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Ron Bulman

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Posts posted by Ron Bulman

  1. Well, congratulations W, you have been reported before anyone replied to your initial thread starting post.  A first for me in my short time as a moderator.

    I disagreed with the removal of the 56 years thread, not a mod at the time.  It became too hot to handle.  One member has stated part of his purpose for joining was to counter it.  It seems, with help he succeeded.

    As a Moderator I guess I should abstain.  But I'm still a member too.  That the JFK assassination, and maybe before, led to where we are today seems a realistic possibility.  That was the essence of the 56 years thread.  

    Mark may well justifiably disagree, maybe even move the thread, which maybe it should be.  Who knows, I may have to depending on developments.  

    For the moment I'll defer to Dr. Joseph McBride of San Francisco State University, originator of the 56 years thread.  An actual researcher, unlike me.  Finder of the Belmont memo, the Hoover briefing George Bush of the CIA memo on 11/24/63 (?).  Only interview of Tippit's dad, plus several in Dallas.  A campaign participant for JFK in 1960.

    Read this and get back to me, all.

    Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination of President Kennedy: Joseph McBride: 9781939795618: Amazon.com: Books

  2. Ben, why start another thread to reply to something in another thread you started at 2:06 AM yesterday?  Twelve of the threads on the first three pages of the forum were started by you in the last nine days, plus four moved by Mark Knight in part in response to reports from other members.  One member has mentioned this resembling spamming, which is specifically against forum rules.

    Thats sixteen threads of I believe if I counted correctly forty-five total, over 1/3 of that total in nine days.  I guess it was so Keven could give us an interesting but long response.  Which could have been a response to your response in your thread, without starting another one.

  3. On 6/24/2024 at 6:24 PM, Pat Speer said:

    My point was not that the remaining documents are nothing-burgers, but that the vast majority of the public will come to believe they are nothing burgers. 

    The Northwoods documents came out what? 30 years ago? And yet how many TV shows or history textbooks even mention them? 

    Now, in the long run, this stuff is important and may change the perception of what went on.

    But the likelihood of a "smoking gun" that will excite the public in the immediate future is next to nothing, IMO. 

    Bumping this for Ben so he can find where to reply to Pat's post in the thread Ben started.  Instead of starting a whole new thread to comment on Pat's post.

  4. 6 hours ago, David Boylan said:

    I've read lots of the "newly" released docs over the years. This is from the 2018 release and one my favorites to demonstrate that they haven't released XXXXX over the years.


    Luis Angel Castillo was of interest during the Garrison investigation.


    That first link was pretty dark, not very enlightening.  Then again, Very enlightening.

  5. 54 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    How has this happened? How can such perspectives prevail at the EF-JFKA? Who is responsible? 

    Well, we are worlds part on this one. 

    Me at the moment.  Yep, we are.  Your comments are why this thread is ready to go bye, bye.  In spite of some interesting and important ones by others.

  6. 1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    Why the Biden Administration Snuff Job on the JFK Records? 

    Why the Bold Biden Snuff Job bit on your thread's Bold first statement about the Trump Snuff Job?  In the interest of fairness?  Or leading back to the Biden did worse damage than Trump story?  The Trump now says again he will release them, this time, vote for me bit?  I've been trying to ignore much of such.  But this post borders on turning this thread into a Current Politics subject. 

  7. Just catching up on this, dealing with family health issues.  Moderators should be neutral some have said.  Really great informative article.  Too bad it concludes with Trump as the only alternative.  This is a Non Sequitur for me.

    Maybe this belongs in the Current Political Discussions topic.  I think consultation with other moderators/administrators is advised if they care to do so.  As alluded to, continuing personal issues take precedence.  Not tap dancing. 

    For a bit, please be considerate of formal forum rules and decorum.  As well as accepted debate practices.   

  8. Well, this mod is 250 miles away from home in OKC after a call between my brother-in-law and my wife about whether it's time to take my mother-in-law to the hospital or call in hospice.  I checked in last night and this morning but moderating has not been my top priority the last couple of days.

    That said, Vinces original link to me was about a change from "you wouldn't release them either if you saw what I saw" to I released a lot of stuff but "they" told/asked me not to release the rest.  In and of itself about the JFK assassination files and their release.  

