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Denny Zartman

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Everything posted by Denny Zartman

  1. So, you did vote for Walz in 2022. And now, since you're so very concerned about crime, you're going to vote for a felon. Makes sense to you.
  2. At least 33 bomb threats in Ohio. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/09/16/springfield-bomb-threats-ohio-republican.html
  3. If, a month and a half out from the election, Trump is feeling the need to spend money shoring up support from his most favorable demographic in a ruby red state like Texas, that says a lot.
  4. Purely anecdotal, but I'm hearing Trump is advertising heavily on TV during Texas college football games. Looks like the campaign is feeling the need to shore up support from men in Texas, one of the most reliable demographics for a Republican candidate. As we all know, every penny spent in Texas is one less penny available to spend in a swing state. I don't believe Trump is actually going to lose Texas, but I can see the logic in the Trump campaign feeling the need to advertise there. If Trump does manage to lose Texas, is addition to certainly losing the election in a landslide it would mean a humiliation on a historic scale. I believe that, and some other indicators, suggest Trump's support is softening. I also think that there's a chance this softening of support may accelerate due to Trump's current turn to the hard right. I think his supporters are motivated more by what they oppose than by enthusiasm for Trump himself. If they have to hold their noses to vote for him, I think there are others out there who are likely to simply sit this one out. Right now, I think Trump's ceiling is 47% and his floor is 37%. Harris closing the gap by double digits in Iowa is also impressive. Seems there were a lot of "Double Haters" in Iowa who didn't want either Trump or Biden, and they now find Harris a less objectionable alternative. If Harris did that 10+ shift by simply not being Biden, then that should make a difference in other states as well.
  5. "Lesser of two evils?" You've been making it sound as if Walz was personally directing the rioters in 2020. What was his opponent promising to do that could have possibly been worse? Surely *you* voted for Walz's opponent in 2022. Because if you didn't, you're clearly wasting everybody's time right now. Did you vote for Walz in 2022, or did you choose the greater of the two evils? Because if you voted for Walz in 2022 you're wasting our time right now bashing him. And if you voted for the greater of the two evils in 2022, why would anybody want to listen to anything you have to say about who to vote for in 2024? Who cares if his opponent was relatively unknown? As if unknowns don't have a chance in politics, especially when they're facing somebody who's been such a disaster as you've been trying to paint Walz as being. Give us a break. If Walz's leadership during the Floyd protests was really as bad as you've made it out to be, surely anybody else would have been preferable. But a mere two years later Walz was re-elected by a very comfortable margin. It's not adding up.
  6. It's not at all surprising that some Trump supporters haven't watched the debate between Harris and Trump. Trump got embarrassed. I've watched it twice already, and I look forward to watching it again. Harris trolled him on his crowd size, and Trump's wheels came right off. It was all downhill from there. It was a sight to see. Well, a sight for everyone but Trump supporters. Trump's "concept of a plan" to replace Obamacare was - again, there is just no other word to describe it - embarrassing. The fact that he couldn't seem to comprehend that a candidate could come up with a plan spoke volumes. He made an excuse that he couldn't come up with a healthcare plan because he wasn't president. Why are any voters giving him the time of day? He had four years as president, then he had another four years as ex-president, and the best Obamacare replacement he can come up with was "I have a concept of a plan?" One of the late night talk shows did a montage of him (dating back to 2016) saying that a plan to replace Obamacare was coming in two weeks, four weeks, two months, ect. The guy is an empty suit. Hopefully this currently ongoing story of the Haitians eating dogs and cats will be part of Trump's undoing. Seems JD Vance is already trying to double down on it. I'm fairly certain we haven't seen the end of this yet. It will be interesting if it affects Ohio polling in any meaningful way. Apart from the pure political optics (which are awful), I'm worried that the situation will escalate and people will get hurt (which would be far worse.) But, right now it seems Vance and Trump have decided this is their number one issue.
  7. If his leadership was so unforgettably disastrous during the George Floyd protests of 2020, why was Walz re-elected in 2022?
  8. Exactly as we told everyone from the very beginning: A vote for RFK Jr. is a vote for Trump, and a vote for Trump is a vote for RFK Jr.
  9. It's Walz, not Waltz. Enjoy voting for Trump, Pamela. I'm sure you will be very happy with his leadership.
  10. Cui bono - who benefits? One of the most elemental questions asked in crime investigations. No one benefited more, and no one benefited quicker, from JFK's death than LBJ. The conspirators sure got lucky that the new president was guiding and shaping the investigation and the resulting cover up from beginning to end. I don't believe the conspirators relied on luck.
