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John Butler

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Everything posted by John Butler

  1. There are certain windows that have been blacked out. In other words altered. Look at the window with the red arrow indicating "Who's this" and the window directly above it. This is the best example of editing the window content and hiding whoever was there. The second window in the 1st set of windows on the east side / fifth floor, near the two figures, seems to have been altered also. What's being hid. There are other examples. Both the 3rd and 4th set of windows on east side of the 4th floor look like they have been tampered with. The east 3rd floor 2nd set of windows must be the one Steven Wilson is looking out of TSBD. You can see the window on the 2nd Floor just below Steven Wilson seems to have a view also. Altogether, one can't trust what is being shown here.
  2. David, You said, "217 E 86th and 325 E 92nd (Pic's apartment) are only blocks from each other with PS155 Yorkville Community School also just blocks away.... (Pic claimed that Lee went to a nearby school but did not like it - he seems to have been off by a street as PS155 is east of 1st on 88th.)" It is strange that all these places (addresses) are just a few blocks from each other. That's significant, or Google Earth Pro is using some mapping routine that likes to connect these places at about 7/10s of a mile. The example above has a shorter distance: I don't know much about New York, but schools including Public Schools were never far from where one lived. I would suppose if a child went to a school farther than the school nearest him then there would be some kind of reason.
  3. Jim, There is a slim possibility that the mysterious caller might be an FBI informant. Someone who knew and was keeping track of the Gardos before the period 1949-50. Slim, but something to think about.
  4. Who was this source for reliable information? There is a older thread on this topic going back to 2015. On page 4 Stephen Gaal talks about this topic and posted several interesting things. Including this: Edited August 20, 2015 by Steven Gaal CGairtel 10/24/66 entitled ^50L0._ IS-C" furnished information indicating that the imminent' return^ of the subject to the United States is anticipated* Chicago should furnish details to Milwaukee and Springfield* Milwaukee and New York should determine if the , subject has returned to the United States. Also determine whether she is working for the Communist Party an<3 in what capacity . Springfield should contact SI 131-S ( this is an FBI source in Springfield or nearby which we will get to later) to determine if he has received any information concerning the subject's return but this contact must be made cost discreetly in order to protect CG 5324-S. The Bureau desires to consider some counter- intelligence action against the subject. In this connection, Milwaukee is requested to prepare a blind memorandum setting out all public source data ■ concerning the subject. Handle promptly in order that any counterintelligence action approved by the Bureau will be timely, MA <? A<0h^ £ - Cnlcago NOT Br '"ORBED .X, ig ^55 2 - New York (100-7409) 98 NOV 18 1966 ™ 1 - Springfield (100-9497) _ KOTK : The subject is married to Emil Gardos, a long-time CP member who was deported from the United States in the , 1940* s for communist activity* Subject was also a CP member in the United States and left to join her husband in Hungary in 1948. She has lived in Hungary since that time with the exception of a visit in 1964 during which she visited her relatives in Los Angeles and Milwaukee, all of whom are active CP members. Her brother is Fred Blair, Milwaukee CP leader. Arrangements were made in late 1964 to take some counter- " The subject of this FBI Grace Gardos. Could CGairtel be CG airtel and is CG 5324-S ? And, a male? FBI informant is SI 131-S is to be contacted by the Springfield FBI. I thought I had a reference to Mary Blair, Grace's mother living in or near Springfield after John the father had died. In the process of checking this out again. I lost this reference and can't find it again. I guess I imagined it.
  5. Jim, I just realized that the mysterious caller would probably not be one of Grace Blair Gardos' sisters. They were the children of John and Mary Blair who were Americans and probably would not have a foreign accent. However, the wifes of the brothers of Grace Gardos may be of some foreign extract and have accents. This is guess work I am in the process of checking out. Isabelle Blair listed in the household of John and Mary is the wife of Clemence A Blair. I will post more when I finish checking out the rest of the siblings.
