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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 51 minutes ago, Rich Pope said:

    The Russians had nothing to do with the assassination.  They did however, allow Lee Oswald to return to the states with his new Russian bride and their new child because Oswald promised to feed them intelligence information.  And since the information Oswald had already fed the Russians with respect to the U-2 program, the Russians felt he would prove to be a credible source.  Of course when Oswald had made his way back to the states, the CIA cut him off because they had already used him for his purpose as a participant in the false defector program.  Marina herself was KGB but it wasn't working out well because Oswald and Marina lived separately.  Oswald in a room in a boarding house and Marina with Ruth Paine who by the way, Ruth's sister was CIA.  

    Reading Rich's posts is like reading George Sawetelle's. It's like he has some omniscient connection to the truth underlying the assassination that gets sputtered out on occasion. There is no indication as to what evidence, documents, events or statements inform his view; no "IMO's" or "in my theory", "in my reading" or the like. It's as if we could all sit down and listen to Rich for a little while and we could all wash our hands of this thing.

    Rich, is there any evidence for your above claims? I would really like to hear it. It all seems kind of important. Please, will you share?

  2. I believe Paz is expressing frustration about the critical and investigative community focusing on US based or US centric critics, researchers and investigators. She is suggesting that there is much more to be seen and discovered in, say, Italian, French etc., sources, newspapers, articles, documents. 

    While she also, generally, expresses a foreign based, or foreign directed plot, elsewhere, in other posts, here she is speaking specifically at research and investigation that is limited by uni-lingual (American) speakers and readers, and myopic (domestic USA) research.

  3. 2 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

    Wow. The FBI worrying about a speech that Mark Lane was going to give in Zurich, Switzerland.

    The FBI wouldn't be this scared again till Donald Trump ran for president.



    I came across a number of these kinds of docs,  Ron. I didn't save or note them because they didn't seem significantly interesting until I found that the sheer number of them speaks volumes. 

    I figured a thread would be a good place to collect them.

  4. Memorandum regarding Thomas Gettings Buchanan Jr., Author of an article in the "L' Express" press on 3-26-64.

     "In this article Buchanan discusses the people in power "in power" in Dallas and states that they had used gangsters as "front men" in assisting in protecting Oswald in that city. Without their concurrence, according to Buchanan, Oswald would never have been able to obtain employment in Dallas. Buchanan describes the members of the Dallas Council as being the wealthy and influential people behind the scenes in that community and states that seven members of The Council represent the cream of the influential citizens of Dallas. In the latter group he mentioned HL hunt, his son Lamar Hunt, as well as Clinton and John Murchinson. Thereafter, Buchanan discusses the background in business dealings of Hunt as well as his relations with General Edward walker in the John Birch society you can also goes into.........."


    This part of the document trails-off here. Keep in mind that The Mayor of Dallas is a City Council member, a sort of first among peers. The Mayor of Dallas was CIA agent Earle Cabell, brother of Former CIA Director, Earle Cabell.




  5. There are several sections of the recent releases that have massive documents. They are largely untitled, undated, and there is no subject matter indicated.

    Here is an example of a section of the Archives release table. This section has many of those kinds of documents....




    Here is an example, a 1600 plus page document, largely regarding the Black Panthers...



    Nearly 600 pages of civil rights activism, subversives", communists. Reading bits of it, it looks like The FBI was effectively equating blacks and civil rights activists as Communists.



  6. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32981164.pdf


    Senate Select Comittee Request for LBJ Material on Cuba and JFK Assassination.



    D. State Department Memorandum. Document 9 is a December 1963 memorandum from Executive Secretary Read to  McGeorge Bundy concerning papers prepared for December Presidential meeting in Cuba. The memorandum indicates that the papers were prepared for the "Presidents", and then it was crossed out to state "Secretary's", use at 6 PM December 2 meeting. 


  7. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32981164.pdf


    Senate Select Comittee Request for LBJ Material on Cuba and JFK Assassination.



    D. State Department Memorandum. Document 9 is a December 1963 memorandum from Executive Secretary Read to  McGeorge Bundy concerning papers prepared for December Presidential meeting on Cuba. The memorandum indicates that the papers were prepared for the "Presidents", and then it was crossed out to state "Secretary's", use at 6 PM December 2 meeting. 


  8. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32977094.pdf

    Note the arrow pointing at Gen. Lemnitzer's name.


