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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    To Bart Kamp....

    I have to confess that I've been barely paying attention here, but I'm trying to take a little interest....

    Just to begin a potential discussion with a bit of clarity, is it your position that the blurry image I'm going to call PrayerSmudge shows--without a doubt--the young man killed by Jack Ruby in Dallas in November 1963 standing on the steps of the Dallas Book Depository at the time of JFK's murder?

    Jim, You are being a bit antagonistic, I think. Prayer Person is beyond doubt a person. Your uncharacteristic characterization seems to doubt even that we are talking, for sure, about a person. You are aware of how testy this debate can get, and I have not known you to unnecessarily fan the flames.

  2. QJWIN related to Spain, speculatively... in bold.

    17 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:








    AMOT.    Details P.12


    P. 9

    Mr.. Baron: how do you heard at any point that Artime was supplied weapons for the specific purpose of assassinating Castro?

    Mr. Halley: No,, not for the specific purpose of assassinating Castro.

    Mr. Barron: Was it your general impression that AMLASH-1  was a reliable agent?

    Mr. Halley: I really do not know that much about him, you know. This was an operation that was run at the time out of Washington and, you know, my knowledge was as I described it to you, the conversations with Fitzgerald, Madrid, newspaper articles, so forth, in that particular time frame.


    Mr. Halley:  let me go back. You asked me about ZRRIFLE. This is one of thousands or hundreds of cryptoNYMS. Every day I read, you know, hundreds of pages of traffic, so when you ask me do I know what ZRRIFLE is, I must answer you off the top of my head no. I have tried to be helpful. I have asked you several times if you could give me a steering tip or show me what direction you are going, I might be able to try to comment on it, but ZRRIFLE as such means nothing to me. You really could not expect that it would, given the thousands of these things that come across my desk.

    Mr. Barron:  That is  absolutely understandable. I want to try to see what happens in the way of getting in unrefreshed recollection from you, then I will go back over these two, especially the next one, QJWIN. Do you recall a CIA asset who went by the Cryptonym QJWIN.

    Mr. Halley: No, I do not. Knowing the system, and so forth, normally it would have something to do with Spain. It does not ring any bells with me. That is all I can give you, a sort of Pavlovian response. You flash QJWIN on the screen, I'm telling you now I do not know, but it probably has something to do with Spain.






    It's interesting that the respondent has a "Pavlovian" response of "Spain" with regard to QJWIN, yet the "QJ" portion of that Cryptonym has no other mates, "QJ" is unique. Either we are missing multiple, or numerous, "QJ" Cryptos, or QJWIN is very likely related to Spain, or the respondent is being deceptive. 

    It could also be that I am not very good at this.......

  3. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/157-10002-10084.pdf







    AMOT.    Details P.12


    P. 9

    Mr.. Baron: how do you heard at any point that Artime was supplied weapons for the specific purpose of assassinating Castro?

    Mr. Halley: No,, not for the specific purpose of assassinating Castro.

    Mr. Barron: Was it your general impression that AMLASH-1  was a reliable agent?

    Mr. Halley: I really do not know that much about him, you know. This was an operation that was run at the time out of Washington and, you know, my knowledge was as I described it to you, the conversations with Fitzgerald, Madrid, newspaper articles, so forth, in that particular time frame.


    Mr. Halley:  let me go back. You asked me about ZRRIFLE. This is one of thousands or hundreds of cryptoNYMS. Every day I read, you know, hundreds of pages of traffic, so when you ask me do I know what ZRRIFLE is, I must answer you off the top of my head no. I have tried to be helpful. I have asked you several times if you could give me a steering tip or show me what direction you are going, I might be able to try to comment on it, but ZRRIFLE as such means nothing to me. You really could not expect that it would, given the thousands of these things that come across my desk.

    Mr. Barron:  That is  absolutely understandable. I want to try to see what happens in the way of getting in unrefreshed recollection from you, then I will go back over these two, especially the next one, QJWIN. Do you recall a CIA asset who went by the Cryptonym QJWIN.

    Mr. Halley: No, I do not. Knowing the system, and so forth, normally it would have something to do with Spain. It does not ring any bells with me. That is all I can give you, a sort of Pavlovian response. You flash QJWIN on the screen, I'm telling you now I do not know, but it probably has something to do with Spain.






