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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. This Research thread is a place to work on the following document from the recent, 2017-18 releases. 




    There is an associated thread in the JFK Debate forum. I have Post on that forum linking to here. The point of this is so I can develop research on this subject without bumping that Debate Forum thread at every turn. Here is a link to that thread....




  2. On 6/11/2018 at 8:01 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

    Good grief!  Regardless of the facts of where Sarah Stanton was standing on the TSBD stairs...

    Where does all your HATE come from?

    Can we not even discuss this politely?

    Jim, your are dragging ugliness into this forum from from elsewhere.

    On 6/14/2018 at 8:37 PM, Jim Hargrove said:


    Frankly, I could care less about how much of a bully you are. ........ Perhaps I'm wrong, but here are a few of the messages troppocrat@aol.com has sent me about you....



    In it Bart Kamp ignores .....

       Kamp ignores

    ..Kamp flagrantly ignores

    ... Not only does Kamp .....but he ignores ......

       Kamp is lying

    .What he flagrantly ignores

    ....Kamp insults

    .He's clearly trying to keep information he is aware refutes him from ......I think we know who the "faker" is...


     .....Stancak and they are incredible efforts at Rube Goldberg pseudo-analysis...

    Because the Education Forum has been trimmed down to only pro-Murphy posters no one takes a deserved wack at Stancak's pinata of ridiculous pseudo-science he tries to pass off as research...

    ....Stancak is making him 6 foot and directly comparable to Frazier...The Education Forum allows Stancak to run uncontrolled like a kid in a sandbox...

        .....if Stancak simply bothered to read what I've posted on my ........If you'll notice Stancak omits all of these .....


    DiEugenio asked Kamp where he thought Stanton was and Kamp ......Really credible forum


      No one mentions to Andrej that

    ..Gordon has allowed Andrej and Kamp to be ....... What Andrej does is ....... Andrej is assisted by Gordon in avoiding ...

       Stancak listed ".... Stancak knew ....Stancak couldn't locate 

     new imaginary Stanton was created out of thin air by Stancak ....

    Stancak ignored that ...

       Another thing Kamp and Stancak avoid with ....


       Why the hate? - Because Kamp is trying to pre-empt having to answer what he already knows to be true...


    I'm asking again, Bart.  Where does all your HATE come from?


    Jim, Hargrove, it looks like you are trying to settle a score on wounds you have taken from outside this forum, by dragging all the baggage into this forum.

    I am sure it is not lost on you that this is just aggravating to the moderators, and it creates work for them.

    I am sure that it is not lost on you that this garbage is depressing to the sponsors, admins and moderators.

    I am sure that it is not lost on you that this garbage is depressing to the members, apart from a very few who like to see a good stirring of the pot; in fact those members have appeared to have been absent lately.

    I am sure that it is not lost on you that this garbage has repeatedly caused threads to be shut down in the past.

    I am sure that it is not lost on you that it is pretty selfish of you to try to settle a score here , which was earned elsewhere.


    Bart, don't get tro11ed.




  3. 2 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

    Anyone have access to a 1963 city directory for Dallas? Might find Rodriguez's address there, especially if the phone numbers are the same. That would take care of the Huspeth/Elsbeth question.

    This might get you to the 1961 directory, which might help. Perhaps from there you can get to the 1963 directory.



    and, I'll ping Ashton, perhaps he has more to add to this thread

    @Ashton Gray

  4. On 6/26/2018 at 7:29 PM, Michael Clark said:

    A damning document in the role of the CIA in the assassination of Lumumba.



    Very frank comments by Dulles and Harvey,

    Arnold Silver



    I wanted to note that this document is essentially 5 documents, covering 5 events and situations: and is of added interest due to this juxtapositioning. 

    P.1-5 re: Cuba

    P. 6 to P.94.  covers, in detail, CIA interest in assassinating Former Congo President Lumumba.

    P.95 to  109  Discusses to efforts to overthrow Trujillo.

    P.110 ( The Schneider Report) Discusses efforts towards a coup in Chile.

