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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. According to an affidavit from the first Buell F. interrogation on 11,22,1963 he mentioned the side observation of seeing a paper wrapped item on the back seat of his car as he and Oswald were first getting into it at his sister's home that very morning. He stated he asked Lee what was in the package and was told it was curtain rods. Frazier also noted that Oswald had already mentioned getting some curtain rods the day he gave him a ride to Ruth Paine's home after work on Thursday which was not Oswald's regular routine of asking for a ride there. Friday had always been the only day. Did Frazier concoct this specific item side story ( and discussions of it with Oswald himself on two successive days ) out of his head spontaneously just hours after Lee was arrested? And under hugely stressful intense suspicion questioning by his interrogators? If so, you instantly see how risky such a specific recounting of the package observation and discussion of it with Oswald could be for Frazier. Frazier knew Oswald was in police custody and surely being hammered with even more extreme heavy questioning. And Frazier had to have known that his story of his Thursday and Friday morning rides with Oswald, including the curtain rod and back seat package discussion with Oswald would be run by Oswald for dual verification. Why give so many details to the police about the package, his discussions with Oswald about it and his family members presence and actions right when Oswald came to their house that morning knowing everything he was saying could be so easily disproven upon cross examining them all separately? I feel Frazier might have stated a few contrary specifics of the whole Friday morning affair as he went along, but for different reason's other than hiding the most serious charge that he knew the package was a rifle. Most notably stress. He was actually ordered to sign a confession of complicity guilt by a yelling red faced Will Fritz at some point. Frazier must have been incredibly shook up knowing that the authorities were trying to include him in the JFK murder plot. I just feel that any discrepancies in Frazier's story were mostly motivated by survival fear which can make one change at least some details upon thinking that everything they are saying could be incriminating. And Frazier's story was often expressed quite inarticulately which to some may have made it seem even more suspicious, but imo less so. However, the curtain rod story of Frazier's is just too detailed and consistently and riskily held onto by him for it all to be made up, again imo. And re-looking through those car port side slats, the bottom third are open enough you could see a person through them in a specific spot and if you hear a car door shut at the same time with only one car next to that person, logically assume they may have placed something inside the car.
  2. Sorry, but every time I read a transcript of Frazier's actual recollection testimony under questioning, my 68 year lifetime common sense tells me he is too unsophisticated to have created some sinister false Oswald story line and kept it going for 57 years. He's like a true life Gomer Pyle imo. Several other unsophisticated or even eccentric JFK witness characters gave ridiculously scattered or contradictory statements in their testimonies. More illogical and suspect than Frazier's. Puppy dog seeing Jean Hill comes to mind. Tippit shooting eye-witness Helen Markham was a real prize. Her testimony was so out there it was laughable. Acquilla Clemons is another unsophisticated witness.
  3. Watched the latest "Project Blue Book" episode last night. I will say that the JFK character did look reasonably like the real JFK. His speaking voice, inflections and accent same thing. At least not over-acted. I'm in with staying on as a viewer. The actors themselves are compellingly good enough to keep me interested in seeing them do their thing each week. And the stories are just close enough to the real ones that even with their Hollywood exaggeration side plots I care how they play out in the end more now than before. Can't expect too much from any general audience appeal TV drama telling of the subject matter I guess. Heck, I was hooked on "The Invaders" it's entire run. Roy Thinnes as David Vincent and great guest star actors kept me watching despite some fairly hokey story lines at times.
  4. If Trump gets the virus, will they quarantine or even shut down Mar-A- Lago?
  5. 8%? And I have many medical issues including immune system ones. You bet I am worried. And by the way; All of Major League Baseball has postponed all league play for 30 days. So, if we go the same virus rate growth route of Italy, and things are 10X worse in 30 days...? There will be no baseball season. Talk about impact! This virus crisis is turning into a society effecting and changing event beyond anything we could have imagined since WWII.
