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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 6 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    You actually want to pretend that Garrison DIDN'T "knowingly" prosecute a man he had to know was innocent?


    More weasle-words, but I guess that was close enough.

    And to be sure, Clay Shaw was not convicted. That does not mean he was innocent. A Jury Jury indicted him.

    Garrison is being convicted by YOU, and no one else.

  2. 1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:


    Was Shaw convicted or acquitted?

    We're not going to let your pretend that you forgot what you said David. No weasling out of it. This is what you said.

    1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

     (even though Garrison knowingly prosecuted an innocent man on a charge of conspiracy to murder the POTUS), I

    That's what you said David.

    1 hour ago, Michael Clark said:

    So you Slander an elected former DA who was soon thereafter elected to a judgeship. Do you have any proof that Garrison knowingly brought false charges against Clay Shaw? 

    Did Garrison ever admit to falsely accusing Shaw? Was he ever charged and convicted for doing so? 

    David Von Pein sinks to lower and lower depths, methinks!

    What say you David Von Pein?

  3. Just now, David Von Pein said:

    So, you equate a statement of obvious truth is the same as "sinking to lower and lower depths"??

    Very curious indeed.


    You avoide the question... 

    20 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

    So you Slander an elected former DA who was soon thereafter elected to a judgeship. Do you have any proof that Garrison knowingly brought false charges against Clay Shaw? 

    Did Garrison ever admit to falsely accusing Shaw? Was he ever charged and convicted for doing so? 


  4. 2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    (even though he knowingly prosecuted an innocent man on a charge of conspiracy to murder the POTUS),

    So you Slander an elected former DA who was soon thereafter elected to a judgeship. Do you have any proof that Garrison knowingly brought false charges against Clay Shaw? 

    Did Garrison ever admit to falsely accusing Shaw? Was he ever charged and convicted for doing so? 

    David Von Pein sinks to lower and lower depths, methinks!

  5. I haven’t read it, but, if a guy has a tattoo of Nixon tattoo on his back he is not going to be regarded, by me, as a wellspring of truth. 

    There might be limited hangouts Therin but do you want to invest your time in sorting out the lies? The biggest lie probably resides in the title; that would make the most sense to me. 

    Cast it into the same bin as Howard Hunt’s “confession”, IMO.

  6. 4 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I’d love to see that Michael,especially references to Madrid.

    Paul, these are docs from which I will try to trace back to the Madrid and Frankfurt connections of which I mentioned to you. There will be more to come in this post.

    On 3/30/2018 at 11:07 PM, Michael Clark said:


    Acting Madrid Chief of Station, Case Officer GROWEREY,

    Relationship between QUSPORT /1  (Bichi Bernal) and ( AMLASH /1 (Rolando Cuebela).

    (GROWERY is mentioned In this doc as a Psuedonym for a CO, among others ... https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10216-10246.pdf )

    P. 3 of instant document indicates code names of those who kne the generalities of the assassination plan.


    Similar doc...


    more simililar... AMWHIP/3  (Not in MFF) Luis Manuel...


    More similar. .... Luis Manuel CantilloToirac


    This next one is important Paul. I will try to get back to explain why... keep in mind that I see Paris as a transitional meeting place between Madrid and Frankfurt. 12-21-64


  7. 9 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    The clothing seen in Dale Myers' computer animation is MEANINGLESS. The clothes have NOTHING to do with where the bullet hole is located IN KENNEDY'S UPPER BACK in Myers' computer model.

    This is ridiculous, David

    The bunching is so exaggeratedly depicted that you can’t say that Myers wasn’t trying to make a point by emphasizing it. 

    Your claim quoted above just shows that you are squirming here. It’s pathetic

  8. 9 pages. Various minutes of meeting, special group.

    I will hopefully get back to this and edit in some notes of interest.

    @Paul Brancato , note second page. Assassination devices being prepared and offered to AMLASH (Cuebela) in late 63. I believe I can show you, Paul, with some digging, that AMLASH was in Madrid at this time, and these arrangements would have been made through Frankfurt. I also think that I can show that Phillips was working in Madrid and Europe, outside of his WH (Western Hemisphere)  area of responsibility. He did this because so many of his principals for action in the WH were in Madrid.


  9. 42 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    He requested CIA money to the point of annoyance, but I'm only aware of the one time he actually got it. If you find something else let me know.

    Thanks for confirming that.  It's difficult for me to go back and find documents when I was just cruising through them. Fortunately, related documents tend to be grouped together. If I get back to one, I will likely find the others again.

  10. 33 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    According to ....



    I'll have to re-read some of the documents I have read. I could swear that I saw documents stating that Veciana got CIA money on numerous occasions, I think to the point of annoyance. I didn't realize it was a point of contention.

  11. 23 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    telling everyone that Veciana was a CIA agent when that is demonstrably not the case. At one time, Veciana was approved for use as an asset by the CIA, but was apparently never used in that capacity.

    Tracy, to be sure, which one is it? Demonstrably false or apparently false?


  12. 11 minutes ago, François Carlier said:

    (which has absolutely nothing to do with the thread that I started).

    Francois,  you missed it.

    4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Vince deliberately avoided all this to sell his flatulent and mendacious book.

    That is the point.

  13. A document regarding researchers an Witnesses, including Mark Lane, Jean Hill, Lee Bowers and Warren Reynolds.

    "On March 28, 1966, Lee E. Bowers, Jr., 1923 view crest, Dallas, Texas, telephone DA-7-2528, telephonically advised the Dallas office of the FBI that one Robert Blake had approached him on March 26, 1966, concerning the making of a film on the assassination of President Kennedy. Powers advised that he did not have time to talk to Blake at the time of the approach and that Blake was supposed to reconnect him later."

    Bowers died on August 9. 4 months later.






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