  4. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/157-10002-10027.pdf

    Robert Woodward meets with JFK on August 28, 1961; with the following, off the record:

    Stephen Smith


    Edwin Vallon

    John Crimmins

    Edward Jamison

    Charles Toney

    Richard Goodwin

    A. Schlesinger

    Mr. Herbert (CIA)

    Mr. Barnes (CIA)

    (Notation made of Judith Campbell, during that meeting)

    Numerous fascinating entries, including Harvey meets Roselli, RFK talks to Frank Sinatra, Multiple Judith Campbell contacts, and a "CIA objection to Balletti prosecution" entry, which I know nothing about and might make interesting reading.


    More on Woodward and Goodwin. This must not be the Bob Woodward of Watergate fame.




  5. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32203718.pdf

    Interview Summary

    Interview with:  Raymond Rocca

    Interviewers: Dan Dwyer and Ed Gressing

    Date: 3/15/76

    Place: Arlington Virginia


    Ed  Geissing and Dan Dwyer of the SSC staff interviewed Raymond Rocco, retired Chief, Counterintelligence/Research and Analysis, CIA, at his home in Arlington Virginia on March 15, 1976. The purpose of the interview was to clarify the role of the CIA in the investigation of President Kennedy's assassination.

    (1) The GPFLOOR (post assassination Oswald related matters) Phase.  The GPFLOOR Phase of the CIA's investigation of the assassination covered the period of November 23, 1963 until January 23, 1964. Rocha explained that Richard helms, DDP, delegated Jack Whitten, Desk Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division, to direct and control the CIA's responses to information that was being reported from CIA stations around the globe. Most of the information the CIA received came from Mexico City or Oswald had contacted the Soviet think you've been diplomatic is Stabley Schomann's in late September and early October. Rocha noted that Thomas Karamessines,  Assistant DDP, was probably involved in Helms' decision to have Jack Whitten direct the GPFLOOR investigation.

    (2) Warren Commission Phase. Rocca places the beginning of the Warren commission phase around January 23, 1964, when J. Lee Rankin contacted Helms and asked for CIA assistance for the commission. Hello s  delegated Rocha to be there point of contact of the CIA with the Warren commission. Rochus own counterintelligence staff involved in research matters for the commission included Tom Dooley, Paul Hartman and Thomas Hall. Other CIA personnel involved with the commission were Jack Whitten, Murphy (Chief of S.B.) J. C. King, Wigren (Chief SB Research), and Bagley (Deputy Chief SB). Rocca noted that as liaison became more informal, staff members of the Commission had direct contact with Whitten, Murphy, Wigren and Bagley, Helms maintained direct contact with Rankin.

    Rocca emphasized that the Warren commission phase was not interpreted by CIA as an investigation.  Rocca said that when the Warren Commission "task force" was established, all cables and materials generated in the GPFLOOR perio from Whitten's desk were made available to the task force. Rocca added, however, that the task force made no appraisal of the GPFLOOR phase. When questioned if the Warren Commission task force reviewed Mexico city traffic to check name traces, for example, Rocca replied the material was left alone except for the allegations such as the Alvarado matter which concerned the Commission. Whitten....

    ..........missing page........

    .....Cuba. Rocca also suggested that J. C. King might have known of some sensitive operations in general but that he would have been left out on specifics. Rocca added that "Whitten might have known about sensitive operations through osmosis" because Whitten as desk Chief, Western Hemisphere, would send out traffic to stations including traffic dealing with operations. Rocca noted that the DDP or Director could have by-passed Whitten by authoring and cabling a message themselves.

    With regard to Western Hemisphere cable traffic and assassination plots, Rocca noted that in April 1975 there was an individual (name unknown) from Western Hemisphere appointed by Dave Phillips to work with the Inspector General. This individual found the memo that discussed Desmond Fitzgerald's having used Robert Kennedy's name in meeting with AMLASH, in the WH files.

    (5) Miscellaneous. Rocca saw nothing strange in the FBI report on Oswald's FPCC activities being routed to SAS. He stated that SAS would've seen a reports of relevance to Cuba.

    Roca could offered no explanation as to why the WAVE cable discussing anti-Castro group's public statement on the assassination was filed in the "Sensetive  Ops-Kennedy file" and later placed in the Oswald 201 file.

  6. Edit, I don't know what happened to this file


    George A. Fill Biographic profile

    12 - 3. Turkey?

    13 - 3.

    16 - 22.     "DDO/WH/Branch 2"




    13-3  redacted

    13-5. Redacted



    13-3 (redacted, many others not) 




    previous Doc, 10095, is cover for this doc.

    18-3 replaces 13-3 on previous doc.











