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Micah Mileto

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  1. Also your link no longer works. Could you use Google Drive?
  2. Also, can you explain the source of that photo of the Sixth Floor window produced by Norman Similas, alleged by Weisberg to have been taken at 12:35, which appeared in Liberty magazine?
  3. I am completing a full inventory of information on Norman Similas. I'm done scouring the Weisberg archives but the story on Similas isn't given a proper closure there. Am I to understand that Similas strung you and Harold Weisberg along with talk to publishing rights, only for him to refuse to speak to you both for the rest of the years until his death?
  4. Thought you were dead for a minute! https://www.knoxnews.com/obituaries/kns053894
  5. I was. I have not abandoned The Case for an Altered Throat Wound, it has only ballooned to 700 pages and I will be retitling it Coersion of Parkland Witnesses - with the sum total of all human knowledge on the possibility of funny business at Parkland. To think it was only a year ago that I told David my manuscript was 250 pages, and he said "I do not know exactly how you made the case for an altered throat wound into 250 pages, but I guess you will tell me". 700 pages (single spaced office program pages) might seem like thoroughness would turn into unreadability, but I'm trying to allow the reader to tell which parts they can skim through if they so choose.
  6. This and the fingerprints may be the best evidence for fabricated evidence. Even better than the medical evidence.
  7. The autopsy photos are worse for custody than CE399.
  8. I wonder if there's a way to find the original of this low-quality copy of LBJ's photo. I know Norman Similas passed away and had a son who in the early 2000's talked to the media. An FBI document claimed that Similas' real name was Norman "Sumilas".
  9. To be fair, few bat an eye at Sibert and O'Neill calling multiple fragments a "missile".
  10. The EOP wound could also count as a potential shallow wound. There are also endless stories of extra recovered slugs, fragments, shell casings and bullet marks.
  11. This is why I say free speech is God, pretty much any level of censorship will always devolve into this.
  12. I guess the research community has abandoned the notion that the large head wound was the size of an egg?
  13. David, why aren't you including the most incriminating of Oswald's known statements - "Well, it's all over now. I've killed me a cop and a President. I'm gonna get me two more!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrOyrhKgTtE
  14. I also regret to inform you that http://www.jfkassassinationfiles.com/Newspapers_Articles.html has been hijacked by porno.
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