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Denny Zartman

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Everything posted by Denny Zartman

  1. It's extra funny, because Trump believes that intelligence is passed through the genes. "You know, I had an uncle. He's the longest serving professor, Doctor John Trump, in the history of MIT, with same genes, we have genes, we're smart people, we're smart people," Trump said. "We're like race, Mr. Lieutenant Governor, we're like racehorses, too. You know, the fast ones produce the fast ones, and the slow ones doesn't work out so well, right? But we're no different in that sense." https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-trump-claims-uncle-longest-serving-professor-mit-1864991
  2. Harris gave a great speech, no doubt. It was only 40 minutes or so, and felt shorter. That's always a positive quality. She introduced herself with sincerity, and went from topic to topic well. Threading the needle is difficult. She has to come across as warm and loving, but also tough as steel at the same time. I think she accomplished that goal. It's hard to imagine someone open-minded watching that speech and not coming away with some measure of respect.
  3. Powerful testimonials about school shootings right now.
  4. They're doing rapid-fire testimonials now, hitting all the different topics the convention has already gone into the last three days. It's an interesting strategy.
  5. Al Sharpton with a very passionate speech. Now he's bringing out the Central Park Five.
  6. This one segment probably did more to bring public attention to Project 2025 than anything else so far.
  7. Aw s#!+, they're breaking out the Morgan Freeman voiceover for Kamala's bio video now. It's on. It's awwwwwnnnnnn.
  8. That was good, thanks. I must have been making dinner and missed him my first time through. He certainly has an impressive resume and considerable charisma.
  9. Very, very true. It's hard to get cooler than that.
  10. It appears our conservative friends are unhappy about our comments on the Democratic National Convention. It seems they're jealous of the sizable enthusiasm, joyful optimism, and unabashed patriotism that's currently being displayed on the liberal side. Their envy is understandable. The Republicans aren’t excited about their candidate. I wouldn't be excited either if my candidate was a felon that couldn't shut up about Hannibal Lecter. If even Trump supporters are tired of his shtick, imagine how the rest of the country feels. Anyway, DNC Night 3 continued: Imho Hakeem Jeffries is now the one to beat when it comes to giving the best speech of the convention. I rewatched it today. It's going to be a good day for America when he becomes the Speaker of the House. Former Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan was quite effective as one of the few Republican speakers at the convention. He has a lot of guts, and I respect that he put country over party. That's true patriotism. I'm hoping all these videos shown at the convention will be individually available online soon. Lots of them were very well done and affecting, and I'd like to see them get some circulation. Harris questioning Kavanaugh about laws that apply to male bodies was a quality moment. I always like to see Cory Booker. I'm a supporter of his. A joyful convention is totally in his wheelhouse, so he was perfectly at home. Pete Buttigieg was effective as always. He's grown into quite a communicator. The Democrats are lucky to have someone who can make a case as well as he can. I must have blinked and missed Wes Moore. Nancy Pelosi and Josh Shapiro didn't leave much of an impression on me either. And there was one lady running for office who i thought was downright bad, though I can't seem to find her name among the speakers at the moment. Bill Clinton is looking and sounding his age. He's certainly an elder statesman now. I kept imagining him in a red and black flannel shirt, overalls, and thatch hat. It was folksy to the max. Jud Crandall by way of Arkansas. But he came off appealing with his Granddad Jokes, and then he transitioned well to serious points. His speech definitely wasn't a barnburner tailored for pumped up delegates. It could be his last convention appearance, and he didn’t shy away from that reality. I think it might have played fairly well to some viewers at home. Tim Walz was a contrast to Clinton, in that Walz delivered the kind of dynamic speech made for a convention. His coaching background will probably help in the campaign and appeal to conservatives. He's used to giving rousing, inspirational speeches off the top of his head, and the speechwriters have adapted to his delivery well. The moment where his son got emotional was very sweet.
  11. Y'all Republicans wish you had any celebrities cooler than Shelia E at your convention.
  12. Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries with a really good speech right now, I'm surprised.
  13. Trump Jr. says it would be good to have RFK Jr. at an agency to ‘blow it up’ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4839852-trump-jr-robert-kennedy/
  14. Cory Booker doing a great job right now, channeling his inner evangelist.
  15. Remember when people thought RFK Jr. was going to attract liberal supporters and hurt Biden's re-election chances?
  16. The buzz is Stevie Wonder will be performing tonight.
  17. I watched day two while reading comments in real time. It was another solid day at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. I personally wasn't crazy about the DJ music continuing underneath the speakers during the roll call of the states, but almost everyone commenting online seemed to really enjoy it. Guessing the musical theme for each state was fun, and Georgia made quite a splash. It all seemed designed to appeal to younger folks and to go viral. That's cool, I'm glad that the campaign is keeping young folks in mind. Reading the reactions of people who were watching a political convention for the first time was fascinating. There's a lot of enthusiasm out there right now. It was amusing at how panicked some people got when California passed. In my opinion, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Hillary Clinton have been the best speakers so far. Hillary really gave it her all and the speech was well written and well paced. Joe Biden was very good the first night, full of fire and emotion. The delegates were really into it as well. Doug Emhoff was quite appealing, telling some cute stories of courting Kamala. The Obama's were both good. I appreciated Barack making the case for reaching across the aisle and attempting to reconcile all the deep political divisions in our country, but pacing-wise his speech didn't really gather much momentum. Bernie Sanders was underwhelming, but he was himself.
  18. A Citizen's Dissent by Mark Lane probably fits the bill best, if I'm getting what you're asking. Some other JFK books with a personal narrative would be: Best Evidence - David Lifton The Last Investigation - Gaeton Fonzi On The Trail Of The Assassins - Jim Garrison Last Second In Dallas - Josiah Thompson JFK The Last Dissenting Witness - Bill Sloan & Jean Hill Trained To Kill - Antonio Veciana & Carlos Harrison Truth Withheld - James Tague The Echo From Dealey Plaza - Abraham Bolden Steering Truth - Buell Wesley Frazier Nightmare In Dallas - Beverly Oliver
  19. JFK's grandson Jack Scholssberg speaking now.
  20. I enjoyed watching the first night of the convention yesterday. I've been watching conventions since the '80's. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to the 1988 convention. This one had a good start. I'm looking forward to tonight.
  21. William Law's book "In The Eye Of History" has a DVD supplement where Paul O'Connor and Jim Jenkins (among others) discuss different autopsy photos. Unfortunately it seems this supplement is not available for viewing online, and I'm unable to figure out how to display photos here from outside hosts. Anyway, among other things, Jenkins & O'Connor pretty clear that the autopsy room did not have a metal stirrup attached to the table, as shown in the photo above.
  22. Apparently he romanced his to-be wife from his hospital bed. The man had game. Yet, taking all that into account, the Warren Commission could find none of his friends. The closest thing they could find to a friend was George de Mohrenschildt, a guy twice his age with opposite political views and who only met Oswald at the urging of a CIA operative.
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