  6. David, Amalia Gardos is Grace A. Gardos. Grace Amalia Gardos. Amalia Gardos is the wife of Emil Gardos. Why she resorted to her middle name might be she didn't want to be publicly recognized. That's a guess. "And finally, Fred BASSETT BLAIR's mother's FULL NAME was - Mary AMALIA/AMELIA BASSETT" She is the daughter of Fred and Mary Bassett. I believe she and Emil could have been living in New York as early as 1942. This was information Paul Jouliffe was interested in if my memory is correct. Certainly, she was there at 217 East 86th street in 1943. In 1942: This address of 514 East 83 seems familiar from some place. And for 1983: "Is it possible he had this book all along - that he never BOUGHT it but had it as a family heirloom?" This is from another David Joseph post. And, I think a really significant question based on the following: This copy of the Communist Manifesto is old. At 15 cents a copy it must go back to the 1930s. David said it could be a family heirloom copy of the Circus Maximus? That was a solid question. I believe that the Circus Maximus was published in 1962. But, that manifesto copy is much older. It could be a family heirloom.
  7. This something Sandy fished out of ancestry.com some time back. Grace is 9. Fred Blair is going under the name of Caroll. She has about 5 sisters. Sandy was not able to find much of any thing on the siblings. Whoever the mysterious caller was, she would have to have known the Gardos prior to 1949-50. I have found nothing connecting the Gardos or Fred Blair to 77th Street and 2nd Avenue. Grace Blair in the 1920 United States Federal Census Name: Grace Blair Age: 9 Birth Year: abt 1911 Birthplace: Wisconsin Home in 1920: Fond du Lac Ward 8, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Street: Street 52 Residence Date: 1920 Race: White Gender: Female Relation to Head of House: Daughter Marital status: Single Father's name: John A Blair Father's Birthplace: Minnesota Mother's name: Mary A Blair Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin Able to Speak English: Yes Attended School: yes Able to Read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Neighbors: View others on page View others on page Household Members: Name Age John A Blair 53 Mary A Blair 46 Clemence A Blair 23 Isabelle Blair 21 Clarence Blair 21 Hazel Blair 19 Naomi Blair 17 Caroll Blair 13 Edward Blair 12 Amy Blair 10 Grace Blair 9 Madeline Blair 6
  8. Jim and I have talked about the Lee Oswald Bronx Zoo photo on several occasions. We disagree, but it's ok for honest folk to have diverging opinions. I dislike disagreeing with Jim since he is right more often than I am. I agree that most people see the Bronx youth as Lee Harvey Oswald. Brother Robert says I took the picture. Half-brother John Pic says I cannot identify this person as Lee Oswald. It may be because of what I am gong to discuss next. It is my contention that Lee Harvey Oswald has been edited out of the visual record. This is done by substituting a photo of Harvey, or a photo composited of Harvey and Lee, or Lee and someone else. There are a few things left from this editing process that we can identify as Lee Oswald (Lee Harvey Oswald). And, this is what may be going on here. Examine the picture of Lee Harvey Oswald on the left side. Look particularly at the ears. One is much bigger than the other indicating that his is a composite photo. It is a composite image of Lee Oswald and someone else. The figure's right side is Lee Oswald (Lee Harvey Oswald). The right ear does not have an earlobe and this is a characteristic trait of Lee Oswald. The nose of the Oswald figure is large and broad. I believe this is brought about by compositing features from two photos. This is the same kind of feature we see in the Bronx youth. His nose's broad width and size may be a compositing feature. This relates him to the Marine Oswald on the left. I don't see any signs of compositing in the Bronx photo. That doesn't mean that compositing didn't happen. An Alternative suggestion might be that at one time the Marine photo on the left was adjusted to look like the youth in the Bronx photo. Or, both were adjusted with this feature. It is my opinion that the photo of the left is formed from a photo of Lee Oswald. In comparison Harvey has earlobes which we see in this photo. He has a longer narrower nose. Neither person featured above has a minor cleft in their chin. This man does. This man pictured below is not Lee Harvey Oswald. And, we really don't know who this man is. We are currently trying to identify who he is and his early history through the Tippit Call.
