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John Butler

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Everything posted by John Butler

  1. Paul, I agree Marines are too proud to say they were Army. What I said was "He didn't confuse his service branch with the Army. Marines are too proud to do that. Harvey wore his Marine Corps ring always." But, like you say there it is. This whole note is strange. I'm not going to speculate on it again until I find out who it was to and when it was written. Thanks, Paul.
  2. Steve, Thanks. It's the Mrs. Tippit call FBI document. It's what we have been discussing for the last several pages in Jim Hargrove's thread. I thought the message was sent from the New Haven FBI office to the Director and then from Washington was sent Dallas and New York. I wasn't sure of that. It's the via Washington part that was confusing. I agree on the IS-R comment. It makes sense that it wouldn't be specific. Thanks again.
  3. Steve, Thanks for the reply. That sounds convincing. So, IS-R is about intelligence activity involving Oswald. Next question, is this an FBI code or could it also be a CIA code? It involves the Mrs. Jack Tippit phone call with this beginning to the report: URGENT 11-30-63 7-37 PM EST MB TO DIRECTOR, AND SACS DALLAS AND NEW YORK FROM SAC, NEW HAVEN /100-18158/ NEW YORK VIA WASHINGTON LEE HARVEY OSWALD, IS – R This heading seems to say that this is an important matter which in a period of hours on Nov. 30, from 11:30 AM to 7:37 PM, 1963 travels to Washington and then on to New York and Dallas. The IS-R could then refer to Oswald's time in Russia. This would mean that someone in Washington is alerting the various offices of the FBI on this matter in order to keep it secret. At the same time it is being marked Top Secret and not to be declassified. And, remains so until the days of the ARRB.
  4. A correction on an earlier point for info omitted. Harvey's discharge papers list his training specialities as Aviation Electronic operator. This has a MOS code of 6741. This is a real code describing real training in a particular field. Harvey's discharge papers also say he was a radio operator and provides a number which could be a MOS code or taken as such. However, the number 0-61-30 does not apply to a Military Occupational Speciality. The numbers are neither a Marine or Army MOS code. There is also evidence that an Oswald, Lee, worked at aircraft maintenance and repair. "In the fall of 1956, while HARVEY Oswald and Allen Felde were stationed at San Diego, LEE Oswald was at the Marine Corps Air Facility at El Toro, CA, 10 miles south of Camp Pendleton. It was in El Toro that Sergeant Wallace Ransberger first met Private First Class LEE Oswald, and a year later associated with him at Atsugi, Japan. Ransberger and LEE Oswald were assigned to the same unit and their duties were to furnish repair parts for vehicles and generators." This brings up another problem the differences in rank between Lee Oswald (PFC) and Harvey (PVT) in the fall of 1956. This could mean that Lee entered the Marine Corps as much as six months earlier than Harvey. Harvey doesn't get to be a PFC until the following year, if my memory serves, in May of 1957. It is another foundation block in the story of Harvey and Lee.
  5. David, I did make that consideration. I did mention that Harvey and Lee has good and contradictory evidence for what I am saying. And, your right about making absolute conclusions about things. I guess it is my way of getting attention for what's being said. I'm working alone on this and have no way other than feedback to verify what I am saying. Or, in the case of speculation whether it should be dropped or looked into further. In my old age I make far to many errors to go on checked with what I am saying. Another weakness I have is refuting my own conclusions. These statements were based on the autobiography note and the Air Force training class photo. I understand all the contradictions to what I am saying to that in Harvey and Lee. I am speculating that the difference in courses could be based on this autobiography note saying Harvey took two classes while based with the American Army. It is something to think about. Many pieces of evidence in the Lee Harvey Oswald story is contradictory, and leads one to question everything. Questioning everything is better than blindly accepting the WC and other Lone Nut variations. It also leads to questioning the accepted evidence for the Harvey and Lee story. As I said earlier that is always a risky business. "I'm not going to get into it with you now... but the image and anomaly you describe are not signs of alteration..." We'll just have to disagree on the photo alteration unless you can provide me with a reasonable solution as to why the shoulders appear to be deformed. "BTW - if you look at his Marine record - it state4s he was an aircraft MECHANIC, not a radar operator..." Harvey's discharge paper says he was a radio operator not a radar operator. There has to be some explanation for that photo. The right side shoulder is much larger than the left side shoulder. It is deformed situation which neither Harvey or Lee possess. I can think of no reasonable answer for that. And, someone else thought that when they cropped the photo to just the Oswald figure and left the rest of the class out. Which brings me to the subject of photo alteration and your take on who is doing the alteration. I believe, since the FBI seized all of the photo material from the Paine's garage and everywhere else they could find material, that the FBI and maybe farming out material to the CIA are responsible for the alterations we find in the record. They couldn't do things like the New Orleans high school photo of Lee Oswald and didn't do things where the imagery is too small and vague to matter.