    P.142 Re: discussions about Vietnamese president Diem's Presidency

    The last two pages are pages separated from the earlier section on The Congo. It states that Dulles and Bissell did, indeed, authorize the assassination of Lumumba.


  5. On 6/26/2018 at 7:29 PM, Michael Clark said:

    A damning document in the role of the CIA in the assassination of Lumumba.



    Very frank comments by Dulles and Harvey,

    Arnold Silver



    @Paul Brancato  

    p. 68-9, and thereabouts, QJWIN's mission was to work his way through layers of protective custody, both U.N. and Congolese, and convince Lumumba to leave his safety net. 

    Does this sound, to you, like a Skorzeny type mission? It sounds to me like someone with political, rhetorical and persuasive skills; not a rifleman. On the other hand, QJWIN is, in this same document, characterized as having a criminal background; larceny, burglary, and the like, which doesn't really jibe with the persuasive, diplomatic type of man I just described.

  6. On 6/28/2018 at 1:31 AM, David Von Pein said:

    If you can't figure out that the Single-Bullet Theory is the truth, I feel sorry for your poor investigative skills.

    As Vincent Bugliosi said in his book, the SBT is "so obvious that a child could author it".


    That’s pretty lame David. You had your “investigation” done for you , 50 years ago; and you can say “ but Blugosi said!.....,”

    You don’t have to investigate; you don’t have to put yourself out to criticism. Any criticism that comes your way falls straight upon the WC and VB.


  7. 14 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:



    I agree with you 100%.


    Steve Thomas

    There can’t be much doubt about it. And the value of that commodity appreciates significantly when you add the value of denial to the Block to the value of exploitation by the West.


    And, I’ll repost this in context of resource exploitation and markets...

    “Refinery Problem in The Congo" 




  8. 16 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    One good point the author Ralph Ganis makes is that studying Oswald doesn't necessarily lead us to the plotters of the assassination. 

    I would have written a more complete review of the book, but I was hoping others here would be interested in a new theory. It looks to me like members of the Forum would rather look at the single bullet theory, or who as standing on the steps of the TSBD, than entertain the idea that a prominent Nazi would have been given the contract. I'll make one thing clear that might get more of you to look at this research: The author does not speculate on a Fourth Reich or an Odessa. What he attempts to show is that Skorzeny was incorporated into the US national security state and given autonomy to set up a vast network of connections, mostly within US corporate entities, which could not be traced back to US Intelligence, but could be used to further our anti-Communist agenda. He points out convincingly that the Dallas White Russian community was part of his Network, including DeMohrenschildt, and his explanation for the 'friendship between DeM and LHO is most interesting. There was such a huge class difference between the two that something other than friendship was at work. Ganis suggests that DeM was protecting his cover and making sure that Oswald and Marina were not a threat to him.

    There are good reasons to suspect that Skorzeny was QJWIN. The author explores this in some depth, but it's not the centerpiece of his book. His case for Skorzeny running the JFK assassination is incomplete. But he does show the very weird links between Skorzeny and the Dallas elite.

    Thanks for that, Paul

  9. 4 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    I think it is useful to go back and look at the origins of the Veciana/Phillips/Oswald story:


    Wynne Johnson is not to be believed IMO:


    I believe, for the most part, Fonzi and Veciana. 

    Wynne Johnoson’s video is what brought me back into this case, after demurring from the truth for many years; I very much wanted to believe Wynn, and I largely did believe him. His story however jumped the shark completely with his fourth video. I can’t go into detail here but he ended up being entangled with a star studded who’s who cast of characters beyond imagination.

    That said, his story would make a great movie, or a very instructive dramatic series with a couple of seasons worth of material; outlining, in a fictional way, an unwilling teenage observer to an unlikely sequence of plausible and potentially factual events surrounding the assassination. I confess that I have considered the possibility of the development of this project quite extensively.

  10. On 5/6/2018 at 8:11 PM, Michael Clark said:

    I have been digging for location codes and cryptos, at the expense of reading content closely. Here are my location code and Crypto thread links if anyone stumbles upon them .I am coming up with few location codes but many Crypto s that are not listed on MFF.