  11. Whoever it is, they're gonna have some mighty small gloves to fill.
  12. If it wasn't for President Donald Trump's JFK records snuff job, this thread wouldn't exist.
  13. The Arlington National Cemetery who was pushed declined to press charges because she was afraid of retaliation by Trump's supporters. Retaliation for what? For doing her job and attempting to enforce the law.
  14. I don't have any animus for RFK Jr. I just believe, passionately, to the bottom of my soul, that the presidency of the United States should not be an entry level job in politics. I do have animus for Donald Trump because he tried to take away my vote and replace it with an imaginary vote pulled from thin air. Has anyone here who is defending Trump, or is claiming to be bipartisan, ever really listened to that phone call? That's the man you'll be voting for in November.
  15. You're certainly not interested in the policies that affect millions of Americans today, that's obvious. You're focused on one issue to the exclusion of all else. That's your right, but it's disappointing that it seems you can't see a viewpoint other than your own, or think beyond a single issue. Again, that's your right, but in that situation you have no business casting aspersions on anyone else's political acumen. You may say this, but at the same time you hand wave away the four solid years President Donald Trump had to give you the results you want. You also ignore the half century of adult life RFK Jr. had to start a political career and get you the answers you so desperately desire. Has anybody ever asked you this Jim: If RFK Jr. himself actually cared about getting answers to his uncle's and father's murder, why is he only now attempting to get in a position to do something about it at age 69? Trump was the closest thing that we've ever had to a truly independent president. He was not part of the government establishment. He was not beholden to his political party - in fact, his party was completely beholden to him. The documents were scheduled to be released under his watch, and he didn't do anything. You say that you're interested in "results", but somehow this washes straight off your back. Talk is cheap. Deeds, not words. You bought his lie that he would release the records last time. You bought that lie for four solid years. Why wouldn't he try it again? It certainly appears that you're more than willing to buy in again and that you regard his empty promise as something significant. Trump will say anything for a vote. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-i-dont-care-about-you-quote/ And in case you think he was just kidding: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/23/trump-joking-slowing-coronavirus-testing-335459 Nobody is basing their votes on this except you. Trump tried to subvert democracy. He tried to interfere with government representatives who were doing their Constitutionally mandated duty. He sent a violent mob to Congress where they wanted to murder the Vice President of the United States. And you act like we simply don't like him personally? I'll never, ever understand why his actions to subvert the democratic process and remain in office after losing the 2020 election is completely irrelevant to you. It seems you genuinely do not care about it in the least. I assure you, millions of other Americans do care. You act like it's relevant that Donald Trump made an empty promise on tape that he would release the remaining JFK records. Well, he's also said - on tape - that he'd be a dictator on day one. But, again, you don't care about that. Imho, your priorities are way, way out of whack. There are other, bigger, more immediate concerns that are affecting living people right here and now, and our decision in November could affect nothing less than the future of democracy itself in America.
  16. If @Larry Hancock and @Gene Kelly 's eloquent posts didn't cause @James DiEugenio to pause and think for a moment, I'm pretty sure nothing will.
  17. I'm beginning to wonder about yours, to be honest. It doesn't matter what Trump said because his word is worthless. An empty promise is worth less than nothing. He had his opportunity. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. If Kamala Harris doesn't make a comment on it that's to her credit at least she's not going to be lying, like Trump is. 99.9% of people are not going to base their vote in November on whether or not the next president is going to release JFK files. They simply aren't. If you think this is a pressing issue for anyone except a tiny, tiny sliver of the American population, then I really have to wonder about your own political instincts and acumen. I'm a Georgia voter. Trump called the GA Secretary of State and tried to get him to conjure up 11,780 votes out of thin air so he could win the state. He tried to take away my vote. Trump is an actual danger to democracy itself. Do you genuinely not see that, or do you simply put the 0% chance of getting JFK information from a second Trump administration ahead of that?
  18. His pledge on this means absolutely nothing. He had his chance, and he punted. What makes you think that this time he'll actually follow through on it?
  19. Almost no one is actually basing their vote this November on whether or not the next president will release the remaining JFK files. If anyone is basing their vote on this alone, their priorities are way out of whack. It's simply not a pressing issue for most Americans today. If Donald "The Single Greatest Enemy Of The Deep State That Ever Walked The Earth" Trump didn't do it, no one will. Whatever is in there is so explosive, it will never get out. It's likely manufactured evidence pointing to the Soviet Union as being responsible, since fear of triggering World War 3 was used as a lever to push the Lone Nut narrative since the day the assassination happened.
  20. It kind of did. It seems someone is sending a version of it as an email. And someone else did their own responses too. Pretty interesting.
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