  9. The FBI 302 reporting system is one of the most corrupt tools the FBI uses. I found this on the internet and it says basically what I think about the FBI's reporting of witness interrogations. Bonnie Ray Williams had to change his testimony several times to make the FBI happy. Why did Williams change his testimony? It was pretty much as Ron Bulman says. "What are the problems with the 302? This is a system for conducting interviews that the FBI has used throughout it's history...before video recorders even existed. Sara Kropf, from Grand Jury Target, explains the basics... FBI form FD-302 has space to list the name of the agents, the date of the interview, the name of the interviewee, the place of the interview and so forth. Then it allows the agent to draft a memo—in paragraph form—of what the witness said. It can be one page long or twenty pages long, depending on the length of the interview. The memo section of a 302 is the key part. This is a combination of what the agent was able to write down during the interview and his recollection. It may list the questions and the answers or simply be a narrative of what the witness said. The witness generally doesn’t see the 302 or get a chance to correct any mistakes he thinks are in it before it is finalized. What is an FBI 302? The Problematic Nature of FBI Agents’ Interview Memos This last point is key, as you're going to read about through the rest of this blog. How it works in person follows: The process is thus: two FBI agents ask questions and listen to the answers—without tape recording or obtaining a certified transcript. Instead, they return to their office and, based on their recollection and any notes they may have taken during the interview, write up a summary of what transpired. Summaries are, in most cases, written hours later, sometimes even the following day. FBI’s Amazing Trick to Avoid Accountability Harvey Silverglate (see the 3 Felonies A Day meme, this is Silverglate's baby) points out the bottom line of the process. Without an objectively accurate, verbatim record of the interview, the witness is compelled, forced even, to follow the script of the 302 report if it is presented in a court of law Silverglate, 2014, DOJ's New Recording Policy: The Exceptions Swallow The Rule There was a change in policy in 2014, however, the "change" left many loopholes...Silverglate explains that more at the link. What are the problems with the 302? Kropf summarizes some basic problems that would interfere with justice, even before we start talking about issues of State corruption: People talk faster than a human recorder can understand, write, and summarize Memos created on memory are not reliable Summarizing is hard for many reasons. Conversations meander from topic to topic. It's the nature of human speech. Witnesses blather on while answering or don’t even answer the question directly. They don’t understand the question or they answer a different question. And that is assuming the witness is NOT evading questions (cough, cough, Clinton) There’s no requirement that the FBI agent write down everything the witness says or that the agent take any notes at all...nothing to prevent the agent from stopping the note-taking if the witness says something helpful to the target of the investigation. It is practically impossible to obtain the handwritten notes underlying a 302 during discovery, so the FBI is not worried that anyone can prove a conflict between the handwritten notes and the final 302 anyway. What is an FBI 302? The Problematic Nature of FBI Agents’ Interview
  10. Sorry Jim, I don't like to differ. To me this is neither Harvey or Lee. He doesn't look like either. If you look at David Josephs photo comparison the Bronx Zoo kid does not look like Lee. And, he certainly not like Harvey. This appears to be a typical middle school kid of about the 7 or 8th grade. Depending on maturity he could be either. I was around middle school kids for 25 years and over that time saw a lot of young boys, I should say young men, literally hundreds. This kid is not scrawny he is the opposite. He looks athletic and strong. What he doesn't look like is Harvey or Lee. Maturity in middle school kids is a bit strange. There are all types of maturity levels. I had a girl in the 8th grade who was 6'1. I had a boy in the 7th grade, at age 13, that had to shave. He was capable of growing a full beard. I thought the kid was part of a welfare scam, but, the school board had already investigated the situation and he was 13. This is Harvey Oswald as he was in the Marine Corps. He appears to about 17 years old as if he had just entered the Marine Corps. But, the photo was marked as April, 1959 when Harvey should have been 19 years old. Maturity and appearance is hard to agree on. You see a scrawny kid and I see an strong, fairly well built kid. If John Gardos turns out to not be Harvey then you have made an excellent statement. We won't know Harvey's age. He could be a year younger than Lee. I wouldn't think older. I think the two entered the Marine Corps at different times. The business of rank that I have discussed is significant saying it may have been 3 to 6 months difference in the time they entered the service. I think Lee went first and Harvey followed when he became 17 or at least appeared to be 17.
  11. What Bonnie Ray said: 11-22-63- At the Sheriff’s office: “After we got on the 5th floor we saw the President coming around the corner on Houston Street from Main Street. I heard two shots that sounded if they came from just above us.” If you can’t connect these two sentences you can’t connect anything said by anybody anywhere at any time. 11-23-63- FBI report: “While they were watching this car pass, Williams heard two shots…” 1-14-64- FBI report: “He said around 12:30 P. M. while they were watching the Presidential parade, they heard some shooting and ran down the west steps to the fourth floor…” 3-19-64- FBI report: “As the presidential motorcade passed by the building on Elm Street below I heard 3 shots which sounded like they came from directly above me.” 3-24-64: Warren Commission: “The first shot- there was two shots together rather close together. The second and third shot was closer together than the first shot and the second shot, as I remember.
