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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10216-10244.pdf

    CIA in contact unilaterally with Artime and Cubela; officially, unbeknownst to them. CIA says they cannot help them but does not object to their joining forces. Cubuela will probably contact Bichi Bernal (QUSPORT) while in Madrid. Cuebela will probably contact GROWEREY, a personal friend.

    According to this doc, GROWEREY is a Case Officer (CO).


  2. 1 minute ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Can anyone provide a bio of Mankel that does not originate with CIA or use CIA docs as it’s only source? I can’t.

    I am looking, Paul. I surely will not hold back if I find something. 1955 is pretty good though, no?

  3. 2 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    I wasn't pointing out your misspellings, Michael. I used the word "non sequitur" as a playful reference to what you did in this post of yours, which was, indeed, a "non sequitur". I wasn't mocking the fact that you misspelled the same word. I was using it on my own to describe your actions, not your spelling.

    David, your "sic" inserted into a quote from me, a few posts ago, when I misspelled "Commission" was noted. So, I accept the compliment. You can't take it back. Now quit running from the spinach, peas, organ meat, or whatever it is you are trying to avoid in this debate. It's good for you, just like mamma says. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    New nickname....

    Michael "Non Sequitur" Clark.


    I take it as a compliment, David. People misspell words all the time, here. Yet, you hold me to a higher standard in choosing to point-out my misspellings. It tells me two things: you don't want to argue facts with me because you end-up taking too many lumps; and, you expect more from me. I accept the challenge... lumps will be delivered liberally to you; and I will take greater care with my spelling, on my next post.

  5. 2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    And what the heck has any of that got to do with this comment of mine that you were responding to?....

    "And what better VISUAL source for the assassination could you possibly get?" 

    I was responding to your slippery-slope, non-sequitor, falsely-foundated illogic that Myers' model somehow has any relevance, because  he pre-supposed the trajectory of a mythical bullet based of a false assumption. The Z-film can't do anything for that kind of stupidity, criminality and treason; but the gas chamber could have, if the perps were still alive. But, I ask, is it not a crime to cover for criminals after the fact? Of course, I am speaking of the perps involved in the OFFICIAL cover-up, not you, David. 

  6. 2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Take a look at the profile of his lawyer.



    Please note how this jibes with what I started this thread with.  These rightwing fruits actually excuse what they are doing by saying that advocacy lawyering began with the NAACP and ACLU and they call them "left groups".

    In other words, the crusade to get voting rights for black Americans and to get integrated facilities in the south, that is a leftist agenda to them. Does this mean they were fine with Jim Crow?

    The ACLU began when AG Mitchell Palmer and J Edgar Hoover tried to imprison and deport workers and union organizers without due process.   In other words protesting the deprivation of someone's  legal rights, that is leftist to them.

    This is how goofy these people are and this is how they salve their consciences for what they do.

    McAdams is right at home with them.  Since they think terrorizing a student teacher in print and on the radio is academic freedom. I wonder what this guy would have said if Abbate had been killed or seriously injured.  Well, heck, its part of academic freedom?


    This is a great little piece, Jim; thanks. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    And what better VISUAL source for the assassination could you possibly get? 

    How about one that takes into consideration the fact that The Warren Comission's fantasy should not determine the output of the investigation or those of latter-day apologists, such as Myers, or David Von Pein.

  8. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10216-10273.pdf

    AMAGREE / 1   Not in MFF

    AMTRUNK / 13   Not in MFF

    AMTRUNK / 19  Not in MFF

    AMTRUNK / 10   Not in MFF

    AMTRUNK / 9   Not in MFF

    AMTRUNK / 20  Not in MFF

    AMTRUNK / 11  Not in MFF

    AMAKA / 1  Not in MFF

    AMICE / 14  ( MFF: AMICE- FORDC, Frente Obrero Revolucionario Democratico Cubano. The English translation is Labor Revolutionary Democratic Front of Cuba.)



    Charecter of AMTRUNK /13/10



    AMTRUNK /10/1 in possession of arms? Cache, radio equipment. Involved in conspiracy.




  9. Plan to blow up plane in order to assassinate Che Guevara.


    AMQUACK  Che Guevara 

    AMWORM / 1    (MFF 1Miguel Angel Leon, aka Miguel de Leon Rojas, aka "Cuco", former Cuban senator and aide to Manuel Artime. Used the alias of Domingo Beltard when he helped Tony Sforza and other CIA officers escape from Cuba in the wake of the Bay of Pigs)  according to this  doc, "personally made two time bombs" for the assassination attempt.




    AMWHIP 1 is the only MFF entry for the AMWHIP series at this time. I think it is an important series to which we should pay some attention. So I'll be saving relevant docs here.



    AMWHIP / 3 Not in MFF = Luis Manuel...





  11. 22 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

    Shootout in Paris



    UNSNAFU / 9

    UNSNAFU / 19  Not in MFF

    UNSNAFU / 14  Not in MFF

    UNSSNAFU / 13 (Female)  Not in MFF


    AMBALD / 2 Not in MFF




    GLOADEN, again...

    "G. Knows GLOADEN, KYMINGHAM, CROWERY and possibly other CO's in true name. General KUBARK EEI's for PBRUMEN."

    David Phillips used CHOADEN as a pseudonym, I am beginning to think GLOADEN is Phillips as well.

    Also in Doc....


    AMLASH /1/2/3

    AMWHIP /1

    Interesting paragraph "a."

    UNSIERRA   Not in MFF "now dead"

    QUSPORT /1


    Wallace A. GROWEREY...  https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10216-10237.pdf re: prospects for coup in Cuba. Summary of assets of 

    AMLASH /1

    AMBIDDY /1

    QUSPORT /1





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