleans the Summer of 1963. McAdam's only refutation of Mary Banister's pamphlets claim is the discrepancy of her using the words "some pamphlets" versus Garrison's later quote of "stack of pamphlets."
  3. I think anyone old enough to remember the staged "Brooks Brothers"rumble with fake paid protesters bussed into Dade County, Florida in 2,000 to stop the vote/chad count senses strongly these "Stop The Lockdown" protests are more of the same. Phony and staged. It's embarrassing in it's obviousness. Trump's people can't see that the majority of Americans "know" these protests are staged? And well over 60% of Americans polled don't want to go back to work this quickly, because they know enough to know it isn't safe out there yet. So Trump's public pronouncement statement that "America wants to go back to work" only applies to 40% of our population. Just another exaggerated and untrue Trump claim. But Trump is going to try anything, even if staged, to bolster his re-election chances. He knows that with the economy closing down with a possible threat of eventually being in shambles, he will be blamed and rejected. He is ramming these fake protests down American's throats.
  4. Cory S. Yes, I also would prefer to deal with facts regarding Guy Banister's death by coronary thrombosis. The article you link is a good summary of the remarkable improvements in modern medicine regards knowledge and treatment of heart disease and trauma emergency in the last 56 years since Guy Banister's passing. A blood clot causing Guy Banister's heart to stop at the age of 63 isn't a suspicious thing in and of itself. Banister also drank alcohol ( how much I don't know) and might have been a smoker as well. Health habit's that often guarantee eventual cardio/vascular/pulmonary damage in most people. He was not obese however. Don't know if he had hypertension. I qualify my inclusion of Banister on the suspicious death list with many "if" questions regarding his personal health history, family health history, location, time and circumstances of dying, who discovered the body, cause of death certification, etc. I suppose at least one credible researcher has investigated Banister's death regards all these points. Would welcome a referral to their published findings. However, we do know now that even in the 1960's, nefarious artificial means could be used to mask or mimic certain death causes or initiate them. Suicide included. Marilyn Monroe's drug overdose in 1962 could easily have been covertly induced. Same with Dorothy Kilgallen's drug overdose death in 1965. Coroner cause, circumstances and time of death finding corruption is also easy to believe in our very corrupt world in 1964. LBJ/Billy Sol Estes corruption investigator Henry Marshall's June 3rd, 1961 death in Texas by 5 so-called self-inflicted rifle shot wounds, car exhaust carbon monoxide poisoning and head bashing against his truck being ruled a suicide by the coroner there might be considered a reasonably debatable example of such...no? Just another suspicious point of Banister's death ( from what I read ) was his nakedness upon death. Many would laugh at this suggestion. Banister may have been bedridden before his death and preferred to be totally naked in this position. Banister may have been hit at night and again, some people do sleep without any clothing such as underpants or PJ.s. Or he was hit while showering or taking a bath or having sex with his wife. In any of those cases nakedness upon death is nothing suspect. But if he wasn't in any of those situations and was not a nude sleeper, it could be. I would love to read any interview of Banister's surviving wife regards all these "if" question's regards her husband's actual health and medical history and his real time death circumstances or of anyone else who may have been close to Banister and informed of these as well. Certainly you must admit that Guy Banister is one of the most suspiciously intriguing and nefarious deep involvement characters in the entire New Orleans/Oswald/Ferry/Cuban aspect of the JFK affair. And throw in his involvement in the White Council world of EXTREME JFK haters including violent racists like Joseph Milteer. Banister reviled JFK for race and Commie reasons. He seemed as rabid in this hate obsession as any of the known racist crazy's and extreme far right groups of that time. I'll bet Banister was frothing at the mouth watching JFK's intervention in the Mississippi college integration riots affair in Oxford in 1962, and then RFK forcibly incarcerating General Edwin Walker in a mental institution soon after. Is there any single subject research book dealing with Guy Banister exclusively? Imagine what we would know if Banister's files were somehow saved and put into the public access arena. My guess is we would discover Oswald actually worked for Guy Banister.
  5. One important character suspicious death: Guy Banister died just 6 months after JFK. He was 63. A general search on the internet of his death scene and circumstances doesn't reveal much. I heard he died naked as did his acquaintance David Ferry 3 years later. Some questions I have regarding Bannister's death: His cause of death was listed as coronary thrombosis. Did Banister have medical records and a health history that indicated he was prone for this? Did his parents die at similar fairly young ages ( 63 is not too old ) and from a similar cause? Banister's wife was interviewed after his death. Did she go into any detail about his dying and his over-all pre-death health and the actual death scene and circumstances, etc?
  6. Yes. Just another intriguing Ruby claim we were told to discard as made up by those who controlled the official narrative. Curry and Fritz wouldn't even listen to Louisiana State police officer Frances Fruge's account of Rose Cherami and her claims of knowledge of not just Ruby, but drug running and corruption in Houston, which proved to be spot on.