    MFF Cryptonym list.


    My threads in the research section.



    I wanted to bump this again. I reason is to let people know that I would be grateful to those who share there findings.

    Secondly, I wanted to reiterate that I am becoming more convinced that 20 - location codes refer to the CIA HQ, embassy, Consulate or other particular place within a city, as opposed to the city at large. You can see my explanation and some evidence of this in the above-linked CIA Location Codes thread.

  11. 28 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    Because JFK conspiracy theorists need to regularly reinforce (in their own minds) their anti-SBT beliefs, as they continue to pretend (year after year) that the Single-Bullet Theory is "impossible", a "fantasy", and the "wet dream" of Pennsylvania's Arlen Specter.

    Deep down, though, all veteran CTers (including Cliff Varnell and virtually all other EF members) have got to know, of course, that the SBT is the only possible scenario that fits the sum total of evidence in the JFK case (how could they possibly not know that fact after studying the evidence for umpteen years?), but they've been aboard the "SBT Is Impossible" train for so long now, they can't ever disembark from it.

    The Ultimate In SBT Denial can be found here....


    As colonel Potter used to say..... "Horse Hockey".

    It is quite the opposite of course, David. It is you who are wedded to a false story; and are so deep in the muck that you would be hard-pressed to free yourself. 

    Most of us don't really know for sure what happened. We are trying to figure it out. There is no story to be wedded to. We are looking for that story.


  12. Has anyone heard of Gus Alex?





















    All from the following page, and I presume the docs on Alex continue from where I stopped

    https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/release?page=16&_ga=2.18593977.1657956965.1509547456-224044424.1509547456&sort=asc&order=File Num





    Gus Alex

    Gus Alex (April 1, 1916 – July 24, 1998) was a Greek-American mobster and high-ranking member of the Chicago Outfit, who succeeded Jake Guzik as the Syndicate's main political "fixer".

    Early lifeEdit

    According to William F. Roemer,

    "Gus, being Greek, could not be 'made,' but he had done it all. His dad had operated a small restaurant at Wentworth and 26th in Armour Square/Chinatown, which was frequented by many members of the Capone, and then the Nitti, mob. Gus and Strongy [Ferraro] had worked in the restaurant from an early age. Both were sharp guys and came to the attention of the boys. Gus had, therefore, been one of them almost since birth.[1]

    Working primarily for Al Capone's Jewish-American associate, Jake Guzik, Alex would later become his protégé as he rose through the ranks of the Chicago crime family. By 1930, he was suspected in the deaths of at least five unsolved murder cases. Two of the alleged victims, later dying of their injuries in hospital, identified Alex as their assailant as well as three others who were killed after reporting to police extortion and death threats sent by Alex.

    From Guzik's protege to Syndicate fixer

    Under Guzik's guidance, Alex became experienced in securing Syndicateprotection through bribery of city officials. By the mid-1940s, Alex was the main liaison between the Chicago Outfit and city hall officials. He granted control of the Loop's illegal gambling and prostitution operations, including a lucrative call girl operation out of prominent downtown hotels (of which many call girls were paid up to $500 to $1,000) Alex's operations brought in an estimated $1 million a month for the Syndicate.

    Described as "one of the wiliest and slickest crooks" within the Chicago Outfit,[citation needed] Alex would decline to answer questions under the Fifth Amendment over 39 times during his appearance before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the U.S. Senate Committee on Government Operations. During the 1960s, Alex would come under suspicion during his annual ski trips to Switzerland as the US government accused Alex of depositing Outfit money in unnumbered Swiss bank accounts. As a result of the US governments protest (although Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen and Congressman William L. Dawson opposed government action, calling to allow Alex to continue his "sporting trips"), Swiss officials banned Alex from entering Switzerland for 10 years.