  12. Thanks David, I see there was no need to smooth out the record later. Both are in the 2nd grade in the 1947-48 school year at different schools. This could be because Texas has a strict law on age, or children didn't start school until 7? Lee or Harvey supposedly has a birth date of Oct. 18. And, that may serve as a reason to deny first grade to a still 5 year old who would not be 6 when school started. During this same time in KY schools would accept 5 year olds until the first of the following year. However, this still does not account for 1945-46 and 1946-47. Harvey is 8 years old in the 1947-1948 school year. Under this idea one still has to account for at least the first grade. In a way you do with Harvey in NYC in 1947. John Gardos may be Harvey or not. It hasn't been refuted or denied yet. The possibility that Harvey was an immigrant child placed with the Gardos is still open and viable. I find the Tippit call creditable from the FBI's reaction to it. I find, because of the circumstances, the mysterious caller believable. The information about Emil Gardos as the father, Grace A. Blair as the mother, and Fred Blair, Grace's Brother, as the uncle and brother in law are creditable. This information has taken 20 years to develop and non of it was known until the 1990s by anyone but the FBI. This means that the FBI did not think this was a crank call or a disinformation ploy. I believe this is a true call and not a crank or disinformation call. It is worth studying further keeping all options open.
  13. Jim E, I tried to on several occasions without much success. Bonnie Williams originally said he heard two shots as the president's limo turned onto Houston St. from Main St. This did not make the FBI happy. He had to make, in all, four statements clarifying the various things in these statements the FBI didn't like. He made FBI statements until he got it right. There is another concern about the shooting out of the 6th floor Sniper's Nest. 9 out of 11 witnesses who were the closet to that window said they heard shots coming from some other place than the 6th floor window. Originally, that was 8 out of 11, but Junior Jarman changed his testimony when asked by Gerald Ford to hearing shots coming from low and to the left. This was the same direction as said by Elsie Dorman. Most of the other heard shooting coming from the west towards the underpass or Grassy Knoll. Because of this testimony from this group of witnesses you can not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that anyone fired a shot from the 6th floor Sniper's Nest.
  14. Another thing about this FBI report from 1966, is did Grace Gardos and son return to the US? She was a US citizen and the son, if John, was also. I don't think the US could have denied them permission to return to the US. Would the FBI keep this kind of information updated on Emil and Grace Gardos for a period of over 30 years starting at their marriage? They had been out of the country in Hungary since at least 1949-50. This is a period of about 16 years. Why were they still concerned with the Gardos and have to keep this under wraps with a Top Secret / do not declassify assignment? What was it about the Gardos, or what did they know for this kind of FBI treatment? As far as the records show they did not return to the US in 1966. Did the FBI keep them from returning? Does anyone think that the son mentioned in this report may be a non-adult? Grace wants to bring her son to the US? John Gardos would be 27 years old and probably decide for himself if he wanted to return to the US. This FBI document creates many questions that need answering.
  15. Paul, I agree. At best from the evidence we have we could only build a weak circumstantial evidence case which folks would have to agree on. I have no disagreement with John Armstrong. I had worked out from John Armstrong's evidence for both Oswald's being in school early on that 8 year old Lee Oswald was two years in school ahead of 8 year old Harvey. This was an inaccurate reading of what John Armstrong was saying. I misread it because of the records complexity. Lee had been retained probably in the 1st grade due to changing schools too many times. Fortunately, David Josephs timeline showed I needed to correct that to one year. Once again praise for David's work on that. I know how hard and difficult it is to get a timeline sequence correct. Further evidence on all scenarios is needed. As I believe there are about 3 speculations on this Tippit phone call. John Armstrongs, 20 or so years ago, Greg Parkers, 10 years or so ago, others like Stephen Gaal, and our recent effort in which I believe Fred Blair is the uncle of John Gardos and the brother in law of Emil. That satisfies the Tippit phone call better than other notions. However, it does nothing to help verify the mysterious caller claiming that Lee Harvey Oswald was the son of Emil Gardos and the nephew of Fred Blair. That claim still has to be refuted or verified. I recommend keeping the door open to look for other evidence.
