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Micah Mileto

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Everything posted by Micah Mileto

  1. Ah. BTW, has anybody contacted postal/stamp museums or people with vast collections for photographs of 1960's money orders?
  2. There's a new thread about this on the Deep Politics Forum, with new references! https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?16192-Would-someone-give-this-info-to-Sandy-Larson-at-the-Ed-Forum-please!
  3. Because saying "what are the odds that the bullet would do that" is a nonsense argument. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_sharpshooter_fallacy The back of the brain wasn't very damaged, according to official records. The right cerebellum was only slightly damaged. Sure, such a sharp angle wasn't possible from a straight trajectory, but then again we know this wound wasn't an average wound by it's 15x6mm elliptical shape. Deflection happens when hitting such a carved part of the skull. Who knows exactly how it happened? There is ample evidence that a bullet entered the EOP, slightly damaged the right cerebellum and brainstem, and smashed the base of the skull.
  4. 1. Texas sharpshooter 2. Speer does not say it was literally 45 degrees, he says it was a strange coincidence that some described the bullet descending 45 degrees while such an angle from the throat leads directly to the EOP. Speer says it may have happened with a few deflections.
  5. I'm just saying that the hypothetical EOP-throat wound connection has the bullet hitting a lot of obstacles at certain angles, so it would be difficult to map out if such a deflection is possible. There's evidence on the chest/neck x-rays of a downward track for the throat wound. Weirder things have happened.
  6. Not only must we account for the deflection of a bullet hitting the EOP (which created a 15x6mm elliptical wound for some reason), but there is also evidence that the base of the skull was smashed, which can be interpreted as something of a "long lost exit".
  7. This brightened back wound photo posted by Robin Unger does show a hole on the back of the head, it's just above the level of the ears.
  8. Why does the head wound look so clean cut? If that was incised, shouldn't they do that after reflecting the scalp? And after taking photos to show to clear view of the natural wound? Other autopsy photos show something that looks like an incised wound as well, with very straight clean edges.
  9. That little protrusion is a tool sticking out of the empty cranium, not a crack in the skull. And that photo is probably of the back of the head
  10. I take it you believe "chiefly the parietal bone but extending somewhat into the temporal and occipital regions." from the autopsy report was the truth, and all other revisions were lies? I don't know, I can't deny that the spot on the open cranium photos is a perfect contender for the EOP wound. The autopsy doctors labeled those photos as "depicting missile wound over entrance in posterior skull, following reflection of the scalp" . EDIT: Wait a second, Humes could've just confused finding a skull fragment with part of some kind of exit with a the entry.
  11. I tend to withhold speculation once a bullet hits such a curved part of the skull, because you'd expect it to deflect a lot, possibly in unexpected ways.
  12. Not if it deflected a lot, which is what you'd expect from a bullet hitting that area.
  13. The skull flap in this photo also appears at first glance to be at a different location than the BOH photos show. Those appear to show the skull flap forward the level of the ear, while this looks like it shows it firmly behind the level of the ear. Optical illusion?
  14. Woah, thank you for sharing that. I've never seen that photo so clear and bright like that. It's like seeing a brand new picture.
  15. Pat has a long page for evidence that it is the EOP wound. Looks about right to me. http://www.patspeer.com/chapter14%3Ademystifyingthemysteryphoto
  16. Looks like a hole. Looks like you can see the edges of the bone.
  17. Everybody at the autopsy saw it, whether they care or do not care about maintaining the official story. The open-cranium photograph(s) may very well show it. If there was a hole in the back of the head, it couldn't have gone much farther below the level of the ears. That spot is reserved for the EOP wound, which poses equal or more of a problem than a rear blowout.
  18. I'm wondering if there's any way, in 2016, to understand almost exactly what those numbers mean and if they mean what they're supposed to mean.
  19. There's no information about what the file locating number 138 4159796 could mean or if it makes sense?
  20. Woah, never heard about the fake tax forms. EDIT: Apparently Horne found some mundane explanations for at least some of the fake tax forum stuff. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/horne.txt
  21. Your article was good, but I'm still wondering why the alleged bullet hole looks like that.
  22. What do the open-cranium photos represent? The top-back of the head, maybe with the chin resting on the chest, right? Looks like there should be more bone loss towards the left if the BOH wound is true.
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