    Later years

    Remaining a high-ranking member of the Chicago Outfit for over 30 years, Alex would retain his position throughout the reigns of Felice "Paul 'The Waiter' Ricca" DeLucia, Antonino "Tony," "Joe Batters" Accardo, and Salvatore "Sam," "Mooney" Giancana. Alex would continue to consolidate his political influence during the 1970s and 1980s not only within Chicago but expanding into the state capital Springfield, Illinois. An invaluable resource, Alex's political connections would ensure his position with the organization during the unstable leadership of the decade.

    During Outfit leader Joseph "Joey Doves" Aiuppa's imprisonment, Alex would share overseeing day-to-day activities with underboss Samuel "Wings" Carlisi(being supervised by former leader Accardo, based in Palm Springs, California).

    Alex died of a heart attack in federal prison after Leonard "Lenny" Patrick, a close Outfit associate, wore a "wire" and taped Alex for the FBI.


    “It’s a sucker’s game. You can’t win out there, you understand. We got the percentages rigged all in our favor. The longer you stay, the more you play, the more chances you got of losing. I don’t let nobody around me who gambles. A couple thousand, okay, but no gambling!”[2]

    On Las Vegas casinos.

















  13. 2 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:



    This was posted by Bill Simpich in the Education Forum on June 29, 2014:


    “I think the documents cited here resolve the identify of QJ/WIN as Jose Mankel (while recognizing that "Mankel" may not have been his true name, as shown in this ARRB memo: https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=60509&relPageId=3


    Steve Thomas



    That's this thread.

    Also, Tim Gratz opens this thread up suggesting Mankel.

    I guess we are trying to figure out who Mankel is as well. 

  14. On 5/6/2018 at 12:41 PM, Michael Clark said:




    ZRRAGTIME (not in MFF)


    QJBANNER "Agent who in fact help locate QJWIN"

    WIROTH (Not on MFF)

    WIROTH-1(Not on MFF) another CIA agent, tries to recruit to QJWIN to join assassination gang. Station says WIROTH "exceeding instructions". WIROTH trained in small arms, demolition and "medical immunizations." (PDF P.6)


    Also mention, Arnold Silver, Corsican assassins, plans for Lumumba assassination 

  15. 18 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

    QJWIN related to Spain, speculatively... in bold.

    It's interesting that the respondent has a "Pavlovian" response of "Spain" with regard to QJWIN, yet the "QJ" portion of that Cryptonym has no other mates, "QJ" is unique. Either we are missing multiple, or numerous, "QJ" Cryptos, or QJWIN is very likely related to Spain, or the respondent is being deceptive. 

    It could also be that I am not very good at this.......

    I found another QJ Crypto. It is QJBANNER, and it seems to me that I have seen it before. And QJBANNER-1 is on the MFF list. It was either just added or I overlooked it yesterday.

    P. 2


  16. 56 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Amazing and surprising gem in an otherwise rather unrevealing interview. Madrid, where Hunt was posted officially in 1965 I think, the European center of the fascists. 

    David - the page you posted is one I used to start a thread here because it really struck me how strange it was to see this Cuban mention Skorzeny without being asked about him, and he specifically mentions Madrid and Belgium. On that thread I posted a link to a short interview with Skorzeny who says, when asked if he’d ever been approached by Castro, says yes, and also by the enemies of Castro. 

    There are books being released soon that suggest (I think) that Skorzeny was QJWIN. How strange it is to find an article in a CIA history written by Arnold Silver, the COS in Luxembourg who recruited QJWIN for William Harvey, in which he specifically recalls his interrogation of Skorzeny in 1946 and his recommendation at the time that Skorzeny be allowed to go to Madrid, the city that Skorzeny suggests to Arnold. 



    Review of Office of Security files on E. Howard Hunt

    p.16 (PDF)

    p. 8. Sec. 19

     Memo for the record from department director of security; PPS; dated 2/8/63. Reports hunt call asking whether wife should register under "Foreign Agents Rregistration Act". Since she was doing translation work for the Spanish Embassy. Hunt is reported as fuzzing (?) an answering a question about OS approval and saying his wife is so independent that she would take the job regardless of what he said.

    Sec. 20.