  6. Paul, Good points your making. This note is also written in Russian (I presume, I wouldn't know Russian if it bit me). This definitely indicates Harvey rather than Lee Oswald. This might mean that Harvey Oswald was first into Russia. I believe that Lee was there also early on. This disagrees with Jim Hargrove and John Armstrong. That's always a risky idea. "I think this "autobiography" does establish that our "Oswald" was NOT the biological son of our "Marguerite"! (In writing this, "Oswald" not only killed off his "mother", but also his two brothers! This is so psychologically improbable as to be not worth discussing. No, "Oswald" wrote this simple statement because he truly was NOT the brother of either John Pic, Jr. or Robert E. Lee Oswald, Jr. )" I agree. The autobiography statements appear to be written by the same person in both English and Russian. The note is not dated and brings up the question when was it written. That's important because he is displaying a knowledge of Russian, And, who was it written for? "I am most intrigued by the repeated statement that our "Oswald" was "with the American Army." I think what Harvey was saying is that he was in the Marines, but was stationed with the American Army in Japan and the Philippines. I take this to mean he was stationed for some period of time with the American Army taking two training classes. This is the important part of these statements to me. It is saying that he received his training in electronics (aviation) and radio operation (radar training) with the American Army and not at other Air Force or Navy bases such Fort Jackson or Memphis or Biloxi. There is good evidence contradicting this in Harvey and Lee. In other words Harvey's training information has been merged with Lee's training information. I base this on the contradictory information on their training in Florida, Tennessee, and Mississippi. And, the following photo has to be explained some how with who this really is: It is not Harvey or Lee. It is a composite of both. I believe this was once Lee Oswald (the real Lee Harvey Oswald) and he was edited out and replaced with an image of Harvey. After all Harvey was supposed to have trained at this school. I don't believe Harvey did based on this photo. There are minor things visible which show that this is a composite photo. The real evidence this is a composite is in the next photo. The left arm and shoulder are unnatural and can not be explained any other way. No other serviceman has such a deformity. The left side of the Oswald figure is Harvey and the right side is Lee. I base this on the idea that Lee was bigger and huskier than Harvey. This photo means that Harvey was probably not at this Air Force base for training. He may very well received training with the American Army to hide his records of training. If so it gives credibility to the whole autobiography note, particularly the info on family. This is contrary to the records of training given to us by John Armstrong. Those records are somewhat confusing in the sense they don't say what Harvey did at Jacksonville once he was sent there. "How could "Oswald" have confused his branch of service (USMC) with its main rival, the US Army? (Unless, of course, his time in the Corps was largely a sham, and he was really much more involved with intelligence operations than Marine Corps matters . . .)" He didn't confuse his service branch with the Army. Marines are too proud to do that. Harvey wore his Marine Corps ring always. The second statement on intelligence work is demonstrated by spending a year in New Orleans while Lee was at Atsugi, Japan. He was working at a dental lab during that year. What else was he doing?