  6. Trump shamelessly wearing his over-sized, self-promotion red MAGA cap while being MSM filmed dealing with this unbelievable crisis? OUTRAGEOUS! PERVERSE! His self-promoting craziness never ends! An equivalent scene would be Richard Nixon wearing a ball cap that said "I AM NOT A CROOK" in his forced resignation perp walk up the removal helicopter stairs and turning to the crowd and arm waving his V for Victory finger salute!
  7. Bernie Madoff. He was allowed to keep doing what he did even after the feds were tipped off years earlier? Wall Street owns the Repubs ...and many Dems as well. Like Mike Bloomberg told his Goldman Sachs friends at Yankee Stadium...."you are my peeples." And when Hillary was asked why she took $675,000 from Goldman Sachs for three one hour talks at a time when they were laying off 1,700 workers all she could mutter was "Well, that was what they were willing to pay." ! Goldman Sachs Paid Hillary $675,000 For This? | Investor's ... Oct 17, 2016 - Goldman Sachs paid Hillary Clinton $675,000 for three one-hour Q&A ... "I lot of people I meet with and talk to are excited about the future."
  8. Pretty obvious DeTorres highest involvement, highest protection.
  9. As I posted earlier, when major celebrities start getting the virus, and especially when some start dying from it ( as well as beloved older relatives ) the entire country will have a complete mind set shift. From hopeful disbelief ... to a deadly serious survival acceptance. This Orson Wellesian viral invasion monster is going to change us in many ways. Our common good value and need priority parameters will be forced to undergo a re-evaluation. Other issues that have been used to divide us will be shown for their truly much less unimportant substance. Hang on everybody.
  10. Are the louvered slats on the outside garage wall adjustable to open and close more than we see?
  11. I've watched every PBB episode except the one you mentioned with the JFK side story Cory. This episode has been taped and I will watch it today. Surprised anyone else on the forum outside of Doug and myself has viewed these. I was unimpressed with the series initially. Still not that enamored but the regular cast actors are growing on me just barely enough that I'm willing to sit through to the finish of each show. And I do know each specific case and am curious how the show's writers will treat and embellish different aspects of these with their dramatic license. I'm willing to accept this stretched part of the show format as I know that without it the series would be much more like a dry documentary that wouldn't draw in an audience of any size worthy of general viewing audience and advertising appeal. Even so, I really find the side plots involving Hynek's wife almost irritatingly distracting. That initial side story of the beautiful blond Russian Spy seducing her into a lesbian sex tryst was absolutely ridiculous and cheap. Her joining a UFO interest group and snooping into her husband's activities same thing. Well I figure that at least the series is keeping the subject matter in the newer generation zeitgeist if even to a very small degree. The basic stories each show depicts are based on actual cases in the Blue Book files.
  12. Didn't Roy Truly bring in a rifle or two to the TXSBD just days before 11,22,1963? To show them off? What a very odd machismo thing to do in a building and business staffed with a fair amount of female employees besides men. And how many of the scores of employees in the building were seriously interested in such things as powerful hunting rifles? Well, in any case, what a great way to cover bringing in another secret rifle. And wasn't there an even more bizarre report of someone taking target practice shooting behind the picket fence area days before also? I have to believe that if Buell Frazier was actually involved in some plot with Oswald...he would have been eliminated a long time ago. Another question I have pondered for years. We have Dallas Sheriff Roger Craig stating in Mark Lane's documentary "Two Men In Dallas" that when Constable Seymour Weitzman ( a former sporting goods store owner and gun buff ) was holding and examining the rifle found on the 6th floor, that he ( Craig) was close enough to Weitzman and the gun itself, that he ( Craig ) could see " stamped right on the barrel 7.65 Mauser." In the Warren Commission transcripts of Craig's testimony, his questioners never ask him about seeing any stamped name such as 7.65 Mauser on the rifle. Why was Weitzman ( who admitted IDing the rifle the first day or two as a Mauser!) never asked about Craig's statement of seeing the 7.65 Mauser stamp and whether he felt Craig lied about this observation? Same with Craig's fellow county sheriff officer Gene Boone, who claimed he actually first found the 6th floor hidden rifle in question. He was right in close to Craig and Weitzman when Weitzman was looking at the rifle and IDed it as a Mauser. In the televised "Trial Of Lee Harvey Oswald" mock trial filmed in England, Boone was called to the witness chair and sworn in. Neither Bugliosi or even Gerry Spence asked Boone about his fellow sheriff officer Roger Craig's widely known "stamped right on the barrel" statement in the Mark Lane documentary and whether Boone felt Craig lied about this as well. Was Roger Craig telling the truth about clearly seeing the 7.65 Mauser stamp right on the barrel of the found rifle? If he was, the truth versus lie implications are obvious. Remember, Weitzman was a "gun buff" and he identified the rifle as a Mauser on the spot, and didn't change his finding until the FBI told him it was a Mannlicher Carcano a day later. Did Mauser rifles have their name stamped on their barrels back then as Roger Craig described?