  16. At this time we can say there is no evidence that Grace A. Blair Gardos, wife of Emil Gardos, and mother of John Gardos had any other children. At this point in time there is no evidence for children other than John Gardos. The following evidence bears on this point. and, the second page My first thoughts on this FBI document is this puts to rest the John Gardos / Harvey Oswald connection speculation. I will put this out on the forum tomorrow and that will be the end of the matter. This information has been out there for a while, but I don't think any one realized its significance. But, the ugly gods of controversy and uncertainty raised their ugly heads. Although very suggestive, it is not conclusive proof that would put an end to John Gardos as Harvey Oswald notion. Grace may have had other children. She may have had other sons. How likely is that there would be a single child in a long term marriage in the days before good birth control. On the other hand Grace may have had a medical condition that precluded having other children. This is part of the uncertainty. I am sure others can think of other things. This document, as another Emil / Grace document, was marked as Top Secret and marked to avoid downgrading and declassification. Why would this be such a big secret matter to the FBI? The first page indicates that Emil is retired and living on a pension in Budapest. In 1966 Emil would be 65 years old. Perhaps, his retirement pension was from Social Security earned in the US, or it could be something different. A pension from the newspaper The Worker? A pension from the US government for being a long term FBI informant? A pension from the Communist authorities in Hungary for being a good life long communist? Obviously, this desire on the part of Grace Gardos fell through. She died in Hungary in November, 1981. Her last known residence was the American Consulate in Budapest. That's a bit strange for a good life long commie. Or, was she? There is to much uncertainty at this time. The Fred Blair papers at the University of Wisconsin, Madison may shed light on her family and its members. For various reasons, age and health, being primary I can't make the trip to Madison, WI. If this information had come to light a year of two ago this wouldn't be a big deal.
  17. Looking at David's timeline he has Lee going into the 3rd grade in 1948-1949 at Arlington. For his second grade he was in various schools. I actually had the difference between Harvey and Lee at 2 school years. David's timeline makes better sense of the situation. There is one years difference between the school grades of Harvey and Lee. This is smoothed out later. David has Lee in several schools before Arlington: 1945-46- Benbrook, TX 1st grade 1946- Covington, LA 1st grade 1946-47- Covington, LA 1st grade 1946- Zion Lutheran Sunday 1st grade 1946- Lily Clayton 1st grade 1946-47 Lily Clayton 1st grade 1947-1948 Lily Clayton 2nd grade 1948- George Clark Elem 2nd grade 1948-1949- Arlington 3rd grade ………. 1947-1948 Benbrook, TX 1st grade Harvey This means Harvey may have been somewhere else for the period 1945-1946 and 1946-1947.
  18. John K, That sounds very interesting. I have traveled by Madison many times on the way to Wyoming and Montana to hunt fossils and semi-precious gem stones. This is the first year I have not made that trip. Old age and fear of traffic accidents has put a stop to those trips. Actually, the wife doesn't want to go any more. So, if you can get your person to make that trip and copy those papers would be great. It might put an end to our research which would be good whatever the outcome.
  19. This is what I said in an earlier post: "“Its parity to the US dollar underwent a devaluation, however, from $1 = 4 old rubles (0.4 new ruble) to $1 = 0.9 new ruble (or 90 kopeks).” I didn't mention, but Jim Hargroves did that the new ruble conversions take place after January, 1961. Therefore, they would not apply to January, 1960. If you look at the statement, 1 dollar equals 4 rubles. Therefore one ruble would be worth 25 cents in the US in 1960. That is the standard that should have been used. 5000 rubles from the Red Cross in 1960 becomes $1250 in US dollars. 70 rubles becomes $17.50 and 700 rubles becomes $175 in US dollars. It doesn't matter what goes on in 1961. So, Mark and I are both wrong. Now, maybe I can go back and work on that Russian timeline.
  20. John K, I don't know whether the city government would do that. I would think the School Board or a similar institution would be where to look for older records. Where, I lived the county school board keeps the records from schools in the district. I know this to be true since I have a sister who worked at the school board as a counselor. She was able to go back and look at my school records of the 1950s. Let's hope they don't purge records after a certain number of years like the medical profession.