    Memorandum for the Special Goup (Augmented)

    5 July 1962

    From: Brig. Gen. Landsdale

    Subject: Progress: Operation Mongoose


    Contingency Planning: Rumors in mid June of a Cuban uprising led to my tasking Defense for further contingency planning. Including an inter-departmental plan. Defense reports this planning is progressing well......


    "Eyes Only" copies to:

    1. General Taylor

    2. Mr, Johnson

    3. Mr. Gilpatrick

    4. Mr. McCone

    5. Mr. Kennedy

    6. General Lemnitzer

    7. Chief of Operations 









  9. Office of the Secretary of Defense

    30 October 1962

    By Brigadier General Lansdale

    Subject: Operation Mongoose


     John McCone asked me to call him on the gray telephone this morning. I did so. He stated that he didn't know exactly how I was supposed to get word on this, so he was informing me to help out: at the Executive Council meeting this morning, the President had decided to hold back Operation Mongoose for the time being. Also during negotiations re Soviet missile bases in Cuba, there were to be no Mongoose sabotage or similar militant operations. McCone said that he had informed General Carter of this, but was letting me know, as Chief of Operations, to let the operations team know; he mentioned that Alpha 66 and the approved sabotage of Cuban shipping or to be held, specifically.

    I commented that I just received a copy of the memorandum from him to the Attorney General, the Secretary Defense, etc., dated today, saying that CIA was still awaiting word from me on sending in 20 teams by submarine for intelligence collection, after I determined JCS and State requirements. I said that I had been told by McGeorge Bundy, on Sunday, 28 October, to hold up action on this for 24 hours and had promptly notify the CIA, and that yesterday, upon receipt of a memorandum from Bruce Cheever, on the same subject, I had taken it up again with Bundy -- and Bundy had told me that he would tell McCone to have the CIA hold everything. I presumed that Bundy had so informed McCone. Also, Harvey had called me Sunday night, asking my permission to discuss CIA assets with CINCLANT and JUWTF for contingency planning; I had given Harvey permission to assist in this planning, if he felt that the US military needed more planning help from CIA.

    After the talk with McCone, I talked with Bruce Cheever Who assured me that he had similar orders from Carter and that all militant actions under CIA were being held at a stop. I gave similar orders to General Johnson for Defense/JCS. Lieutenant Colonel Patchell concurrently informed State and USIA along the same lines.










  10. On 5/23/2014 at 1:59 PM, Robert Howard said:

    Message to Bill Simpich regarding your earlier question about the document, that is a 1978 HSCA Era document which I had copied from Joe Backes Batch Documents.....


    What is it that they do over there?


    3 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

    Message to Robert Howard - Here is a better copy of the 11/7/62 Ernest Ignacio Aragon memorandum - it is totally legible.

    Aragon said that he obtained considerable information about the Cubans of a security nature and would pass it on to the head office in DC, who would then spread it to the appropriate agencies.

    Quoting Mr. Howard in case he has his notifications turned on...

  11. I have not read the obave doc in full yet, but why was this both discovered and kept classified by the HSCA? It's not an FBI doc or a a CIA doc.  The HSCA is apparently the controlling authority. I don't get it.

  12. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/docid-32266804.pdf

    This doc appears to bring some new information on Honest Joe's truck by a witness named Mrs. **** Moore. She says the truck had Jack Ruby's name on it as well.



    Present are:

    Mrs. Anna Ruth Moore.

    Mr. Huey Moors

    And investigators:

    Mr. Al Maxwell

    Clarence Daly



    Mr. Maxwell: did you see the car?

    Mrs. Moore: Yes, I did.

    Mr. Maxwell: what did the car do  redact  what you saw?

    Mrs. M.: Well, at the time Elm Street was a two-way street so it came down Elm Street going towards the book depository. It was driving real slow. Now, we couldn't see the car while it was in front of us, but when it came down to the side where we were looking out the side window, you could see this car. It was a black truck and it had lots of writing on it in the truck had "Jack Ruby and Honest Joe" and I remember saying to one of my coworkers: "What in the world is Honesr Joe doing out in the middle of the street in a time like this?"

    Mr. M.: And it also had "Jack Ruby" on it?

    Mrs. Moore: yeah, it had "Jack Ruby" written on there and "Honest Joe" and we thought, I said, "Well that must be the same person."


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