    Memo for the record, undated, by Hunt: "Subject: Procurement of Intelligence by Mrs. Dorothy L hunt." 

    1. On 25 February 1963, I delivered to Mr. W. Lloyd George, Chief, FI, Thermo-fax copies of a memorandum and a letter of transmittal dated 18 and 20 February respectively. Both were prepared by ambassador Antonio Garrinques for Prrince Stanislas Radzivill and take to the latter in New York by Alfonso de Bourbon, 2d. Secretary of the Spanish Embassy in Washington.

    2. The purport of the material was to enlist the aid of Rradzzivill in (a) persuading the President to visit Madrid during his next European trip, and (b) conveying to the Preesident the views of Ambassador Garrinques regarding US Latin American relations.


  17. Same document as above....


    P. 24. Section 30.

    Undated memo (coverslip dated 12/8/64) from C/Investigations Division to C/SRS. Since 11/19/63 three Covert Security Approval requests have been made by Hunt's office (A/00/CA). These are requests for approvals for ghost writers. All these individuals proved to be "of very dubious loyalty. On 11/19/63 Hunt requested a clearance for Alden L.Todd. This case was canceled on 12/5/63 after derogatory information was discovered. On 12/9/63 Hunt requested clearance for Booten Hindon. A clearance with severe rerictions was given over "serious security objection. Hunt canceled the case on 5/14/64 because the burden of the restrictions......










  18. On 5/8/2018 at 9:42 PM, Michael Clark said:


    Dorothy Hunt. Howard tries to get Dorothy agency employment, succeed.

    P. 22. Buckley sends a letter to Hunt, speaks of the invisible government.5/28-64

    From the above handwritten document, I am transcribing Buckley's letter and the the opening commentary. I will include the next couple of entries....


    24. Memo for Dir. of Sec.from Chief / FI dated  5/10/63 says: "I have discussed the point raised by you with Mr. Holmes and while we agree in principle, we believe that there is sufficient gain from the contact and certain pieces of information to take the calculated risk...." this will continue until she quits on 6/30 due to pregnancy.

    25. Routing and record sheet Gordon Mason, Sp.  Asst. to DDP; DDP and Mr. Chritien; from A/DO/CA dated 6/1/64 - under comments: typed: "The attached draft column by Bill Buckley will appear in 75 US newspapers, including the Scripps Howard chain, during the week of June 8.

    The background of this placement is the fact that Buckley work for me as a staff agent in Mexico 1950 - 51 and we have remained close friends."


    in script "A copy of this has been sent to the director. Will you please forward to Mr. Elder biographical material on Wm. Buckley." 

    This is initiated by the same person who initialed the box next to  "DDP" attached is a letter from Buckley to Hunt dated 5/28/64 and an article entitled "Hate CIA Week". 

    "dear Howard: here it is. You will note we had to cut 15 lines because it was over. But I hope it helps thanks 1 million for all the work you did on it. I managed to read only about 1/3 of the book and depended on you for the rest. Give me a ring soon. Hastily, Bill"

    The article is a review of "The Invisible Government".

    26. Routing and record sheet dated 7/28/64 says "in view of the deferrals in the RIP action since 1962 and the fact that subject was polygraphed in 1953 and 1957 I believe closing of the rip without further action is in order."

    S/ Liddy. C/TRS


    These three entries I have transcribed in order of the handwritten file. The handwritten file is in order by page no..... 12, 13, 14, 15. There is obvious discontinuity between p.13 and 14.  I will say, before reviewing, that all entries in this doc.  are in regard to Hunt. With the above qualifications , I'll note that it is remarkable that we have these document entries, regarding Buckley, Hunt and Liddy, in order; and, presumably, Liddy commenting on Hunt in June of 1964.





  19. 3 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Bart Kamp....

    I'd like to believe that PrayerSmudge was really LHO.  It would prove the Warren Commission was completely wrong.

    Please show me the best image you have of PrayerSmudge as LHO.   You certainly don't have to do it, but I'd LOVE to see it.

    Just askin.....



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