  7. Paul, As a retired middle school teacher I can back up what you are saying completely, with the exception of middle girls who mature earlier than boys at that age and some are still recognizable in later years. I can generally recognize the girls, and I might not remember their names, but not the boys. The boys from that age group change so much that they are not recognizable in later years. Good point. From what you are saying the mysterious caller probably knew the family and knew the circumstances of John Gardos becoming Lee Harvey Oswald. If she wasn't talking about John Gardos who could she have been talking about? She mentions directly that Lee Harvey Oswald is the son of Emil Gardos and she knew the Uncle which she does not directly name. The Uncle can only be Fred Blair or one of his brothers or a brother of Emil. Fred fits the bill as the easiest and simplest answer. Paul said, "Finally, I find it highly improbable that 15 years later the woman caller could or would have associated the arrested man in Dallas with Emil Gardos from the 1940's, unless she knew the boy by name. There is no way that she could have looked at the face of the arrested man in Dallas and linked him with the boy from Yorkville in the 1940's just on facial characteristics alone. " If this is true then the mysterious caller must have known the circumstances of the Oswald Project and had kept up with it over time. This may point to someone very close to the Oswalds over time, or at least someone who had a connection to the Oswalds over time. She is claiming that John Gardos is Lee Harvey Oswald. Could this reference the time of 1947 or before or could it reference the time 1952-1954 which would point to the Fuhrman's, mother and daughter. By 1947, the summer and fall, Harvey is in Texas with the short Marguerite and the Gardos are still in the country. "No, her identification of our "Oswald" was based on something else - she knew the Dallas man was the little boy "Oswald" from Yorkville because he was still using the same name" I'm not so sure of this. But, it is a possibility to keep in mind barring evidence to the contrary. If you are not right, then this could imply that this mysterious caller has a close relationship to this Oswald Project scenario. On the other hand if you are right this still implies the same. Maybe, we should look at the motivation of the mysterious caller and try to make sense out of it as a way to get closer to her identity. I need to think about this. Remember this so-called autobiography: In this he says he has no sisters or brothers. He states that his parents are dead. His parents being dead or telling him his parents are dead might be a reason to put him with Marguerite Oswald. And this would have to have happened prior to 1947 perhaps. If this is true the mysterious caller may have only known John Gardos as Lee Harvey Oswald. How much one can believe this autobiography is open to question since it mixes the records of Harvey and Lee. Having no brothers and sisters might be a clue to Grace and Emil having other children in Hungary. It might be a clue to telling Harvey in later years his parents are dead to cover up their moving to Hungary so that he would not try to look them up. At this point we have more suppositions than answers. We need to continue researching and thinking.
  8. David, I'm pretty much in the same boat when it comes to facebook. I don't have an account and trying to use the wife's, well I'll need help. If it doesn't offend anyone from this point on I will leave it. If another objects I will remove. A lot of good questions are posed in your comment. I'll to give my thoughts on this. Who was the mysterious caller afraid of and thought might kill her. 1. Communists- She may be a communist and an FBI informant. There would be revenge and execution. This was standard for Russian spy agencies or communist groups. 2. She is not giving this information to the FBI or the press. She fears the press and a general announcement. If she was an FBI informant, why wouldn't she give this information to the FBI? Something to think about. 3. FBI- Would are favorite government police agency do that kind of thing or use corrupt police officials such as in Dallas. The FBI finds this call credible and alerts several other FBI posts and higher up. It is judged to keep this secret- Top Secret and not to be declassified. 4. CIA- She is revealing the heart of the Oswald Project. She is revealing that there was a high level conspiracy involving government agencies. 5. A combination of rogue elements above. 6. There is a hint of cooperation between the communists and the FBI in some of the references. "Plus, by process of elimination we should be able to narrow down who could have even known about Oswald's father and uncle... maybe look for other GARDOS children born from 1935 to 1942 or so... ? This would be nice if we could find the info. 1. I can't find any evidence concerning the Fuhrman's being communist. Doesn't mean they were not. There has to be some reason Albert Jenner and John Pic omitted info on Margaret Pic's family. If they were communist they would probably have known the Gardos in New York during the right time period. 2. Jim Hargrove likes the Blair family as a possible place to begin looking for the mysterious caller. I will not disagree. We have too little information on where the Blair family members were living during the years in question. The Blair family are what is known as likely suspects. 3. We don't have any information on the Gardos family other than Census info, addresses, government records, and newspaper articles. None of these really give much information on the family of the Gardos folks during the years 1940 to 1947-50. 