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Micah Mileto

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Everything posted by Micah Mileto

  1. Prayer Man is half way between being inside and outside. Jeesh.
  2. https://old.reddit.com/r/JFKsubmissions/comments/ds3q7h/discussing_jfks_torso_wounds_contents/ Part 8-27 of this post discusses the "Throat wound ignorance" issue in a lot more detail.
  3. Seriously, Joe Rogan's occasional jab at the JFK case reaches a lot more people than all of the Black Op Radios and websites and newsletters combined.
  4. Haven't you seen Pat Speer's chapters on the Dealey Plaza witnesses? There aren't really any good reasons to think a loud report happened any time before the z180-220's
  5. Which topic? The thread you linked goes on for three years. Your best hope is to say the body should be exhumed for another autopsy. Without Arlington, there can never be any hope of disproving multiple shooters.
  6. The case for a conspiracy in Dealey Plaza is stronger than it has ever been. What more can there be said about problems in the medical evidence such as the EOP wound, the "throat wound ignorance" story, the chest tubes, the reports of a hole in one of the temples, etc. The only thing left to do is exhume the grave at Arlington and see what there is left.
  7. Page 5 of the Warren report states "The transcripts of this testimony, prepared by qualified court reporters, were reviewed by members of the Commission staff and, in most instances, by the witness concerned. Editing of the transcript prior to printing in these volumes was confined to correction of stenographic errors and punctuation, and minor changes designed to improve the clarity and accuracy of the testimony. In the few cases indicated, brief deletions have been made of material which might be considered in poor taste and is clearly irrelevant to any facet of the Commission's investigation. All the original transcripts prepared by the court reporters, of course, have been preserved and will be available for inspection under the same rules and regulations which will apply to all records of this Commission". Yet, ALL transcripts for April 7, 1964 are missing without explanation (Ernest, The Girl on the Stairs, 2013, Notes). This includes the transcripts from the testimonies of William Shelly, Billy Lovelady, Victoria Adams, Danny Arce, Joe Molina, Earle Brown, Danny Garcia Arce, Geneva Hine, Doris Burns, Barbara Rowland, J. B. Hicks, W. E. Barnes, James R. Leavelle, Edward Vobel, Charles Steele, Charles Murret, Edward Pic, Mrs. Anne Boudreaux, Mrs. Myrtle Evans, Mrs. Viola Peterman, Julian Evans, and Carlos Bringuier.
  8. Let's see if we can tally the forensic evidence that has not yet been made digitally available to the public: Numerous items stored at the National Archives, some of which may have not been released to the public yet. Numerous recordings of researcher conferences Wesleyan University library's William Manchester collection, some of which is due to be sealed until 2067. University of South Florida library's Kathleen Cunningham collection Harrison Livingstone's collection (one day will be made fully digital by Bart Kamp) David Lifton's collection (some stored at the National Archives, some may become available when Lifton publishes Final Charade. Some of Mark Oakes' videotapes
  9. With some witnesses we don't know which side of the head they were talking about.
  10. I wonder if Weisberg was taken out of context when he was quoted by Bugliosi as saying in 2001 that "In all my decades of research, I never found one shred of evidence that Oswald was an agent working for somebody".
  11. It was a similar situation in the last 4 years with the New York Times reporting on Trump's failings based on sources who did not want their names revealed.
  12. "Oh, I'm sure the New York Times just got that quote from crazy Dave behind the gas station"
  13. https://www.gofundme.com/f/publishing-final-charade-seq-to-best-evidence Back in September, David made a gofundme for publishing Final Charade! I didn't know until now.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VPtLpr6XiE&t=2m42s From Mark Oakes' 1993 video On The Trail Of The Mystery FBI Man. The rest of these videos are great and very interesting. Didn't know there was so much information about this alleged bullet.
  15. It's practically the entire show, it starts at about 7 minutes in and continues from there. But, Armstrong points out that there is still evidence against the Oswald theory in these statements even if we discount all of the information presented by Barry Ernest.
  16. I am not sure if Tom Robinson was correct in saying that he witnessed the entire autopsy. Maybe he arrived later. We do not have enough evidence at this point.
  17. John Armstrong did not agree with the notion that the transcripts of Victoria Adams' statements were an outright forgery. https://blackopradio.com/archives2021.html show #1030, 2/18/2021
  18. The Gawlers people were also interviewed by William Manchester for his 1967 book. Some of Manchester's files, the ones that aren't sealed until 2067, are about interviews with Gawlers employees. Hopefully when the university library opens up again somebody can make scans of these files. Im surprised researchers haven't pounced on them already. Too bad Connecticuit is too far away for me.
  19. We have many statements from the Gawler's people indicating that the only casket they handled was the Mahogany casket. https://old.reddit.com/r/JFKsubmissions/comments/drvjkm/discussing_jfks_torso_wounds_part_251_timeline_of/
  20. Jenkins is also the only autopsy witness to claim to remember the entire spinal cord being removed. And the only record of him saying this are his talks with Harrison Livingstons, he didn't even mention it in his book.
  21. In Jenkins' original HSCA and Lifton interviews, there is no record of him mentioning anything about seeing a brain in the cranium, or the story about the pre-cut brainstem.
  22. I am wondering if there's any chance the point circled in red could be a light reflecting on a shiny object in the foreground, like a retractor. See all versions of the skull photos i could find: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uvGaBl2_EanXn4OwQrr083_yiLVrNGYK?usp=sharing
  23. By any chance do you have any new opinions on the passage from The Death of a President that reads: The call to the seventeenth floor was made by Godfrey McHugh. He said, “Bob, the casket we have is cheap and thin, it’s really shabby. One handle is off, and the ornaments are in bad shape"
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