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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 1 minute ago, David Josephs said:

    My pleasure Mike...  Amazing too how many of the newly released docs deal with the FBI's Mafia surveillance and subjects nowhere near related to JFK...

    McCord Jr holds some of the keys for sure...

    The WYF you talk about.. Helsinki had a few... A chance for the commies to recruit the youth, no?

    Interested to read what ur search turns up...

    Well, when I first started to read about the WYF, I started to try to place LHO there, as opposed to being on the boat to Europe. I though I would be stretching things if I tried to post about such an assignment. I would have had to delve deeply into LHO's timeline, Josephs-style.

  2. 2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Thanks David, A few pages in and two things that have been on my fork, with my mouth wide open, jumped from the page: The World Youth Festival and James McCord Jr.

    P. 5

    Redact first came to the official attention of the Office of Security and 9 September 1955, when redact (Executive Officer, OS) forwarded a letter written by redact to redact, ( Chief, Personnel Seurity Division, OS), Who in turn directed the letter to James W McCord [Security Research Staff of the Office of Security (SRS).


  3. In the paragraph I posted there is a “records release “ link. That link wired for me. Then there is an intro paragraph that has a link to an excel file. That also worked for me. I will try to share that link in a minute. 


    Here is that link



    That link is found on the page to which you navigate when you click the “records tease “ link mentioned above.  

    Here is a copy-paste of the paragraph that has the spreadsheet link.

    Accessing the Release Files

    The table below displays metadata about all the released documents. You can also download the spreadsheet as an Excel file (4.7MB).”

  4. On 6/9/2018 at 3:39 AM, Bart Kamp said:

    I would like to know if anyone here can help me with a request by a highly respected researcher who doesn't frequent forums. Hence me posting.


    Two FBI numbers,105-82555 -5712 and 105 82555-5713.

    Over the years I periodically checked the file box at NARA to see if those two redacted documents had been released or were less redacted,there was no change in their status....then last year when I went to that file box at NARA the documents were not there for whatever reason.As you can see from the minimal words released these docs are to do with Oswald's identity...

    Doubly interesting is the fact that Ray Wannell's name is on the documents, he was liaison between the FBI and NSA...Wannell's Church Committee testimony is still locked up or was,maybe that's out now?




    If anyone of you knows more about this or have a better version or anything else then please do let me know, thanks a lot.





    Hi Bart,

    I made an iquiry and I received a response, quoted below. The response directs the reaseacher to download a PDF file and make a search. I am using an iPad and have never used "Numbers" before, so I struggled for a bit without any luck. Perhaps the response below might help you.





    Michael Clark:

    This is response to your request for information form the JFK Assassination Records Collection. Specifically you are interested in Serials 5712 and 5713 from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) HQ Case File 105-82555.
    Serial 5712 (RIF Number 124-10173-10082) is open in full and available for public review. Serial 5713 (RIF 124-10173-10081) had redactions on the first page. That page was released as part of the 2017 release.  You can find the recently released page online by going to our web page about JFK Records Release and opening the Excel document linked to there. You will want to run a Find search using 124-10173-10081 as your search term. You should get one hit. It is a PDF copy of the first page. It has not yet been interfiled with the rest of the records.
  5. I find these two documents to be fascinating.....

    The Iguvine tablets....



    And the Lapis Niger (or, more accurately, the inscription found thereapon.)



    In an imaginary world I would have friends with whom who I could discuss this kind of stuff, but that is not the case. If I did, and I was going to give a friend the low down on what I think the Lapis Niger says, I would tell them that it is a warning, like a road construction sign, that passers-by should take care while passing the coming religious precinct. They should take care because there may be religious ceremonies goin on and auguries being taken and they should not disturb these rituals, under pain of punishment of the King. Indeed, one should remove the yoke from his oxen such that the chance that their ox might drop a loaf would be reduced.

    Now, I know almost nothing about Latin. The Latin inscribed on the Lapis Niger is very old and obscure. It is sometimes claimed to be the oldest Latin inscription known. Indeed, to me, it looks a bit like Greek, literally. Expert attempts at translation frequently point out that their attempts are a best-effort, and its meaning is still obscure. So, my hypothetical pal, to whom I would be bantering, would get a similar qualification from me.

    Yet, now, I have discovered a translation of a portion of the Iguvine Tablets which illustrates quite well the kind of message which I think the Lapis Niger is attempting to purvey. Here it is, a copy and paste from Wikipedia.....



    VI Side a

    Lustration of the arx

    Introductory auspices: As in 1, the sacrifice is to be preceded by the taking of the auspices. Formulae passed between the augur and the arfertur (legum dictio); warning against noises, interruptions, meddling; boundaries of the augural templum; formulae of announcement of the auspices (conspectio, nuntiatio); prescriptions applying to the ensuing sacrifice concerning the military rod (pirsca arsmatia), the disposition of the pots and the fire."



    And that ends my post.







  6. 2 minutes ago, Rich Pope said:

    Why do you care about the names of the women he had affairs with?  In my book, I document 33 different affairs JFK had prior and during his tenure as president.  Do you seriously want the names and pictures of all of these women?


    Rich, What is name of your book?



    On 5/26/2007 at 4:18 PM, David Talbot said:


    My book acknowledges Bobby's flaws – his intemperate stance towards Castro (particularly in the early days of the administration), his arrogance, his absolutist tendencies (again, particularly early on), etc. And as for Sheridan, I make no effort to defend his investigative methods – except to say that in his and Bobby's minds, the evil of their organized crime targets merited this zealousness on their part. I think Sheridan's Irish-Catholic, ex-G man, pro-Kennedy intensity clearly carried over into his dealings with Garrison, which, as I write in the book, was tragic. Sheridan was unable to recognize Garrison's legitimate contributions to solving the case, once he concluded he was tainted.