    JFK was a liberal Democrat.  Whether I may or may not agree with some of the above is irrelevant, this has become a political discussion imho.  The forum policy in the last several months has become not to allow such on the JFK assassination debate, it seems it inevitably leads to name calling and mudslinging.  Which is why we/I have attempted to avoid such regarding any of the three candidates, and why we have Political Discussions and Water Cooler sections. 

  9. 13 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

    With Oswald, I think it is highly suspicious too that the first EMT or whatever to attend him started doing CPR or chest compressions or something along that line that apparently is a big no-no for patients with gunshot wounds. Correct me if I'm stating this wrong. I'm just paraphrasing it from memory.

    There were no EMT's in the basement of the Dallas jail.  From, memory, not sure where I read it.  

    Oswald was carried to the DPD basement office by the elevator from which he had just came out.  He was laid out on a desk there or maybe in the floor again.  He was given chest compressions, not CPR.  This increased his blood flow.  He was bleeding internally from his wounds.  This exacerbated the problem.  

  10. 15 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    At the 39 second mark above, that is a young John Newman carrying the NSAMs to Lemnitzer.

    That is very fitting.

    I've read Mr. X was based on Prouty.  Listening to the above closely for the first time in years Sutherland says "Cuba was turned over to my department as Operation Mongoose."   Doesn't that sound more like Lansdale?  As Prouty was an advisor on the film, was the character possibly his interpretation of Lansdale?  Or am I way off base here?

  11. 8 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

    What is this "RFK1A" bullshit? When did RFK2 get assassinated?

    I had started using JFKA and RFKA and recently thought no, abbreviating it to an acronym reduces the importance of the assassinations to history.  I'll spell it out to emphasize that importance.

    I guess this is akin to reducing the deaths associated with the January 6, 2021 Insurrection to a scrum.

    There was speculation after John F. Kennedy Jr's death his plane had been "messed with".  The JFK2A?

  12. In spite of a slight possible convoluted reference to a connection between the RFK and JFK assassinations, time to move this one as it's not about the JFK assassination.  Given the topic, it will be easier for concerned members to find there.


    On 6/13/2024 at 6:38 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

    Shouldn't this thread be moved to the Robert Kennedy Assassination section? 

    Some EF-JFKA participants must be squealing....

  13. 23 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Robert, you seem to be obsessing over JFK's sex life in relation to Jim's article about Sy Hersh.  13 of 35 posts in the thread, over 1/3, compared to his 6.  Kind of a double whammy there regarding the forums rule about sexually oriented posts and the penalty for stalking, taunting, harassing another member.

    John Simkin

    Posted February 5, 2011 · IP  · Hidden

    I have placed Robert Morrow on moderation.

  14. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I like the word ‘coalition’ in this context. 

    The Warren Omission was a coalition to ban the Truth about the coalition that killed JFK.

    I know probably not many here are fond of country music.  My dad came of age listening to Hank Williams Sr., in turn I did too.  Then along came Jr. in my late 20's, I have several albums.  I got really turned off by his political comments several years ago, as did Monday Night Football.  I'll blame this on W, as he first mentioned Coalition, got it stuck in my head, an earworm I believe it's called.  Now I have to share it to get rid of it.


  15. Jean, I looked on amazon and it does show it it's still in stock here in the US for $48.95 plus shipping.  I don't know about shipping to Belgium.

    You should be able to contact him with a personal message here through the forum.  I've done so a very few times in the past, he's always been courteous and personable, a true gentleman.  Most recently 2-3 weeks ago just telling him it was nice to see him post a couple of times after not doing so in over a year, hoping all was well as he had not posted in a long while.  He answered back, said he was well, thanked me for my concern and wished me well.

    He might have a suggestion regarding buying ITTNM in Europe.  I can't speak for him but feel sure he would be receptive to anyone trying to purchase his work.

  16. 47 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

    But see no one, mostly, will get that reference.  It does not come off well and makes you not look independent.   That is a key for a moderator, respectfully.  

    I meant it in reference to his sensationalism in multiple respects.  But he's not here for the next few days to defend himself, so I'll refrain from further comment for the time being.

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