  13. Since this seems to be a catch all thread may I ask a curious question about this coronavirus? All my searches related to this question have come up empty. There are breakdowns of the coronavirus affliction and death numbers. By age, gender, over-all physical condition, pre-existing medical problems, etc. But I cannot find any based on race. I am curious if any of the deaths resulting from this virus have occurred in any race groups beyond Caucasion, Oriental and Middle Eastern? Surely with 100,000 plus cases reported and almost 4,000 deaths world wide you would think the WHO would have a breakdown of deaths by race? Are Hispanics and blacks getting hit as hard as other races in equal number racial mix areas?
  14. Doug, can you tell us what other crises you feel might be coming?
  15. We have a relatively small amount that we are seeking to cash out ourselves. Just today, we called the adviser who manages this to start the process. A 2,000 point drop in "one day" seems a stronger signal tipping point for us relative to smaller back and fourth swings of a less concerning "correction" movement.
  16. The coronavirus event is getting closer to a true "Defining Moment." By defining moment I mean national and world events so affecting of societies that people who live through them often refer to them as major life changing. As they are. To us forum members ( and so many others in our society at the time ) the JFK assassination was the most tragically charged national event we had experienced and changed us in so many dynamic ways that have stayed with us the rest of our lives. Often I look back and realize that the JFK assassination and Oswald's murder in the Dallas Police Department building was probably the most profound entire society shared benchmark event in my life. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was a defining moment for our entire country. 9-11 was another. Although it isn't yet, this coronavirus crisis is as close to another defining moment event as anything I recall since 9-11. It is changing the daily lives of millions of Americans in so many major ways. If it gets worse to compounded degrees and these changes stay with us, this will probably be a defining moment for us all. I think most Americans are already conditioning themselves consciously and sub-consciously for something very ominous, very life changing. I just hope if this situation gets a lot worse, that enough mature and courageous individuals ( not the ones in charge now ) come forth to guide us through it with selfless wisdom, honesty and faith.
  17. What Biden needs is a female running mate who can help him with the women's vote across all racial and ideology value lines as much as possible. Harris could be the right choice in this regards, but I think that there would be a backlash against her being from super liberal California. Klobuchar comes across as less liberal.