  21. Thanks David, I don't see anything at this point that is in need of fixing. Correct me if I am wrong, the first good record you have for Harvey is in July 7, 1947. You have him at the Benbrook school in September, 1947. Actually, the 1947-1948 school year. That corresponds to what I have been researching. If Harvey was in the 1st grade in 1947-48 he would have been 8 years if he was born in 1939 as was Lee. Compulsory attendance was country wide for 6 year old childern to attend the 1st grade. Either Harvey skipped those two years as a truant or he went to school somewhere else for 1945-46 and 1946-47. That's what we are working on by trying to find the school records of John Gardos, also born 1939, in the years 1945-46 and 1946-47. This wouldn't necessarily prove John Gardos is Harvey Oswald, but it could be an indicator that he might be. I'm trying to build a set of circumstantial evidence that might lead to a reasonable conclusion that John Gardos is Harvey Oswald. There is a lot of problems for that, but I haven't at this point found any evidence that will rule that out. For various reasons, I think Harvey was maybe a few months younger than Lee. This is based on their service records and promotions. Lee's promotion record puts him at a guess about 3-6 months older than of Harvey. If not older than Harvey, he succeeded in joining the Marines at age 16. It is my contention that Lee joined the Marines some months before Harvey.
  22. Jim, I checked the email this morning and have received David Joseph's timeline. It is a marvelous piece of work. A lot of hard work and time went into that. I know since I did a time line of Oswalds in the military and started another for in Russia. I will go back to my military timeline and see if I can add more to it. Since my blunder with the rubles conversion I haven't done much on Russia. There is something wrong with that business of the ruble conversions and I think I will go back and revisit that. Earlier I asked a question why Marguerite decided to stay in NYC for a year or two more after she left the Pics. Somebody said this was because she wanted him mentally tested.
  23. Jim, It might be a good idea to also check for the year 1945 when John Gardos was nearly 6 or already 6 depending on this birthday. He might have been eligible to go to the 1st grade in 1945. Schools were usually close to where someone lived in NYC due to a large population in fairly small areas. Another school close to 217 East 86th Street, Yorkville, NYC is PS 527 at 323 East 91st Street NYC. This school, PS 527, appears to be in the same age range as PS 151. This is a new school in an old building. This is based on the following: keep in mind that the zone for the school goes from 1st to 3rd, starts on 85th street. so not all of it is way east and up. 2-2-2016 12:09pm log in or sign up to post a comment Where is that school? 2-2-2016 11:59am log in or sign up to post a comment I don't know that one. 2-2-2016 12:00pm log in or sign up to post a comment I'm on the UES for yrs. where is that? 2-2-2016 12:01pm +1 like log in or sign up to post a comment ditto, maybe it's new? 2-2-2016 12:01pm log in or sign up to post a comment 91st between 1st & 2nd. next door to east side middle. 2-2-2016 12:02pm log in or sign up to post a comment In the old Our Lady of Counsel school building 2-2-2016 12:03pm log in or sign up to post a comment Isn't that near the marine transfer station? 2-2-2016 12:01pm log in or sign up to post a comment it's on top of it 2-2-2016 12:02pm And, Our Lady of Good Counsel School, OLGC About this result https://www.olgcschool.org/ Your connection to this website is secure. Learn how Search works OLGC Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic School, established in 1957, is a parish elementary and middle school with approximately 400 students in ... This may not have been a school in 1945.
  24. PS 151 school is close to the Gardos' address: Today the school is for pre-school to the 5th grade. It looks like a building that goes back to 1945, but was it a school at that time. This is info on the history of PS 151: "PS 151 Yorkville Community School is a warm school with strong leadership, a cohesive staff, and lots of parent involvement. In a city thats divided by race and class, the school has a healthy mix of children who live in luxury high-rise buildings, expensive brownstones, modest five-floor walk-ups and public housing. The vibe throughout the school is cheery and laid-back. Parents pick kindergartners up from their classrooms, easing the transition to big-kid school. Students address teachers and staff by their first names. (The principal is called Miss Samantha.) Large classrooms with high ceilings in the 100-year-old building are arranged so kids have lots of opportunities to move around. There are colorful rugs for class-wide gatherings, low tables for group work and cozy corners for quiet reading. There is a tiny gym, and the cafeteria doubles as an auditorium, but the building is pleasant despite these limitations" There is another candidate for being close to John Gardos which is PS 527. As soon as I find where I put that info I will post it.
  25. The behavior of the mysterious caller may indicate she thought she was under surveillance by some government agency involved with surveying communists, or other group perhaps communist. And, that agency or group was capable of anything including murder. Sounds more like the CIA rather than the FBI. Although, I wonder. I believe this adds additional credibility to the Tippit Call. Along with the FBI's behavior strongly suggests this was not a crank call.
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