4. Grace Gardo's granddaughter has been identified. She is a Hungarian. We don't know whether her father is John Gardos, or some as yet unidentified family member of Grace and Emil. 5. There could be others. FBI docs mention at least two informants. It would be nice to know who they were. I really haven't paid much attention to the Grossi comments. I should go back and read those. "Would Fred Blair have told his wife Mary? They did disappear for most of the 40's... right?" I think Fred had 3 wifes. They were Elizabeth, Naomi, and Mary. Mary Keith was the owner of the infamous Mary's Bookshop. Naomi was a communist poet. I don't have any info on Elizabeth other than the record mentioning their marriage. Any of these women would be somewhat informed on what Fred was doing since they were communists also. I'm sure Fred had his secrets. There are several references about the whole Blair family being communists. One source says Fred goes underground at the time of the Red Scare. This is from 1946 to the mid fifties. Another says he went underground in 1951-1955. At some point one needs to tie Fred to the 77th Street address. I believe the informant was someone who lived in New York city for an extended period of time. From the 1940s to the 1960s. She lived in the same area (.04 to .07 miles of Yorkville) during the relevant time in order to know that Emil and Grace's son was Lee Harvey Oswald (Harvey). She had to have know Fred when he was living at 77th and Second Avenue. Fred was mostly based in Wisconsin. He went undercover by perhaps moving to New York, the communist capital of the US, during the Red Scare. Do you know anything else about Lee Oswald the life guard at Lake Mendota? He was going to the University of Wisconsin, Madison. This was a school Fred Blair worked extensively to spread communism. Who are the likely suspects: 1. Mary Fuhrman or Margaret Fuhrman Pic. 2. Blair female family members, or a wife of one of Grace's brothers. 3. One of the wife's of Fred Blair. 4. An unknown FBI informant. 5. Marguerite Oswald (the short Marguerite). 6. Marina Oswald (with a foreign accent and faking an aged voice). This one is really stretching and the same applies to Margaret Fuhrman and Marguerite Oswald. They were all in Texas at the time. 7. Whoever the mysterious caller was had to live fairly close to New Haven, Conn. The call was said to be local.
  9. David, I never gave it a thought. This photo is posted on the internet under the search Russ Geck. It takes you to the Russ Geck facebook page where this is just one of several family photos posted on his page. It is available to the public. If you still think this is a no-no and an invasion of privacy let me know and I will remove the photo. I don't want to do anything that is harmful to one. Your reply will be appreciated and acted on.
  10. Jim, Thanks for furnishing that info. The Fuhrmans are no longer mysterious. I have found lots of records for Alexander Fuhrman and Mary Fuhrman. But, I can't find that 1940 census. Thanks. Russ Geck and wife. I don't know anything about facebook. I'll have to get the wife to help with this. I don't know if I am befriended or connected or whatever facebook does.
  11. Jim Hargrove said, "The biggest problem with Mary Fuhrman as a candidate for the anonymous caller is that her knowledge of “Lee Harvey Oswald” most likely would date back to the 1940s, since phony Marguerite was most likely his guardian starting at least in 1947. Mr. Pic, I believe, indicated he first met his wife in 1950. Any thoughts?" Jim, We may be working off different assumptions. In the past, I have assumed that the Marguerite Oswald was the phony Marquerite, but she had brought Lee Oswald to New York. So, I need to get that right in my mind. Nowadays, because of different info I believe it is the phony Marguertie and Harvey who traveled to New York. The knife incident would involve Harvey rather than Lee. The behavior of the Marguerite that went to New York matches the behavior patterns of the phony Marguerite. Sooner or later both Oswalds will be in New York. Does this mean that there were two Marguerites also? In this whole Pic/Furhman scenario, John Pic's recollection and statements come under question. He says he could not recognize the Bronx youth as Lee Harvey Oswald, his half brother. Could that be because he was seeing Harvey during this period? Or, was he seeing Lee and the real Marguerite Oswald and wanted to cover that up? So, who do you think showed up at the Fuhrman's to stay with John Pic? We have to assume that Mary Fuhrman returned to her home after the Oswalds left. She would have talked to her daughter about the events there. If there was a connection to the Gardos prior to 1947 or the period 1949-50, both Mary and Margaret Furhman would have known John Gardos. Margaret would have know a phony Oswald as a phony Oswald. She would have been 19 in 1952 and 14 in 1947. John Pic would have known also. It had not been that long since, perhaps 2 years, he had seen some version of his half-brother. I am glad to see David Joseph's has Harvey involved in the knife incident. But, he has Lee at the Fuhrman address 325 East 92nd Street. That's a bit confusing. Jim also said, "We agree about the likelihood of a pre-1947 connection. I wonder, though, if the anonymous caller was a member of the Blair family, if she might have just decided to keep the name Blair out of the discussion, although brother-in-law does seem like a pretty massive hint. As I said to John B., I do think the peculiar northwoods accent that can be detected from northern Michigan through Wisconsin and westward to at least North Dakota might be misconstrued as a foreign accent. It can be quite pronounced, as the movie Fargo depicted." The business of keeping the Blair name out of the conversation because the caller may be a Blair relative is really interesting. The mysterious caller wanted that information out by repeatedly saying the brother in law. But, I can find no evidence to link any Blair relative to the Gardos in New York. The Blair relatives would have know the Gardos and John up to about 1942-43 in Milwaukee. Or, some Blair relative could have visited New York in later years and knew an older John Gardos by 1947 or 1949-50. The problem I find with this is that the mysterious caller left New York to go to New Haven which is about an 80 mile trip. A trip from Milwaukee is something I see as too far. I won't argue with Jim on the northern accent. That part of the country was filled with northern European and central European immigrants. That would affect the language of the area. Speaking English for some would be tinged by a foreign accent. Such as the Swede in the movie the Searchers with John Wayne. This large immigrant population would have influenced how English was spoken. Any help on straightening this out would be appreciated.