  18. Remarkable that some here are postulating with all seriousness, the possibility of both Biden and Sanders getting hit with the coronavirus before the November election and perhaps even dying! And Trump himself! Coupled with the reality of Texas Senator Rafael Cruz and another elected representative imposing a self-quarantine upon themselves because of a possible contact with an afflicted person. Congress is seriously considering taking an intentional break with even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi not ruling this out. The point being that even our highest government officials are as scared as the rest of the country regards to the virus threatening their lives. If this drastic action on the part of our supposedly most well informed government officials doesn't totally counter Trump's downplaying of the coronavirus situation...what does? The NY Port Authority chief now has the virus! The more top government, business, military and eventually celebrity figures come down with the virus, the more our country will probably react negatively and even angrily to Trump's constant minimizing the situation and question his motives for doing so. Trump's credibility is on the line here. And up to today and every new virus infection spread, it's just about shot. The guy can't help himself. His obsession with self-image protection and promotion as a first priority ( he obviously feels the growing virus fear is hurting this ) over the honest dealing and protection of the entire country at this unprecedented anxiety causing time is ...well frankly, a travesty of neglected national interest failed leadership. Physical stamina, overall medical and mental cognitive condition health is seriously already an issue with our rest home age candidates even without the corona virus threat. Who they choose as their VP running mates will for sure be a major consideration in the younger age and health area. Klobuchar is my guess for Biden's running mate. Sanders? Not sure. Too bad Sanders and Warren do not like each other. A Sanders/Warren ticket would be my preferred choice. Trump will probably go with Nikky Haley. And don't rule out another Trump legal scandal coming out before the Nov. election. If the Supreme Court doesn't make up some out-there legal argument blocking the release of Trump's taxes, who knows what could be in these. Lastly, if Bernie Sanders somehow ends up being the Democratic Party candidate. Bloomberg's pledge to help the chosen Dem candidate will disappear. Just reread Bloomberg's words to Goldman Sachs at Yankee Stadium. Warren and Sanders were his true enemies of political and especially economic threat. Not Trump. Dow futures tumble more than 1,200 points, Treasury yields plunge amid oil price war Investors brace for the economic fallout from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war added to the anxiety. Dow futures tumble more than 1,200 points, Treasury yields plunge amid oil price war Investors brace for the economic fallout from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war added to the anxiety.
  19. Ron I see. I shouldn't have mentioned a specific window. I'm just trying to see if "anyone" besides Buell Frazier saw Oswald carrying a paper wrapped package to Frazier's car that morning. I'm sure there are many threads and sites with this info. I would like a link to any of them for my own question answers.
  20. Things are looking like they are spinning out of control. The Wall Street shut down will have millions of stock owners wanting to get out before this turns into Depression territory. Notice also that even members of our congress are now expressing fear of catching the coronavirus, especially since so many are older in age. Trump is in charge while this unprecedented crisis is becoming a national nightmare. He owns it's management. Trump has been riding the Obama good times economy train since he took office and bragged that he alone deserves credit for it. Well, the train is losing it's wheels now and is in trouble... and the bragging is finished. Trump has a history of screwing things up, bankruptcies, desperate bail out loans by shady, even money laundering banks, tax avoidance schemes, IPO schemes, back room deals with shady characters and even overly generous NYC building regulation agencies. Throw in his Trump University and charity foundation schemes. His schemes and over-hyped self-promotion sales pitches always get exposed as frauds eventually. Now, his inherent leadership flaws are being fully exposed in screwing up the management of one of the most frightening entire nation shaking crises we have ever seen. The guy is just so unqualified.
  21. Here I am with my cut and paste "wall of text" RW. The following is a CNBC reported reality notice ( today's numbers ) that Mr. Stock Market bragging Trump will find upsetting: Dow futures drop beyond 1,200 points as oil price war adds to ... www.cnbc.com › 2020/03/08 › dow-futures-drop-700-points-as-all-o... 6 hours ago - Dow futures tumble more than 1,200 points, Treasury yields plunge amid oil ... from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war ... an emergency rate cut last week to combat the economic impact from the ... Dow futures tumble more than 1,200 points, Treasury yields plunge amid oil price war Investors brace for the economic fallout from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war added to the anxiety. Dow futures tumble more than 1,200 points, Treasury yields plunge amid oil price war Investors brace for the economic fallout from the spreading coronavirus, while a shocking all-out oil price war added to the anxiety.
  22. Did Frazier's sister ever say she also saw Oswald with a paper wrapped object when she saw Oswald through the kitchen window the morning of 11,22,1963? And after what Will Fritz and the Dallas PD put Frazier through for hours upon hours that evening and then seeing Oswald blown away just two days later, I could see Frazier clamming up about his connection to Oswald after being quite traumatized by the entire ordeal. Kind of hard to see Frazier as some life long Oswald secret keeper imo. He's not exactly a sophisticated spy type.
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