  7. Laughable when DPD Chief Jesse Curry tells the media his department did an investigation survey and found only "25 to 50" of his men "even knew Jack Ruby." My God, if it was only 5 it would be cause for concern! But 50? And even Curry knew it was way more. Carousel Club stripper Kathy Coleman ( stage name Kathy Kay ) hooked up with former DPD officer Harry Olsen while working for Ruby. When interviewed after the assassination Olsen eventually named other DPD officers as frequent Carousel Club visiting pals of Ruby. Olsen stated Officer Gerald Hill ( we all know him ) was the closest to Ruby and most frequent Carousel Club drop in. Even getting 6 packs of beer as a freebie now and then! And as Jim mentioned another researcher's comment that Ruby probably knew that many DPD officers ( 25 ) just in the DPD building Oswald transfer security team on duty the morning of 11,24,1963 alone! In his interrogation interviews and later court testimony Ruby mentions several officers by their last names that he knew by familiar sight ( Vaughn, Pierce, etc.) regards his actions in the DPD basement that morning. And within just feet of Ruby ( and Oswald ) when he bolted out to blast Oswald were another three DPD officers that knew him well. Patrick Dean, Jim Leavelle and Big William "Blackie" Harrison who was a mere inches from Ruby for several seconds right up to Ruby's bolt and shooting. Hundreds of DPD officers knew of Ruby's strip joint ( he was right downtown for years!) and it's a joke how many felt they had to personally "drop in" to "check on things" while the gorgeous hot babes were disrobing and grinding just feet away. Even motorcycle traffic control cops! J.D. Tippett knew Ruby well. Newbie to the DPD force Roscoe White married a former Ruby employee ( first name Geneva. ) There is a well known photo of Ruby checking out scantily clad Geneva in person that apparently is credible. Even if she was only just a "rail" girl who may have been paid under the table. Perhaps same with Rose Cherami? Ruby didn't keep many payroll records to avoid stating true income for tax reasons. Other Carousel drop-ins through out Ruby's years read like a Who's Who of Dallas society. People think raunchy strip joints only attract raunchy low life lechers? Ha! Carousel employee Nancy Hamilton, when interviewed by Mark Lane in his documentary "Rush To Judgment", mentioned Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade himself as a Carousel Club drop-in. Wade feigned ignorance of Ruby in his DPD press conference the night of 11,24,1963. "I believe his name ( speaking of Jack Ruby) is a ... Jack Rubenstein?" Please...what a ridiculously obvious act of lying distancing. Ruby set men up with his girls. Seth Kantor states in his book on Ruby that pimping was just another aspect of Ruby's criminal activities life besides gambling, running guns, and bag man for who knows who. And throw in an occasional side gig of FBI informant. Oddly, quirky Ruby was also known as somewhat a sandwich Santa providing bag fulls of these fresh made deli delights to various police friends and others from time to time. Dallas in Ruby's heyday was a virtual vice playground with all levels of wealth, power and influence and even police dipping into it's sinful indulgence waters. Gambling, strip joints, girls, guns, booze...you name it. Dallas was a "Swinging" town as they say. Maybe Chief Curry didn't wet his whistle in this way ... but hundreds if not thousands of others sure did.
  8. John Butler. Your complete turn around in JFK assassination beliefs and sentiment from your early twenties age of totally accepting the Oswald Lone Assassin finding of the Warren Report and actually thinking "good riddance" to JFK's murder to now being of opposite views towards caring about the truth of it's creation and motives is interesting in it's extreme contradiction. Can you briefly explain how this occurred and when? I believed from the second I watched Jack Ruby whack Oswald in the Dallas Police Department building basement with 70 armed security personnel present live on TV at the age of 12 that there was much, much more to JFK's killing than what we were being told through the media and our highest federal government officials and Dallas DA Henry Wade, Dallas PD Chief Jessie Curry and Captain Will Fritz who famously shouted to the press on Sunday 11,23,1963 that ... "THIS CASE IS CINCHED!"
  9. Pretty brave of Louisiana State Police officer Frances Fruge in taking Rose Cherami's claims so seriously he committed serious time and effort into trying to verify them. And then later, working with Jim Garrison also. Dorothy Kilgallen paid the ultimate price for committing herself into her full blown investigation of Ruby and the assassination. Now "there" is a hero.
  10. Joseph McBride reminded us of the witnesses who came forward at great personal risk to tell what they saw, heard and experienced as true heroes. How true. A stand alone list of many of their names would make for another interesting, informative and inspiring thread and study guide. Would even make a good JFK assassination book imo. I'd like to see McBride's list of the most notable and credible ones in his opinion and research. Even I ( like most of us ) know a few off the top of my JFK research layman head. Roger Dean Craig, Julia Ann Mercer, Carolyn Walther, Victoria Adams, Sylvia Odio, etc.
  11. Ed Tatro « JFK Conference DC: "THE BIG EVENT" jfkconferencedc.com › speaker=ed-tatro Edgar F. Tatro is one of today's preeminent experts on the Kennedy Assassination. Tatro holds a B.A. Degree in English, an M.A. in Urban Education and a ...
  12. Great thread topic choice J. Butler. It's enlightening to re-look at the entire body of researchers and appreciate their huge numbers and efforts. There is so much out there it is mind boggling.