    13-3  James Walcott’s travel orders, 21, September 1964








  7. 26 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

    6 Page document from 1974

    Subject: James A. Everett 

    Along with E. Howard Hunt, VP of Robert McMullen Co.; also a friend of Hunt. Returns to Washington the day of Watergate Break-in. He is present when Hunt gets the call to which he responds "My God, No!". This, I presume, is the call from Bob Woodward, wondering why his name is in the contact book found on one of the Watergate burglars.

    Douglas Caddy might find this interesting so I will ping him here.

    James Everett does not sound familiar to me right now.



    Everett wrote a book. It appears to be about events to which the above document appears to be the nexus.



    An interview with Everett.





  8. 6 Page document from 1974

    Subject: James A. Everett 

    Along with E. Howard Hunt, VP of Robert McMullen Co.; also a friend of Hunt. Returns to Washington the day of Watergate Break-in. He is present when Hunt gets the call to which he responds "My God, No!". This, I presume, is the call from Bob Woodward, wondering why his name is in the contact book found on one of the Watergate burglars.

    Douglas Caddy might find this interesting so I will ping him here.

    James Everett does not sound familiar to me right now.


    On 6/11/2018 at 5:59 PM, Douglas Caddy said:



    Everett wrote a book. It appears to be about events to which the above document appears to be the nexus.



    An interview with Everett.




  9. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/157-10011-10121.pdf


    memorandum for: deputy director of security

    subject: redact40


    Aattached here with for your information it is a summary report covering subject prepared by redact20  redact40 and the undersigned. It is limited to and based upon existing documents in the office of security files on redact30  overt file # 343 589, covert file #127 958 and 13 volumes of Security Reacher Staff operational files.  The reports accuracy and authenticity are necessarily  based upon file documents, since the writers did little  or no interpretation of those documents and quoted  documents in toto wherever possible.


    Chief, Research Branch


    P. 2



    1 -  Background -1

    2 -  Events leading to recruitment 

    8 -  Security processing 

    9 -  Activities, March 1956 – June 1959

    13 - Contractual Relationship

    15 - Activities, July 1959 -January 1974

    15 - - World Youth Festival, Vienna 1959

    19 - - Cuba trip, arrest and detention 1960

    29 - - Africa and East European trip 1961

    34 - - other activity 1959 - 1964

    40 - - Clandestine training 1961

    41 - - Well do you festival, Helsinki 1962

    43 - - Taiwan and far east trip 1964

    44 - - World Youth Festival, Algiers 1965

    47 - - South America trip summer 1965

    53 - - Other activity 1965 - 1974

    60 - - Vietnam trip 1967 - 1968

    63 - - European trip 1970

    64 - - World Youth Festival, East Berlin 1973

    65 - Involvement in Cuban exile activities

    68 - Overseas travel

    73 - Utilization, control and Case Officers

    101 - Cover

    103 - Personal activity

    106 - Termination

    109 - Contacts and relationships with James record, Lee Pennington, Donald Sweaney and Howard Hunt



    The son of a professional actor, redact10 was, himself a child actor on stage and radio from 1931 to 1941. In 1942 and 1943 he toured with the USO shows and from 1943 to 1944, was an assistant stage manager in New York City.  From 1933 to 1942, he attended the New York City professional children's school. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served honorably as a semen from November 1944 to July 1946. From 1946 to 1951, he held many part-time and temporary jobs in New York City in Miami, Florida, as a salesman, garbled,  viewer, bellhop and US postal clerk. From 1949 through 1954 he attended night school at New York University and earn a BS degree in Journalism. Also from 1951 to 1955, he was an underwriter for Guardian Life Insurance Company and from the November 1953 to October 1954, an agent for Fidelity Life Insurance Company, both in New York City.


    Redact20 first came to official attention of the office of security (OS) on 9 September 1955, when redact15 (Executive officer OS) Forwarded a letter written by redact10 to redact20 (Chief, Personnel Security division, OS), Who in turn directed the letter to James W McCord [Security Research Staff of the Office of Security (SRS)].  How read at obtained the read that letter is unknown, and as much as the name of the address he was deleted in the letter. However, the letter was recorded in the Executive Registry under number 6–9881. The redact letter is dated 27 April 1955, gives redact address and telephone number, and redact address and telephone number, and redact advised that he was working on an index of the Daily Worker for the years 1933 to 1945 "and thought that perhaps you might be interested in specific information that I am likely to find."








  10. I can't help but point out that the name "Liddy" would fit well in one of those frequently repeated redactions.

    (I am 15 pages in......)


    P.16.  If we are to guess that some redactions were overlooked, the redacted name could be "Wiley".

    P.18.  More on the World Youth Festival

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