  12. Jim, Sorry about the Geck info. He is the husband of the granddaughter of Emil and Grace Gardos. I guess I was to excited when I found that info. Still this could be away to find some new info. I sent a friend request. I don't know how this will turn out. Unfortunately, yes I am. I have no direct evidence to connect the Fuhrmans to the Gardos. I only found Census info from 1920. I will look further for 1940. This was cross referenced to other information such as Social Security applications of the daughters. I found the Mary Fuhrman age 0 in the 1920 census and later an SS application for a Mary Fuhrman Rico who has the same parents as Margaret Fuhrman Pic. The Margaret Schaffer was a servant born in KY in 1894. This is someone who the Fuhrman's probably employed while he worked for a coal mine in KY. Alexander Fuhrman working in a coal mine in KY is as close as I could get to Emil Gardos, organizer of coal miner strikes. I have not found a 1940 Census record for Alexander and Mary Fuhrman. Could you publish your Census info so that I can make a record of it. I base suspicion of the Furhrmans based on intuition or suspicion arising from reading the John Pic WC testimony. That testimony reads like John Pic and Albert Jenner were working off of a script. John Pic says several times I have not got there yet or something similar. As detailed as this interrogation was the information about Margaret Pic's mother and father's name was omitted. And, I asked myself why? Why would information on Margaret's Hungarian parents be omitted? This testimony was in 1964 and after the mysterious call to the Tippits. Could Jenner have knowledge of that? Probably not. In interviewing John Pic prior to the testimony would her Hungarian parents become relevant? if Pic didn't know the father he did know the mother. Why was her name not mentioned? Were the Fuhrmans communist and that had to be hid? I have found no info on the Fuhrmans being communist. This lack of information is disturbing. There should be something available other than one 1920 record.
  13. Sorry, In the excitement of finding this I misread the genealogy.com info. This is the husband of the granddaughter of Emil and Grace Gardos. His name is Russ Geck and he is on facebook for further info.
  14. Here's something for someone to work on if they can access genealogy.com. I don't seem to be able to do that. This is as close as I have gotten to anybody in Hungary. This guy seems to be the grandson of Grace Amalia Gardos.
  15. David Joseph's said, "the woman said FATHER & UNCLE - So, who were Emil's brothers? And NAOMI BLAIR, Fred's sister is also a decent candidate for the caller, no? " I had discussed this with Jim Hargrove and he thought the regional accent of the people of Wisconsin could be taken as a foreign accent. That might be possible. So, I went back and researched again the children of John and Mary Blair. Didn't find anything interesting except Fred's wifes. I'm keeping the option open that it is not any of Fred's family that were the mysterious caller. I thought at one time someone from that family might be? It just gets more confusing: Mary, Naomi, and Elizabeth? Or, is Elizabeth also the other Mary? Maybe all four will get together in a "merrymeet". Or, is that communist code for something? I'll keep looking.
  16. David, The info on this graphic applies to Fred. Fred ran for Congress, as a communist party member, for the office of Senator. This was in 1938. It is Fred's info. Sandy my wife thinks she may have another reference for him under the name Charles W. Blair. I told her to make sure she cross references that. She's working on that and I'll mention the results later. I'm finding things, but not the right things.