    My own view of Garrison, as I've tried to make clear, is that he was a flawed hero. He was enormously brave to reopen the case and withstand the ferocious counterassault from the government and the media --and yes from RFK and Sheridan, who feared that he would expose Kennedy secrets and also contaminate the investigation, which they were intent on keeping under their control.

    .........Garrison .....did indeed have puzzling blinders on when it came to Carlos Marcello – he thought the godfather of New Orleans, a venomous enemy of the Kennedys, was a "respectable businessman." I don't think Marcello was the architect of the assassination -- I think it came out of U.S. intelligence. But I think Mafia bosses like him (and I would also include Trafficante and Rosselli) played a supporting role in the crime -- and in the Ruby hit on Oswald. And we can argue all day about Clay Shaw, and whether – after losing Banister and Ferrie as targets – Garrison should have built his whole case on him. But the bottom line is that a jury didn’t buy it, and the result – as Bobby and Sheridan feared – was to contaminate the case for many years to come. 


    To sum up, Garrison and Sheridan were both motivated by a deep and genuine desire to crack the case. But they were both doomed to clash, considering their polar-opposite personalities and agendas. This was a tragedy for the entire country.

    The above quoted from the thread that was shared by Pam.

    I wonder if Talbot provides more insight, elsewhere, into any RFK interference into the Garrison investigation.


  8. 10 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Do you have a link to this study?


    3 hours ago, Rich Pope said:

    My source comes from a DIA analysis report and my own dealings as an employee of the CIA.  Notice if you look, the watermark in the paper.  This is an employee copy but the paper has the United States Seal as a watermark.






  9. 33 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

    We might want to read between the lines here.  But I do agree that more definition is needed to make a real case for this.  At this point, I'm just giving my opinion. It is my understanding, however, that Garrison believed Sheridan had been sent by RFK to destroy his investigation.

    Looks like there is a thread on Garrison and Sheridan that was started when David Talbot's book BROTHERS was published: 


    Interesting thread you have shared Pamela. I gave it a once-over and will return to it.

    Thanks to recent document releases I can look at this topic In a manner which I would not have recently been able. 

    If RFK was suspect of Garrison, I must consider the possibility the he was, or RFK believed him to be, a diversion, or possibly led down a false path.

    The recent documents to which I am referring are pushing me, with regard to the extent of Mob complicity, control and initiation, to Los Angeles. I am thinking of Frank DiSimonne, Nicole Licata, David Yaras, Los Angeles and Vegas kingpins and politicians, and Jewish mobsters with their interests and assets in Havana and Miami, respectively. 

    If RFK knew or believed this to be true, he would have seen NOLA and Garrison as a diversion. He would also have know, like JFK in Dallas,  the danger in which he placed himself by going there in 1968.

    The Jewish mob connection to the assassination is one which has not been on my radar; despite Jack Ruby's near hysterical warnings and expression of fear for his people when he said "Now there will be pogroms. They will kill all the Jews.". The whole motivation of Ruby is more clear than it was before the recent document release.


  10. My apologies if I have missed it but I am wondering why I can't find this document in the Archives or on MFF?


    Also, I would note that Frankfurt seems to be CIA-Central for Europe.

    In my research of of CIA location codes I have come to the tentative conclusion that cities that generate, from the documents, two location codes, one including a 20, have a large or regional CIA HQ; with Frankfurt being the big daddy outside of Langley. The Hague and Luxembourg also have a "20" in their location code.

    Another bit of speculation is that the existence of 2 location codes for a city is making a distinction between an individual traveling to/from or being present in a particular city as opposed to traveling to/from or being present in the CIA station in that same city. The "20" indicator indicating the CIA station.

  11. 36 minutes ago, Rich Pope said:


    There is no pleasing you or I guess anyone.  If you can find ANYTHING like this on the Internet, then get back in touch with me.  In fact, I'll personally give you $1,000 reward if you can find anything like this online.  BTW...It is a felony to impersonate a CIA officer.  So, if I were lying and faking a federal document, I would be put in a federal prison pretty quickly.


    To be sure, I am not challenging your claims of past employment. That would be against forum rules. You are not understanding my point, however, so I’ll drop the subject.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Rich Pope said:


    There is no pleasing you or I guess anyone.  If you can find ANYTHING like this on the Internet, then get back in touch with me.  In fact, I'll personally give you $1,000 reward if you can find anything like this online.  BTW...It is a felony to impersonate a CIA officer.  So, if I were lying and faking a federal document, I would be put in a federal prison pretty quickly.


    That's rich, Rich.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Rich Pope said:

    My source comes from a DIA analysis report and my own dealings as an employee of the CIA.  Notice if you look, the watermark in the paper.  This is an employee copy but the paper has the United States Seal as a watermark.



    Sorry Rich, this is the Internet. That doesn't do me any good. The fact that you would present that in lieu of the evidence, which I suggested you should present, only hurts your case instead of helping it, in my world anyway.



  14. On 6/14/2018 at 4:35 AM, David Lifton said:

    This is an exceptionally clear print, and I have re-examned it carefully.  I want to withdraw my previous remarks that the cyclists were smiling.

    I no longer believe that to be the case.


    6/15/2018 - 1:35 AM PDT


    On 6/14/2018 at 11:58 AM, Rich Pope said:

    Yeah, I was going to say...they aren't smiling at all.

    Rich,  You already covered that. 

    1 hour ago, Rich Pope said:

    They are not smiling at all.


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