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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 6/28/2018 at 11:18 AM, David Josephs said:

    No doubt Paul....  for this paper and this moment, these associations have been offered...

    I'm surprised that LITAMIL/9's real name is listed...  any idea when these docs were created?, (EDIT: FEB 1978)

    as he was on the edge a great deal of the time and was burnt out by the mid 60's...  he was regularly seen as THE greatest source of info from inside that embassy and for the social activities of AZCUE...




    In the document above, shared by @David Josephs, CHOADEN (not in MFF list) is identified as David Phillips. Below I quote a post of mine from this thread, mentioning CHOADEN as the originator of a dispatch to COS, Win Scott.


    On 4/30/2018 at 6:15 PM, Michael Clark said:


    Italics are mine.

    "Memo for COS (Win Scott) from CHOADEN (David Phillips) Subj: N. Y. Times article on Oswald. Carl MIGDAIL Visited me on the morning of for Dec. he brought with him a cutting from the 3 Dec. West Coast edition of the New York Times. This story was about Oswald's visit to MEXI,, and went into great detail about where he stayed and who he saw. MIGDAILasked me if the story was accurate. I told him I did not know. (I have refused to comment to *  MIGDAIL on any aspects of the Oswald case). / MIGDAIL said he felt certain that the New York Times Man got his information from Luis Farias' file."

    Inasmuch as I believe that these dispatches are from and to MC, and in chronological order, I find it very interesting that the very next entry is in regards to a KUSODA, Office of Security, agent whom I am musing to be James McCord Jr.

  2. On 6/28/2018 at 11:18 AM, David Josephs said:

    No doubt Paul....  for this paper and this moment, these associations have been offered...

    I'm surprised that LITAMIL/9's real name is listed...  any idea when these docs were created?, (EDIT: FEB 1978)

    as he was on the edge a great deal of the time and was burnt out by the mid 60's...  he was regularly seen as THE greatest source of info from inside that embassy and for the social activities of AZCUE...



    That is excellent David, CHOADEN (David Phillips) recently came up in a document I recently shared; now I have to find it.

    I am reading "AMTREDGE / 1" next to the picture.

  3. 18 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    Precisely what makes Myers and Von Pein "experts" and "scientists"?


    “Precisely” is without a doubt asking for too much. Give some leeway and he’s answer would still be amusing, is not absurd.

    What I am more interested in is Francois’ claim to exrordinary abilities in the realm of critical thinking. That is a term that is often bandied-about by many, yet Francois has shown NOTHING that give a hint that he knows ANYTHING about Critical Thinking or expression. The first litmus test......

    Francois, if you have a clue of what critical thinking consists, you would have to know what an example of the opposite would be. Tell us, show us, since you have pointed-out that this entire forum is populated with non-critical thinkers, what is an example of non critical thinking. That should be easy. Yet, I am quite sure that you are blowing smoke and have no clue how to answer this challenge To be sure I can and will clarify this for you after you make a fool of yourself or otherwise obfuscate the issue

    Have at it, Francois. But don’t take too much time

    I am waiting





    18 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


  4. 1 minute ago, David Von Pein said:

    You don't know what you're talking about. You're just spitting out theories about steeper angles just to hear yourself talk.

    The exact angle measurements were taken by surveyors in Dealey Plazxa on May 24, 1964, when the WC and FBI performed their assassination re-enactments. The exacting measurements are revealed on page 106 of the WCR....


    But Jim D. thinks all those detailed measurements about the angles are nothing but LIES spouted by the WC, right Jim?

    And Jim must think that Dale Myers just made up his own set of figures too (via Myers' "Secrets Of A Homicide" project). All of these figures are just lies too, right Jim?....


    In short, DiEugenio (as usual) is blowing smoke (and a lot of hot air).