  17. Paul, What better place for a communist organizer? Two theories are most relevant to Harvey Oswald. One he is an immigrant child brought here after WWII and is put into the Oswald Project and given over to Marguerite Oswald (John Armstrong's theory). Ours at the moment says Harvey Oswald may be a home grown Hungarian child, raised in the kind of neighborhood you describe. And, his father is Emil Gardos and the Uncle / brother in law is Fred Blair. And, because of the red scare the Gardos has to leave the country. The question is did they take John or turn him over to the Oswald project. This Hungarian child has the means to learn many different languages in this small area/large population melting pot. From what you are saying Paul, there is a good chance that the Gardos and Fuhrman's may have met. I tried to link them by some reference to communism. There is none. The Fuhrman's records are practically non-existent. That's suspicious.
  18. David, I haven't a clue about Fred's wife or wifes? He has a different wife here- Elizabeth A Smith. Although Fred's name is not here this info fits him.
  19. David Josephs Super Member Members 4,650 posts Gender:Male Interests:History Report post Posted 1 hour ago (edited) I beg to differ John... Now, what was Mary's maiden name? Bookstore made FBI chief see 'Red' Chris Foran, Milwaukee Journal SentinelPublished 8:30 a.m. CT Jan. 17, 2017 | Updated 6:55 p.m. CT Jan. 17, 2017 David, This is what I based that on: Caroll Blair is Fred Blair's real name. Maybe Naomi is also Mary, or he might have had two wifes. I see something that is a little off. Carroll Blair instead of Caroll Blair. Let me go back and research a little further.
  20. Well, nothing interesting turned up in a search of records for the John Blair and Mary Blair's family. Fred Blair, on the other hand, was ousted, if I am reading this right, from the Communist Party in Wisconsin. The only other thing of interest for Fred is that his wife was named Naomi. That is the same name as his sister, Naomi. Fred goes underground at about the time of the Red Scare. He may have done that and gone to New York to live at the address mentioned in the Tippit Call. There's no proof of that. It's just speculation. Most of the time he is in Wisconsin. His wife does not make a good candidate for the mysterious caller. I don't believe she would have travelled from Milwaukee to New Haven. Margaret Pic, John Pic's wife, doesn't make a good candidate either. In 1964, I think she was in Texas with John Pic. Because of being ousted from the Communist Party, would Fred turn against them.
  21. Almost everything in checking on Gardos, schools, and other folks such as the Fuhrmans are somewhere between .04 mile to .07 mile. Here is the distance from the Gardos to the Pics. This is to much of a coincidence to not be interesting. I have no evidence linking the Gardos and the Pics. But, if one reads the WC testimony of John Pic in relation to his wife and his wife's parents, he becomes a suspicious character. I am not the only one thinking this. Others have made comment on the vagueness of his testimony regarding the Fuhrmans. If I could connect Gardos and Pics by something other than location, my favorite suspect for the mysterious caller would be Mary Fuhrman. I don't have a firm handle on why I suspect Mary Fuhrman since I have no direct evidence for it. There is the loosest of connections such as Mary goes south to VA to stay with her daughter Emma when Marguerite and Lee (and which Lee and Marguerite is that) come to NYC to stay with John Pic and Margaret. John Pic monitoring Margaret's testimony is also suspicious.
  22. I remember now where this address, 514 East 83 Street, comes from. It is the 1942 address of Grace Gardos. and, Most of the addresses involving these characters are a short walk (for New Yorkers) from 217 East 86th Street, Yorkville. Does this mean that they knew people from all the addresses posted and would be seen in these neighborhoods. I don't know.
  23. It is always good to have a visual. And, these addresses can easily confuse one because of google's method of finding places. This one is .05 and not the usual .07 I'm finding. I think google gives one the school nearest a particular address. And,
  24. Jim said, "You may be right, John, but I thought of that reference to a German or Spanish accent before making the post above about Grace’s sisters. It may or may not disqualify my theory. The Blair family was living in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin in at least one of the old census reports. And they may have had some sort of connection to Ironwood, Michigan, where John Gardos seems to have been born. People in the north woods of Wisconsin often have a discernible accent, similar to the dialect spoken in the movie Fargo. It can be quite pronounced and might be heard as vaguely German by someone not used to hearing it, such as the Tippits of Connecticut. I don’t know whether Fond du Lac is far enough north for this dialect to be prevalent, but it might be. Ironwood, right on the Wisconsin/Michigan border near Lake Superior, certainly is far enough north. There are other possible explanations for the foreign accent reference, but this one strikes me as the most likely." Now that I know what you are thinking I will go back and add the sisters to the research I intend to do. Sandy did the siblings and found nothing interesting. I'll go back over that ground.
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