  13. I know this David. I had considered moving or deleting my post on my own and before I even read yours. I have a habit sometimes of going off topic with my posting comments. I've deleted more postings of mine than you would know because of this, but I do catch most of them on my own.
  14. Gary Murr, could you find and post a generally thorough past thread that tells us more about John Hunt and his research findings?
  15. Walt Brown. Ed Tatro. Special award recognition to Mort Sahl for his lifetime effort in keeping the crime and loss alive in the public conscious arena. Greg Burnham's singular informing work with Garry Patrick Hemming is worth mentioning imo.
  16. Seth Kantor researched and published some revealing information regards Jack Ruby. Joseph McBride is the resident expert on Officer J.D. Tippit and extremely informed in many other areas imo. His film history books and sharings here are one of the forum's more interesting and entertaining aspects. Doug Caddy has a unique and valuable perspective being that he is the only one on the forum who was "right there" in the middle of some of our most important political events and the main characters involved. Seeing the entire list in it's entirety, you realize what a much larger and impressive body of JFK researchers we have had since 11,22,1963 than we sometimes remember and appreciate. A young person today deciding to make the JFK assassination and search for it's truth their main interest ( instead of side interest ) subject of serious academic study should be taken aside and offered some gentle words of concerned warning advice regards it's all consuming weight and debatable nebulous reward. Most serious JFK assassination researchers gave up years of their time and effort in grinding, dogged hard work solitude ( and still are ) and sacrificed much of their own funds in this endeavor. It's a vow of priesthood like commitment. All the more reason to appreciate these JFK truth seeking warriors.
  17. Overly sensitive? No, not at all. I've often deleted postings after reading them over and deciding they would be better placed somewhere else. Parts of postings as well. Didn't have one feeling of offense or defense deleting my post here. I am usually not that concerned with other's critical comments on my postings. Yet, sometimes they are valid and I may even change some of my points in considering them. I just like and appreciate the opportunity to keep reading the forum and to interject now and then. Thanks, JB.
  18. Didn't Marrs revere Penn Jones? Yes, Fonzi. Tannenbaum tried to find the truth.
  19. Sheltering in place and watching the film "Z" together, my wife and I today were distracted hearing this ominous military type loud speaker blaring a block or two away. The words "THERE ARE NO MORE MASKS" ... "THERE ARE NO MORE MASKS" were being loudly and repeatedly broadcast over and over through this loudspeaker. We walked outside on our deck and noticed it was being broadcast from a police car that was moving slowly down the street below our house. Unlike every day the last two weeks, with almost no cars on the street, there was a line with no visible end of backed up cars going the other direction ( toward the elementary school ) as the police car. What had happened ( we found out later ) was the City of Monterey, Ca had posted an on-line notice announcing a face mask distribution at an elementary school yard close to our home. This was being done through the fire department. The giveaway session was supposed to be open for 1 and 1/2 hours. Within less than 1/2 hour they had depleted the supply. The traffic and crowd control police car was announcing to the huge car line of desperate people waiting to get their masks, that there were no more left. The whole scene seemed right out of a Sci-Fi national emergency movie. Our new reality I sadly say.
  20. Just spent the entire last hour listening to the full interview. Thank you Bart for sharing. So intriguing. Will want to comment and ask many more questions later but right now I must get to daily chores. Briefly: What kind of Doctor is Michael Marcades? I know it is hard for drug and alcohol victims to recount many things in their blurred life, but was there not "one" other name Rose could have shared in regards to her claimed employment at Ruby's Carousel Club? A co-worker, stripper, acquaintance, cop, musician, side-act, etc. to give her employment claim any more credibility? Rose Cherami's hospital records are astoundingly and ominously intriguing. If RC was shot in the head and murdered versus an accidental car death that speaks to nefarious others wanting her dead and who "they may have been." I would want her body exhumed to "prove" she was shot in the head. Cherami was right on about the corrupt Houston police department and her history in that millieu. Time and time again we are informed of constant and substantial long term corruption in big city police departments in the 1950's and 1960's all across America. New Orleans was always notorious for this but it was just endemic everywhere. You can bet that Dallas in 1963 had the same. Heck, we know Ruby ran gambling, guns, provided free booze and even girls for many prominent people including the police themselves. Roscoe White hooks up with Geneva, a Ruby employee. Dallas was a "swinging " city all through the 50's and early 60's. Joe Campisi had it made there. No problem with the cops at all. Rose Cherami was a throw away victim of all this sick and depraved corruption that I have many times stated was so widespread pervasive in our country in most of our biggest cities it was one of our society's top three negative legacy's of the 20th century. Robert Kennedy said as much in his book ..."The Enemy Within." Interesting hearing your real voice Bart. Love the English accent. Whether it's the King's English or Cockney. However, I don't know enough about English accents to ID yours specifically. We've heard Jim Di's real voice as he has been on national radio so often. Same with Doug Caddy and Don Jeffries and a few others. I think some might find my true voice and manner of speaking different than expected. Deeper toned? And maybe kind of boringly monotone, like those male, menu reciting telephone recordings? "Thank you for calling the Social Security Department. All agents are busy at this time. If you wish to remain on the line, your wait time is approximately 1 hour and 37 minutes."
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