    Yeah, that’s funny. They took measurements to a point from which a gun was never fired....😂

  5. On 7/3/2018 at 11:55 PM, Michael Clark said:

    MKCHARITY P. 51. Listed in MFF as "Equipment basehouse in Mexico City, supported by the CIA's Technical Services Division. http://alphas.wikia.com/wiki/MK-Ultra[status: Speculative]

    From instant document... "note to COS from 1kn4c-iden 41 was told yesterday but I told him not to tell the LIENVOY people – just keep bringing in the reels to me. ..... we have a month to six weeks reserve. Nevertheless am requesting 500 new ones. If not needed for this, we can store half of them with MKCHARITY for not yet known targets. This note attached to MEXI 7241-"


    Does this confirm MFF ID of MKCHARITY?

    MFF updated their entry on MKCHARITY, like so... no longer "speculative".

    MKCHARITY: Equipment basehouse in Mexico City, supported by the CIA's Technical Services Division.

    This goes to show that we all can make a difference. The MFF MKCHARITY had quite a bit of evidence. Bill Simpich and MFF were kind enough to credit me. 


    Thanks Bill!

  6. Not a new document. This was an accidental post so I'll re-use it.

    MFF confirming a David Phillips pseudonym as "Mr. Abbot". I find this interesting because it raised the question if LHO actually asked to be put in touch with a Mr. Abbot, and not ""John Abt". Certainly the John Abt request is a mystery to this day. LHO's asking for Mr Abbot would make a whole lot mores sense.



  7. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/157-10011-10037.pdf

    I posted this in the document release thread. Larry replied to my post. I’ll post it here  again as it seems quite relavant and quite extraordinarily rich. I was scanning it while looking for code names, so I don’t have anything specific to bring to your attention at this time. 

    Regarding the recent posts and items for which we should be on the look out, I am not summing it up welll for an item in the wish list. I did come away with the guidance to look out for actions of JJA and DAP. I guess that kind of goes without saying. Also, the Office of Security should be noted.

    In the doc for which I posted a link, I did see mention of KUSODA (OOS) and a “Mr. Davis”. Being an undisciplined neophyte researcher, I though I was reading about James McCord Jr, for a few reasons.

    Anyway, I hope that someone who knows what they are doing will take a close look at  that doc and tell me if I am justified in thinking it is a trove, to some degree.




  8. Yes guys, I would sort this out for the wish list and post it, but I don’t have time right now and I’ll probably forget. Please post to the WL and I’ll be sure to refresh from there when I sit down to read again

  9. Some more notes from the above doc. 

    On 4/30/2018 at 6:15 PM, Michael Clark said:



    125 p. Doc. As far as I have read, regarding Mexico City

    P.17. Out of place talk of Ruby. Next few pages are interesting observations by a Juliette and a Cecelia.


    LIPAWN. P. 8. Part of the LI Series. Not in MFF list.

    LIJANET. P.38 Not in MFF

    LICRAVE. P. 38 Not in MFF

     LICANNY P.38 Not in MFF.

    All the above mentioned in context with LINILE; listed in MFF as "One of the known five double agents working for the Mexico City station in 1963. [status: Unknown]"

    Do we have, with the above, new cryptos for these double agents? @Bill Simpich

    AMKNOB p.45. Not in MFF

    CHOADEN p.45. Not in MFF

    I am thinking that Mr. Davis of KUSODA Imight be JAMES McCord, in MC; interrogating Avlorado.

    ZRERASE P.46 Not in MFF

    LITEASE P.49 Not in MFF

    MKCHARITY P. 51. Listed in MFF as "Equipment basehouse in Mexico City, supported by the CIA's Technical Services Division. http://alphas.wikia.com/wiki/MK-Ultra[status: Speculative]

    From instant document... "note to COS from 1kn4c-iden 41 was told yesterday but I told him not to tell the LIENVOY people – just keep bringing in the reels to me. ..... we have a month to six weeks reserve. Nevertheless am requesting 500 new ones. If not needed for this, we can store half of them with MKCHARITY for not yet known targets. This note attached to MEXI 7241-"


    Does this confirm MFF ID of MKCHARITY?


  10. On 4/30/2018 at 6:15 PM, Michael Clark said:



    125 p. Doc. As far as I have read, regarding Mexico City

    P.17. Out of place talk of Ruby. Next few pages are interesting observations by a Juliette and a Cecelia.


    LIPAWN. P. 8. Part of the LI Series. Not in MFF list.

    LIJANET. P.38 Not in MFF

    LICRAVE. P. 38 Not in MFF

     LICANNY P.38 Not in MFF.

    All the above mentioned in context with LINILE; listed in MFF as "One of the known five double agents working for the Mexico City station in 1963. [status: Unknown]"

    Do we have, with the above, new cryptos for these double agents? @Bill Simpich


    @Larry Hancock

    @Rex Bradford

  11. 22 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I think you guys missed my point.

    Trump has now delayed this a second time.

    Its not all going to be out until 2012, if then.

    Somewhere in all this, there is a very good story about the failure of the ARRB.

    Sorry, Jim. I couldn't help myself. 

    Thanks for sharing Rex Bradford's article.

    That said,  I think Trump could be persuaded. He's no neocon. He's no conservative. And, his base isn't really made up of millions of people who want the government to keep all this secret. 

    The most, if only, out of character thing I ever heard him utter was "I have no choice" when he explained, in October, why all the documents could not be released. That must have been painfully difficult for him; not because he has the release of these documents high on his personal to-do list, but it simply must have chaffed every fiber of his being to have to say "I have no Choice".

    I simply say these things because I believe them to be true. I don't care a whit that it may have cramped his style. And I truly believe he can be made an ally on this issue rather than regarded as the main culprit.

  12. Here is our wishlist, so far...

    On 7/1/2018 at 8:31 PM, Larry Hancock said:

    Michael,  here would be my thought on what to look for...given documents we have had and what Newman introduced at the Lancer conference last fall.

    1) Anything that shows us who or even what section of the CIA station in Havana that Veciana contacted about assassinating Castro in 1960. That would answer one huge question. 

    2) The same for who at CIA he contacted in 1962. David's document confirms that those contacts were made so we know we are hunting for something real and that does confirm that Veciana was approaching the CIA - and being rejected.  So any contact document on his approaches and subsequent rejection are key.

    3) Anything that shows an effort by CIA to monitor Alpha 66, including sources (whether they be Army sources or CIA sources).  We know that the administration was upset and embarrassed by the ongoing raids,  we know that Alpha was actually more successful on its missions than JM/WAVE.  The question is how much did CIA HQ know about the missions as compared to JM/WAVE and was somebody playing games.  In SWHT I present info that JM/WAVE had advance knowledge of the missions,  we should see if they provided that to HQ in their reports or somebody was sandbagging HQ and/or the SGA with a local agenda. 

    In reference to that, look for any reports going to J.C. King.  We know that JM/WAVE and King approved the TILT mission without informing the SGA and RFK.  Up to now that has been an exception, question is was it also happening with Alpha 66.




    21 hours ago, B. A. Copeland said:

    Student here. I’d like to see more or newly revealed info on the following and in no order:

    * FBI Reports on Mexico City, 1963

    * Any info on Bill Harvey, Felipe Vidal Santiago, David Morales, Tony Sforza, Joaquin San Jenis, Bernardo De Torres and maybe Ned Keenan as well just to name a few. These names popped to mind first.

    * HSCA Investigator’s Notes

    * Any new information on LHOs travel to Europe in 1959.

    * Any new DPD info or documentation.


    56 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

    * Anything Regarding James McCord, Jr.

    * David Yaaras, his Jewish Mafia  connections especially in Los Angeles, Miami, and   Vegas. I have seen suggestions that he was the head of the Mob in Dallas, and the evidence of his whereabouts is often scant. Anything helps.



  13. * Anything Regarding James McCord, Jr.

    * David Yaaras, his Jewish Mafia  connections especially in Los Angeles, Miami, and   Vegas. I have seen suggestions that he was the head of the Mob in Dallas, and the evidence of his whereabouts is often scant. Anything helps.


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